الشيخ حجاج الهنداوی سورة الأنعام - الآية 95 & 11.02.2016

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00:00A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
00:13Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
00:33A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
00:58Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
01:23A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
01:48Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
02:14Fadiq al-Isbahi wa ja'al al-Layli s-Sakamahu wa sh-Shukr al-Qamar husbana.
02:34Fadiq al-Isbahi wa ja'al al-Layli s-Sakamahu wa sh-Shukr al-Qamar husbana.
03:04That is the power of the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing.
03:32And it is He who has made for you the stars so that you may be guided by them in the darknesses of the land and the sea.
04:02We have explained the verses of the Qur'an for those who know.
04:27And it is He who has created you from a single soul, then established and established.
04:57We have explained the verses of the Qur'an for those who know.
05:27And it is He who has sent down rain from the sky,
05:46so that you may be near those who fear Him.
06:17So We brought forth from him a plant of all things, and We brought forth from him green grass,
06:33and We brought forth from him a green grass,
06:56and We brought forth from him green grass,
07:26and We brought forth from him green grass,
07:41and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm,
07:59and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm,
08:24and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm,
08:54and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm, and from the date-palm.
09:14And He sent down rain from the sky,
09:43so that you may be near those who fear Him.
09:59Verily, in your homes are signs for a believing people.
10:29In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
10:44Verily, Allah speaks the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
11:14Verily, Allah speaks the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
11:41Verily, Allah speaks the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
12:01Peace be upon you.
12:15He brings forth the dead from the dead,
12:33and Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
12:56Verily, Allah is the Forerunner of the truth, and He brings forth the living from the living,
13:15and He brings forth the dead from the dead, and Allah is the Forerunner of the truth, and He brings forth the living from the living.
13:45Peace be upon you.
14:15Verily, Allah is the Forerunner of the truth, and He brings forth the living from the living.
14:39Verily, Allah is the Forerunner of the truth, and He brings forth the living from the living.
15:02Verily, Allah is the Forerunner of the truth, and He brings forth the living from the living,
15:20and He brings forth the living from the living.
15:50Peace be upon you.
16:16Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
16:43And the night has come to you in tranquillity, and the sun has risen from the moon.
17:02Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
17:32And the night has come to you in tranquillity, and the sun has risen from the moon.
18:02Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
18:32Peace be upon you.
19:02Peace be upon you.
19:32Peace be upon you.
20:02Peace be upon you.
20:32Peace be upon you.
21:02Peace be upon you.
21:32Peace be upon you.
22:02Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
22:17Peace be upon you.
22:37Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
23:07Peace be upon you.
23:37Peace be upon you.
24:37Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
25:04Peace be upon you.
25:27Peace be upon you.
25:57Peace be upon you.
26:27Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
26:42Peace be upon you.
27:06Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
27:31Peace be upon you.
28:01Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
28:26Peace be upon you.
28:56Peace be upon you.
29:26Peace be upon you.
29:57Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
30:25Peace be upon you.
30:40Peace be upon you.
30:43Peace be upon you.
30:46Peace be upon you.
30:49Peace be upon you.
30:52Peace be upon you.
31:19Peace be upon you.
31:49Peace be upon you.
32:19Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
32:48Peace be upon you.
32:51Peace be upon you.
32:54Peace be upon you.
33:17Peace be upon you.
33:43Peace be upon you.
34:13Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
34:26And they set forth for Allah those who believed and followed their way,
34:53and He created them for Him sons and daughters without knowledge.
35:06Exalted is He in His Greatness, and Exalted is He above whatever they ascribe to Him.
35:25Peace be upon you.
35:28Peace be upon you.
35:31Peace be upon you.
35:55Peace be upon you.
36:25Peace be upon you.
36:55Peace be upon you.
37:25Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
37:44Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
38:05There is no god but He, the Creator of all things, the Sustainer of all things.
38:35There is no god but He, the Creator of all things, the Sustainer of all things.
38:58There is no god but He, the Creator of all things, the Sustainer of all things.
39:18Peace be upon you.
39:22Peace be upon you.
39:29Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
39:50There is no god but He, the Creator of all things, the Sustainer of all things.
40:02Peace be upon you.
40:05Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
40:33Peace be upon you.
41:03Peace be upon you.
41:33Peace be upon you.
42:03Peace be upon you.
42:26Peace be upon you.
42:29Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
42:37Peace be upon you.
42:40Peace be upon you.
42:43Peace be upon you.
42:46Allah has spoken the truth, and Allah has spoken the truth.
43:16Peace be upon you.
43:46Peace be upon you.
44:16Peace be upon you.
44:46Peace be upon you.
