Dr Zakir Naik Reveals 10 Signs of End Times | A Warning for Muslims? | Nadeem Malik Live

  • 2 days ago
Dr Zakir Naik Reveals 10 Signs of End Times | A Warning for Muslims? | Nadeem Malik Live


00:00He is a religious scholar. He came to Pakistan on Monday, so we recorded his interview.
00:04But yesterday we had an interview with the Finance Minister, so we held it back.
00:07Today we are showing it to you.
00:08For the interview, we have Mohsin and Mohsin Abbasi, and Hisham Zaheer-e-Ilahi.
00:13They are very actively planning their activities.
00:16Our interview relates more to this situation.
00:20We will show you the interview of Dr Zakir Naik.
00:25Doctor Sahib, the first question is very close to my heart.
00:28I would like to understand, and I would like you to shed some light on it,
00:32so that it becomes easier for an ordinary Muslim to understand.
00:36End of time.
00:37If you look at the situation in the world, there is devastation in America.
00:40If you look at Europe, there is inflation, inflation, unemployment.
00:43If you look at the Middle East, there was a situation in Palestine or Gaza.
00:46If you look at Beirut, there is a situation there.
00:48If you look at South Asia, there is devastation due to floods,
00:50there is devastation due to the virus.
00:52Are we heading towards the end of time?
00:55Alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalam wa rasoolillahi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain.
00:59Amma ba'd, rabbishari sadri wa salli wa amri wa ahlul uqdad min nisaani yafqau qawli.
01:05Your question is, are we heading towards the end of time?
01:08According to the Islamic view, there are many hadiths,
01:12which say that the signs of the end of the world,
01:18or the signs of the hereafter,
01:23are divided into two parts, minor signs and major signs.
01:27The minor signs and the major signs.
01:30As far as the minor signs are concerned,
01:34there are many in the light of Quran and Hadith.
01:36Some scholars have combined them and some have divided them.
01:39I have mentioned this on my Facebook page.
01:41I have mentioned 87 minor signs.
01:46Some say 60, some say 100.
01:48But it is the same.
01:50Some people combine two and become one.
01:52Some people divide one sign, which has three parts, into three.
01:56So the figure is not important, but there are many minor signs.
01:58So I have mentioned the minor signs on my Facebook page in 87.
02:02And all these are mentioned in the Sahih Hadith and Quran.
02:05I have taken out some of the weak Hadiths.
02:08So out of this, most of the signs,
02:10you could say 60% or two-thirds,
02:13two-thirds of the signs have already come.
02:16One of the earliest signs is the birth of the Prophet of Allah.
02:25That is one of the earliest signs of the end of signs.
02:27Because he is the last Prophet.
02:29So that is also a sign.
02:32There are many other signs.
02:34And the major signs, there are ten of them.
02:37And they will come in sequence.
02:39And there is no difference between the ten signs.
02:41And what are those ten signs?
02:42First, there are many minor signs.
02:46At the end of the minor signs, there are the major signs.
02:49Among the major signs, there is the coming of Isa A.S.
02:54After that, there are three line slides.
02:59One after the other.
03:01And then there is also the coming of Gog and Magog.
03:10Gog and Magog.
03:12I am not saying it in order.
03:15Gog and Magog.
03:17And after that, Isa A.S. will kill the Dajjal.
03:21Coming of Dajjal.
03:23So there is Isa A.S., Dajjal, Gog and Magog.
03:26Three line slides.
03:28And then the sun will rise from the west.
03:34Then there will be a sweet wind that will kill all the others.
03:38Sorry, before that.
03:40And then, just before the end of the world, the sun will rise from the west.
03:45So in this way, there are ten signs.
03:48But you said that two thirds of the minor signs have been completed.
03:52More than two thirds.
03:53So now we cannot predict the major signs.
03:56Major signs will come when the minor signs will be completed.
03:59It is not 100% complete.
04:00Because at the end of Mahdi A.S.
04:02Mahdi A.S. is shown at the end of the minor signs.
04:05But to say anything about Mahdi A.S. is too early.
04:08We cannot say anything.
04:10Many people have said that Mahdi A.S. is there, but that is wrong.
04:15But what are the signs of the world?
04:18Where are we going?
04:20You can see the situation in Palestine or Lebanon.
04:24Even if we come to South Asia, the situation is not good for Muslims.
04:28So what are the signs for us?
04:30How are we progressing?
04:32The Prophet of Allah said in a hadith,
04:34there will come a time when all people will fall in love with Muslims.
04:38So the companions would ask, will there be fewer Muslims at that time?
04:42The Prophet of Allah would say, no.
04:44There will be a lot of Muslims.
04:46Like a flock.
04:47They will be like a froth.
04:49But they will love the world more and will fear death.
04:57They will love wealth and the world.
05:00And they will fear death.
05:03This is what the Qur'an says.
05:05So this is the situation of Muslims.
05:07Today, the Muslim population is more than 25%.
05:09And following me is the number one in the world.
05:12There is no religion followed as much as by the Muslims.
05:15Christians, to say these numbers, but most of them are atheists.
05:18They don't believe Jesus.
05:20You know, in this case and all.
05:22So the Muslim population is more today.
05:24Muslims are rich in wealth.
05:26We have got the black gold.
05:28You can see that Muslims are being beaten up everywhere.
05:31And we are not doing anything.
05:33Because there is no unity among the Muslim Ummah.
05:35If the Muslim Ummah unites and follows the Qur'an and Hadith,
05:38then Inshallah, we will be on top of the world.
05:40Sir, but if I look at Palestine,
05:42so in Palestine, Muslims are sacrificing their lives,
05:45giving martyrdom.
05:46So they are not afraid of death.
05:48The children who stand in front of the tanks,
05:50they are not afraid of death.
05:52What we have seen in Beirut, they are not afraid of death.
05:56But there is no peace there.
05:58Why is there no peace?
05:59Peace is in their hearts.
06:01One is external peace and the other is internal peace.
06:04I feel internal peace is more than this.
06:06Internal peace means that a woman's own son is being martyred.
06:11And she is asking Allah,
06:13give me ten sons, they will also be sacrificed in your way.
06:16That is the height of peace.
06:18And they will be rewarded in the hereafter.
06:20What are you and I getting?
06:22I pray every day.
06:24O Allah, my wealth and my life will be sacrificed in your way.
06:28Every day.
06:30So a true Muslim is afraid of death.
06:32He is a true Muslim.
06:34So we are seeing that what is happening in Gaza,
06:38is testing all the human beings in the world.
06:42It is a test for all humans.
06:44And the ones who are passing,
06:46are the people of Gaza and we are failing.
06:48Allah wants to see what you are doing for Gaza.
06:50What am I doing for Gaza?
06:52What are you doing for Gaza?
06:54So Allah,
06:56in my opinion,
06:5895% of them are going to pass.
07:00And with high numbers.
07:0295-99% of us are going to fail.
07:04Do you understand?
07:06Sir, in the Muslim world,
07:08if I take a little context from you,
07:10isn't it a failure of the leadership of the Muslim world?
07:13Whatever happens in Gaza, we can't do anything.
07:15Whatever happens in Lebanon, we can't do anything.
07:17Whatever happens in Kashmir, we can't do anything.
07:19Whatever happens in Iraq, we can't do anything.
07:21Weapons of mass destruction, I don't know where they are.
07:23Whatever happened in Afghanistan,
07:25the world enjoyed reading it.
07:27It was a UN resolution.
07:29No solution. The Muslim world doesn't have a solution.
07:31We have a solution,
07:33but we aren't acting on it.
07:35We have a solution, but we aren't acting on it.
07:37And one thing is that we should follow Islam as a whole,
07:40not partly.
07:41So every person, every Muslim thinks
07:43that they are following Islam completely.
07:45Do you understand?
07:47This is the mistake of Muslims.
07:49I think I am doing it, you think you are doing it.
07:52So if you are following it,
07:54then you should look at the character of the Prophet of Allah
07:57and the light of the Quran and Hadith.
07:59If every Muslim asks in his own way,
08:01he will think that he is following 95%.
08:03He is doing only 5%.
08:05Do you understand?
08:07So if a person is talking about Gaza,
08:09and the rest of the people are praying,
08:11what is the point?
08:13Do you understand?
08:15So there is a level.
08:17Stay away from the Quran and Hadith.
08:19The verse of the Quran is also in Surah Imran,
08:21Surah number 3,
08:23in verse number 54.
08:25They planned and plotted.
08:27The disbelievers planned and plotted.
08:29Allah also planned.
08:31Allah is the best of planners.
08:33If the war started on the 7th of October,
08:35the day the Israelites started killing,
08:37if Allah wanted,
08:39He could have won Palestine in one day,
08:41couldn't He?
08:43Today if you ask me, which is better?
08:45To win in one day or after one year?
08:47This is the situation.
08:49This is better.
08:51Doctor, but this is a path of destruction for Muslims.
08:53We are lagging behind in education.
08:55The blasts that took place in Lebanon
08:57or Hezbollah,
08:59which devices were they using?
09:01The Israeli companies,
09:03or the suppliers of those countries,
09:05they are providing them.
09:07They were blasted and their people were killed.
09:09For technology, we look from there.
09:11For war, we look from there.
09:13If you want a ship to bomb,
09:15you buy it from them.
09:17So what are we Muslims doing?
09:19Either we didn't follow the Deen,
09:21or we have become victims of ignorance.
09:23We didn't follow the Deen.
09:25To follow the Deen, every person is following it selectively.
09:27Every Muslim is following it selectively.
09:29Very few people are following the Deen.
09:31Do you understand?
09:33And every person thinks that I am doing it.
09:37If you want to follow the Deen completely,
09:39everyone should pray.
09:41Then your heart should be the one for Tawhid.
09:43If your heart is not for Tawhid,
09:45and you are following it,
09:47then you can say that I am following the Deen.
09:49What's the point?
09:51Do you understand?
09:53The way the Prophet of Allah said,
09:55this is allowed in Islam,
09:57this is not allowed,
09:59this should be done or not,
10:01there are many details in it.
10:03So we see that Muslims select a few things,
10:05but the person who is talking about the Deen,
10:07is he following the rest?
10:09So, it is a hypocrisy according to me.
10:12You understand, right?
10:13So, you will see that if you completely follow the religion,
10:18you will always be happy.
10:20There is no chance of you being sad at all.
10:22Doctor Sahib, but the Muslim world is behind in the field of technology.
10:26Now, in medical science, all the new inventions are coming from there.
10:29New medicines are being made, they are coming from there.
10:31Vaccines are being made for the virus, they are coming from there.
10:33To say that technology is behind, I am not ready to believe that.
10:36Yes, we can go further.
10:39If you see, in the 8th century,
10:42in the 7th or 8th century, Muslims were at the top of the world.
10:47Where did corruption start?
10:48Corruption started when we started moving away from the Quran and Hadith.
10:53When the companions were there,
10:54Ta'ba'in were there, Tabi'i Ta'ba'in were there,
10:56we were at the top of the world.
10:58You understand, right?
10:59When we started moving away from the Quran and Hadith,
11:02this is what was happening to us.
11:03Today, we have money,
11:05black gold, right?
11:06The richest people are Muslims, not non-Muslims.
11:09Don't go on the Forbes list,
11:12it's all fictitious.
11:13Muslims are much richer.
11:14The problem is that we are not following the Quran and Sunnah.
11:18The condition of Muslims today is written in the Hadith.
11:21So, in my opinion, I would say that this is Allah's plan.
11:25Why do I say that they are better off?
11:28Because in today's date,
11:31so many years have passed, 75 years have passed,
11:34many non-Muslims used to think that Palestine is wrong.
11:3890% of the people, I am talking about non-Muslims,
11:40and 10% used to say that Palestine is right.
11:4390% used to say that Israel is right.
11:46If Palestine had won in one day,
11:48they would have continued with their thoughts.
11:51Today, this is the first time in history
11:54that genocide is being live telecast.
11:56Many genocides have happened before, Hitler did it too,
11:58but we get photographs and evidence about genocide
12:02many years later, many months later, many weeks later.
12:05This is the first genocide in the world in which life is being telecast.
12:10So, many non-Muslims think that how are these people from Palestine?
12:15Their child is being killed and they are saying Alhamdulillah.
12:18This is a lesson for us.
12:21We read the Quran, we read the Hadith,
12:23what is the faith of the companions?
12:24Today, we don't see it.
12:26They see that the son of a mother is being martyred.
12:29They say, give me 10 sons, I will martyr them.
12:31So, what is their faith?
12:32So, we find out what the faith of the companions was about the Hadith.
12:37So, what is happening in Palestine is an example for us, for Muslims.
12:43Non-Muslims think, what kind of religion is this?
12:46What kind of religion is this?
12:47The people are not complaining.
12:49So, this is a true example of a field of Dawah.
12:52As far as they are concerned,
12:53Allah says in Surah Al-Mulk, Surah number 67, verse number 2,
12:57Allah has created death and life.
12:59Allah has created death and life.
13:02To know this, which human being is the best?
13:06So, life is a test.
13:09How should Muslims deal with this terrorism?
13:11On the Quran and Hadith.
13:12How? Tell me. What should we do?
13:15Read the Quran.
13:16Act on the Quran.
13:17The one who is reading the Quran is also reading the Quran.
13:21That is what I am saying, if we read it correctly,
13:24if we read the Quran and act on it,
13:26what should we do?
13:27Every Muslim should read the Quran and act on it.
