Maternity Day, 1979

  • 2 days ago


00:00from the Chuck Berest stages in Hollywood California here come the newlyweds
00:13it's maternity day on the newlywed game and now let's meet our newlywed couple for today
00:18couple number one expecting their baby in just three months Teresa and Ron Rutner
00:23couple number two expecting their visit from the stork in just seven weeks Zee
00:27and Leonard Grimes couple number three they'll be proud parents in just 12 weeks Sheila and Tim
00:33Baines and couple number four expecting their new arrival in just two months Karen and Matt Jones
00:39those are newlyweds for today here's your host the star of the newlywed game Bob Eubanks
00:51thank you very much and welcome to the newlywed game well behind me are four couples who met
00:55just less than two years ago and at that time they were all single and they were all available
00:59well now they're all married only this time they're available to have some fun
01:04the ladies are also very pregnant we'll meet them when we come back right after these words
01:10think you're lucky well four whammies and you're finished press your luck premiering
01:14September 1st every day at 9 30 and 1 30 eastern every night at 9 30 and 1 30 eastern only on game
01:19show network at TGI Fridays we have a new natural Angus burger and we'd like everyone in America to
01:26try one you see it's 100 percent natural Angus beef a higher order of beef from the Meyer ranch
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02:26include headache upper respiratory tract infection and back pain call your doctor
02:30now for more information Allegra enjoy your world okay with the wives secluded safety off stage it's
02:37time for some five-point questions as you know gentlemen you'll be answering these questions
02:40as you predict your wife will answer the same question when she returns if her answer matches
02:44your prediction you get five points and if you have more points than anybody else at the end of
02:47the show you win a grand prize that's been selected especially for you so does everybody
02:52understand all of these rules Leonard do you know what I'm talking about he's a little slower
02:59explain the rules to me Leonard please
03:00what could I say come on you want to be a game show host explain these rules to me shoot
03:12you have to give the correct answers you got it okay good
03:16all right here we go here's our first question gentlemen other than the newlywed game what game
03:20show title will your wife say gives the best description of what happened on your wedding
03:25night we're describing what happened on your wedding night pat but use a game show title to
03:29describe it what happened let's make a deal let's make a deal did you oh yeah oh yeah good
03:38best deal ever made is that right okay Tim no he took my uh answer well let me see reach over
03:45and slap him uh concentration concentration fine Leonard the Blas game show title describing
03:57your or what happened on your wedding night um that's a good question thank you very hard
04:06hurry please
04:09I'll say the newlyweds no other than the newlywed game oh
04:15let's make a deal let's make a deal all right Ron I'll say concentration concentration next
04:19question gentlemen how much money will your wife say most of the decent condominiums are going for
04:24in your vicinity Tim 200,000 200,000 Leonard is this rent or buy buy
04:40100 uh let's see 150,000 150,000 Ron 200,000 200,000 pat I live in the slums 90,000 90,000
04:50all right last of our five-point questions gentlemen will your wife say her mouth could
04:54or could not hold an entire quarter pounder with cheese
05:11Leonard I knew it uh yeah yeah good Ron whose mouth hers or mine her mouth good if she went
05:21into McDonald's because she bought a quarter pounder with cheese would her mouth hold the
05:25entire quarter pounder no no it wouldn't okay pat no way wouldn't that Tim no nope all right
05:35thank you gentlemen we'll be right back now to reunite these newlyweds we'll see how well the
05:38husbands have predicted what their wives if you could change anything about your appearance what
05:44would you wish for my skin to finally be clear hair that doesn't keep disappearing how about a
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06:29seeing your dermatologist a dermatologist is a doctor who has had at least three additional
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06:52your appearance so make a wish to look this good for a long long time and see an expert a specialist
07:01your dermatologist call now for a list of dermatologists in your area and we'll also
07:06send you this free brochure beauty at any age welcome to jillian's hi the name is maldy hall
07:12i'm here for the let's make a deal of off the week-long party celebrating the premiere of let's
07:15make a deal on game show network sorry not on the list well that can't be ask the host jeffrey ross
07:22come on dude it's money off tell you what let's make a deal i'll give you all the money in my
07:26pocket if you let me have a look at what's behind that door watch game show networks let's make a
07:33deal-a-thon five nights of classic episodes starting monday august 27th at 8 eastern here you go
07:38we're in different ends of the music spectrum but actually with the same color dark arbor number
07:46112 from nice and easy it works with my own tones and highlights it's natural color all my own nice
07:53and easy by clairol hi i'm alan thicke host of all new threes a crowd i love getting letters from
07:58ex-contestants dear alan thickhead this won't be good i went on your show with my wife and
08:03next girlfriend now they're getting engaged i guess three really is a crowd all new threes
08:09a crowd with alan thicke weeknights at 11 p.m eastern ain't love grand okay gentlemen we've
08:16recorded your predictions on cards and i'll have them in your laps every time that your prediction
08:19matches your wife's answer you'll be given five points the one couple of the most points at the
08:23end of the show wins a grand prize that's been selected especially for them so ladies you're
08:28all back everybody's expecting isn't that nice karen has her hand over her tummy what's the
08:33matter karen why four do you think the baby's nervous yes it's kicking your husband's wiggling
08:40his legs so what does that mean hey here's our first question girls other than the newlywed game
08:46what game show title gives the best description of what happened on your wedding night
08:52other than the newlywed game theresa remember your wedding night yeah what game show gives
08:57the best description of what happened make me laugh make me laugh
09:10love it he made you laugh did he
09:14okay it was a joke i'm sorry ron said it was more like a concentration
09:23oh make me laugh that wasn't a laugh if i ever heard one
09:29oh gosh stupid
09:33he's still making you laugh
09:36oh yeah high rollers high rollers
09:42all right that sounds good but yeah leonard said it was more like uh let's make a deal
09:48we sure didn't i'm sorry we had a company i mean and we stayed up until two o'clock and by that time
10:01i was too tired huh sheila i would have to say family feud family feud wedding night was like
10:13family feud all right he says more like concentration
10:19why did you say family feud because um we had to make a few phone calls after we got married
10:26my parents his mother his brother i mean the whole family was in on it yeah that type of thing well
10:32it doesn't sound very exciting no things picked up a little bit sense of course oh i noticed
10:38karen say concentration concentration your husband said it was let's make a deal
10:46why well i was gambling you had to make quite a deal to get me off the floor
10:53you had to concentrate too
10:57next question girls how much money are most of the decent condominiums going for in your
11:02vicinity and i'm talking about the sale price how much money z are they going for
11:07yeah i'm not really into finding out prices but uh i don't care well well um i'll predict
11:20uh you mean rent no sale price sale price yeah which is which is similar to how much they cost
11:27um around seven thousand seven thousand
11:37wait to hear this answer z can you believe he said can you believe he said 150 000 dollars
11:46you believe that cost not how much you use or rent i knew how much your folks selling hers for
11:53it 150 huh it's not a condominium it's close it's the same thing 7 000 you find one for 7 000
12:03you give me one you don't have any points leonard you don't have any points yet i know i didn't
12:08think we would leonard leonard asked me before the show he says how come this is the only game
12:14show where people aren't hugging each other and things like that you think i'm richard dawson
12:19i'm gonna come over and kiss you is that it
12:25sheila truthfully bob i have no idea well then tell me a falsehood then okay uh
12:35hurry please uh 20 000 20 000 oh so close he said 200 000 cars cost 20 000
12:44i said i had no idea i'll go for 100 000 100 000 he said in your neighborhood
12:49they cost 90 000 we just went looking and the one we saw was 90 000 where
12:56that went out by your mom's you don't want to live by her mom do you no we were looking for prices
13:07200 000 he said they cost about uh 200 000 watch the cards
13:14ron you've got to keep one hand on those cards at all times otherwise you get
13:18zapped right out of your seat the next time okay here's our last of our five point questions
13:23girls tell me could your mouth or could it not hold an entire quarter pounder with cheese
13:34sheila definitely definitely he said no it could not
13:46no he said no
13:55i'll say yes you think it could all right he said he said no it could not
14:00you don't eat at all you take bites like that not if i try
14:08z no no tommy
14:12a quarter pounder if you if you went into mcdonald's or a quarter pounder with cheese
14:18could your mouth hold the entire thing yes it could no it could no you don't always tell you
14:25got a big mouth i always say you got a big mouth have you seen me eat i take little bites i know
14:32oh the other day she had so much hey thank you we'll be back in a while
14:41ever see the look on someone's face who's just won one hundred thousand dollars
14:46you want drama watch this game show the $100,000 pyramid with dick clark weekdays at 10 a.m and 2
14:53p.m eastern so this is what big kids do have their friends over and eat easy mac
15:02yeah did mr easy mac impress you with his ability to microwave noodles and water and mix and cheese
15:09speaking of friends don't you have an imagination of what it's like to be in a
15:12water and mix and cheese speaking of friends don't you have an imaginary one you can play with
15:17not if you're sitting on her it's so tasty i think i'll have another bowl
15:25make one for me too please craft easy mac for the cheesiest anytime
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16:17who'd you expect bob dole follow mark martin and the viagra racing team this season get to
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16:27and for more information right now race over to all right ladies now it's your turn to
16:32predict what your husbands will say and remember each of these questions will now be worth 10
16:35points and here's our first one girls what will your husband say is the cutest thing he ever wore
16:40at romance time sheila what's the cutest thing he ever wore at romance time i'd have to say his
16:47blue underwear his blue underwear they're cute they're short a little short thing yeah a little
16:53got a little white trim on no kidding see
16:58why don't you skip me for a while i can't do that um very please okay
17:08zip nothing no i gotta have an article of clothing or something um
17:14that terry terry towel a terry towel all right what color was this terry towel
17:18blue a blue terry towel theresa he has these little speedo underwears that says
17:27speedo underwear what color are they yellow yellow right karen i guess his white underwear
17:34they're too small for him fine next question girls if the two of you had looked straight up
17:42during your wedding ceremony what substance or material will your husband say you would
17:46have been staring at z this is during the ceremony if you look straight up what substance
17:51or material would you be staring at um in other words what was the ceiling made of
17:59gee i didn't even bother looking up i was looking down all the time um very please made out of uh
18:09plaster plaster okay theresa wood wood karen wood wood sheila wood wood last of our 10 point
18:16questions girls if your husband jumped off your roof what specifically will he say what happened
18:20to him theresa nothing nothing what happened to him it's okay one story pardon me it's only a one
18:28story is that all right judge okay karen he'd probably break both his legs break both his legs
18:36sheila i'd say break both his legs he'd break both his legs he'd survive the fall
18:46i know but what would happen to him nothing nothing would happen okay 25 point bonus
18:51question girls will your husband say that you can that you can type more than 10 words a minute more
18:56than 30 words a minute or more than 60 words a minute karen more than 60 more than 60 sheila
19:02more than 60 more than 60 z um more than 10 more than 30 more than 60 more than 30 more than 30
19:09theresa what was it 10 30 and 60 10 30 and 60 more than 30 more than 30 fine ladies thank you
19:15very much we'll be back with the husbands to compare answers on the newlywed game and just
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20:17order online hey gentlemen now let's see how well your wives have predicted what you will say
20:22remember these questions would i be worth 10 points you guys came back huh okay first question
20:27gentlemen what's the cutest thing that you personally ever wore at romance time it's
20:34the cutest thing leonard that you ever wore at romance time why me first oh it's your turn
20:44nothing no i gotta have something you wore
20:47uh hurry please the cutest thing you ever wore leonard
20:56hurry now don't let the bell ring
21:00my key can't get i'm sorry the bell rang can i take his can i take his gee
21:07you know what a gee is judge the bell rang oh leonard you were a little late she says
21:11the cutest thing you ever wore was was a blue terry towel isn't that nice you were a little blue
21:18terry towel i mean do the guys at work do the guys at work know you have a little blue terry towel
21:33now they do leonard
21:36hey tim yes i mean yes nothing won't get it no it sure won't that's what she said too
21:49i guess i'll have to go with uh bikini underwear what color
21:54blue and white your blue and white bikinis all right she said
21:58the cutest little thing is your blue underwear with a white dress
22:05good you don't have those devils on now do you
22:10no good pat i have to say the truth right her nightgown
22:24when that wasn't during a movie excuse me
22:28what whatever forget it i'm not talking
22:32but what color was this nightgown you were wearing that was sort of
22:36bluish green with flowers on it got flowers on it no kidding in the kitchen
22:43he wore in the kitchen how's it feel to be married to a weirdo
22:47weird she says it's your small white underwear
22:55i can't believe you wore her nightgown he looked real cute in it i bet he did
23:00okay uh ron um yellow bikini underwear with black trim all right she said it was the yellow
23:08yellow speedo underwear right okay next question gentlemen if the two of you had looked straight up
23:17during your wedding ceremony what substance or material would you have been staring at
23:22if you look straight up tim what substance or material in other words what was the ceiling made
23:26of that's a tough one i know hurry please how about white acoustic tile acoustic tile and
23:35sheila said that that if you'd look straight up you'd have been looking at wood
23:38wood pat that's what i would would your wife said would that's right sure
23:48ron wood wood she said hang on to the cards
23:56all right leonard now this is your chance to get one right and zoom into a tie for last place
24:02thank you i'm gonna agree with wood wood all right well leonard you didn't zoom but you're
24:09still there plaster it was just a wooden frame up there see i didn't look up remember i was
24:17always looking down here's a lot of my fault last of our 10 point questions gentlemen think
24:24about this now if you jumped off your roof what specifically would happen to you pat
24:30of course i realized if you had her nightgown on you get arrested
24:34but if you jumped off your roof what would have happened probably break a leg you'd break a leg
24:38all right she said you would have broken both legs judges good enough okay
24:43ron jump off your roof what's gonna happen to you
24:47break a leg break a leg she said if you jump off nothing would happen
24:50nothing would happen
24:56okay leonard now is your chance to move well you know the situation leonard
25:01i think i'm doing pretty good yes you are you have more fun than any of us
25:06um nothing should happen to me nothing should happen she said nothing would happen right
25:11five let her take a bow take a bow wow man i don't believe we got him
25:21uh i'm pretty agile i'll say uh break an arm break an arm she said if you jumped off your roof
25:27you'd break both legs all right couples thank you very much we'll be right back with a 25
25:30minute bonus to see which couple's gonna win their grand prize right after this message
25:34to relieve dry eyes your natural showdown
25:40all right gentlemen here it is your big 25 point bonus question for 25 points gentlemen listen
25:43carefully now can your wife type more than 10 words a minute more than 30 words a minute or
25:49more than 60 words a minute let's go to couple number two leonard and z with 10 25 give you 35
25:54leonard if you get it right you'll be in first place more than 10 more than 10 she says she can
25:58type more than 30 words you told me you couldn't even type i said i could type i asked her for a
26:06minute i said i can get you a typing job and she said no i can't even do any clerical excuse me
26:12just a second later uh couple number three tim and sheila you have 10 25 to give you 35 10 what's
26:16your answer she can type 88 what's your answer please more than 60 more than 60 she says you
26:21can type more than 60 number one ron and theresa with 25 25 to give you 50 more than 10 more than
26:2730 more than 60 ron more than 60 more than 60 she says she can type more than 30 number four
26:3425 25 and give you 50 get it right and you're going to be our winner she's an executive secretary
26:39she better type more than 60 words more than 60 said more than 60 pat and karen jones you are
26:43newlywed game grand prize winner and now pat and karen as the winners of the newlywed game here's
26:56the special prize chosen just for you your very own brand new complete and super exciting nursery
27:08that's right garrett and pat it's a complete nursery from mother care
27:12including crib chest and other fine accessories mother care specialist and everything for baby
27:17catalog free on request box 3881 new york new york 117 and you'll also enjoy world books 22
27:24volume encyclopedia including research guide and index volume easy to use read and understand
27:29plus child craft the 15 volume how and why library but karen and pat that's still not all
27:35you've also won a white westinghouse front load washer and a dryer double action washer gets
27:40most really clean with less water and detergent the dryer features crossfade couplings for fast
27:45even drying from white westinghouse one of the white consolidated industry and it's all yours
27:50with our congratulations from the newlywed game
27:53pat and karen congratulations here for being our winners thanks to all of our
27:56couples and thanks to you i'm bob eubanks we'll see you next time goodbye for now