• 3 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - “Quando una donna si trova a dover affrontare un tumore ovarico, o ginecologico, si trova di fronte a una vita che cambia, diventa più fragile. Con Acto Triveneto cerchiamo di stare al fianco di queste donne creando progetti e laboratori a loro dedicati, per farle stare insieme e agevolare lo scambio con altre donne che stanno vivendo lo stesso percorso. Ci aiutiamo tra di noi perché siamo tutte uguali”. Parole di Petra De Zanet, presidente Acto Triveneto, una delle sette associazioni regionali di Acto Italia, l’Alleanza contro il Tumore Ovarico che ha patrocinato il progetto di sensibilizzazione “Cambiamo Rotta”, sponsorizzato da Gsk. Dopo la tappa campana dello scorso maggio, il progetto è arrivato in Veneto, a Treviso, con un incontro dedicato alle donne con tumore ovarico e ai loro familiari.


00:00When a woman has to deal with an ovarian or gynecological tumor, she is faced with a life that changes, both a private life and a social life.
00:22So we find ourselves having to be in the hospital's ambulatory, in the chemotherapy rooms, with our body that is also changing.
00:34And it is there that we practically become more fragile.
00:38This fragility in many women, unfortunately, makes them unable to face the outside world.
00:47But at the same time, we also find the outside world that changes in us.
00:53With the act of trivalent, we try to stand by these very fragile women, trying to create projects with laboratories dedicated to them,
01:10to get them out of the house, to be in company with other equal women.
01:16So there is not only the discourse of the laboratory, but also the union between women who confront each other,
01:25between women who practically also talk about their path, but not only.
01:32Also the support before an attack, before a resonance, the strength that we all give ourselves, even when we have a negative outcome.
01:43So we help each other because we are all equal.
01:47We set up here in Treviso two very important projects, Movement and Nutrition, a sweet gym and also Nutrition,
01:58because it is very important when you are in chemotherapy to follow Nutrition, because this also helps a lot.
02:07Then we set up the Hand-kneading project, Grinding Flours, so we started to manipulate these flours,
02:15we made bread, we made pizzas, and they were really fantastic days,
02:20where we managed to get out very, very fragile patients who had not left the house for more than a year.
