The Worry Balloon

  • 2 weeks ago
by Monica Mancillas
illustrated by Betty C. Tang
00:00To Sierra my sunshine who inspired this book with her unwavering courage, mm.
00:16To Sam and Emma, bct, The Worry Balloon, by Monica Mancilis, illustrated by Betty C. Tang.
00:24When Isla was little, every day seemed sunny with blue skies and rainbows.
00:28When something bad happened, kisses and tickles made everything all better.
00:32But these days, things were different.
00:35Isla's mind had learned to worry.
00:37When scary thoughts came.
00:38The world went dark and everything felt stormy.
00:41What if I broke my ankle?
00:43What if I never heal?
00:45What if we go to the hospital and they tell me I'm going to die?
00:48On days like today the first day of school when the path ahead was uncharted.
00:52Isla's mind played the what if game.
00:54Her mind knew just how to scare her.
00:57What if I get scared at school?
00:58What if no one likes me?
01:00What if a tree falls down on the playground and I get squished?
01:04Isla stood by the door in her first day outfit and brand new backpack.
01:08But her feet would not move.
01:10She felt like she was stuck in a pool of quicksand.
01:13What if something bad happens, said Isla.
01:15It sounds like you're worried, said mommy.
01:18Try putting your worry in a big balloon and letting it float away.
01:21Whenever it comes back to check on you just remind it that you're okay.
01:25Isla took deep breaths in and out and blew her worries away.
01:28What if?
01:29What if?
01:30What if?
01:31The farther away her worries flew, the calmer she became.
01:34Outside, a buttercup sun seemed to smile as Isla stepped onto the sidewalk.
01:39Mrs. Olvera waved, Buenos Uerte on your first dia.
01:43The busy street was a symphony of hurried morning voices.
01:47Isla's worries tried to return, but she blew them away bravely.
01:51The city ahead was a bustling maze of buses, cars, and streetlights.
01:55Isla's school was so far away she could not even see it.
01:58What if I'm late to school?
02:00What if?
02:01What if we can't find our way home?
02:03What if we get lost?
02:04Isla asked.
02:05What if we don't?
02:07Asked mommy.
02:08Remember to talk to your worry.
02:10Remind it that you're in charge of your feelings.
02:12Isla closed her eyes and thought.
02:14What if I'm okay?
02:16Slowly, the clouds above her head began to drift away.
02:19The stirring in Isla's chest quieted as she walked past familiar spaces.
02:23Past the pet shop where the finches sang.
02:26Past Mr. Lee's Mercado.
02:28Past the bakery that smelled of donuts and the Happy Toy Store window.
02:32But then a single cloud seemed to darken pulling her mind toward the storm.
02:36What if?
02:37Sang the wind.
02:38Isla tried to keep going, but her legs were like jelly trembling.
02:42Isla remembered all the times she had weathered the things she was scared of.
02:46Slowly, the storm quieted as her new friend barked hello.
02:50Down the street, the school bell sounded as children quickened their feet.
02:54A slow parade of bumblebee buses made their way to the gate.
02:57Isla's heart went pun pun pun as each step took her closer.
03:01Mommy squeezed her hand as the crowsing guard busily waved them forward.
03:05Okay, mommy said.
03:07It's time she gave Isla a kiss and a big abrazo.
03:10Isla tried to be brave as she peeked through the gate.
03:13But her feet were like trees rooted.
03:15What if you don't come back?
03:17Isla said.
03:18Try picturing what you want to see happen.
03:20The world is what you make it.
03:22So try making it something happy.
03:24Isla closed her eyes and tried to imagine something happy.
03:27But her mind was a whir of scary thoughts that spun like a black tornado.
03:31What if the teacher is mean to me?
03:33What if my classroom is scary?
03:35What if I fall off the monkey bars?
03:37What if no one likes me?
03:39I can't, she said.
03:41Try again, mommy said.
03:43Isla took a breath.
03:44She thought of a classroom warm with sun and lots of friends to play with.
03:48Isla imagined arts and crafts and recess on the playground.
03:52She thought of the stories her teacher would read and the treats she might find at lunchtime.
03:57What if... what if...
03:59Isla remembered she had done this before.
04:01There was nothing she could not handle.
04:03The storm might come again.
04:05But for now, Isla's mind was quiet.
04:07The end.