• last year
Bonjour à tous ! Barbie a ouvert son salon de beauté ! Voyons ce que souhaitent ses clientes. La première cliente voulait se laver les cheveux et ajouter quelques belles boucles et notre coiffeuse a rapidement fait le travail. Le salon de beauté de cette poupée met également à disposition de nombreuses tenues magnifiques pour trouver une robe parfaite pour toute occasion. Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part. Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/ Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073 Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00:15Lalalala! Oh, hi!
00:00:17Today is the day of the inauguration of the Beauty Salon of the Dolls.
00:00:21You are welcome!
00:00:22Let's go!
00:00:24Today the place is crowded!
00:00:27Here is our first client.
00:00:28Hello everyone!
00:00:29She wants a curly and bold hairstyle.
00:00:32No problem!
00:00:33Please follow me.
00:00:35Your hair must be clean for the next step.
00:00:37We wash them.
00:00:39Please lean back.
00:00:43Let's start!
00:00:48It is very important to choose the right shampoo.
00:00:51Hmm, this soft shampoo will be perfect.
00:00:55Just smell it.
00:00:58Look at this sweet, frothy foam!
00:01:00It's incredible!
00:01:04Let's rinse it.
00:01:06Let's pour water carefully so as not to sting the eyes.
00:01:10The hair is ready for the next step.
00:01:14We'd better start by brushing her hair.
00:01:21Now let's dry them.
00:01:23Lean back.
00:01:29This is a shampoo mixed with water.
00:01:31Your hair will be soft and flexible.
00:01:36We're going to brush the hair a little more and move on to something else.
00:01:42Hmm, what should I do next?
00:01:45Let's curl her hair and give her some volume.
00:01:51Hold it for a moment.
00:01:53And here is the result.
00:01:56Do you like it?
00:01:56Look in the mirror!
00:02:00You can do more curls!
00:02:06Could you do this style for me too?
00:02:09I would be so happy!
00:02:11Our stylist is perplexed by the choice of this young lady.
00:02:14But the client is a king!
00:02:17So, we're going to make wavy waves on the other side.
00:02:21Look, it looks great!
00:02:24And that's it!
00:02:26It's even better than I imagined!
00:02:28It's time to party!
00:02:30But I have nothing to wear!
00:02:32What should I do?
00:02:34Don't worry.
00:02:35It's not an ordinary salon.
00:02:37Let's go!
00:02:39You can not only have a new haircut,
00:02:41but also buy a dress just in case.
00:02:43Everything is so pretty!
00:02:45What should I choose?
00:02:47I suggest this dress!
00:02:49You will be a real queen!
00:02:52I'm going to wear it right now!
00:02:54It's all mine!
00:02:58Don't look, please!
00:03:03It's so pretty!
00:03:13It suits you perfectly!
00:03:14As if it had been made for you!
00:03:17That's exactly what I needed!
00:03:19See you soon!
00:03:21Thank you for coming!
00:03:22See you soon!
00:03:23But the day has just begun,
00:03:25so stay tuned!
00:03:29We have new guests!
00:03:33Who is it?
00:03:36Two friends are visiting us!
00:03:39What are they waiting for?
00:03:40I'm glad to see you here!
00:03:42So, let's go!
00:03:43What a surprise!
00:03:45A bit of lemonade?
00:03:46Thank you!
00:03:47With pleasure!
00:03:50How fast!
00:03:51Thank you!
00:03:52I want my hair a little shorter.
00:03:54And let's dye it too!
00:03:55Can you do it?
00:03:57Of course!
00:03:58First, we will prepare your metamorphosis.
00:04:04We should brush your hair before the haircut.
00:04:10They are so pretty!
00:04:12They are so pretty!
00:04:15They are very busy!
00:04:17No time to rest!
00:04:20That's who should do it!
00:04:22Our girl is ready for anything!
00:04:24Let's cheer her up!
00:04:28That really helped!
00:04:32It's done!
00:04:33Now we can do a haircut!
00:04:36Let's first choose the right length.
00:04:39Like this!
00:04:44Now we can choose a new color.
00:04:49Why not a pink one?
00:04:52I'm going to mix the dye.
00:04:57The result is brilliant!
00:04:59Let me cover you so that the dye doesn't damage your clothes.
00:05:03The mix is ready!
00:05:04Let's dye the hair!
00:05:07Lower the dye.
00:05:09Lower the dye.
00:05:10Lower the dye.
00:05:11Lower the dye.
00:05:12Lower the dye.
00:05:14That's it!
00:05:15It's ready!
00:05:21Cover the mesh with aluminum foil.
00:05:23It helps the dye to stick together.
00:05:26It's going to be great!
00:05:31While we wait,
00:05:32let's meet our best friend!
00:05:33Let's meet our best friend!
00:05:36I want to do curls with big boobies!
00:05:37No problem!
00:05:38This way, please!
00:05:39Baby Goodie, ajouterons plus de volume qu'un fer à friser.
00:05:44D'abord, on va vous laver les cheveux.
00:05:46Voyons ce que nous avons.
00:05:49Ils sont si frisés!
00:05:51Ne vous inquiétez pas, c'est facile à arranger.
00:05:53Nous allons les brosser et ils seront souples à nouveau.
00:06:02Puis, on bouclera les cheveux sur toute la tête
00:06:07et on fixera les rouleaux comme ça.
00:06:13Roulez et roulez encore!
00:06:15Maintenant, nous devons sécher les cheveux.
00:06:17C'est parti!
00:06:18Restez comme ça pendant quelques minutes.
00:06:20Je reviens tout de suite.
00:06:24Ok, voyons comment la teinture a adhéré.
00:06:29Oh, ça a marché!
00:06:31Nous devons les brosser soigneusement.
00:06:36Vous êtes prêtes à regarder?
00:06:38À trois!
00:06:39Un, deux, trois!
00:06:42C'est encore mieux que ce que je pensais!
00:06:44Je suis magnifique!
00:06:47J'ai une autre surprise pour vous.
00:06:51Eh bien, regardez plutôt cette brosse.
00:06:54Ok, essayons ça tout de suite.
00:06:59C'est magnifique!
00:07:00Les amis, vous êtes d'accord?
00:07:02Cliquez sur « J'aime » et dépêchez-vous de relooker vos poupées aussi!
00:07:08C'est génial!
00:07:09C'est tout ce dont j'ai toujours rêvé!
00:07:11Je suis si jolie!
00:07:12J'adore, vraiment!
00:07:16Chérie, tu es superbe!
00:07:18Décrochons les bigoudis pour son ami.
00:07:24Souhaitez-nous bonne chance!
00:07:26Oh, c'est magnifique!
00:07:28On les défait tous!
00:07:33C'est parti!
00:07:34Regardez ces boucles luxuriantes que nous avons!
00:07:39On dirait qu'on va avoir le droit à des nouvelles tenues!
00:07:43Notre styliste a choisi les robes les mieux ajustées pour elle.
00:07:46Elles vont les mettre tout de suite.
00:07:50Qui est cette reine de la plage?
00:07:52Apportez les boissons!
00:07:54Et voici une tenue parfaite pour un concert de rock!
00:07:57C'est une star!
00:07:59Vous deux, vous allez être les reines de la nuit!
00:08:03Nos clientes sont vos satisfaites et nous attendons de nouveaux invités.
00:08:09Oh, aidez-moi!
00:08:11Je veux une frange!
00:08:13Mon bébé a besoin d'une nouvelle coupe de cheveux.
00:08:15S'il vous plaît, aidez-nous!
00:08:16Par pitié!
00:08:17J'ai essayé de les couper moi-même.
00:08:19Regardez ce cauchemar!
00:08:20S'il vous plaît, je paierai autant que vous voulez!
00:08:23Vous êtes notre seul espoir!
00:08:26Petite fille, tu veux un relooking?
00:08:28Fixons d'abord la longueur de tes cheveux.
00:08:30Allez, viens!
00:08:31Nous avons des jouets pour nos petits clients dans le salon.
00:08:37C'est prêt!
00:08:38Rapprochons la chaise.
00:08:39Nous allons couper les cheveux et les égaliser.
00:08:47Je veux une frange!
00:08:48Une frange!
00:08:49Une frange!
00:08:50Une frange!
00:08:51Une frange!
00:08:57Elle est vraiment adorable!
00:08:59Où est-elle?
00:09:00Elle a besoin d'aide!
00:09:03Cette petite demoiselle est un véritable défi.
00:09:06C'est pourquoi notre styliste a tout transformé en jeu.
00:09:09On s'envole pour laver les cheveux!
00:09:15Cette étape est indispensable.
00:09:18C'est beaucoup mieux!
00:09:21Maintenant, rinçons les cheveux.
00:09:24Fermez les yeux pour que la mousse ne les pique pas.
00:09:28C'est trop marrant!
00:09:31Dépêchons-nous pour tout rincer pendant qu'elle est calme.
00:09:38On a réussi!
00:09:39Maintenant, on va sécher les cheveux.
00:09:41On va te mettre devant le miroir et enlever la serviette.
00:09:47Je ne veux pas sécher!
00:09:49Peut-être que des bonbons nous aideront à la distraire.
00:09:52Pendant qu'elle est occupée, la styliste nettoie tout.
00:09:56Tu peux choisir des accessoires pour ta nouvelle coiffure.
00:10:01Je veux tout ça!
00:10:02Une petite coquine comme celle-ci va certainement aimer avoir des couettes.
00:10:09Elle est si calme!
00:10:10Mettons-nous au travail.
00:10:15Maintenant, nous allons faire une couette de l'autre côté.
00:10:18Nous avons presque fini!
00:10:21Vous aimez les amis?
00:10:22Alors cliquez sur j'aime!
00:10:25Je veux ça!
00:10:26Et ça!
00:10:27Et ça!
00:10:28Tout ce que notre petite princesse voudra!
00:10:31Ses pinces à cheveux seront parfaites pour elle.
00:10:33Eh bien, regardez ça!
00:10:38Elle s'est encore enfuie?
00:10:40Où va-t-elle cette fois?
00:10:43Ici, maman!
00:10:44De quoi j'ai l'air?
00:10:46Je t'emmène avec moi, petit singe!
00:10:49Mais elle veut une nouvelle tenue.
00:10:50Et nous avons l'embarras du choix.
00:10:53De nouveaux vêtements?
00:10:55Maman, je veux tout!
00:10:57Je peux...
00:11:00J'aime pas ça!
00:11:02Enlève-moi ça!
00:11:10Je veux celui-ci!
00:11:21Vous nous avez sauvés!
00:11:22Pas vrai, chérie?
00:11:26Au revoir!
00:11:27Merci d'avoir visité notre salon!
00:11:29A bientôt, tout le monde!
00:11:30Au revoir!
00:11:34Bonjour, la télé!
00:11:35Voyons ce que tu as pour nous!
00:11:38Un drame de poupée, hein?
00:11:41C'est rendu mieux!
00:11:42Bon, qu'est-ce que je peux regarder d'autre?
00:11:45Si je fais un vœu face à cette étoile,
00:11:47il se réalisera!
00:11:51Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?
00:11:58Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce truc?
00:11:59Je ne peux pas le voir d'ici!
00:12:01Il faut que je regarde de plus près!
00:12:04un coffret de beauté!
00:12:06Ce n'est pas ce que j'ai demandé!
00:12:09Sam, fais attention!
00:12:10C'est un coffret de beauté?
00:12:11C'est ce que je pense, en tout cas!
00:12:13Cette étoile m'a trompée!
00:12:14Je voulais des bonbons et du chocolat à volonté!
00:12:17Nous trouverons un moyen de l'utiliser!
00:12:19Je connais quelqu'un qui pourrait avoir besoin de cette boîte!
00:12:23Les amis, êtes-vous prêts à rencontrer notre invitée?
00:12:25Aujourd'hui, nous allons faire un relooking à notre belle Asha!
00:12:31Ne m'oubliez pas!
00:12:32Je suis la principale star ici!
00:12:36Alors, Asha, que pensez-vous de notre idée de relooking?
00:12:39C'est très excitant, Sam!
00:12:41Je suis si heureuse d'être ici aujourd'hui!
00:12:43Ne vous inquiétez pas, Asha!
00:12:44Vous êtes entre de bonnes mains!
00:12:46Nous sommes prêts à commencer!
00:12:48La parole est à toi!
00:12:50Voyons ce que nous avons!
00:12:52Ça dit que c'est un masque hydratant pour le visage!
00:12:54Et le design est très inhabituel!
00:12:57Voyons ce qu'il en est!
00:12:59Comme c'est mignon!
00:13:00C'est peut-être un peu froid, Asha!
00:13:02J'ai aussi décidé de l'essayer!
00:13:04Je vais avoir l'air fabuleux!
00:13:08Voulez-vous aussi des masques de beauté?
00:13:10Oui, bien sûr, Sam!
00:13:11Nous voulons tous essayer!
00:13:12Si vous le voulez vraiment, vous obtiendrez un masque!
00:13:15C'est votre souhait, après tout!
00:13:17Un, deux, trois!
00:13:23Alors, pouvez-vous nous dire ce que vous entendez?
00:13:25Oh, ce masque est un miracle!
00:13:27J'ai l'impression d'avoir dix ans de moins, c'est certain!
00:13:30Je le savais!
00:13:31Je te l'avais dit, si?
00:13:33Très bien, ça suffit!
00:13:34Remettons le masque à sa place pour qu'il ne sèche pas!
00:13:36Ici, nous avons aussi des patches pour les yeux et les lèvres.
00:13:39Celui-ci fonctionne comme une crème hydratante pour les lèvres,
00:13:42et il répare les petites fissures.
00:13:44Hein? Où sont les patches pour les yeux?
00:13:46Ils étaient là, il y a un instant!
00:13:48Je ne sais rien!
00:13:50Ils ne sont pas de la bonne taille pour toi, Sam,
00:13:52mais ils conviennent parfaitement à notre achat!
00:13:54Je suis désolée, je voulais les tester aussi!
00:13:56Ils ont l'air géniaux!
00:13:58Bon, il est donc temps de s'adresser à nouveau à notre public!
00:14:01Vous! Pourquoi êtes-vous venu ici en une si belle journée?
00:14:05Je suis ton plus grand fan!
00:14:07J'ai regardé toutes tes vidéos sur Internet!
00:14:10Oh! Voulez-vous dire quelque chose à nos téléspectateurs aussi?
00:14:13Bien sûr!
00:14:14N'oubliez pas de donner un like à cet épisode
00:14:16et de vous abonner à cette chaîne!
00:14:18Vous l'avez entendu, mes amis!
00:14:21Mais maintenant, nous devons retourner à notre relooking!
00:14:24Très bien!
00:14:25Nous remettons les patches dans notre coffret.
00:14:27Nous ne devons rien perdre, car nous pourrons les réutiliser!
00:14:35Maintenant, enlevons le surplus d'humidité avec un mouchoir en papier.
00:14:39Oh, c'est vraiment agréable!
00:14:41Quelle est l'étape suivante?
00:14:43Il faut explorer la deuxième section de notre coffret de beauté!
00:14:46Nous nous assurons que les cheveux sont bien attachés
00:14:48et nous prenons l'eau, du sel air et un coton
00:14:53et essuyons soigneusement le visage comme ceci.
00:14:58Oh oh! Pas les boutons!
00:15:00Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons un toner spécial pour ça!
00:15:03C'est vrai! Il combattra les boutons et adoucira la peau immédiatement!
00:15:07Il y a aussi une crème anti-acné!
00:15:09Avec ce traitement, vos boutons n'auront plus aucune chance!
00:15:14Maintenant, nous enlevons les restes de crème et...
00:15:16Voilà! Tous les boutons ont disparu!
00:15:19C'est un soulagement, je vous remercie!
00:15:21Voici ma partie préférée, le maquillage!
00:15:24Alors restez à l'écoute!
00:15:29Il faut d'abord appliquer la base pour préparer la peau.
00:15:34De cette manière, le maquillage durera beaucoup plus longtemps.
00:15:39Maintenant, nous allons ajouter un peu de crème délicate pour les yeux.
00:15:43Nous avons ici des pinceaux de toutes les formes et de toutes les tailles
00:15:47et de nombreuses palettes d'ombre à paupières.
00:15:50Ah! Je ne peux plus retenir mon aspiration sulf et moi de la place!
00:15:54Tu peux donc maintenant appliquer l'ombre à paupières.
00:15:56Nous avons un grand choix ici!
00:15:58Voyons voir!
00:15:59Wow! Tant de couleurs! Laquelle choisir?
00:16:02Je me sens un peu étourdie, si!
00:16:08Sammy? Sam? Est-ce que ça va?
00:16:10Non, mais ça va aller!
00:16:13Je viens de faire un merveilleux rêve de beauté!
00:16:15Maintenant, je sais quelle couleur choisir!
00:16:17D'accord, commençons par celle-là!
00:16:20Non, si!
00:16:21Alors celle-ci?
00:16:23Tu te trompes encore une fois!
00:16:25Utilisons la couleur rose!
00:16:29C'est bon!
00:16:35Nous avons aussi besoin d'une nuance de rose plus foncée!
00:16:38Le résultat est vraiment bon, mais c'est comme s'il manquait quelque chose!
00:16:42Je sais!
00:16:43Il faut mettre en valeur le coin des yeux!
00:16:45C'est correct! Il faut souligner le coin des yeux!
00:16:48C'était mon idée!
00:16:50Pour un travail aussi délicat, nous devrions utiliser ce pinceau!
00:16:59Oui, tu es vraiment très belle!
00:17:01C'est l'heure du fard à joues maintenant!
00:17:03Wow! Regarde cette teinte étonnante!
00:17:08Nous en avons fini avec nos pinceaux et nous pouvons passer à...
00:17:11Oh non!
00:17:12Où sont tous les rouges à lèvres?
00:17:14Hé, toi, qu'est-ce que tu fais là-bas?
00:17:16Hé, c'est à toi que je parle!
00:17:18Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?
00:17:19Je suis époustouflant, non?
00:17:21Jette aussi un coup d'œil à mes copains!
00:17:23Qu'est-ce que tu en dis, Steve?
00:17:25Superbe! Mais j'ai besoin de récupérer ces choses!
00:17:27Avant d'appliquer le rouge à lèvres, il faut hydrater les lèvres...
00:17:31Comme ceci!
00:17:33Cette couleur ira très bien à notre achat!
00:17:40Ouh! C'est ma partie préférée, les fossiles!
00:17:44Wow! Génial!
00:17:45Mais elle a vraiment besoin d'un peu de paillettes!
00:17:52C'est fait!
00:17:55Je suis tellement belle!
00:17:57Merci Sue et Sam!
00:17:58Mesdames et messieurs, êtes-vous prêts à découvrir le look final de notre invité?
00:18:05C'est génial! Alors nous allons le faire tout de suite!
00:18:08Voici notre ami, dont le vœu vient de se réaliser!
00:18:26Et bien, mes amis, vous voulez savoir comment réaliser vous-même ce coffret de beauté?
00:18:30Alors regardez cette vidéo jusqu'à la fin!
00:18:34Tout d'abord, nous devons plier la partie externe de notre coffret de beauté.
00:18:37Et voilà! C'est très facile!
00:18:41Et j'en ai déjà préparé le contenu!
00:18:43Donnez-moi une seconde!
00:18:45Super! Merci, Sammy!
00:18:47Nous allons maintenant le plier.
00:18:50Et voilà!
00:18:51Il est temps de remplir notre coffret de beauté avec des produits sympas.
00:18:54Vous êtes prêts?
00:18:55Oui! J'ai apporté le masque de beauté!
00:18:57Très bien! C'est exactement ce dont nous avons besoin pour la première page.
00:19:00Et nous devons le garder dans son paquet spécial, n'est-ce pas?
00:19:05N'oublions pas les patches pour les yeux et les lèvres!
00:19:08Plaçons-les ici.
00:19:12Et voilà!
00:19:13C'est tout!
00:19:14C'est tout!
00:19:15C'est tout!
00:19:16C'est tout!
00:19:17C'est tout!
00:19:18C'est tout!
00:19:20Attends une seconde! Ils sont vides!
00:19:23Sam, est-ce que tu as décidé de faire un jour de spa en plein milieu du bricolage?
00:19:26Qu'est-ce que tu racontes? Je n'ai rien fait de mal!
00:19:29Je ne comprends pas!
00:19:31Où sont les patches alors?
00:19:33Des empreintes de passif, regarde!
00:19:37Je suis sûre que le voleur les a laissées lorsqu'il a pris les patches!
00:19:40L'inspecteur Sam Noir s'occupera de cette affaire.
00:19:42Je vous attraperai, monsieur le voleur!
00:19:44Peu importe qui vous êtes!
00:19:46Sors de là, espèce de criminel!
00:19:48Ah! Je l'ai trouvé!
00:19:50Pas si malin, le singe!
00:19:52Si, le voleur est là! Attrapez-le!
00:19:54Je suis désolé, mais l'effet du masque n'a pas duré longtemps.
00:19:56J'ai vraiment aimé et je n'ai pas pu résister!
00:19:58Je comprends, mon ami! Je voulais faire la même chose!
00:20:00En plus, ces pas te rendent les lèvres vraiment douces!
00:20:03Tu ne me puniras donc pas!
00:20:04Qu'est-ce qui te fait penser à ça?
00:20:06Tu vas aller en prison, maintenant!
00:20:09Oh, eh bien!
00:20:11C'est très bien! Maintenant, remettons les patches au bon endroit.
00:20:18Voici le dernier élément de cette page et nous allons continuer.
00:20:22Je sais! Sur cette page, nous avions de l'eau micellaire et quelques gouttes anti...
00:20:26Oui, c'est tout le nécessaire pour se démaquiller
00:20:29ou pour effacer les erreurs si quelque chose s'est mal passé.
00:20:33Et ici, nous aurons notre tonique et notre crème anti-acné!
00:20:37C'est une excellente crème!
00:20:38Elle a aidé Hacha à se débarrasser de ses boutons très rapidement.
00:20:41Mais il manque quelque chose! Sam, tu te souviens?
00:20:43Monsieur l'agent, pouvez-vous me laisser partir, s'il vous plaît?
00:20:46Attends une seconde!
00:20:47Oui, si! Je sais ce que tu as oublié!
00:20:49C'était quelque part ici. Je l'ai trouvé! Tiens!
00:20:53Ah, c'est vrai! Merci, Samy! Je me demande ce que je ferais sans toi.
00:20:57Oh, il n'y a rien de tel que de s'asseoir ici et de suivre son inspiration.
00:21:01Qu'est-ce que je devrais dessiner maintenant?
00:21:03Hé! Il s'agit de pinceaux de maquillage. Ils ne sont pas faits pour la peinture.
00:21:07Mais tu ne le sais pas encore! Je te peins à toi!
00:21:11Oh, vraiment? Sam, t'es si gentil! Je vais mettre ça sur notre frigo.
00:21:15Quoi? Le frigo? C'est un grand honneur!
00:21:17Je tiens à remercier tous mes amis, en particulier Sue, ainsi que ma mère et ma grand-mère.
00:21:22En attendant, nous avons ici tous les pinceaux et de l'autre côté, il y a une palette.
00:21:25Il ne reste plus qu'à ajouter les pièces manquantes.
00:21:32Voici la dernière page. Ajoutons d'abord les éléments d'une base de maquillage.
00:21:36J'ai tout ce qu'il faut, Sue, et j'arrive bientôt! Attends!
00:21:41Nom d'une vache! J'ai raison même quand j'ai tort!
00:21:44Ouste! Voici la touche finale pour les rouges à lèvres. Ils devraient être placés ici.
00:21:54Et là, nous avons mes faux-cils préférés!
00:21:57Et nous en avons terminé avec notre coffret magique de produits de beauté.
00:22:00Voulez-vous le découvrir une fois de plus? Oui, moi aussi!
00:22:14J'ai tout ce qu'il faut, Sue, et j'arrive bientôt! Attends!
00:22:17Nom d'une vache! J'ai raison même quand j'ai tort!
00:22:20Ouste! Voici la touche finale pour les rouges à lèvres. Ils devraient être placés ici.
00:22:23Et là, nous avons mes faux-cils préférés!
00:22:26Ouste! Voici la touche finale pour les rouges à lèvres. Ils devraient être placés ici.
00:22:29Et là, nous avons mes faux-cils préférés!
00:22:32Ouste! Voici la touche finale pour les rouges à lèvres. Ils devraient être placés ici.
00:22:35Et là, nous avons mes faux-cils préférés!
00:22:38Et là, nous avons mes faux-cils préférés!
00:22:41Alors, chers amis, avez-vous aimé notre émission d'aujourd'hui?
00:22:44Avez-vous été étonnés par le revooking?
00:22:47Oui, c'était génial!
00:22:50Vous pouvez me laisser sortir.
00:22:53Je suis heureux de l'apprendre!
00:22:56Maintenant, tout le monde va recevoir des masques Saint-Sion et des faux-cils gratuits!
00:22:59Bibidi, Bobidi, voom!
00:23:02Hein? Quoi? Je serais jeune pour toujours?
00:23:05Merci, Sam!
00:23:08You are welcome and thank you dear friends for being with us today!
00:23:14What? You wanted to say something, Mr Monkey?
00:23:16Finally! I am free and fabulous!
00:23:19See you soon in our new videos, friends! Goodbye!
00:23:22See you soon, everyone!
00:23:25Ah! I wonder what's waiting for me today!
00:23:28Being beautiful takes time and I have decided to take it for myself!
00:23:33Another hard day's work!
00:23:39Why does it always fall on me?
00:23:42I am so clumsy! Nothing goes as it should!
00:23:45You could have shut up! It's not funny!
00:23:49Wait for me! I know what to do!
00:23:52Good, good, good! Give me a second!
00:23:55Here! Sam the Magnificent is ready to proceed!
00:23:58Oh! Let me see what I have in my bag!
00:24:00Oh! A marker! Great! I know exactly what to do!
00:24:03Let's start by removing the superfluous! Here!
00:24:06Just what we need! Now, let's do some magic!
00:24:10Hop! All the ink is in the mold!
00:24:12We also need to add a little cream.
00:24:14Then we mix until it is homogeneous.
00:24:18But I'm not sure that's enough.
00:24:20That's better! Without forgetting the gloves!
00:24:22I really don't want to get my hands dirty!
00:24:25Hum... I'm not sure it's a good idea.
00:24:28I've never done that!
00:24:29Don't worry! Sam and I will take care of it!
00:24:32Everything will be fine!
00:24:37Now, dry them a little, then remove the paper.
00:24:42Let's see what it looks like!
00:24:43Wow! Look how pretty it is!
00:24:45So? It's even more beautiful than I imagined!
00:24:49Click the final key and you can see what you look like!
00:24:52Wow! I didn't expect that!
00:24:55What if I do this? Or maybe like this?
00:24:58I have a doubt...
00:24:59Easy! Your hair is very good where it is!
00:25:01You are very beautiful!
00:25:02I'm so happy!
00:25:03Thank you very much, friends!
00:25:04Oh! Now we're going to take care of your teeth, okay?
00:25:08I should have a piece of baking paper in the corner.
00:25:10We're going to put a little toothpaste on it,
00:25:12then we're going to add another ingredient.
00:25:14It's a special mixture to whiten the teeth.
00:25:17We're also going to add baking soda.
00:25:19Oh! I'm going to get my hands dirty!
00:25:23And that's it! Put that on your teeth!
00:25:25Uh... Are you sure?
00:25:28And that's it! Put that on your teeth!
00:25:30Uh... Are you sure?
00:25:33Like this? It's good?
00:25:35Perfect! Keep going like that!
00:25:36I can't forget the lower teeth!
00:25:38You'll do great! Trust me!
00:25:40You're going to love the result!
00:25:41Wait a little longer!
00:25:44You can take it off!
00:25:45Okay, I'll take off the top one first.
00:25:48And now the bottom one.
00:25:50Come on, smile!
00:25:51So, did it work?
00:25:53It's perfect! You look like a movie star!
00:25:56Let me see! I don't want to miss this!
00:25:58Here we are!
00:25:59Please be careful, you won't regret it!
00:26:02Ha! I'm beautiful!
00:26:04Where's my prince?
00:26:07We did it! Thank you!
00:26:09Now he doesn't make fun of me anymore!
00:26:11So, what do you think of the result?
00:26:13I think it's great!
00:26:16Oh, apparently he thinks it's disgusting!
00:26:19Well, I just have to finish this braid,
00:26:21and I'm ready for the party!
00:26:23Hey, show me what it looks like!
00:26:25Sam, step back a little, you won't finish!
00:26:29Oh no! My bracelet is broken!
00:26:32Pouze! I really didn't do it on purpose, I'm sorry!
00:26:36What's going on? Are you ready for the party?
00:26:38My pretty bracelet! The only one I had is broken!
00:26:41Don't worry, I have a great idea!
00:26:43Sam, go get the make-up bag!
00:26:46I'm going! I know what we're going to do!
00:26:48We're going to use your broken bracelet to embellish you!
00:26:52We need earrings!
00:26:54Do you remember the time we saw this girl putting pearls in her hair?
00:26:57That's right, I remember I wanted the same hairstyle!
00:27:00Now I can have it!
00:27:01First, I put the clip.
00:27:08You have to keep an eye on the pearls to make sure they stay in place.
00:27:15It works! Like the girl in the video!
00:27:18Yippee! What a pretty hairstyle!
00:27:20And now, Sam, the great artist, will immortalize your beauty!
00:27:27Yes, I'm a genius!
00:27:29You're gorgeous, but you need to comb your hair, it's a bit messy.
00:27:35Hey! Watch what you're doing! Stop!
00:27:38I'm going to brush your hair.
00:27:41Oh! Sorry, I mixed up the comb with a brush full of paint!
00:27:45That's not true, I wanted to be so pretty!
00:27:48Don't worry, we'll fix it in no time!
00:27:50First, we'll take some hair gel, it will be the base.
00:27:54Then we add glitter to make it shine.
00:27:59We mix well.
00:28:01Good, but one color is not enough, we need more!
00:28:05Perfect! Now we're going to spread the mix on your hair.
00:28:08We're going to start by putting a little bit, like this,
00:28:11to see what it looks like on your hair.
00:28:19I think it's ready. You can look at yourself in the mirror now.
00:28:23Wow! The result is great! I didn't even know we could do this!
00:28:28Well, we're almost done.
00:28:30We just need a little bit of dye to make Sam's.
00:28:33No way! No paint! I'm already perfect!
00:28:36Don't worry, they look good like this.
00:28:38In any case, I'm delighted!
00:28:43Are you sure I can go to the party without a bag?
00:28:46Here, try this backpack!
00:28:48Good idea! Come on, go ahead!
00:28:51Oh, it's really very practical.
00:28:53In addition, we can put a lot of things in it.
00:28:56No, it's not ideal for a party.
00:28:58I don't like it. I'd better not go.
00:29:01Oh, I think I found what you need. Catch!
00:29:04Hop! I like it. I think it will be perfect.
00:29:06Here, try it.
00:29:07How am I supposed to wear this? I don't understand.
00:29:09Wait, I'll explain.
00:29:11Pass the strap around your neck and let it hang in front.
00:29:14But it's really not comfortable.
00:29:16Yeah, I know. Now put your hands in the strap and put the bag over your head.
00:29:20It's like a backpack. Great!
00:29:22Oh, it's perfect for a party.
00:29:24Let me just grab my lipstick.
00:29:26Oh, how do I put it in the bag?
00:29:28Wait, stop gesticulating so much. Follow me.
00:29:30We're going to do it differently so that you always have your favorite lipstick on you.
00:29:35We're just going to take a little bit of it and melt it with the heat of my palms.
00:29:41Now we're going to take a little container in which we're going to pour the lip balm.
00:29:44And we're going to add an important ingredient, Vaseline.
00:29:47It will give it the perfect consistency.
00:29:49We mix well and there you go, a great lip balm.
00:29:53Now we're going to take your phone with its shell.
00:29:55You always have it with you.
00:29:56And we fix the container on top with hot glue.
00:29:59That way you don't risk losing it.
00:30:01Well, everything is ready.
00:30:03Uh, what is it? How does it work?
00:30:06Oh, wait, you take a little bit and your lips will stay beautiful and hydrated.
00:30:13Okay, I got it.
00:30:15Like this.
00:30:20Great, now I can go to the party.
00:30:22Wait, are you going to dress up like that?
00:30:25No way!
00:30:26We're going to make you a great outfit with a white T-shirt.
00:30:29Come on, I'll show you.
00:30:31To start, we take a fork and wrap the T-shirt tightly around it.
00:30:35Then we tie it up with an elastic to keep it in place.
00:30:46Now we're going to dip it completely in water.
00:30:51We're also going to need several different colors.
00:30:54Fortunately, I have a few in stock.
00:30:57It's practical.
00:31:01We dry it well.
00:31:03Well, let's see what it looks like.
00:31:05Wow! What do you think?
00:31:07Incredible! I love it!
00:31:10I've never had such a stylish T-shirt.
00:31:12I really like it a lot. Thank you.
00:31:14Hey, and me, you don't thank me.
00:31:16I participated too.
00:31:17Of course, Sam, I didn't forget you.
00:31:20So, we're going to party.
00:31:22You're going to scotch everyone over there.
00:31:28Oh, I can't wait to see what the boys are going to do.
00:31:38We did it!
00:31:39Now everyone looks at me differently.
00:31:42I didn't expect such a reaction.
00:31:44Be careful where you put your feet.
00:31:46You're beautiful. Be proud of yourself.
00:31:47The boys won't say otherwise.
00:31:49Did you like this transformation?
00:31:50Then like our video and subscribe.
00:31:52See you soon!
00:31:55Wow! It's raining ropes outside.
00:31:58Fortunately, I'm warm at home.
00:32:02Oh, a time like this has probably ruined the hair of many people.
00:32:06Hey, what's that?
00:32:08Sammy, can you give me a hand?
00:32:10Wow, it's just a paper doll.
00:32:13And apparently, it was watered down by this terrible rain.
00:32:16But we're going to fix it.
00:32:17Do you agree, friends?
00:32:19Let's go!
00:32:21Let's start with her hair.
00:32:24Pro tip.
00:32:25You have to wear gloves for this job.
00:32:28Let's proceed to the dyeing of the hair.
00:32:30I think our doll will be perfect in blonde.
00:32:35Oh, I almost forgot an important ingredient.
00:32:40Now let's mix well and the relooking will begin.
00:32:46The client is ready.
00:32:48Let's take a strand of hair and wrap it in aluminum foil.
00:32:51The color is there.
00:32:52Now let's apply it carefully to the hair.
00:33:01It's beautiful.
00:33:02We're going to wrap each strand so that the dye holds better.
00:33:12Here we go.
00:33:13We can continue.
00:33:20Wait a minute for the color to be visible.
00:33:23In the meantime, I'm going to check the water.
00:33:26Everything is working.
00:33:28Her hair is strong and shiny.
00:33:30We have to wash them now.
00:33:33Although we could add a little color.
00:33:40It looks like the shower doesn't agree.
00:33:42Now it's time for the hair care products.
00:33:45Like this one.
00:33:46And that's it.
00:33:49Look at that!
00:33:50It's beautiful.
00:33:51It's beautiful.
00:33:52It's beautiful.
00:33:53It's beautiful.
00:33:55Look at that.
00:33:56It's an extra foam shampoo.
00:33:59Oh, be careful.
00:34:00It stings.
00:34:01You have to rinse it well.
00:34:03There you go.
00:34:07The hair is a little tangled.
00:34:08I'll take care of it.
00:34:09Remember the lesson, my friends.
00:34:11If your hair is tangled, use pre-shampoo.
00:34:15Gently distribute it over the entire length of the hair, like this.
00:34:21Then rinse with hot water.
00:34:25Now the hair is clean and silky.
00:34:28We'll let it dry.
00:34:29And while we're at it, let's clean up a little here.
00:34:32A hair salon must always be well maintained.
00:34:36The hair must be dry now.
00:34:40Look at that!
00:34:42It's so soft.
00:34:44I think we'll have to wait a little longer.
00:34:47Oh, I'm sorry.
00:34:48Well, we're going to change tactics.
00:34:50Let's dry the hair with this.
00:34:56It's not my hair that I have to dry.
00:35:04I'm done!
00:35:05I can finally take off my gloves.
00:35:07I won't need them anymore today.
00:35:10A true stylist must follow the trends of fashion.
00:35:13Let's see.
00:35:15Who put this picture here?
00:35:18The most beautiful haircuts?
00:35:21It's still teaching me a lesson.
00:35:23Even if he's not wrong.
00:35:25This one is perfect for our doll.
00:35:28I'm going to give her a very stylish haircut.
00:35:38That's better.
00:35:40I forgot the fringe.
00:35:51It's done!
00:35:52Click on Like if you like it.
00:35:54What does our model think?
00:35:58She's satisfied.
00:36:01But I think something is missing.
00:36:06Yes, I have an idea!
00:36:07Those with straight hair always want curls.
00:36:18Hey, not bad at all, right?
00:36:21All that's missing is the final touch.
00:36:24Where are they?
00:36:26Here they are!
00:36:28The perfect accessory for flirtatiousness.
00:36:34And this one is nice too.
00:36:36Let's put her with it.
00:36:42It looks like she doesn't like her new look.
00:36:44Okay, I'm going to fix it with make-up.
00:36:47Stay with us!
00:36:49Our doll looks really tired.
00:36:53Let's help her relax.
00:36:56Make-up is the best way to hide signs of fatigue.
00:37:00First, we're going to clean her skin with a damp towel.
00:37:04Get rid of the towel in one move.
00:37:08Sorry, Sammy!
00:37:10We need a foam for a deep cleaning.
00:37:13It's used to gently clean all the pores of the skin.
00:37:18Let's use the foam.
00:37:25Massage her face with a sponge like this.
00:37:34Cleaning is not over yet.
00:37:37We also need to apply a toning lotion.
00:37:42Hey, where are you going? Come back!
00:37:45Don't be afraid to take care of yourself.
00:37:48Where are they?
00:37:49I remember putting them here.
00:37:53Here they are!
00:37:54We're going to use these patches to remove the pockets under your eyes.
00:37:59Let's leave them for a moment.
00:38:00Here they are.
00:38:03You can take a little nap now.
00:38:20I almost fell asleep myself!
00:38:22Let's see the result.
00:38:25The tired eyes are gone!
00:38:27And now is the time I prefer a facial mask.
00:38:36It is also recommended to use toothpicks.
00:38:39Enjoy the smell!
00:38:48Our doll is gorgeous!
00:38:50And now let's moisturize her skin with a serum.
00:38:54Just a few drops all over her face.
00:38:57It has to soak in well.
00:38:59Hop, hop, hop!
00:39:01Very pretty!
00:39:05Now it's time to put on makeup.
00:39:07Or maybe we should dance to the rhythm of the music.
00:39:13I think I forgot a step.
00:39:14We must first apply cream to the face.
00:39:21Her lips are too dry.
00:39:23They also need to be moisturized.
00:39:26I have a special balm for that.
00:39:30There you go!
00:39:31Now her skin is sparkling.
00:39:32And we kept the best for last.
00:39:36It's beauty time!
00:39:37So are you ready to finish the new look of our doll?
00:39:41Let's get started!
00:39:45I have special brushes that will make our job easier.
00:39:50So which one to choose?
00:39:51Hmm, I think this one will do the trick.
00:39:55Start by spreading the anti-wrinkle cream gently under her eyes.
00:39:59Like this.
00:40:00We have to clean the brush now.
00:40:02Or maybe I should take the opportunity to paint first.
00:40:05Very good, let's go back to our sheep.
00:40:07Now some foundation.
00:40:10Let's go!
00:40:12Let's go!
00:40:13We're going to take a sponge and carefully spread the foundation all over the face.
00:40:19The forehead, the cheeks, the nose…
00:40:21Don't forget anything!
00:40:23And here's something that will help you get a great look.
00:40:30Let's start with the contouring.
00:40:34This will add some relief.
00:40:37Then we need a highlighter to give a luminous effect.
00:40:46Use blush.
00:40:47I like to apply it with my finger.
00:40:51What do you think of a temporary tattoo?
00:40:55OK, the client is a king!
00:40:59What shade of eyeshadow would you like?
00:41:01Maybe a bright pink?
00:41:02Let's try it on a eyelid first.
00:41:06It looks great!
00:41:07I'm going to apply it on the other one too.
00:41:10I love pink makeup.
00:41:12It's the one I prefer.
00:41:14Now let's take care of the eyebrows.
00:41:19We should also pay more attention to the lashes.
00:41:23Let's glue them.
00:41:27That's funny!
00:41:28Let's put them in the right place.
00:41:31Here they are!
00:41:32Right here.
00:41:34Now let's apply the mascara.
00:41:40And we also need to choose a lipstick.
00:41:42What color?
00:41:44I like this one.
00:41:47There's one for every taste and every occasion.
00:41:51The color is great.
00:41:53But now I want to try another one.
00:41:55Don't panic!
00:41:56Just wipe it off to try another shade.
00:42:01All shades of pink!
00:42:03I love it!
00:42:04I'm going to add a few more touches.
00:42:14It's incredibly elegant!
00:42:15The makeup artist has finished her work.
00:42:19Let's have a fashion show?
00:42:20Let's go!
00:42:33I love pink!
00:42:34I love pink!
00:42:35I love pink!
00:42:36I love pink!
00:42:37I love pink!
00:42:38I love pink!
00:42:39I love pink!
00:42:40I love pink!
00:42:41I love pink!
00:42:42I love pink!
00:42:43I love pink!
00:42:44I love pink!
00:42:45I love pink!
00:42:46I love pink!
00:42:47I love pink!
00:42:48I love pink!
00:42:49I love pink!
00:42:50I love pink!
00:42:51I love pink!
00:42:52I love pink!
00:42:53I love pink!
00:42:54I love pink!
00:42:55I love pink!
00:42:56I love pink!
00:42:57I love pink!
00:42:58I love pink!
00:42:59I love pink!
00:43:00I love pink!
00:43:02Yeah, being a stylist is harder than I thought.
00:43:06Watch out!
00:43:08What now?
00:43:09Wait, what?
00:43:11It looks like our doll has brought her friends.
00:43:14Well, I'm ready!
00:43:16Now I'm a super makeup artist!
00:43:18Click on like if you like my new job!
00:43:21See you soon!
00:43:22Bye bye!
00:43:25Christmas is coming and everyone is busy with the preparations.
00:43:29Ho ho ho!
00:43:30Have you been nice this year, my children?
00:43:32Christmas holidays are magical and Sam, Santa Claus, fulfills all wishes.
00:43:36I'm invited to a party!
00:43:38I have to find the most beautiful hairstyle!
00:43:40I also need one!
00:43:41My hair bands are too hard to style!
00:43:42Huh, okay.
00:43:43I mean, ho ho ho!
00:43:44May your wishes be granted!
00:43:46Thank you, Santa Claus, Sam.
00:43:47But who is there, all shy in the background?
00:43:50Excuse me, could I also have a nicer hairstyle?
00:43:53Well, stop!
00:43:54That's not going to do it!
00:43:56How come?
00:43:57What are you talking about?
00:43:58You don't understand!
00:43:59Who would make a wish for a simple hairstyle?
00:44:02I think our little slime has something in mind!
00:44:05Sam the Magnificent will teach you some hairstyles!
00:44:08Follow me!
00:44:12Oh oh!
00:44:13He doesn't seem to have any problems.
00:44:15His hair is already all tangled up!
00:44:20This is not the time to whine or you will damage your makeup!
00:44:23Do you like orange sugar?
00:44:25What if we took inspiration from it for our accessories?
00:44:28That's not true!
00:44:29That's not what I meant!
00:44:34Christmas magic!
00:44:35I prefer that!
00:44:36Let's go!
00:44:37Kate splits Pam's hair in two, as Sam told her.
00:44:41She will make two ponytails that she will tie with boobies.
00:44:44Oh, great!
00:44:45Here, take this now!
00:44:47Oh wow!
00:44:48Thank you for the elastic, Sam!
00:44:50We will slightly spread the braids, like this,
00:44:53over the entire length of the ponytail.
00:44:55What volume!
00:44:57Then we will decorate the hair with ribbons of red and white satin.
00:45:01Tie them near the head and wrap the ponytail to the tip.
00:45:07Pam's hair looks like real Christmas orange sugar!
00:45:12I did something!
00:45:13Here, Pam!
00:45:14It looks good!
00:45:15It's delightful!
00:45:16Do you want to teach them how to make this accessory?
00:45:18Oh yes!
00:45:20For that, you need a headband and an orange sugar in its packaging.
00:45:24Tie them together and add a ribbon.
00:45:28What a pretty knot!
00:45:29And here is a perfect accessory for the holidays!
00:45:33It's not made for that, my beautiful!
00:45:34Look, it's so pretty in your hair!
00:45:36This headband is delightful!
00:45:38It's perfect for Christmas!
00:45:39What if we made it for everyone?
00:45:43A Christmas gift in advance?
00:45:46It's empty!
00:45:47But it doesn't matter!
00:45:48We just need the box.
00:45:49We will cover it with shiny foam paper and add polystyrene.
00:45:54A chimney!
00:45:56Wrap two pieces of foam paper together and cut them in half.
00:46:00There you go!
00:46:01No, it's not real orange sugar, although it looks like it!
00:46:04Here are Santa's boots, which are stuck in the chimney.
00:46:08We made them with felt.
00:46:10And another piece of red felt here.
00:46:12Now we can glue the Christmas chimney to the headband.
00:46:17A few more decorations and our Christmas accessory is ready!
00:46:23Come and order a Christmas tree!
00:46:26It's me!
00:46:27I just need to decorate it a little.
00:46:35We attached a small spring to the headband.
00:46:38And here is the Christmas tree!
00:46:40I love it!
00:46:42It's time to decorate our headband with a shiny garland.
00:46:45No hurry!
00:46:46One turn at a time.
00:46:49Place a few decorations under the Christmas tree.
00:46:53Isn't it beautiful?
00:46:57This time, everyone has a headband and I bet the girls are delighted!
00:47:07But it's just the beginning!
00:47:11These photos are superb!
00:47:14Kate is used to the first prizes and she loves to be a star!
00:47:17But with a haircut like that, I don't think I'm going to be a sensation tonight at the party!
00:47:22What's that?
00:47:23Why are you throwing things?
00:47:26You're so smart!
00:47:27How could I get my hair done to be the prettiest?
00:47:29Maybe we could add some volume?
00:47:31I think I have an idea!
00:47:36That's what happens when you don't have a plan!
00:47:38But I have one!
00:47:39Did anyone talk about volume?
00:47:43I'm going to need that!
00:47:45Thank you!
00:47:46Here, tie your hair around the bottle like a hair bun.
00:47:50Hmm, let's take this instead.
00:47:53And here we go!
00:47:55Not bad!
00:47:56We'll take another strand and stretch it along the cone.
00:47:59Use elastic bands to hold the hair in place.
00:48:05Special Agent Desmélants, you'll need this comb.
00:48:08Oh, thank you!
00:48:09You don't want hair to be sticking out, right?
00:48:14Oh wow!
00:48:15I've never seen so much volume!
00:48:17We're not done yet!
00:48:22Look at all those colorful lights!
00:48:24We'll place them in a spiral, above the hair,
00:48:26by spacing them out a little.
00:48:30Once at the top, we'll go back down.
00:48:33Like this!
00:48:34Oh, the people of Chauville are going to be jealous!
00:48:38No one takes out the Grinch!
00:48:40This time it looks like a real Christmas tree!
00:48:43It needs a star!
00:48:47It's beautiful!
00:48:48Kate, everyone will only have God for you today!
00:48:51Thank you girls!
00:48:52You've helped me a lot!
00:48:53And you're coming with us tonight!
00:48:57I can't!
00:48:58I'm not in the theme and I don't even have a dress!
00:49:01I'll lend you one!
00:49:03And I saw a pretty easy-to-do hairstyle on the internet!
00:49:06Come on!
00:49:07It doesn't look like Christmas at all!
00:49:11Now we can go!
00:49:14Brush the hair properly.
00:49:18And then we make a ponytail that we tie with an elastic.
00:49:28My belly!
00:49:29I think I'm really hungry!
00:49:33Who wants candy?
00:49:36Hungry food!
00:49:38What is it?
00:49:40That's exactly what we need!
00:49:42With this donut for the hair, we're going to make a perfect bun!
00:49:48We arrange the hair evenly around the donut and we tie it with a chouchou.
00:49:54Then we tie the strands that protrude with hair clips.
00:49:58I don't know!
00:49:59We have to dress up!
00:50:01I could be a dancer!
00:50:04Let's use a scarf for a more festive hairstyle!
00:50:08Not bad!
00:50:09But I don't see any braid!
00:50:11The Magnificent Woman can't let that pass!
00:50:18When she heard about the party, Elsa decided to come too!
00:50:23We need a clip here, just a few touches and we'll have a beautiful accessory!
00:50:28We're going to make a skirt out of a fabric with winter patterns.
00:50:32We also glue all this on a clip and here's another accessory!
00:50:36What are we going to decorate?
00:50:38Oh yes!
00:50:39You who are so clever!
00:50:40You didn't guess?
00:50:41Give me that!
00:50:42Sam the Magnificent insisted on making a braid!
00:50:46Not just any braid!
00:50:47A three-brand braid!
00:50:48Holy blue!
00:50:49Pam catches the hair clips!
00:50:51I love the Snow Queen!
00:50:54These hair clips are beautiful!
00:50:56I wonder who made them!
00:50:59I think Brie doesn't like them that much!
00:51:01Actually, it's not my favorite character from the movie!
00:51:03Don't say any more!
00:51:04An artist like me can fix that for you!
00:51:07Et voilà!
00:51:08Back to the starting box!
00:51:10We need a new hairstyle!
00:51:12Cut a strand in the middle
00:51:15and braid the hair in three strands starting from the front.
00:51:19Mr. Sand the Magnificent loves them!
00:51:24Because it's pretty!
00:51:25Easy to make and practical!
00:51:27With another elastic, we're going to make a high ponytail.
00:51:31The magic of the Snow Queen helped us to finish!
00:51:37Now let's move on to the accessories!
00:51:39Let's draw the woods!
00:51:43Now we need to cut them!
00:51:46It's fantastic!
00:51:48Let's put everything together and add a knot!
00:51:55Here's the first one!
00:51:57And the second one!
00:51:59Now all the girls are ready!
00:52:03My hairstyle is done!
00:52:04I need another one!
00:52:06Don't panic!
00:52:07I'll fix it right away!
00:52:09Make a ponytail and tie it with an elastic.
00:52:12We're going to add green extensions.
00:52:14It's in the theme of Christmas after all!
00:52:16Make a braid.
00:52:26And here's our braid!
00:52:28Don't forget to add another elastic.
00:52:30To give it the look of a tree, it's easy.
00:52:33You just need to spread it out.
00:52:35And that's it!
00:52:37It's very original!
00:52:39But I want to add some accessories!
00:52:43I can already feel the spirit of Christmas!
00:52:45We're just going to take some berries.
00:52:47Sam will only see fire!
00:52:53There you go!
00:52:54What do you think of this holiday hairstyle?
00:52:56It's really beautiful!
00:52:58I love it!
00:52:59I love it!
00:53:00I love it!
00:53:01I love it!
00:53:02I love it!
00:53:03I love it!
00:53:04I love it!
00:53:05I love it!
00:53:06Thank you for your help, Pam!
00:53:08What if we went there?
00:53:10It's a real Christmas party!
00:53:12It's nice to always be able to count on your friends!
00:53:15Merry Christmas to you all!
00:53:17I'm going to dance too!
00:53:20Pam, I love all your recipes!
00:53:23Kate, your tree is gorgeous!
00:53:25And it dances!
00:53:29Brie, I love your voices!
00:53:31It's so cool!
00:53:35Now that we've learned how to make Christmas accessories,
00:53:38it's time to move on to the gifts!
00:53:40Oh wow!
00:53:41This package is huge!
00:53:43Oh, I wonder what's inside!
00:53:47Wow, that was weird!
00:53:48What's going on?
00:53:53Santa Claus Sam, you promised to grant our Christmas wishes!
00:53:56In that case, why wait?
00:53:58I already know what your most beautiful gift is!
00:54:00Tell me!
00:54:01Thank you for being with us today!
00:54:02Give us a thumbs up and subscribe!
00:54:05See you soon, friends!
00:54:06Merry Christmas!
00:54:07Ciao, ciao!
00:54:08Hey, hi!
00:54:09How about doing something interesting and super original today?
00:54:12Oh yes, great!
00:54:13I haven't set foot on the beach in years!
00:54:16Actually, that's not really what I was thinking...
00:54:18Why go to the beach when we have a good bed at home?
00:54:21What if we did the sofa instead?
00:54:23Do you still want to sleep on the hammock?
00:54:25You're right, it's a really fun activity!
00:54:27It's always like that!
00:54:28Either she sleeps, or she does the sofa!
00:54:30We're going to find an activity that everyone likes, okay?
00:54:32Good idea!
00:54:33What if we made TikTok videos and took pictures?
00:54:36That's too lame.
00:54:38Do you have another idea?
00:54:40She'll always be better than yours!
00:54:44I don't see any drones...
00:54:46Oh no, it won't start again!
00:54:47It's too complicated, I give up!
00:54:48Someone help me, I beg you!
00:54:50What's all this noise?
00:54:51I hear a lot of voices, are we being visited?
00:54:54There's only one and only doll since the beginning?
00:54:56What did you imagine?
00:54:57Do you want me to show you how to make it?
00:54:59It's easy, follow me!
00:55:01Wait for me!
00:55:04Hi friends!
00:55:05Today we're going to make a great doll with cardboard!
00:55:09Of course, we're going to start by making the silhouette.
00:55:11Everyone has their pencils and let's go!
00:55:22Once the silhouette is traced and cut,
00:55:24we can raise the contours.
00:55:27All you have to do is draw a line on the cardboard
00:55:29with a simple black marker.
00:55:32Over here...
00:55:33And that's it!
00:55:35Yes, look!
00:55:36What do you think?
00:55:39Haha, I'm kidding!
00:55:40Wait, I'll help you!
00:55:41Be careful!
00:55:44Oops, I almost broke the margulette!
00:55:46Poor Sam!
00:55:47Wait, I'll help you!
00:55:48Here, you can paint that!
00:55:50And that's it!
00:55:51The silhouette of our doll is finished!
00:55:54Look, friends!
00:55:55Do you like it?
00:55:56Oh, I can feel the likes coming!
00:55:59And we already have a lot!
00:56:00Again, friends!
00:56:01Come on!
00:56:02Hey, influencer!
00:56:03Don't you want to help me draw?
00:56:04I really need your help!
00:56:08Give me just a second!
00:56:10There you go!
00:56:11We can go now!
00:56:17Well, we can start coloring!
00:56:19I'll take care of the cheeks!
00:56:20Pink is my favorite color!
00:56:24Oh, okay!
00:56:25In that case, I'll do the eyes!
00:56:27Come on, let's go!
00:56:39A few more touches!
00:56:40And that's it!
00:56:41All we have to do is cut!
00:56:47You don't need me for that!
00:56:48Meanwhile, Sam, the creator, will go find something to dress our dear doll!
00:56:52That's it!
00:56:53I finished cutting everything!
00:56:54How's my favorite designer doing?
00:57:04In that case, we're going to make her new clothes!
00:57:06Don't move!
00:57:07I'm coming!
00:57:11Come on, Sam!
00:57:12Stop it!
00:57:13I'm just putting on some glue!
00:57:16That way, we can put them on, take them off, and exchange them at will!
00:57:19Isn't that great?
00:57:21It's magical!
00:57:22It's fantastic!
00:57:24Come on, Sam!
00:57:25Get up!
00:57:27Well, maybe it's time to start making her wardrobe, right?
00:57:30I can't wait!
00:57:31Okay, okay, Sam!
00:57:32As you wish!
00:57:33But where do we start?
00:57:35I already made a sketch!
00:57:36I felt inspired, so I let creativity manifest itself!
00:57:39And that's it!
00:57:40No, no!
00:57:41That's not right at all!
00:57:42There's no color!
00:57:43Where's the light?
00:57:44I don't see any of that in there!
00:57:45Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am!
00:57:46It's true that my talent doesn't meet your requirements!
00:57:48You just have to color it yourself!
00:57:50Come on, Sam!
00:57:51For me, you're still an incredible stylist!
00:57:53Of course!
00:58:03Look, friends!
00:58:04You saw how well she's doing!
00:58:05She's already ready to go to a beach party!
00:58:08Can I borrow you for a moment, please?
00:58:10I want to try something!
00:58:11No, Sam!
00:58:12Not now!
00:58:15A girl just fainted!
00:58:16Call an ambulance!
00:58:17The ambulance is coming!
00:58:20You have to support her!
00:58:21I'm going to put this under her left arm and another one under her right arm.
00:58:23There you go!
00:58:24Sam, look!
00:58:25She's regaining consciousness!
00:58:26And there you go!
00:58:27Isn't that a miracle?
00:58:30I got an ink blot!
00:58:32After all this stress, she really deserved a moment of relaxation at the beauty salon!
00:58:35Come on!
00:58:38Welcome to the Beauty Salon Paper!
00:58:40Can I offer you a new haircut?
00:58:42Oh, wow!
00:58:43There are so many colors!
00:58:44I don't know which one to choose!
00:58:45Oh, I know!
00:58:46What if we made a red doll?
00:58:48What do you think?
00:58:58I'm going to take a picture before and after the relooping!
00:59:00Slime slide!
00:59:01Ah, perfect!
00:59:05Hey, friends!
00:59:06Look at this new haircut!
00:59:07What if we tried it on?
00:59:10Watch out!
00:59:11There you go!
00:59:13I think it's a little too long.
00:59:14You don't think so?
00:59:15Especially the wefts in the front!
00:59:17We have to do something!
00:59:18Otherwise, she might rip you off!
00:59:19No problem!
00:59:20I'll take care of it!
00:59:22Oh, yes!
00:59:23Good idea!
00:59:24We're going to make her a nice slice!
00:59:25What would a haircut look like without some nice curls?
00:59:27Do you want to make a few more?
00:59:30Excellent idea, Sam!
00:59:43While you curl her hair, I'm going to make her a knot!
00:59:45Great, Sam!
00:59:46That's exactly what we need!
00:59:47And the earrings?
00:59:49I didn't turn my thumbs either!
00:59:50I made a pretty necklace and a pair of glasses!
00:59:55How cute she is!
00:59:59Look how this necklace suits her!
01:00:02And now, let's put on the glasses!
01:00:05Let me just lift her fringe a little!
01:00:07She's so beautiful!
01:00:08Put a like if you agree, friends!
01:00:13Look at this fashionista!
01:00:14She could be the cover of a fashion magazine!
01:00:17Oh, yes!
01:00:18Help her!
01:00:20Sam, what's going on?
01:00:21Her fans have lost their minds!
01:00:22They're making her a new cover!
01:00:23It's so cool!
01:00:24She doesn't have a second to lose!
01:00:25I hope she likes the blonde!
01:00:28Watch out!
01:00:30Isn't this new look great?
01:00:31Look, there's even the fringe!
01:00:33Changing her hair color won't be enough!
01:00:34We'll have to re-look her entirely!
01:00:36Yes, yes!
01:00:37What if we change some features of her face?
01:00:38That way, no one will be able to recognize her!
01:00:41That's another great idea!
01:00:42Give it to me!
01:00:43I want to help!
01:00:45This time, no one will be able to recognize our pretty doll!
01:00:47Isn't that right, friends?
01:00:48Look how cute she is!
01:00:52She's even sending you kisses!
01:00:57We'll replace her lace with a bow tie!
01:00:59It'll look great on her!
01:01:02And to finish,
01:01:03we'll put on some pretty earrings!
01:01:05I'd like to have the same ones!
01:01:08To finish,
01:01:09we'll curl her hair a little,
01:01:10just like last time!
01:01:11Yes, I think I've found a better one!
01:01:13A boogler?
01:01:14Well done, Sam!
01:01:16We'll take a hair tie,
01:01:17curl it a little,
01:01:18and wait a few seconds...
01:01:22Look at this beautiful wig!
01:01:23I don't think I've ever seen one this pretty!
01:01:25Oops, we almost forgot!
01:01:26Thank you, Sam!
01:01:27No problem!
01:01:29The re-looking is now complete!
01:01:30Who would have thought it was the same doll?
01:01:37Hello, friends!
01:01:38Today, I have an appointment at the hairdresser's.
01:01:39Will you come with me?
01:01:40Come on, follow me!
01:01:41I'll share everything with you!
01:01:42Here's my favorite stylist!
01:01:43Say hello, Sam!
01:01:46Hello, everyone!
01:01:47Follow me!
01:01:48We're going to shampoo!
01:01:50OK, let's go!
01:01:51Relax, take a deep breath,
01:01:53and we'll take care of everything!
01:01:55It's so nice!
01:01:58I've added a special shampoo ingredient!
01:02:01You'll see, you won't regret it!
01:02:04Is everyone ready?
01:02:05On three...
01:02:11What happened?
01:02:12Calm down, Trichet!
01:02:13Calm down!
01:02:14It's not over yet!
01:02:15Now, we have to give her a tendency cut!
01:02:17You'll see!
01:02:22She fell asleep!
01:02:23That's perfect!
01:02:24We're going to make her a mask
01:02:25so she can fall asleep
01:02:26until we're done with the re-looking.
01:02:32There you go!
01:02:33She'll be able to sleep
01:02:34and go to the land of clouds!
01:02:35Oh, so that means
01:02:36we're not going to do her hair?
01:02:37What a shame!
01:02:39Of course not!
01:02:40Don't worry!
01:02:41Go get the equipment!
01:02:42I'll be right back!
01:02:49So, if I remember correctly,
01:02:50we already have a late-night doll,
01:02:51a romantic doll,
01:02:52and now a sleepy doll!
01:02:54I'd like to add something
01:02:55if you don't mind!
01:02:57Here, look!
01:02:59A little flamingo!
01:03:00It's so cute!
01:03:02It's so cute!
01:03:03It's so cute!
01:03:04It'll be perfect
01:03:05to decorate the top
01:03:06of our doll!
01:03:09That's weird!
01:03:10We made a blonde doll,
01:03:11a kitten,
01:03:12and another pink one,
01:03:13but no pink-haired doll!
01:03:14You're right!
01:03:15Pink is an essential color,
01:03:16isn't it?
01:03:17You know what?
01:03:18Let's do that right now!
01:03:21A pink rose!
01:03:22You're really fast, Sue!
01:03:23I had a good teacher!
01:03:25I made her two little braids!
01:03:26It's fashionable,
01:03:27isn't it?
01:03:29I have a great idea!
01:03:30What are you talking about?
01:03:31Here, take these elastic bands, Sue,
01:03:32so the braids
01:03:33won't come undone!
01:03:34You're right!
01:03:35Thank you, Sam!
01:03:36You're welcome!
01:03:39So, what do we do next?
01:03:42I have an idea!
01:03:43I'm going to put this on paper!
01:03:45You won't believe it!
01:03:48the surprise is coming!
01:03:49We can't wait any longer!
01:03:50I'm coming!
01:03:52Here, Sue,
01:03:53you'll see,
01:03:54it's going to be a blast!
01:03:57I like this style!
01:03:58Let's try it!
01:04:00It looks great on her!
01:04:01I told you!
01:04:02Let's bring her in front of the mirror!
01:04:07could you be more careful?
01:04:09I'm sorry!
01:04:11Excuse me!
01:04:12Oh no!
01:04:13Why is she making that face?
01:04:14I think she's a little angry
01:04:15at you!
01:04:16And you shouldn't have
01:04:17walked with your eyes closed!
01:04:18It's not very prudent!
01:04:19Very funny, Sue!
01:04:21do you think if I gave her
01:04:22a gift,
01:04:23she would forgive me?
01:04:24Sam, relax!
01:04:25I'm sure she's already
01:04:26not angry anymore!
01:04:27This doll
01:04:28is going to be
01:04:29a real rebel!
01:04:30Ha ha!
01:04:32The drawing on her T-shirt
01:04:33is perfect!
01:04:38Hey, but
01:04:39where did all my friends go?
01:04:41Let's hurry
01:04:42to show them to everyone!
01:04:43Come on, follow me!
01:05:01That's it!
01:05:02I like it!
01:05:03It's so pretty!
01:05:04Yes, it is!
01:05:10I like it!
01:05:11I also like it!
01:05:13I also like it!
01:05:16Me too!
01:05:17Me too!
01:05:28Come on!
01:05:29Let's take a look
01:05:30That's right, you're absolutely right! He's always in a hurry!
01:05:34Hey! Is it me you're talking about? Tell me, I want to know everything!
01:05:37Huh? What are you talking about, Sam? Or rather, who are you talking about?
01:05:40Oh, I don't know about you, friends, but I'm completely lost!
01:05:42Anyway, we had a lot of fun, didn't we, friends?
01:05:45Yes, so give us a like and quickly subscribe to our channel!
01:05:48There are plenty of other dolls waiting for you!
01:05:50See you soon!
01:05:53See you soon, friends! Ciao!
