• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Questo progetto per noi è molto importante e ci siamo uniti con orgoglio a Siemens, primi in Italia a installare questo nuovo tipo di quadro elettrico. Ritroviamo caratteristiche di sostenibilità ad altissimo livello, che si coniugano con grande compattezza”. Sono le parole di Francesco Gerli, amministratore delegato Unareti, a margine dell'evento di Siemens “Il futuro è blue GIS”, durante il quale è stato ufficialmente annunciato il lancio in Italia del nuovo portfolio di quadri elettrici di media tensione blue GIS SF6-free, punto di svolta nel mercato dell'energia elettrica e grande passo avanti in un’ottica di sostenibilità.


00:00For us, this project is very important and we are proud to have joined Siemens, the first in Italy, to install this new type of electric panel,
00:16which has very high sustainability characteristics, but at the same time a compactness that today was obtained only with not so sustainable products.
00:32The challenges for the future concern the energy transition, which sees as its main element the electrification of most of the consumption, which today refers to other sectors.
00:48This brings us to a central role of the distribution of electricity, which not only faces the challenge of an infrastructure that has no precedent in recent history,
01:01but which therefore involves investment plans with much greater volumes than those of today, a need to interlocute with the territory to be able to find the spaces where to put this electrification on the ground,
01:19and not only becoming a central element and having to rely more and more on digital models able to predict how the world will evolve, because you can't wait to react.
01:33The challenges also concern the enablement of new technologies and of all these systems, which will then be able to provide support for all the markets that will open up in this sense,
01:45also in sectors that today are very embryonic, such as the flexibility services on the distribution network, or in any case the management of bidirectional flows, given also the growth of all the renewable energy distributed that enters from the peripheral parts of the distribution network, contrary to what has always happened.
