Children of God

  • 2 weeks ago
Children of God ❤️


Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~

WINGS OF WORSHIP (fully illustrated) ~

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ (1st edition) (2nd edition)


FAITH TO CONQUER ~ (Paul's Books) (Paul's Lessons)
Zelle Pay - RevivingNations@yahoo, com

#kids #children #jesus #christ #father #idols #success #family #leadership #purpose #business #wisdom #wealth #lifeLessons #mindset #mindfulness #mentalhealth #spirituality #church #iglesia #igreja #gereja #eglise #live #life #hope #living #christian #bible #truth
00:00Powerful portion of Scripture and God's Holy Word, Acts 17, verses 29-31 tell us,
00:11For as much then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead
00:16is likened to gold or silver or stone, graven by art and man's device.
00:22At the times of this ignorance, God winked, but now commands all men, everywhere, throughout
00:29the earth, to repent, because God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in
00:34righteousness by Christ Jesus, whom He has ordained.
00:38Wherefore, God has given assurance unto all men, in that He has raised Christ Jesus from
00:44the dead.
00:45Again, that's in Acts 17, verses 29-31.
00:48And then in Acts 19, verse 26, which Paul preached throughout all of Asia,
00:52They are no gods which are made with hands.
00:55So God wants us to recognize that the Creator, He is mighty, magnificent, glorious.
01:00He reigns and rules over the earth from heaven and is seated in the heavens and looks down
01:06upon the earth.
01:07His ways are higher than our ways.
01:09His thoughts are above our thoughts and past finding out.
01:13But the person who presses into God through prayer and desires to learn of the Almighty,
01:18he or she can read the Holy Scriptures and be renewed in their mind and be transformed
01:23in their life and leave the beggarly elements of the world below and start thinking with
01:29a heavenly mindset in Jesus Christ.
01:32So there's no gods made with hands.
01:34When I went to Taiwan the first time, I saw a pizza outside of the pizza hut with incense
01:39burning and I was a little bit confounded or perplexed and wondered, what on earth is
01:46going on here?
01:47Why are we burning incense to pizza?
01:48We don't do that back home in the United States.
01:52That was an offering to their gods and they in Taiwan were doing this for good luck to
01:57bless their business because they thought, well, if we offer incense to these different
02:03gods in Buddhism or Hinduism and different gods that others in Taiwan and throughout
02:09Asia worship, maybe we can push away the bad spirits and welcome the good spirits.
02:14Well, the great spirit is God Almighty.
02:16John 4, verse 24, God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit
02:22and truth and that was confirmed in Christ when he, by a virgin Mary, she was impregnated
02:28and found with child, Christ being the child of the Holy Ghost.
02:33So the spiritual life that is found in Christ Jesus and God Almighty is spiritual.
02:38It's not necessarily offering incense and burnings and sacrifices to idols, which some
02:45call gods in India with a little G, made with human hands.
02:49If you can make it with your human hand and form and fashion it out of wood, clay, stone,
02:55gold, silver, whatever metal it may be, it's not a God, my friend.
02:59If you made it with your hands, it's not a God because the God who created the worlds
03:04and the worlds, the planets that we know of in the universe, he existed before we ourselves
03:11were created and now we create things with our hands and we dare to bow down and worship
03:18him and call that a God.
03:19I think not.
03:20And God laughs and winks at such ignorance and therefore commands us to repent and lift
03:25up our eyes to heaven where help comes from.
03:28So turn to the living God in Christ Jesus, the power and life and the resurrection who
03:33I've preached throughout the world and seen God confirm with signs following his holy
03:37word and casting out devils and healing the sick and setting the captives free and bringing
03:42light, illumination, love, and liberty to humanity and silencing the skeptics and the
03:49critics and those who thought their God was supreme and ruled and reigned, but they realized
03:54when Christ Jesus showed up, power of God was beginning to flow and silencing the skeptics
04:00and making all know that he alone is the God of gods and the one to be worshiped.