إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَعِبْرَةً لِّمَن يَخْشَى= الشیخ حجاج الهنداوي جنوب أفريقيا

  • yesterday
00:00In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:10Indeed, in that is a great blessing.
00:20Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
00:40Have you seen a creature greater than the sky?
01:04Indeed, it is Allah.
01:22He raised its head and formed it, and its night fell, and its morning came forth.
01:42Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
02:02Have you seen a creature greater than the sky?
02:26Indeed, it is Allah.
02:36He raised its head and formed it, and its night fell, and its morning came forth.
02:58Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
03:18Have you seen a creature greater than the sky?
03:42Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
04:12Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
04:30Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
05:00Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
05:20Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
05:44Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
06:02Have you seen a creature greater than the sky?
06:28Indeed, it is Allah.
06:36Have you seen a creature greater than the sky?
06:54He raised its head and formed it, and its night fell, and its morning came forth.
07:14Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
07:36He raised its head and formed it, and its night fell, and its morning came forth.
08:03And He brought forth from it its water, and We passed it, and We sent the Book.
08:23Indeed, in that is a lesson for whoever wills.
08:47And He brought forth from it its water, and We sent the Book.
09:11And He brought forth from it its water, and We passed it, and We sent the Book.
09:35And He brought forth from it its water, and We sent the Book.
10:05And He brought forth from it its water, and We sent the Book.
10:29And He brought forth from it its water, and We sent the Book.
10:59And He brought forth from it its water, and We sent the Book.
11:27And as for him who is in the station of his Lord,
11:53We have not raised him except as a warner.
12:21Indeed, Paradise is the place of return.
12:34And as for him who is in the station of his Lord,
13:04We have not raised him except as a warner.
13:34And as for him who is in the station of his Lord,
13:54They ask you about the hour of which We send it,
14:18As-Salamu Alaikum.
14:48As-Salamu Alaikum.
15:18Indeed, on the Day when they see it, they will not wear except a covering or a veil.
15:46And as for him who is in the station of his Lord,
16:04They ask you about the hour of which We send it,
16:11As for him who is in the station of his Lord,
16:23They will not wear except a covering or a veil.
16:38Indeed, on the Day when they see it, they will not wear except a covering or a veil.
16:51There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
17:21There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
17:44And Allah is the Greatest. And to Allah belongs all praise.
17:56In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
18:13There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
18:22And Allah is the Greatest. And to Allah belongs all praise.
18:30In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
18:43Recite in the name of your Lord Who created.
19:06He created man from dust.
19:18Recite in the name of your Lord Who created man from dust.
19:31He taught man that which he did not know.
19:42There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
20:11And Allah is the Greatest. And to Allah belongs all praise.
20:29There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
20:49In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
20:59Recite in the name of your Lord Who created.
21:16He created man from dust.
21:24And your Lord is the Greatest.
21:29He taught man that which he did not know.
21:50Indeed, man is in need.
22:01We have chosen him, surely to your Lord he will be returned.
22:15Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
