आज साल 2024 का आखिरी सूर्यग्रहण लगेगा। भारतीय समयानुसार, ग्रहण का आरंभ रात 9.12 बजे होगा। कुरुक्षेत्र के धार्मिक शोध केंद्र के अध्यक्ष पंडित ऋषभ वत्स ने इस ग्रहण के कुप्रभावों के बारे में बताया। उन्होंने कहा कि यह सूर्यग्रहण भारत में नहीं दिखेगा। सूर्यग्रहण जिस क्षेत्र में दिखता है, वहीं दान किया जाता है। इसलिए यहां सूर्यग्रहण से संबंधित दान नहीं होंगे। लेकिन कुंडलियों में ग्रहण प्रभाव डालेगा। मंगल मिथुन राशि में विराजमान होकर केतु और सूर्य को चौथी दृष्टि से देख रहा है, जो कि हिंसा बढ़ाने वाला योग बनता है। ईरान, इजरायल, अमेरिका जैसे देश युद्ध में फंसते जा रहे हैं। शनि ग्रह अपनी राशि में बलवान है, लेकिन तीसरी दृष्टि से मंगल की मेष राशि को नीच दृष्टि से देख रहा है। यह योग पश्चिमी देशों, खासकर अमेरिका को युद्ध में फंसा सकता है। अमेरिका का युद्ध में शामिल होना, विश्व युद्ध के समान ही माना जाएगा। मंगल आसमान में शत्रु राशि, यानी मिथुन राशि में विराजमान है। इसके बाद वह कर्क राशि में रहेगा। इस काल में युद्ध की संभावनाएं बहुत प्रबल रहेंगी।
#Suryagrahan #Suryagrahan2024 #SolarEclipse #SolarEclipse2024 #America #WorldWar #IsraelIranConflict #PanditRishabhVatsa
#Suryagrahan #Suryagrahan2024 #SolarEclipse #SolarEclipse2024 #America #WorldWar #IsraelIranConflict #PanditRishabhVatsa
00:00See, this solar eclipse that will take place in the sky is invisible in India.
00:05And Jyotish Shastra also believes that the solar eclipse,
00:09the area where it is visible, that is where it is donated.
00:12There, the donations that will be made for the solar eclipse
00:15or the donations that will be made for the full moon,
00:17are made at that same place.
00:19Because this is invisible in India,
00:22and this Prashant Mahasagar and the western areas of the earth,
00:27at many places at night,
00:30that is, at the time of the night of India,
00:32that will be visible there at that time.
00:34But this is completely invisible in India.
00:36That is why the donations related to the solar eclipse will not be there.
00:39But now a special thing comes here that
00:42if I talk about the horoscopes here,
00:44then in the horoscope, in the sky, whenever the sun,
00:46the moon, the Rahu, the Ketu,
00:48will be in the same sign,
00:50then it is considered an eclipse.
00:52It is even written in the Lal Gita
00:54that the yoga of the moon, Ketu is called the moon eclipse.
00:57But if it is not visible,
00:59then the fairs related to it
01:02and donations, special donations are made,
01:05they are not done in that area.
01:08But the effect of the moon eclipse,
01:10it will definitely affect the horoscopes.
01:12Whether it is a solar eclipse or a moon eclipse,
01:14if it is in the sky,
01:16then it definitely affects the horoscopes.
01:18And now you are seeing that
01:20the big countries of the world like Israel, Iran,
01:24and countries like America
01:26are getting involved in a war.
01:29So Mars, which is an aggressive planet,
01:32is sitting in the Mithun sign
01:34and is looking at Ketu and Sun from the fourth view,
01:37which becomes a yoga that increases violence.
01:40And Saturn is sitting in its own sign and is very strong,
01:44but from the third view,
01:46it is looking at Mars from the lower view.
01:48Which somewhere in the mind,
01:50especially in the West,
01:52it can involve America in some fight.
01:56This is yoga.
01:57And there you will see their aggression and influence.
02:01What is the world war?
02:02If the big 5-7 countries of the world
02:04get involved in the war,
02:06like Russia is already in the war,
02:08but if the dispute between Iran and Israel is going on,
02:11and the violent activities are taking place in both countries,
02:15then if America also gets involved,
02:17then America's involvement will be considered like a world war in itself.
02:21Because if a very big country and a very strong country
02:24comes into a war,
02:26then there is a possibility of coming.
02:28See, a fight can never happen without the influence of Mars and Ketu.
02:31What is happening this time in the sky?
02:33Mars is the seat of the enemy sign, the Mithun sign.
02:36And as long as it stays in Mithun,
02:38it will stay in Karak.
02:39It is a low sign by going to Karak.
02:42So the time that will remain,
02:44this possibility of war will remain very strong.