WWF Monday Night RAW: November 20, 1995

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00:00The World Wrestling Federation for over 50 years.
00:06The revolutionary force in sports entertainment.
00:12Last night at the Survivor Series,
00:14we saw one of the greatest WWF Championship matches in history.
00:18The hitman Brad Harkin, Big Daddy Kool Deez, two of the most honored and
00:22revered superstars of our time, locked up in a classic encounter.
00:26And unquestionably, it was a crossroads in terms of career for both men.
00:31Both men battling for more than just a championship.
00:34The victor would be hailed unquestionably as the champion for our time.
00:39Both superstars were prepared for a war, and it was certainly every bit of that.
00:44Big Daddy Kool Deez and
00:45Brad Harkin went to uncharacteristic extremes time and time again.
00:51And in the end, it seemed that Big Daddy Kool Deez had overpowered the hitman.
00:57But never underestimate the heart of a champion.
01:01The excellence of execution had one last gasp.
01:05Wait a minute, I can't believe it.
01:11He did it, he did it, he did it.
01:15At first, Big Daddy Kool Deezle sat stunned.
01:18His one year reign as champion had ended, and then Big Daddy Kool lost it.
01:25Deezle has lost it.
01:28Deezle in complete control.
01:31No, not again.
01:33Deezle now, he had the opportunity earlier on, he didn't do it.
01:41Deezle had the opportunity to end it, I think he has.
01:46The official has stopped the match, but now look what's happening.
01:50And now, here is your winner,
01:54the champion, Big Daddy Kool Deezle.
01:59And the winner, Big Daddy Kool Deezle.
02:05And the winner, Big Daddy Kool Deezle.
02:10And the winner, Big Daddy Kool Deezle.
02:16Welcome everyone to Richmond, Virginia.
02:21Welcome to the Richmond Coliseum.
02:26Welcome to Monday Night Raw.
02:31Welcome to the Monday Night Raw.
02:36Welcome to the Monday Night Raw.
02:41Tonight, Owen Hart, one on one, with the most flamboyant,
02:46the most resilient, WWE superstar in the world today.
02:50Victorious last night in the Survivor Series, Shawn Michaels, what about it?
03:02Do you have to talk so loud, McMahon?
03:04I still got a headache, thanks to that tombstone last night from The Undertaker.
03:09Yeah, it was great last night, all sorts of surprises, a new champion.
03:13And what about the return of Mr. Perfect last night, huh?
03:16Yes, indeed, and what about the one, two, three kid in action here tonight?
03:20My new hero, he's fast becoming the greatest, the hottest superstar in the WWE.
03:25Yeah, let's take it back to last week.
03:26The one, two, three kid, ladies and gentlemen, was a special guest referee.
03:31And the one, two, three kid, was he impartial?
03:34No, he snapped psychosis off the back of Razor's Edge.
03:37It was to be a certain, Razor's Edge, and look at that.
03:40The powerbomb from psychosis, watch this fast count by The Kid.
03:44And as if that wasn't enough, just to prove the point, The Kid then takes
03:49the money, the dirty money, Ted DiBiase's dirty, filthy, stinking money.
03:55And then last night, yes,
03:56DiBiase buys The Kid a position in the Survivor Series.
04:00In the underdog matchup, the bad guy comes out and
04:04puts a bad mouth on the one, two, three kid before the match begins.
04:08Razor Ramon wanted to mix it up with The Kid.
04:11But in the end, it was down to one-on-one.
04:13Marty Jannetty against the one, two, three kid, the monster Psycho Sid coming out.
04:18Yes, under the employee of the Million Dollar Man, Psycho Sid.
04:21Putting the damage on Marty Jannetty.
04:23The Kid victorious with Psycho Sid at the Survivor Series last night.
04:29However, in the wild card match last night, The Kid returned.
04:33Psycho Sid at his side.
04:35And look, The Kid grabs the ankles of Razor Ramon, who was engaged in battle
04:40with the British Bulldog, who then summarily powerbombed Razor Ramon.
04:46An extraordinary turn of events as a way for the one, two, three kid.
04:51Look at that, look at that.
04:53Very pleased with himself in the employ of the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase.
04:58I think it's great, McMahon.
05:00The one, two, three kid, you know, he's had delusions of adequacy for so long.
05:05But now, he's finally, it was like a coming out party last night for The Kid.
05:09He was fantastic, I mean, it's great.
05:13A modern day kamikaze,
05:14Hakushi himself making an extraordinary showing of his talents.
05:18And Hakushi, ladies and gentlemen, ready to lock up for the one, two, three kid.
05:22Here he comes now, and no doubt, big man to the ring.
05:26There he is, here comes Ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar Man.
05:30Minnesota, weighing 214 pounds, the one, two, three kid.
05:37Look at the smile on Ted DiBiase's face, will you?
05:41What do you expect, McMahon?
05:43Last night was great.
05:44Survivor Series was one of his crowning achievements.
05:48Yes, indeed.
05:48Those of you who missed the Survivor Series, ladies and gentlemen.
05:51Here in the United States, do not despair.
05:54The encore presentation tomorrow night at 8 o'clock Eastern time.
06:01That's 8 o'clock Eastern and Pacific for the encore of the Survivor Series.
06:06The crowning of a new WWF champion, my goodness.
06:12All right, here we go, The Kid against Hakushi.
06:17Very similar styles in the part of these individuals.
06:21Both employing great use of the martial arts, King.
06:24Wait a minute, look at these people.
06:27It's not the Razor, you should hear it.
06:28They're chatting Razor, and The Kid can very easily hear it as well.
06:34Don't let it bother you, kid.
06:35There's a bunch of morons out here.
06:37Speaking of Razor Ramon, I believe we have him on the phone now.
06:40Razor, are you there?
06:41I'm here, McMahon.
06:42Razor Ramon, my goodness, last night was a nightmare for you to a certain extent,
06:48as relates to the Survivor Series.
06:49We're actually beginning with last Monday Night Raw.
06:51You know, I can't believe it, McMahon.
06:54I thought he was like my little brother, but he ripped me off.
06:57He sold me out.
06:59But forget about that.
07:00I ain't no crybaby.
07:01Kid, I want you to get this message, Chico.
07:05You know better than anybody just how bad Razor can be.
07:11You crossed me, and now, little man, stick man, you're gonna pay.
07:17Well, what about the respect factor, Razor?
07:19What about the kid always wanting your respect?
07:21Obviously, I would suggest that's not what he has earned.
07:24He's earned, if anything, I would suggest your wrath.
07:26Well, he's been saying I held him down.
07:28I'm jealous of him.
07:30You know, he joined the Million Dollar Corporation.
07:32To me, that little snot-nosed punk is nothing but small change.
07:39Thank you very much for joining us tonight, and the best of luck to you,
07:41Razor Ramon.
07:42Adios, McMahon.
07:44What about me, Razor?
07:46What do you mean, what about you?
07:47Well, he didn't say anything.
07:48He's talking on Taco Bell there.
07:50All right, Hakushi now coming off the rope, and down goes the kid.
07:53Hakushi, who is rapidly becoming Americanized as far as his taste and
07:57concern, and this maneuver.
07:59A drop kick nicely done.
08:00A long drag takedown, Hakushi on the one, two, three kick.
08:05Yeah, I blame Horowitz for that, too.
08:07Yes, Barry Horowitz teaching Hakushi the American ways, if you would.
08:11And vice versa.
08:12Hey, hey, hey, Marty Jannetty.
08:13What's Jannetty doing?
08:14Marty Jannetty, who definitely has a score to settle on the one, two, three kick.
08:18Jannetty almost causing Hakushi to be disqualified.
08:21They're trying to keep him away.
08:23What's wrong with Jannetty?
08:23The one, two, three kick.
08:25Jannetty got beat fair and square last night.
08:28Marty Jannetty trying to get involved in this matchup.
08:32The official told him to get back.
08:33Jannetty is hot.
08:34We'll return.
08:35Stay with us.
08:37We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
08:39Back live in Richmond, Virginia, the Richmond Coliseum.
08:41The setting weather of Monday Night Raw.
08:44And Hakushi is being pummeled by the one, two, three kick on the inside.
08:48And during the commercial break by Ted DiBiase on the outside.
08:51Well, I wanna tell you, when you're under the guidance of Ted DiBiase,
08:55you just, I mean, you improve 110%, look at the kid, he's fantastic.
08:59And speaking of DiBiase, he's rumored to have a significant financial interest
09:03in the number one movie that's out right now, Goldeneye.
09:06Yeah, it's about James Bond, by the way, not Goldust.
09:10And by the way, ladies and gentlemen,
09:11we've just been informed that Big Daddy Cool Diesel is on his way here to the arena.
09:16Big Daddy Cool Diesel, the former WWF champion, on his way.
09:20And, my goodness, that's an over there and a kick, grounding Hakushi.
09:25Right in the noggin.
09:27A one, two, three kick, in control at the moment.
09:31Again, Hakushi becoming a tremendous fan favorite as of late,
09:34here in the World Wrestling Federation.
09:36Why are these people booing the one, two, three kick is what I don't understand.
09:41Turned his back on all the loyal fans, and he had a number of them,
09:44no question about that.
09:46Much like the NBA players are kind of treating the replacement referees,
09:50no respect.
09:51I would suggest that's what the one, two, three kid has had for his fans.
09:55Absolutely no respect, but perhaps a great deal of respect for Ted DiBiase's body.
10:00There you go.
10:01And now more respect for Hakushi.
10:02Hakushi sets up the kid for the ride.
10:04Cut it off.
10:05Nobody there.
10:06Dropping the elbow.
10:08Hard cover, and the count is- A kick out by Hakushi.
10:13That great move by Hakushi, obviously taught to him by Horowitz.
10:17Marty Jannetty, earlier on, just fired the break coming out.
10:22And Marty Jannetty is incensed because Jannetty had an opportunity in
10:25the Survivor Series to really make an accounting of himself.
10:28The kid wasn't even scheduled to be in Survivor Series until Ted DiBiase
10:32pulled off- Whoa!
10:35And that'll do it.
10:36And a, no, a kick out by Hakushi.
10:41That's all right, take your time, kid.
10:43Just look at the kid, he's got that little bounce in his step now.
10:45I mean, he's a new and improved kid.
10:48New and improved.
10:49Off the rope, Hakushi underneath the roundhouse.
10:51Hakushi, look at this.
10:53The kid and
11:00Ted DiBiase have taken a great deal out of Hakushi.
11:03But after that maneuver, I believe,
11:05a great deal was taken out of the one, two, three kid as well.
11:08Come on, kid.
11:16The one, two, three kid and Hakushi.
11:18Both men getting up the kid, back on his feet.
11:23Sets up Hakushi and- Look at this.
11:25A block and just another shot by Hakushi.
11:27Another block, another shot.
11:29Hakushi winning the war of the martial arts.
11:31Hakushi with a hard chop.
11:34Look at this.
11:37Hakushi and the one, two, three kid now and the kid for the ride to the buckle.
11:41Here we go, here comes Hakushi.
11:44And another maneuver, Hakushi covering.
11:50We have a cut away to DiBiase.
11:53No, no, no.
11:54DiBiase almost saw the one, two, three kid.
11:58Ted, what a poor investment that would have been.
12:00And he's gonna see it.
12:01Here we go, to the top.
12:03A modern day kamikaze, Hakushi reaping death.
12:09Come on, Ted, wave some money under his nose or something.
12:12A cover, one, two, three.
12:16The shoulder barely coming up.
12:18Hakushi with the momentum.
12:20Off the rope, the one, two, for the ride.
12:24Watch it, watch it.
12:27Hakushi is taking it to the one, two, three kid.
12:30Look at this total lack of respect for the rules by Hakushi.
12:34Now look at him.
12:34Look at this.
12:37Turn around, turn around, just run back to DiBiase.
12:40Ted DiBiase shoving Hakushi.
12:43What a clumsy move that Hakushi is.
12:45He slipped right off the top rope.
12:46You saw what happened.
12:48The kid now, the kid hooks the ring.
12:52One, two.
12:53Yes, yes, yes.
12:54The winner of the match, the one, two, three kid.
13:01Look at the look on his face.
13:03Look at that.
13:05Ted DiBiase, look at the look on Ted DiBiase's face.
13:07What an investment DiBiase has made in the one, two, three kid.
13:10Hey, look, look, look, look.
13:12Will it pay off?
13:13That's exactly what DiBiase is doing.
13:15And in 30 seconds, Jerry The King Lawler, who have a word with the one, two, three kid.
13:22Yeah, this way.
13:23Come here, kid.
13:26All right, Jerry The King Lawler.
13:28Ted DiBiase, congratulations, not only on that great victory,
13:33but on your, maybe possibly your greatest acquisition.
13:37Kid, you know I've said a lot of derogatory things about you in the past,
13:41but right now I want to tell you, I'm proud of you.
13:44I've done it once again, King, and thank you very much.
13:48Take a look at the all new and improved one, two, three kid.
13:52Am I proud of him?
13:53I bought him a right.
13:55I bought him a match in the Survivor Series last night.
13:59And his first time out, I am so proud of him.
14:02Single handedly, he beat the entire underdog team,
14:07especially that no good, filthy punk, Marty Jannetty,
14:11who stuck his nose out here already once tonight.
14:14What's the matter, Jannetty?
14:15Are you feeling a little low?
14:18How about you too, Ramon?
14:19Wait a minute, hold it.
14:23Here comes Jannetty.
14:24Look, hold it, Jannetty.
14:26You got no business being out here.
14:30Marty Jannetty.
14:31Hold it, Jannetty.
14:33Hey, wait a minute.
14:34You don't do me, Jannetty.
14:37You want it?
14:43Marty Jannetty, being pummeled by the one, two, three kid.
14:46Like a psycho ship clobbering.
14:48Shut up.
14:52Jannetty with a score in the center with the one, two, three kid.
14:56Look at the deviacy.
14:58No, no, hold it.
15:01What a powerbomb on the outside by Psycho Sid.
15:07That's what you get, Jannetty, if you mess with the kid.
15:12Or if you mess with the master.
15:15Marty Jannetty, let's get out of here.
15:21Let's take you over to Doc Hendricks, ladies and gentlemen,
15:24who's waiting to give us a slam jam.
15:27Psycho Sid, the kid, he haven't had enough yet.
15:29Man, I tell you, we say it all the time.
15:31Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation.
15:33But I swear, every time you turn around, something is happening.
15:36And especially on Monday Night Raw.
15:38But guys, I gotta tell you, last night I couldn't sleep at all.
15:41I'm telling you why, it was my first Survivor Series.
15:42And what a Survivor Series.
15:44I mean, how about the wild card match?
15:46How about Shawn Michaels, who we'll see a little later on, against Owen Hart and
15:48Ahmed Johnson?
15:49What about the return of, whoa, The Undertaker?
15:52And how about Bret the Hitman Hart winning the WWF title for a third time?
15:58I can't wait to the next WWF pay-per-view.
16:00And you know what?
16:01You don't have to wait long with me.
16:02You know why?
16:03Because it's gonna happen on December 17th.
16:05It's gonna be live on pay-per-view, emanating from Hershey Park, Pennsylvania.
16:09And we now know who will be in that title match.
16:12It will be Bret the Hitman Hart, defending the WWF title against his own
16:17brother-in-law, the British Bulldog, a gentleman that holds a victory over
16:21Bret Hart in front of 83,000 people in Wembley Stadium in 1992.
16:27Of course, that was then, and this is now.
16:29But we talked to the British Bulldog, and he thinks definitely,
16:32in Hershey Park, Pennsylvania, December 17th, history will repeat itself.
16:37I bet Bret Hart right now has got butterflies in his stomach.
16:40You're nervous, Hitman, because you know what the British Bulldog is capable
16:45of doing when he steps in the squared circle.
16:48You know I can beat you, and the people know I can beat you,
16:51because I've done it before, 1992, Wembley Stadium, 83,000 people,
16:57Bret Hart, I beat you at SummerSlam 92, and
17:00I'm coming to Hershey Park, Pennsylvania, that scum hole of the Earth.
17:05That's right, I'm coming there, and in your house, I'm coming there to take
17:09the World Wrestling Federation title away from you, Hitman.
17:13You can come out and say, I'm the best there is, the best there was.
17:15You can tell that to the morons out there in TV land, but
17:18you can't tell that to me, because you know, Bret Hart, who the better man is.
17:23And I'll see you in Hershey Park, Pennsylvania.
17:27Man, doesn't that make you wonder what it's gonna be like,
17:29Christmas time around the Hart household?
17:31Let me tell you about another big match on this live in your house,
17:35pay-per-view on December 17th, in the Arkansas Hog Pen Match.
17:39Hunter Helmsley against good old Hank Godwin, Henry O'Godwin.
17:45No, he's here, Big Daddy Cool.
17:47He's in the, Diesel is now in the building.
17:50We will keep following this and keep you updated.
17:52Boy, I've been waiting on this.
17:53All right, all right, back to the Hog Pen Match.
17:55They're gonna have a hog pen outside of the ring, mud the whole nine yards.
18:00And if you get thrown in the hog pen, you become a loser.
18:02Now, can you imagine Hunter Hurst Helmsley, pretty hair and
18:06all, with mud and slop dripping off of it, and messing up his manicure?
18:11This is gonna be unbelievable.
18:12And it is live on pay-per-view, December 17th.
18:15We are the World Wrestling Federation, which says, nobody does it better.
18:18And you know what?
18:19If you like bang for your buck, you like a bargain,
18:21this is the best bargain as far as pay-per-views go.
18:24Now, guys, back to you.
18:25And as the weeks keep coming,
18:26Doc will keep telling you more about In Your House.
18:29All right, thank you very much, Doc Hendricks.
18:31I'm waiting to get us in the ring right now.
18:32Yes, skipping the body donuts, one-on-one with Savio Vega.
18:35What a matchup that is going to be right here tonight, ladies and gentlemen.
18:39Diesel's here, Diesel's here, he's in the building.
18:42Yes, of course, we know Diesel is here, no doubt about that.
18:45Big Daddy Cool, just might join us.
18:48We'll be right back, stay with us.
18:54This week's spectacular World Tour de Force
18:56will rock your world when it comes to your town.
18:59Catch it live tomorrow night
19:00as we hit the Wacoma Co-Youth and Civic Center in Salisbury, Maryland.
19:05This Friday, we visit the Core State Spectrum in the city of Brotherly Love.
19:09Saturday, we take a bite out of the apple
19:12as we invade the Garden in New York City.
19:15This Sunday, we stop at the Catholic Youth Center in Scranton, PA.
19:19And one week from tonight,
19:21Johnstown's Cambria County War Memorial.
19:24Don't miss your chance to see the WWF's World Tour de Force.
19:28It's an international force to be reckoned with.
19:32Yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen, you're going to miss the live
19:34World Wrestling Federation action wherever you are.
19:36However, tonight, the action brought to you by Karate Fighters,
19:39just by Milton Bradley, the real hand-to-hand combat king.
19:45Skip and Sonny have been going through calisthenics and whatever,
19:49awaiting the presence of Savio Vega.
19:51Wait no longer!
19:55Savio Vega!
19:57Yeah, here we go!
19:58This man can electrify a crowd,
20:00and we've got a wild one here tonight,
20:02live at the Richmond Paroseum.
20:05Standing by, speaking to fly,
20:07here's Barry Daninsky.
20:09Hey, Vince, thanks a lot.
20:10Check it out.
20:11The most unbelievable item here for the World Wrestling Federation.
20:14It's the Undertaker denim jacket.
20:16Undertaker's logo right here.
20:18The World Wrestling Federation logo right here.
20:20But that isn't it.
20:21Take a look at the back of the jacket,
20:23because it is unbelievable.
20:26Not only do we have the Undertaker available,
20:28but we also have the Shawn Michaels jacket available.
20:31We also have the Big Daddy Gold Diesel jacket available,
20:35as well as the WWF Champion Bret Hart jacket is available.
20:40And these jackets are available in medium, large, extra large,
20:43and XXL for only $59.75.
20:46Back to you, buddy.
20:47All right, thank you very much.
20:48But right now, we have, here we go with Savio Vega hammering away.
20:53And Vega will take no guff from anyone, not from Skip,
20:56not from you, Jerry Lawler, not from anybody.
20:59He'll take whatever I give him, I'll tell you that right now.
21:02For the ride now, Skip in a nice reversal there, coming off and, my goodness.
21:06Look at that sign out there, Bodyguard and Fan Club, that's right.
21:09I bought it.
21:10And hammering away now.
21:13Being set up, it's Skip.
21:14Skip, no, nice maneuver by Skip, escaping again as well.
21:18Look at that, that was nicely done.
21:20That's why you don't see anybody holding up any Chevy Vega signs.
21:23Is that right?
21:25Finish him off, Skip, make short work of it.
21:27Finish him off, I don't think so, not with Savio Vega.
21:31Vega, set up for the ride, reversal now, coming off the rope, and Skip.
21:35Underneath that, and Skip, that's far from quite clever.
21:37Until there, Skip, and Skip might be seeing a few stars right now.
21:48Skip, to the buckle, Savio Vega moving in, and well, Vega a little slow on the mark.
21:53Skip now with a little momentum from the other side, and
21:57mind-body press, hooking the leg.
21:59And not much of a count there, a kick out by Savio Vega.
22:04And thus far, Skip is quite impressive here.
22:08Tonight on Raw, look at this.
22:10There's a huge crowd here tonight in Richmond, and
22:12I understand that somewhere in the crowd, I haven't been able to locate yet, but
22:15Bob Backlund is campaigning.
22:17Whoa, Bob Backlund campaigning, yes, Mr. President, last night at Survivor Series.
22:21Bob Backlund, good morning, Mr. President.
22:24Now that the government's back in business, so is Bob Backlund.
22:26And back body drop, whoa.
22:29Anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation, and
22:32just about did last night at the Survivor Series.
22:34Mr. Perfect has returned in the broadcast booth, uh-oh, now look at this.
22:39Savio moving right back in.
22:40Savio Vega, chopping away.
22:45Vega, an individual who has all kinds of charisma,
22:48all kind of athleticism as well.
22:53Come on, Skip, break it up.
22:55There you go.
22:56Skip with his own fan club here joining him.
23:03Whoa, wait a minute.
23:05Big Daddy Cool Diesel causing a stir.
23:09From the top to the outside, unbelievable.
23:14Where's Diesel going?
23:18Big Daddy Cool coming over this way.
23:21And from the looks of things, he doesn't seem to be a happy camper.
23:26What's he doing?
23:30He doesn't like it.
23:38And Diesel is disowned.
23:44Obviously, what's something to say?
23:51He left the arena at the Survivor Series.
23:54A lot of people are probably wondering where Big Daddy Cool's head's at right now.
24:00I'd like to know.
24:02You know, I thought about it, and I thought maybe I'd come out here and
24:06apologize for what I did to Brett, and for what I did to all my dear fans.
24:16Who needs him?
24:21I don't think so.
24:22You know, last night, when I went back to my hotel room,
24:27I wondered if I'd be able to get any sleep.
24:31For the first time in a year, I slept like a baby.
24:38When I woke up this morning, and I looked in the mirror,
24:45you know what I saw?
24:47I saw a smile on my face.
24:49It's the first time I saw myself smile in a year.
24:54Cuz I saw myself.
24:59Not some corporate puppet that you decided to create, Vince.
25:05I saw a smile on my face.
25:10It's the first time I saw myself smile in a year.
25:16You missed the ball on this one, baby.
25:20You missed the ball.
25:22After I won the title, 24 hours later,
25:26I'm up in Titan Tower with the marketing suits, the merchandising suits.
25:32Hey, Diesel, we need you to smile a little bit.
25:36We need you to be a little bit more politically correct.
25:39A little bit more corporate.
25:41A little bit more corporate.
25:53Well, baby, what you saw last night was the tip of the iceberg.
26:05Big Daddy Cool's back.
26:11That same guy you saw in Providence at the Royal Rumble a couple of years ago.
26:27The only thing that matters to me right now is my family, my friends.
26:35That glued you a shot, Michaels.
26:37And I'm not saying something.
26:39I'm not saying I'm not gonna smack hands.
26:42But I better have a black glove on it, baby, cuz I know you're with me.
26:51Whether you like me, love me, or hate me,
26:55hey, it's the way it's gonna be.
26:58I'm back.
27:00I'm back.
27:02Big Daddy Cool Diesel with a rather candid interruption,
27:07I think you would have to say.
27:10I, I...
27:11I like it.
27:13I like it.
27:15You like it?
27:16I like it.
27:17I like it.
27:18I like it.
27:19I like it.
27:20I like it.
27:21I like it.
27:22I like it.
27:23I like it.
27:24I like it.
27:25I like it.
27:26I like it.
27:27I like it.
27:28I like it.
27:29All seven feet of him, and unquestionably, he has his fans.
27:33I don't think what's gonna happen on Raw, it's live.
27:40I see you're not wearing a black glove, McMahon.
27:42Big Daddy Cool Diesel,
27:46an extraordinary match last night,
27:52losing the WWF Championship to threaten the Hitman Hart.
27:58And after he did, losing his cool, and
28:02I think he has still lost his cool.
28:06Big Daddy Cool Diesel on his way out of the building.
28:12Tomorrow night on pay-per-view, witness the trauma.
28:20I've never seen Bret Hart so vicious in my life.
28:22It's no holds barred here.
28:24Second official, Diesel has lost it.
28:27The emotion.
28:28Rage Robot's gonna come after the champ.
28:30The heroics.
28:31Roman Johnson.
28:32He did it again.
28:35The macabre.
28:36The Tombstone is coming.
28:39This is phenomenal.
28:41Nothing can stop the wrath of The Undertaker.
28:43Witness the most unforgettable night in sports entertainment.
28:47The WWF Survivor Series, a special encore presentation.
28:52Tomorrow night at 8, 7 Central, in living color.
28:56Only on pay-per-view.
29:00That's tomorrow night, but tonight, ladies and gentlemen, momentarily,
29:03Shawn Michaels one-on-one with the King of Hearts.
29:07Oh, and stay with us for more action.
29:13He stole The Undertaker's power source and
29:16turned his guiding light into a shining band of gold.
29:20Now, he's putting that gold up for grabs in order to get revenge for
29:24the closed casket funeral.
29:26The Undertaker.
29:28At the Survivor Series, the man from the dark side revealed he has become
29:32even darker and more terrifying than ever.
29:35So, there's no telling what he'll do in order to get back the secrets
29:38once held in his earth.
29:40The Undertaker.
29:43The chain.
29:45Brother Love returns to interview WWF Champion Bret the Hitman Hux.
29:49All this and more next week on RAW.
29:52Yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen.
29:54That's next week.
29:55And what a matchup it's gonna be.
29:57Comma against The Undertaker.
29:59Oh, yes.
30:01And Brother Love is back.
30:03Brother Love.
30:04I'll tell you what.
30:05I've donated a lot of money to televangelists in my day,
30:08but I can bring it all to a halt next week.
30:10Brother Love is back.
30:11I believe in love.
30:12And Bret the Hitman Hux, the new WWF Champion against Brother Love.
30:18And The Undertaker, I would suggest, likely to get the urn back.
30:22And if he does, imagine the power of The Undertaker.
30:25Oh, my.
30:26However, right now.
30:28Here we go.
30:34Rich Mendes is on fire.
30:38Shawn Michaels.
30:40Shawn Michaels.
30:47Shawn Michaels.
30:59Mr. Electricity.
31:01Mr. Clairvoyant.
31:05Mr. Rebellion.
31:17Shawn Michaels ready himself to rock out with Brother Love.
31:28Shawn Michaels against The White Heart.
31:31Two tremendous competitors here tonight.
31:33Live from the Richmond Coliseum.
31:35It is Raw.
31:37WWF style.
31:39You know, last night in Survivor Series,
31:41Shawn Michaels kicked it off for his team,
31:43and Owen Hart kicked it off for his team.
31:45They started against each other in that wild card match,
31:48and it set the tone for a fantastic match.
31:50I can't think that this will be anything but the same.
31:54All right, now, Michaels getting rid of Owen Hart,
31:57but not for long.
31:59Almost an upset right there.
32:01Off the rope.
32:02Down goes Michaels.
32:03Michaels to it.
32:04Oh, my.
32:05Hand over to him.
32:06Nicely done by Owen Hart.
32:07Two in.
32:08Again, a number of near falls here.
32:11Back and forth.
32:13Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels.
32:18Shawn Michaels and-
32:19Whoa, wait a minute.
32:20Whoa, look out.
32:22What a bridge by Michaels.
32:23That's one way to get out of it.
32:24Back, slow, fast.
32:25One, two, and-
32:26Almost a count of three.
32:27Michaels with another drag kick down.
32:29Michaels now with another.
32:31Owen Hart trying to-
32:32Oh, my goodness.
32:33He can't do anything against Michaels.
32:35Michaels with a drop kick.
32:36Owen Hart down.
32:37Get out of the way.
32:38Get out of there, Owen.
32:42Time for a little break.
32:47Shawn Michaels just last night in Survivor Series
32:50was a recipient of a razor's edge.
32:54Yokozuna dropped a huge leg on him as well.
32:57Notwithstanding, Sycho Sid, his own partner, powerbombed him.
33:00But nonetheless, we talk about the resilience of Michaels.
33:03That was a testament to Survivor Series
33:05was to that resilience of Shawn Michaels.
33:07I think a lot of it has to do with that huge ego of his.
33:10I understand it's so big, it's about to apply for statehood.
33:13You know, no matter how much he gets hurt, he just-
33:16These fans, he can't seem to let his fans down.
33:20He's got to get out there no matter what.
33:22From the other side now.
33:23Michaels puts on the brakes.
33:25Oh, yes.
33:26Oh, yeah.
33:27Michaels going to work on Owen Hart.
33:29Plus, he doesn't mind cheating.
33:31Michaels now, and-
33:33Missing with a clothesline.
33:34Oh, no.
33:35And a devastating maneuver by Owen Hart.
33:38Reversing the clothesline on Michaels.
33:41Look out.
33:42Here comes Owen Hart.
33:45Beautiful slide.
33:47Right in the jaw.
33:51On the outside, Shawn Michaels trying to get himself together.
33:57What the-
33:58And a little slow in getting up.
34:00It was real optimistic coming in, you know.
34:03Thought he'd win the match for sure tonight.
34:06Michaels, of course.
34:10Unfortunately, attacked outside a nightclub in Syracuse, New York.
34:15Suffering a concussion from nine woodlands, I guess you'd have to call it.
34:20In any event, that even did not deter Michaels from returning to action
34:24here in the WWF.
34:25And he is back with a vengeance.
34:26Back in the ring right now, and-
34:28One, two, and three.
34:30Oh, that was close.
34:31Uh-oh, Owen Hart thought he won.
34:36And again, considering what Shawn Michaels went through last night
34:39in Survivor Series, Owen Hart, perhaps the fresher of the two.
34:43And Owen Hart, who knows, Owen Hart could very well defeat
34:46Shawn Michaels here tonight.
34:48That's right.
34:49On Raw.
34:50Shawn Michaels may run out of resiliency.
34:52And Michaels.
34:55Now receiving it from the end of the back.
34:57And again, attacking the lower back area.
34:59Owen Hart, who calls himself the King of Hearts.
35:02You know, every inch of Shawn Michaels' body has got to be sore.
35:06Every inch of it.
35:08The Survivor Series, unquestionably, will take a great deal out of anyone.
35:12And right now, oh my goodness, it's Owen Hart taking it out of Shawn Michaels.
35:17Come on, Riff.
35:20And Jim Cornette wanting a little faster count.
35:25Michaels with a never-say-die attitude.
35:37Just what does Shawn Michaels think of his good friend,
35:40Big Show?
35:41Big Show.
35:42Big Show.
35:43Big Show.
35:44Big Show.
35:45Big Show.
35:46His good friend, Big Daddy Cole Diesel in his new attitude,
35:48or I should say maybe his old attitude.
35:50Hopefully after this match, he will try and get a word with Shawn Michaels,
35:54whether he wins or loses, to find out.
35:56But right now, Michaels hammering away.
36:00Shawn Michaels coming up to rope now.
36:04Devastating maneuver.
36:05That's gotta do it.
36:06Oh, and over the cover.
36:07The match continues.
36:08Stay with us.
36:11We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
36:12You've seen live action on Raw on the right of the screen.
36:16And this is what you missed on the left side as we went to the break.
36:19Owen Hart.
36:21Calling Dr. Yankum.
36:22Calling Dr. Yankum.
36:23What do you mean?
36:24To it.
36:25A kick out there.
36:26I think he got down about three of Shawn Michaels' teeth.
36:31Off the rope and all the way to middle.
36:33Nicely done by Owen Hart.
36:35Owen Hart with a leg drop down.
36:38Owen Hart continuing to hammer into the head of cover.
36:41To it.
36:42A kick out barely.
36:45What does it take to put Shawn Michaels away?
36:47Coming off the rope now.
36:48Oh, wait a minute.
36:49Here we go.
36:51Michaels trying to get Owen Hart down.
36:54Another backslide.
36:55This'll do it.
36:56Kick out, Owen.
36:59And a clothesline.
37:01I said Shawn Michaels was optimistic coming in, but that optimism may be waning.
37:06Speaking of optimism, I think the Optimist of the Week award has to go to actor Tony Randle.
37:10What do you mean?
37:11What do you mean?
37:12Well, you know, he's 75 years old and he just married a young lady.
37:1525 years old.
37:1750 years his junior.
37:19He's my new hero.
37:20That's optimism for sure.
37:23And Shawn Michaels may not be so optimistic about his chances in this matchup.
37:28Here he comes.
37:30Elbow to the butt of the jaw.
37:31Michaels moving right into Owen Hart.
37:33That's what you have to do.
37:34You have to be aggressive.
37:35You have to fire off offensively.
37:37And Michaels, one of the best at it.
37:39You have to cheat, looks like.
37:40Watch those fists.
37:41A right hand.
37:42And a rake in the face by Owen Hart.
37:45And Owen Hart now with a headbutt.
37:49Tremendous action in this matchup.
37:51Ladies and gentlemen, here we go.
37:53And for the ride, it's-
37:54Oh, no, no.
37:56Michaels set up upstairs now.
37:59Owen Hart.
38:00Here we go.
38:01This may get completely out of control just like Diesel and Bret Hart last night.
38:05No, no, no!
38:06This one's history!
38:08It's not.
38:09Oh, my goodness.
38:12Michaels almost pinned Owen Hart.
38:13That was close.
38:16He is resilient.
38:17How does he-
38:18How does-
38:19How is he able to reverse that?
38:21Come on, Owen.
38:22He's almost a magician.
38:23Michaels, nonetheless.
38:24And Owen Hart having a go.
38:25And next, of course, as we outlined earlier,
38:27it's the Supreme Fighting Machine, Kama.
38:32The Supreme Fighting Machine, Kama.
38:34One-on-one with the Phenom in the WWF.
38:38The Undertaker next week.
38:41And the Undertaker with the last-ditch effort to recapture the urn.
38:46Yeah, that's right.
38:47And if he doesn't do it, that urn is gone forever.
38:50That means the Undertaker's power is history.
38:54Owen Hart and Michaels.
38:56A moment ago, Kalani.
38:59Yeah, Hakushi would have been jealous.
39:01I mean, Shawn Michaels flew through the air.
39:03Look at that.
39:04Right back up.
39:05Up high.
39:06A hard right hand by Shawn Michaels.
39:08Shawn Michaels hammering away now.
39:10Michaels with a setup and a hard right hand.
39:13Owen Hart.
39:14For the ride.
39:15Oh, my goodness.
39:16Yes, and oh, yeah.
39:18Here we go.
39:21This looks bad.
39:22Get up, Rowan.
39:23Cornette, do something.
39:24Perhaps a little chin music.
39:29Shawn Michaels could be setting up Owen Hart.
39:31Here we go.
39:32Big slam.
39:36To the outside.
39:39Going upstairs now.
39:40Harvest maneuver.
39:42Shawn Michaels from the top.
39:44And no.
39:48Uncovered by count of victory.
39:51Can you believe that?
39:52Owen Hart is kicking out.
39:54He's a little resilient himself, I'd say.
39:57Yeah, but I think it's time for a little chin music for sure.
40:02Oh, my.
40:07Look out, Owen.
40:08He's getting ready.
40:10Trying to set this up.
40:14Owen Hart now.
40:16Trying to hang on.
40:17He doesn't want to come out.
40:19Look at the hand.
40:20Devastating move by Owen Hart.
40:21Man, oh, man.
40:24It takes a king to know a king.
40:26And I'm proud to know the king of hearts.
40:28Owen Hart with an opportunity to finish this.
40:32Nailing Shawn Michaels in the back of the head with a brutal kick.
40:35Wait a minute.
40:36Look out.
40:39What a cheater.
40:41A sharpshooter almost applied on Shawn Michaels.
40:44What a grueling matchup.
40:48Michaels now.
40:51Needs to do something.
40:52Needs to mount an offense.
40:53But missing.
40:54It's Owen Hart.
40:56And Shawn Michaels from behind driving.
40:58Owen Hart hanging on.
40:59Michaels counting on it.
41:01Oh, my.
41:02Nicely done.
41:04Going out now.
41:05He's back in.
41:09Shawn Michaels is electrifying his capacity crowd here in Richmond.
41:14Shawn Michaels.
41:21Shawn Michaels.
41:29Michaels is just.
41:30Shawn Michaels.
41:35Shawn Michaels.
41:46Michaels is down on the canvas.
41:53And the official.
42:05What a blocker.
42:37Hey, big boy.
42:39Way to shake.
42:47Last night was all right.
42:56You got a doctor.
42:57You got a doctor.
42:58Here's a doctor.
42:59Right here.
43:00Make her.
43:03He's number one.
43:34Come on, give me some help here.
44:01Open your legs up.
44:09Sean, can you hear me?
44:16Pat Patterson, can you hear me?
44:24Take it easy, Sean.
44:26Come on, Sean.
44:41Come on, Sean.
44:54Let's do something, guys.
45:03He's okay, sir.
45:04He's okay.
45:05Yeah, he's coming.
45:07Yeah, he's coming.
45:08He's okay.
45:09He's okay.
45:10He's okay.
45:11He's okay.
45:12He's okay.
45:13He's okay.
45:14He's okay.
45:15He's okay.
45:16He's okay.
45:17He's okay.
45:18He's okay.
45:19He's okay.
45:20He's okay.
45:21He's okay.
45:22He's okay.
45:23He's okay.
45:24He's okay.
45:25He's okay.
45:26He's okay.
45:27He's okay.
45:28He's okay.
45:29He's okay.
45:30He's okay.
45:31He's okay.
45:32He's okay.
45:33He's okay.
45:34He's okay.
