The Mistletoe Promise Hallmark Holiday Romance Agreement Movie

  • last week
00:00:00There was some serious action over in Boston last night.
00:00:03Attempted robbery of a brooch containing gems called the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:00:08One of the thieves was shot during the attempt. He's still in the ICU.
00:00:12The other one got away.
00:00:14Must be some serious hardware.
00:00:16Well, he had roughly five million dollars.
00:00:18Oof, big money.
00:00:20The brooch was being picked up from the Gaines & Associates auction house last night to travel here.
00:00:25Martha's Vineyard?
00:00:27To the Pendray Hotel, to be specific.
00:00:30The Lakshmi Emeralds belong to Brittany Projnan.
00:00:33Britt as in Z's best friend?
00:00:36The emeralds were stolen from her family over 60 years ago.
00:00:39And you're thinking the action might be headed here.
00:00:41Well, Britt's hosting an event over at the Pendray tonight to celebrate the return of this infamous family heirloom.
00:00:49All the Vineyard elite is going to be there.
00:00:52Thornbury Security is overseeing the transfer.
00:00:55Well, coordinating, of course, with Martha's Vineyard PD.
00:00:58Well, Thornbury's top notch.
00:01:00You working with Mike Vinson?
00:01:01You know him?
00:01:02Well, he's ex-Boston PD.
00:01:04He offered me a job at Thornbury after I was discharged from the force.
00:01:09Well, actually, J.W., that's kind of why I'm here.
00:01:13Chief, I'm retired.
00:01:15Special, plainclothes detail.
00:01:18One night, and the pay is generous.
00:01:20Vineyard life's not cheap, and I know your pension's not going to take you that far.
00:01:24You're not wrong.
00:01:26You know, your father used to say you were the best detective in Boston.
00:01:30Well, from what I've seen, he was right.
00:01:33I would be a fool not to try to take advantage of those skills.
00:01:38And do I have to wear a suit?
00:01:40No, no, no, no.
00:01:43A tux.
00:02:14What do you think about the upgrade?
00:02:16The place looks great, Bob.
00:02:17Change is the only constant in life.
00:02:19Well, that or good coffee.
00:02:21Ain't that the truth?
00:02:23Fried clams.
00:02:25Homemade tartar sauce.
00:02:27Very nice.
00:02:38Peruvian dark roast?
00:02:40One sugar.
00:02:41You know me too well.
00:02:45You, uh, you hear about this?
00:02:47The Lakshmi Emeralds?
00:02:50Ah, yes.
00:02:51Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of prosperity, wealth, and purity.
00:02:56Thinks her great beauty, like the emeralds,
00:02:58drive people to extremes.
00:03:01That's probably why the brooch is said to be cursed.
00:03:04I don't know about that.
00:03:06But something like this comes to the vineyard,
00:03:08people tend to get a little overly excited.
00:03:11To extremes.
00:03:36Excuse me, sir.
00:03:38I am looking for a friend of mine.
00:03:40His name is Jeff Jackson.
00:03:42He's about your height.
00:03:43Green eyes.
00:03:45Wouldn't be caught dead in a suit.
00:03:47Your dad wanted me to wear tux.
00:03:50That wasn't gonna happen.
00:03:51Last time I wore one of those, it was senior prom.
00:03:54It was powder blue.
00:03:55Oh, I wish I would have seen that.
00:03:57If only you'd gone to school on the island.
00:03:59If only.
00:04:01Well, I assume your dad told you that he hired me tonight?
00:04:04Yes, Britt's very happy about it.
00:04:06So am I.
00:04:08I'm liking the new hair.
00:04:09Yeah, I thought it was time for a change.
00:04:11Z, looks like you got your man.
00:04:16I may have mentioned offhand
00:04:18that my dad could use some extra security,
00:04:20and that was supposed to be between us.
00:04:22So where's all this going down?
00:04:24Oh, right this way.
00:04:29Jeff Jackson.
00:04:31Long time.
00:04:32Heard about Boston.
00:04:33Sounds like somebody knew when you'd be picking up the gems.
00:04:36Yeah, sure looks like that.
00:04:38Z, Mike Vincent.
00:04:40Thornberry Security.
00:04:41Director of Thornberry Security, actually.
00:04:43This is Z Madaris.
00:04:45Dr. Z Madaris, actually.
00:04:48Everyone's acquainted now.
00:04:50Britt, I've noticed quite a few hotel guests milling about.
00:04:54Could we go over the registered guest list,
00:04:56figure out who's coming and going?
00:04:58I'll have Chelsea grab the logbook from my office.
00:05:01So, the unveiling will happen here in the parlor.
00:05:04Vineyard PD will take care of the perimeter.
00:05:07My boys will deliver the package.
00:05:09I'll be on point.
00:05:10Jeff, you can drift.
00:05:12You're good at that.
00:05:13Good at lots of things.
00:05:15So I hear, Mr. Jackson.
00:05:22So you're thrice presidential, I hear.
00:05:25Your name?
00:05:26Jefferson Washington Jackson.
00:05:28Ah, clever.
00:05:30This is my godfather, Willard Guilford.
00:05:32He loves wordplay.
00:05:36Britt's father and I, we're very close friends.
00:05:38I've looked after Britt since her parents passed away.
00:05:40And he's been my confidante ever since.
00:05:42In fact, he advised me on all the upgrades to the Pendray.
00:05:46And as Britt's family attorney,
00:05:47I've handled the return of the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:05:50Well, I should get to work.
00:05:52I need to do a walkthrough of the grounds.
00:05:54I'll join you.
00:05:55I know this hotel like the back of my hand.
00:05:59This is that primary access point.
00:06:01We'll make sure that no unauthorized personnel
00:06:03come in or out of the hotel.
00:06:05Well, if someone's gonna make a play for the Emeralds tonight,
00:06:07I doubt they're gonna walk out the front door.
00:06:09My great-great-grandfather gave them to his daughter.
00:06:12But when she fell in love with a peasant,
00:06:14he disinherited her.
00:06:15And worse, he got a holy man to put a curse on the Emeralds.
00:06:18You know, I'm thinking Vineyard PD
00:06:20should also patrol the courtyard.
00:06:22There's a lot of ground to cover out here.
00:06:23It's better if we hold the perimeter.
00:06:25No one in or out.
00:06:27If that's the way you want to play it.
00:06:29Anyway, my grandparents worked hard,
00:06:31saved, and built this hotel.
00:06:33When presidents and royalty visited the vineyards,
00:06:36they all wanted to see the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:06:38Until it was stolen right off of Brit's grandmother's dress
00:06:41while she was attending the opera.
00:06:43Grandma said it was the curse catching up with her.
00:06:45More like greed.
00:06:47It wasn't long after that
00:06:49until the Emeralds disappeared into the black market, right?
00:06:51Until a few years ago,
00:06:53when I finally believed that I had tracked them down.
00:06:56I held the brooch in my hands,
00:06:58only to discover that it was a fake,
00:07:00a well-crafted facsimile of the real thing.
00:07:02Yeah, Willard was heartbroken.
00:07:04Excuse me, Brit?
00:07:06I have that info you asked for from the logbook.
00:07:08Oh, thanks, Chelsea.
00:07:09Uh, Chief?
00:07:10Excuse me.
00:07:12Who was it that was trying to auction off the Emeralds?
00:07:14A month or so ago, a woman named Regina Fields
00:07:17brought them to Victor Gaines & Associates in Boston,
00:07:19completely unaware of their origins.
00:07:21Yeah, fortunately, the Gaines gemologist recognized them
00:07:24and they froze the auction.
00:07:26Victor Gaines contacted me.
00:07:28I confirmed that they were, in fact, the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:07:30Speaking of, we should murder the Emeralds.
00:07:32Speaking of, we should ready the package for transport.
00:07:35Mr. Guilford?
00:07:41Well, Mike Vinson seems to have everything under control.
00:07:44Yeah, let's hope so.
00:08:08Hey, are you coming in? The seats are filling up.
00:08:10Oh, it's fine. I'm gonna stand.
00:08:12I'm on duty.
00:08:18So, can you point out any mucky mucks
00:08:21that might have a special interest in the Emeralds?
00:08:24Well, the man in the glasses is Victor Gaines.
00:08:27As in Victor Gaines & Associates?
00:08:30The man in the house who identified the brooch, right?
00:08:33And who's the lady he's whispering sweet nothings to?
00:08:35That's Rebecca Lane.
00:08:37She runs the Vineyard Art Museum.
00:08:39We have an art museum? Never bad.
00:08:46That's Britt's cousin Lloyd. I haven't seen him in years.
00:08:49He's not Britt's favorite.
00:08:51Can't pick your family.
00:08:52Okay, if everyone can please take your seats.
00:08:54I'm gonna get my seat.
00:08:55Oh, yeah.
00:09:03Well, welcome all to the Pendray
00:09:06and to this historic night.
00:09:08Thank you so much for coming.
00:09:10I especially want to thank my godfather, Willard Guilford,
00:09:14and Victor Gaines for all they've done
00:09:18to bring the Lakshmi Emeralds home at last.
00:09:21And a very special thanks to Freddie and Regina Fields.
00:09:25When Regina Fields brought them to Mr. Gaines' auction house,
00:09:29one of his experts recognized the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:09:33Their provenance was verified,
00:09:36and so here we all are.
00:09:43In one week,
00:09:45I will be signing the brooch over to the Smithsonian,
00:09:48where it will be displayed
00:09:50alongside so many other priceless treasures.
00:09:53But during that time,
00:09:55guests of the Pendray will be able to see the Lakshmi Emeralds
00:10:00right here as I will be wearing them.
00:10:10And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.
00:10:26Ladies and gentlemen, the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:10:38Now that's worth stealing.
00:10:45And when my great-grandparents came to America,
00:10:48they were so proud of me.
00:10:52And when my great-grandparents came to America,
00:10:55that was all they had,
00:10:57not counting their love, of course.
00:10:59Oh, I like that.
00:11:01Now, where in India did you say the brooch originally came from?
00:11:04The gems themselves come from the Ajmer Rajasthan belt of Rajasthan.
00:11:09And they were cut and set into the brooch
00:11:12by a master craftsman in Jaipur.
00:11:14Pardon my intrusion, Adish Sharma.
00:11:16But please, call me Adi.
00:11:18Culture India magazine.
00:11:20I'm writing a comprehensive story on the history of the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:11:23I was very much hoping I could arrange an interview.
00:11:26I was actually just in the middle of doing that.
00:11:29Jackie Shaw, Vineyard Gazette.
00:11:32So sorry, I meant no offense.
00:11:35Miss Prajna, please call me. At your convenience.
00:11:43You're absolutely right.
00:11:46You know, if someone costs me a commission on a $5 million sale,
00:11:50I don't think I'd be treating them like my best buddy.
00:11:53Gaines has ulterior motives?
00:11:56I think 90% of his crowd has ulterior motives.
00:12:00Hey, guys.
00:12:03How does it feel?
00:12:05Not too shabby, right?
00:12:13So how'd it feel tonight, being back in the game?
00:12:16Better than hanging around, waiting for the bluefish to bite?
00:12:20This is a one-time deal, Mike.
00:12:24I'm retired.
00:12:26Come on, Jeff.
00:12:29I heard the rumors.
00:12:32I'm not going to let you down.
00:12:35I'm not going to let you down.
00:12:38I'm not going to let you down.
00:12:41I heard the rumors.
00:12:44What happened to your partner was not your fault.
00:12:50He wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me.
00:12:56You are too good a detective to be cashing in your chips
00:12:59and wasting away on this island.
00:13:02You remember that offer I made you?
00:13:06Yeah, well, it still stands.
00:13:08Come to Thornbury. Be my number two.
00:13:15Thanks, Mike.
00:13:17But I'm exactly where I need to be.
00:13:21Good night.
00:13:23I'm leaving.
00:13:27Hello, Britt.
00:13:30I'd embrace you, but I wouldn't want to damage the goods.
00:13:34Mr. Guilford.
00:13:36Mr. Projna.
00:13:38Quite the fairytale ending you've engineered for Britt.
00:13:41Completely disregarding my claim to the brooch.
00:13:43Your claim is entirely false, Lloyd.
00:13:45Britt's grandmother's will made that very clear.
00:13:48Lakshmi Emeralds were to be left to Britt.
00:13:52The brooch, the hotel.
00:13:55Britt gets it all.
00:13:59Good luck holding on to it.
00:14:02Everything okay?
00:14:10So you don't want me to wear it tomorrow or whenever because what?
00:14:15Somebody's going to try to take it off me at gunpoint or something?
00:14:18It's definitely a possibility, yeah.
00:14:20You don't know how many armed hold-ups I've dealt with back in Boston.
00:14:23But this is Martha's Vineyard.
00:14:25We have crime here too, Britt.
00:14:27My grandma would want me to wear it.
00:14:29My grandma would want me to wear it.
00:14:33Britt, listen to the professionals.
00:14:35I could never live with myself if anything ever happened to you.
00:14:38You can wear it at the hotel from time to time.
00:14:41Where there are security cameras and you're surrounded by trusted staff.
00:14:45But you need to lock it up here at 9.
00:14:52Yeah, you're right.
00:15:00How often do you change that?
00:15:02Every week.
00:15:04And only my assistant manager, Chelsea, and I have the code.
00:15:17Nice security system.
00:15:21Well, Larry convinced me to upgrade a few years ago.
00:15:26This is the right decision.
00:15:30Thank you, both.
00:15:37All good?
00:15:39All good.
00:15:41Now I'm going to wrap things up and head home.
00:15:43And I'll say my goodnights.
00:15:48Thanks, both of you, for today.
00:15:50Happy to help, Britt.
00:15:52After all, I did get paid.
00:15:54Well, I'm grateful you took the gig.
00:15:56Goodnight, guys.
00:15:58Take care, Britt.
00:16:00Did your dad take off?
00:16:01He said something about a basket of fried clams calling his name.
00:16:05Doesn't sound half bad.
00:16:06You asking me to dinner?
00:16:13You asking me to dinner?
00:16:16Not dinner dinner.
00:16:17Just beer and clams.
00:16:19Well, all right, then.
00:16:27Thanks for everything tonight.
00:16:29You were pretty great.
00:16:31Well, I am a well-trained former officer of the law, so...
00:16:42Oh, it's just the tartar sauce.
00:16:45I mean, I'm just saying you should try my tartar sauce.
00:16:49You make tartar sauce?
00:16:51Oh, yeah.
00:16:52Oh, yeah?
00:16:54I'm sorry.
00:16:55How did a mainlander get so cocky about his tartar sauce?
00:16:58It's not like I grew up in Iowa.
00:17:01You are aware that Boston is renowned for its seafood, are you not?
00:17:05Sure, if you can even call mainland cuisine seafood.
00:17:10And you're calling me cocky?
00:17:15Truth be told, my dad taught me his recipe for tartar sauce
00:17:18that last summer that I spent on the vineyard.
00:17:21Ah, yes.
00:17:22That was quite the summer.
00:17:24Yes, it was.
00:17:26We were such kids.
00:17:27We didn't think so at the time, though, did we?
00:17:29Well, look at us now, all grown up.
00:17:31Well, you're grown up.
00:17:32I'm still pretty immature.
00:17:40So, am I wrong?
00:17:42Yeah, no, what these need is my homemade tartar sauce.
00:17:46Oh, you make tartar sauce?
00:17:49I don't make tartar sauce.
00:17:51I bring it to life.
00:18:49Bold, bold statement.
00:18:52Britt, what's up?
00:18:54See, I think there might be someone in my house.
00:18:57Britt, call 911 and get out of there.
00:19:05Where is it?
00:19:08Hold on!
00:19:12Where is it?
00:19:37Oh, no!
00:19:53Okay, so let me know when anything changes.
00:20:08So, she has a concussion.
00:20:10She has a hairline fracture of the skull,
00:20:12which is causing cerebral edema,
00:20:14a swelling of the brain.
00:20:16It will subside,
00:20:17but she does need to stay here for a day or two.
00:20:19I'm sorry. I should have known.
00:20:21No, Mr. Jackson.
00:20:23It's because of you and Z that she's still alive.
00:20:25If anyone's to blame, it's me,
00:20:27helping bring that accursed brooch back to this island.
00:20:31I love that young woman like a daughter.
00:20:34There's nothing that I wouldn't do for her.
00:20:40Any ideas?
00:20:41Well, we all heard her cousin Lloyd
00:20:43threaten her tonight at the event.
00:20:45I think he has a place near Vineyard Haven.
00:20:47I'll run him down for a little chat.
00:20:49Thanks, guys.
00:20:56What's up?
00:20:57I was just thinking, if someone broke into her house,
00:21:00they're probably targeting the hotel, too.
00:21:16Did you see that?
00:21:18Yeah. Come on.
00:21:20It's okay, everyone. Please stay calm.
00:21:23It's okay.
00:21:28It's Jeff and Z. We need to check the safe.
00:21:30Yes, of course. Right this way.
00:21:38Wait. Let me see that.
00:21:53It's gone.
00:22:02The keypad and the fingerprint reader were both ripped out.
00:22:06The brooch was on the second shelf.
00:22:09It's the only item that was taken.
00:22:11Delta Chief, we got something.
00:22:15Take a look at this.
00:22:19The main breaker was shut off.
00:22:25What's this?
00:22:28Somebody intentionally cut the power.
00:22:41The power went out about 11.45, so it would start at 11.30.
00:22:46Well, the basement cam's completely blacked out.
00:22:49The thief didn't have a lot of time to bypass the locks
00:22:52and get out of the hotel unseen.
00:22:54These look like your guests.
00:22:56I mean, yeah, I think so.
00:23:01He's trying to hide his face. He knows he's on camera.
00:23:04Chelsea, scroll back to before the power went out.
00:23:10Keep going.
00:23:12Let's see if anyone passes through who might resemble our guy in the hoodie.
00:23:15We're gonna need to look at anyone who was at the event
00:23:17who had any kind of connection to the brooch.
00:23:19Well, obviously Cousin Lloyd.
00:23:21Already on the list.
00:23:22Victor Gaines from the auction house.
00:23:24The couple who returned the brooch.
00:23:26Fields, yeah. Freddy and Regina, right?
00:23:30And then, of course, Willard, but I just really don't think he's a suspect.
00:23:34Already called him. Voicemail.
00:23:36Pause it.
00:23:38You recognize him, Z?
00:23:41Oh, that's the waiter.
00:23:43Same build as the guy from the front door.
00:23:45Well, whoever he is, he just went to the top of the list.
00:23:53The ferries and the airports are shut down till tomorrow.
00:23:55The Coast Guard will be patrolling the marinas.
00:23:57Make sure there's no midnight departures.
00:23:59See you in the morning.
00:24:00Good night, Dad.
00:24:02Night, Chief.
00:24:03Good night, J.W.
00:24:05Thanks again for helping us tonight.
00:24:07Yeah, of course.
00:24:09You worried about Brad?
00:24:11Yeah, but she's tough. She'll be okay.
00:24:14Let me get you home.
00:24:18You know, there's one thing that's still bothering me.
00:24:20What's that?
00:24:21That you assume you make better tartar sauce than I do.
00:24:24Oh, come on.
00:24:26We'll see.
00:24:40Another late night for you, huh?
00:24:42You could say that.
00:24:44Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.
00:24:49What about the theft at the Pendray?
00:24:51How'd you hear about that?
00:24:53Nothing travels faster than light,
00:24:55exception to bad news.
00:24:57Jackie posted the story last night.
00:24:59Last night?
00:25:00How'd she get it that fast?
00:25:02I don't know.
00:25:03Why don't you ask her?
00:25:13I hear you were there last night when the Lakshmi emeralds were stolen.
00:25:16Who told you that?
00:25:17You know I can't burn my source.
00:25:19Do you want to give me a statement?
00:25:21You know the rules.
00:25:22Why would the Chief want a statement?
00:25:23I already tried. He gave me nothing.
00:25:25But I figured you and I have a much better relationship.
00:25:29Oh. Do we?
00:25:32What do you say?
00:25:35I'm sorry, Jackie.
00:25:36But, uh, you have a wonderful day.
00:25:45Morning, J.W.
00:25:47Morning, Chief.
00:25:48I wanted to let you know I stopped by Lloyd Projna's house.
00:25:52No answer, no car in the drive.
00:25:54Hasn't been seen at the terminals.
00:25:56But we're looking.
00:25:58There's gonna be a lot of people to question.
00:26:00I know the last time you helped us out,
00:26:02it was supposed to be a one-time thing.
00:26:05I hate to ask.
00:26:07I was kind of hoping you would.
00:26:09You know, this is more than just a five-million-dollar family heirloom.
00:26:13Someone went after Britt, put her in the hospital.
00:26:17Z could have been with her.
00:26:22Where do you want to start?
00:26:24Well, have you located that mysterious little waiter?
00:26:29Then why don't I start with Stan over at Vineyard Island Catering?
00:26:32They're worth the job.
00:26:33Sounds good.
00:26:37We'll find this guy.
00:26:41Yeah, I recognize him.
00:26:43Last-minute hire. Rodney Emerson.
00:26:46He's supposed to pick up his check this morning, but he no-showed.
00:26:53I tried his number, but it's no longer in service.
00:26:56Well, it says here he lives at 4 Yawkey Way.
00:27:00That's Fenway Park.
00:27:02Oh, yeah.
00:27:03Guy's got a sense of humor. I'll give him that.
00:27:06Hey, thanks, Stan.
00:27:10Didn't you run priors on a Rodney Emerson?
00:27:13Yeah, I'll have O'Connor run him through the system.
00:27:16Oh, hey, listen. I tracked down the fields.
00:27:19Those people who had to give up the brooch, it turns out they're staying on the island.
00:27:23It's right near you.
00:27:24Text me the address.
00:27:27Britt, I'm so sorry.
00:27:32At least I'm alive.
00:27:34But I just...
00:27:36I just got the amulets back.
00:27:38I know.
00:27:39You know my dad has the entire force working on it, right?
00:27:45How did Willard take the news?
00:27:48I actually don't know. We haven't been able to reach him.
00:27:55Yeah, we were in disbelief when we heard what happened.
00:27:58Even in a lovely place like this, such a violent crime like that could be committed.
00:28:03But, of course, I should know that.
00:28:06And why's that?
00:28:08Regina was mugged twice outside Al Brownstone.
00:28:11But I've taken the necessary precautions.
00:28:14Good for you.
00:28:16May I ask you, whereabouts last night?
00:28:18We were in town for a while. We heard some music at the Duke.
00:28:22We're not under any kind of suspicion, are we?
00:28:24I'm just working in conjunction with being your P.D.
00:28:27And we're going through the necessary protocol.
00:28:29Well, as my husband said, this was all quite a shock for us.
00:28:32I bet it was an even bigger shock when you realized that the brooch didn't actually belong to you.
00:28:36Yes. Yes, it was.
00:28:38Of course, when I bought it at an estate sale, I had no idea it was stolen goods.
00:28:42No one did. Gaines said it's probably changed hands dozens of times.
00:28:46Did you know Victor Gaines previously?
00:28:48Only by name. We brought the brooch to him for appraisal.
00:28:52We certainly didn't expect to learn that what we had were the Lakshmi Emeralds.
00:28:56Of course not. But it was Gaines who invited you to the event at the Pendray.
00:29:00Oh, we wanted to come.
00:29:02See, that sweet girl's family heirloom returned.
00:29:05Well, thank you for your time.
00:29:07You plan on heading back to the mainland soon?
00:29:09We actually have the rental for another two weeks.
00:29:12We were hoping to enjoy our time on the vineyard.
00:29:14Good. Well, enjoy.
00:29:23Then they said they're staying on the island for another couple of weeks.
00:29:26Well, they must be pretty miffed.
00:29:28Losing a five million dollar brooch and then see it's stolen?
00:29:31You would think, but they played it pretty close to the best.
00:29:34Any luck on Emerson?
00:29:36Well, we ran priors and found a connection between our waiter friend here and this thief, Sean Murphy.
00:29:42That's the guy Thornberry put in the ICU.
00:29:44He was the one who was trying to steal the Emeralds outside the auction house.
00:29:47He's still in a coma.
00:29:48So then Emerson must be the driver who got away.
00:29:50We got patrols out going door to door. We will find him.
00:29:53What about Victor Gaines?
00:29:55I called the auction house over in Boston.
00:29:57They said he was not available.
00:29:59They say, why not?
00:30:01So you thinking he's still on the island?
00:30:03Well, we got people out looking for him and for Cousin Lloyd.
00:30:06All of a sudden, everyone seems to be MIA.
00:30:09Hey, Z, what's up?
00:30:12J.W. has graciously consented to help us out.
00:30:14That's great.
00:30:15Um, I'm here because Britt's awake, so you can talk to her if you want to.
00:30:18I do, I do.
00:30:19And I called Willard again to tell him what happened and there's still no answer.
00:30:25Why don't you and I swing by? Tell him in person.
00:30:29Keep in touch, guys.
00:30:30Will do.
00:31:00Let's take a look around.
00:31:04Jeff, is that a tie?
00:31:07That's Willard's.
00:31:17Let's see.
00:31:19Oh, no.
00:31:28He's dead.
00:31:34We've been away for a while, haven't we?
00:31:36We're very concerned about you.
00:31:38We're worried about you.
00:31:40We're worried about you.
00:31:42Echo, five.
00:31:44We lost him.
00:31:45We don't see him.
00:31:46We're working on him.
00:31:47We're working on him.
00:31:50You okay?
00:31:55When we were kids, he used to take me and Britt sailing.
00:32:00Do you remember that beautiful boat he had, Dad?
00:32:03Sure, I do.
00:32:04He was a good man.
00:32:06No sign of forced entry in the house, Chief.
00:32:09Nothing appears amiss.
00:32:11The coroner showed up.
00:32:12Yeah, I sent him down.
00:32:16Did you find something, Zae?
00:32:18Well, no blood.
00:32:20No blunt force trauma, but I found these.
00:32:22It's nitroglycerin.
00:32:24He had a bad heart.
00:32:26So, cardiac arrest?
00:32:28He's got some odd cutaneous marks here,
00:32:31and some more here and here.
00:32:34And then do you see these abrasions on his wrist?
00:32:38Looks like he was tied up.
00:32:40Do you have any idea what might have caused these marks?
00:32:42No, but he was clearly under duress.
00:32:45And given that he had a heart condition...
00:32:47So, we're likely looking at a murder.
00:32:51Did you find anything on the security footage, Chief?
00:32:53We're still going through it.
00:32:54And what about Lloyd Prajna?
00:32:56He's not answering any of his phone calls.
00:32:58We got to find Rodney Emerson yesterday.
00:33:05Do you mind helping me?
00:33:07Telling Britt?
00:33:09Yeah, of course.
00:33:12Come on.
00:33:21I just...
00:33:23This is so, so awful.
00:33:26Maybe the legend is true.
00:33:28You know, like the Hope Diamond.
00:33:29Maybe the brooch is cursed.
00:33:32I never should have had it brought back here.
00:33:37Don't even go there.
00:33:39It's not your fault.
00:33:46I'll take them.
00:33:57It's from Willard.
00:34:00He must have sent them before.
00:34:04I'm sorry.
00:34:05See, can you...
00:34:09My darling Britt.
00:34:11I'm so sorry.
00:34:13I'm so sorry.
00:34:16My darling Britt.
00:34:18Your safety means more to me than any gems.
00:34:22Let the brooch stay buried in the annals of time.
00:34:25We must discard the transient and seek the true.
00:34:29For that, I hope you'll return to the works of Clifford Moncrief.
00:34:32They are a light in the darkness.
00:34:35Love, Willard.
00:34:39Who's Clifford Moncrief?
00:34:43I don't know.
00:34:44Why do I feel like I know that name?
00:34:50It's late.
00:34:51You gonna head home?
00:34:53I still gotta do Willard's autopsy.
00:34:56He's gonna be okay?
00:34:58You need to know how he died.
00:35:00Yeah, I was thinking I might head back over to the Pendray.
00:35:03Get a nightcap.
00:35:05You're going back to poke around, aren't you?
00:35:07You're pretty good at this whole detective thing, huh?
00:35:10I'll check in later.
00:35:27I'll take a beer.
00:35:39How are you?
00:35:40Very well.
00:35:41Oh, I'm so happy that you called.
00:35:44So, how was the...
00:35:46I hope I'm not interrupting.
00:35:48Um, can we help you?
00:35:50Jeff Jackson.
00:35:51Friend of Brit.
00:35:53Oh, yes, of course.
00:35:54You were, um...
00:35:55You were at the event.
00:35:57Mind if I join you?
00:35:58Oh, we were just...
00:35:59Discussing our dealings in the, uh...
00:36:01In the art world.
00:36:03As in $5 million emerald brooches?
00:36:06You have any idea where that might have disappeared to?
00:36:08Well, I imagine it's already on the black market.
00:36:10You seem pretty confident.
00:36:12You have a lot of experience in that sort of thing?
00:36:15No, just an assumption, actually.
00:36:17I don't know anything about that side of the business.
00:36:19You know, Jeff, I'm sorry, but if you'd excuse us,
00:36:22I think we'd like to continue our evening.
00:36:24Of course, just one more thing.
00:36:26Victor, you seem pretty chummy with, uh...
00:36:29Willard Guilford.
00:36:31Well, our paths have crossed over the years.
00:36:33I consider him a friend.
00:36:35Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this,
00:36:37but Willard was found dead earlier this evening.
00:36:43We believe he was killed.
00:36:47Uh, well, it's, uh...
00:36:49This is shocking to hear about Willard, Mr. Jackson.
00:36:56I don't know anything about his death,
00:36:58but please, if you could excuse me.
00:37:00Rebecca, we should go.
00:37:01I think so.
00:37:06Good night.
00:37:11Good night.
00:37:34Phone ringing
00:37:40Hey, Jeff, it's Stan.
00:37:42That guy you were looking for?
00:37:43Yeah, Rodney Emerson?
00:37:44Yeah, he just came by to pick up his paycheck
00:37:47and I got a local address for him.
00:37:49Yeah, thanks, Stan.
00:37:51Could you text it to me?
00:37:52You got it.
00:38:36Okay, no laceration, but you have a heck of a contusion.
00:38:39I would have ran the guy down,
00:38:41but it's a bit harder when you see him double.
00:38:43I shouldn't even have been here without backup.
00:38:45Come on, get away.
00:38:46It seems like he did.
00:38:48Fair point.
00:38:51This will help reduce swelling.
00:38:54Quite the bedside manner you got there, Doc.
00:38:57Is that how you take care of people back in New York?
00:38:59They were better behaved.
00:39:00Ha, ha, ha.
00:39:04So how'd you get into that business anyway?
00:39:09Well, growing up, it was just me and my dad.
00:39:11And we took care of each other.
00:39:14It just got to be something I was good at
00:39:17and something I enjoyed.
00:39:20There were a lot of people who needed taking care of in New York.
00:39:23And I needed a change, so...
00:39:25Then we brought you back.
00:39:28That was a different kind of change.
00:39:31Very mysterious.
00:39:35Whatever you say, Detective.
00:39:37J.W., you okay?
00:39:39Oh, he'll be just fine.
00:39:42Anything in there that might help us find this guy?
00:39:44I'm afraid not, but I just heard from the station.
00:39:46Lloyd Projna's neighbor called in a tip.
00:39:49Lloyd is back home.
00:39:51Well, let's go pay him a visit.
00:40:02Hi, Lloyd.
00:40:04Remember me? I'm Chief Medeiros.
00:40:06This is Jeff Jackson.
00:40:08We'd like to ask you some questions.
00:40:10Yeah? What about?
00:40:12Willard Guilford.
00:40:16Willard sent you over here to hassle me, huh?
00:40:19Doesn't he have better things to do?
00:40:21Nothing more.
00:40:25Willard Guilford is dead.
00:40:29Oh, and you think I had something to do with it?
00:40:31You had an altercation with Britton Willard at the Pendray.
00:40:34Night of the event.
00:40:37I was just upset about the brooch.
00:40:40I had fair claim to it.
00:40:42And Willard was the only one standing in your way.
00:40:44I wouldn't kill him.
00:40:46Where have you been since the event?
00:40:48I was out on a friend's boat.
00:40:50What's your friend's name?
00:40:52Sam something.
00:40:54I just met the guy.
00:40:56Okay, and unless I'm being charged with something,
00:40:59I'd really just like to catch a pulse of sleep.
00:41:02You know this guy?
00:41:07And you don't know anything about the missing brooch?
00:41:10If I knew something about the $5 million emerald brooch,
00:41:16do you think I'd still be here?
00:41:21Don't make any vacation plans, Lloyd.
00:41:24Is that how you do things in Boston?
00:41:26Not typically.
00:41:28I'm not a cop.
00:41:30Fair enough.
00:41:38Good idea.
00:41:40Text me that, will you?
00:41:42You got it.
00:41:44This car could have been stolen.
00:41:46I don't think so.
00:41:48I don't think so either.
00:41:51This car could be a match to Cousin Lloyd's.
00:41:53Same size, same shape.
00:41:55Well, so are half the cars on the island.
00:41:57I'm waiting on a warrant to search the property,
00:41:59including his car.
00:42:01Chief, got something.
00:42:05The keypads were pulled and exposed,
00:42:07but they weren't hacked.
00:42:09Whoever did it used a code.
00:42:11But Brit and Chelsea are the only ones with the access codes.
00:42:14This time code here matches the time
00:42:16when Brit put the brooch in the safe.
00:42:18So that's Brit's code, just like all these used before it.
00:42:21Except that one, the last code used.
00:42:23It's different.
00:42:25Someone had a master code.
00:42:27A backdoor into the safe that nobody else knew about.
00:42:31Now, the fingerprint reader itself was clean,
00:42:33so we couldn't pull an actual print off it.
00:42:35But when it's scanned, the print creates a data file.
00:42:37So like the access code,
00:42:39the last one used is different than all the other ones.
00:42:41So the print and the codes are different
00:42:43than Brit and Chelsea's, but they still worked.
00:42:46But why would the burglar rip out the keypads
00:42:48if he could bypass them with a code?
00:42:50To make it look like he couldn't.
00:42:52Or something else.
00:42:54This is the security footage from the night of the event.
00:42:57I matched two camera angles.
00:43:01That's Rebecca Lane.
00:43:03Yeah, and she's talking to Emerson.
00:43:06Print that for me.
00:43:08He wants to take a field trip to the Vineyard Art Museum.
00:43:12Oh, wonderful. Thank you.
00:43:18Something tells me
00:43:20you aren't here to enjoy our art.
00:43:24Hello, Chief.
00:43:26Can you tell us what you know about this man, Ms. Lane?
00:43:30Not a lot.
00:43:32You two look friendly.
00:43:34Well, he was working the event.
00:43:36His name is Rodney something.
00:43:40That's right. I was introduced to him by Victor Gaines.
00:43:42How does Victor know him?
00:43:45Just an associate from Boston.
00:43:47That's all he said.
00:43:51Well, thanks for your time, Ms. Lane.
00:43:53Of course.
00:43:59If she's telling the truth,
00:44:01that means Victor Gaines knows Rodney Emerson.
00:44:03Victor Gaines was expecting a nice percentage
00:44:05from the Latchney Emeralds auction,
00:44:07which got completely pulled out from under him.
00:44:09Maybe he's the big-time guy
00:44:11behind the small-time thief Emerson.
00:44:13Either way, Victor Gaines knows more than he's letting on.
00:44:19You read my article?
00:44:21Yeah. Yeah, it was, uh...
00:44:23It was good.
00:44:25You know, I actually wanted to offer you a lead
00:44:27on another story.
00:44:29I'm all ears.
00:44:31Willard Guilford's dead.
00:44:33Autopsy says induced heart attack.
00:44:35Likely after some kind of violent interrogation.
00:44:42Horrible? Yeah.
00:44:44Obviously, you should talk to the chief and Dr. Medeiros
00:44:46if you want any official statements.
00:44:51You know I don't burn my sources,
00:44:53but circumstances have changed.
00:45:01Willard Guilford was my source on the stolen product.
00:45:08Because he's the one who stole it.
00:45:17So you think Willard stole the brooch?
00:45:20Britt told us that he advised her
00:45:22on all the upgrades to the Pendray.
00:45:24And it makes sense that he would have a master code
00:45:26and a thumbprint to get into the safe.
00:45:28Yeah, but why would he betray her like that?
00:45:30That I don't know.
00:45:32Well, she was released this morning.
00:45:34We need to go tell her.
00:45:36My grandfather was particularly proud of his work
00:45:39in preserving the North Cove Lighthouse.
00:45:41It's now a museum in his honor.
00:45:43Well, I'll have to go and visit.
00:45:45Yes, I could give you a tour.
00:45:47Thanks, Britt.
00:45:49I have to say I was surprised to hear from you
00:45:51after what's happened.
00:45:53Well, that's actually the reason I called.
00:45:55Everything is being sensationalized.
00:45:58I just...
00:46:00Um, I'm so sorry.
00:46:02Can we continue this another time?
00:46:04Mr. Jackson.
00:46:06Mr. and Mrs. Fields.
00:46:08This is Dr. Z. Medeiros.
00:46:10Yes, I saw you the other night at the event.
00:46:12Yeah, that's right.
00:46:14Which feels like a lifetime ago.
00:46:16Any luck locating the emeralds?
00:46:18Not yet. Just use us.
00:46:20Of course.
00:46:22Uh, A.J., my friends Z and Jeff.
00:46:24A.J. is writing the magazine feature, I remember.
00:46:26Well, nice to meet you. Jeff?
00:46:30Thank you again, Britt.
00:46:32And I will take you up on that offer to tour the lighthouse.
00:46:36Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Fields.
00:46:38Let's take a walk.
00:46:42No, no, that makes no sense.
00:46:44It's absurd to think he stole the brooch.
00:46:46Britt, Will is the one who advised you
00:46:48to install the new security system, right?
00:46:50Yes, but...
00:46:52Did he have a master code?
00:46:54Can't something like that be hacked?
00:46:56Well, yes, but...
00:46:58We know it wasn't.
00:47:00I just...
00:47:02If it was him,
00:47:04then someone made him do it against his will.
00:47:06That's the only explanation.
00:47:14Do you think it might be possible
00:47:16that someone made him do it, like Britt said?
00:47:20Willard's not just gonna give up the brooch,
00:47:22which would explain
00:47:24why he was tied up and interrogated.
00:47:26His killer wasn't trying to find out
00:47:28where Britt was keeping the brooch,
00:47:30but where Willard had hidden it.
00:47:32That's a million-dollar question.
00:47:34Sorry. Slow day.
00:47:36No, what is
00:47:38the million-dollar question, Bob?
00:47:40Did Willard reveal where the brooch was hidden
00:47:42before he died?
00:47:46I think we should take a closer look
00:47:48inside Willard's house.
00:47:50Maybe it's been there the whole time.
00:48:16So this is how the other half lives.
00:48:22Looks like someone else
00:48:24let the Emeralds be here.
00:48:38J.W. I just talked to
00:48:40Lloyd Progena's neighbor.
00:48:42He left with a packed bag 20 minutes ago.
00:48:44Looks like he's skipping town.
00:48:46Got O'Connor going out to the airport.
00:48:48You're closer to the ferry. Can you get there?
00:48:50Yeah. We're, uh, leaving Willard's now.
00:48:52All right.
00:48:54Hey, Z, we gotta go.
00:48:56Wait, hold on.
00:49:10There he is.
00:49:12Stay here.
00:49:22Get out of the way!
00:49:24Get out of the way!
00:49:37Listen, Lloyd.
00:49:38My back's killing me.
00:49:40So I really don't want to fight you.
00:49:42But I'm pretty sure I'd win.
00:49:44So what do you say?
00:49:46You done?
00:49:48Come on.
00:49:49Let's go.
00:49:54There's a fire in control.
00:49:55We have to be there in a second.
00:50:06Are you okay to drive?
00:50:10It's just flaring up a little.
00:50:21Hey, Jeff.
00:50:23What happened that night?
00:50:25What night?
00:50:26You know what night.
00:50:37What happened was that my partner and I got in a firefight with a suspect.
00:50:4338 Special.
00:50:44That's what we called him.
00:50:46Because he killed with a .38.
00:50:49We were tracking him for a while.
00:50:53My partner and I both got hit.
00:50:56But only one of us died.
00:51:02Now, you prepare for it, but you never really prepare for it.
00:51:11And one thing's for sure.
00:51:15That .38-caliber slug on my back makes sure I never forget.
00:51:21A .38?
00:51:23Are you sure that's what you were shot with?
00:51:26I mean, yeah.
00:51:27That's what the perp carried.
00:51:31When you first came to see me, the x-ray of your back did not show a .38.
00:51:37What are you talking about?
00:51:40Whatever's in your head.
00:51:43Whatever's in your back is a different caliber bullet.
00:51:51Are you sure?
00:51:53I would bet my career on it.
00:51:58Because that would mean...
00:52:02That would mean there was a second shooter that night.
00:52:05I think it's possible that whoever actually shot you is still out there.
00:52:13It's a simple question.
00:52:15Why did you run?
00:52:17I'm not going to say anything without my attorney present.
00:52:20How'd you get that cut on your hand, Lloyd?
00:52:24Breaking into Willard's house?
00:52:34So Lloyd isn't talking?
00:52:38So Lloyd isn't talking? Yet?
00:52:42You think he did it?
00:52:44He's definitely hiding something.
00:52:46How do you know?
00:52:48People tend to deflect when they have something to hide.
00:52:54Like you.
00:52:56Like me?
00:52:57Outside Emerson's place.
00:52:59When I asked you what brought you back to the island, you dodged the question.
00:53:03That must mean...
00:53:05That it's personal.
00:53:09I came back because of a guy.
00:53:13A guy?
00:53:16A guy who was my fiancé.
00:53:19You were engaged?
00:53:23So? What happened?
00:53:36It's Willard's toxicology report.
00:53:39Okay, so in addition to taking nitroglycerin,
00:53:41he was also taking angiotensin receptor blockers.
00:53:44His heart was giving out.
00:53:46So he didn't have long to live.
00:53:48No. Why would someone steal a priceless brooch
00:53:51if they aren't even going to be around long enough to enjoy the benefits?
00:53:55The last thing that Willard said
00:53:57was that he would do anything for Britt.
00:53:59Right, so...
00:54:01And he made it look like a burglary, not an inside job.
00:54:04So he could throw the suspicion from himself.
00:54:06Unless he staged it to look like a burglary.
00:54:10So people thought the brooch was actually stolen to protect Britt.
00:54:14By stealing from her?
00:54:16Remember how upset he was that night at the hospital?
00:54:18I mean, Britt could have been killed.
00:54:20The brooch was putting her life in danger.
00:54:23But if people thought it was gone forever,
00:54:26she'd never be at risk.
00:54:29So to be sure she'd never be at risk,
00:54:32he told Jackie Shaw about the burglary that night
00:54:35so she could run with the story right away.
00:54:38Yeah, that actually makes sense.
00:54:40But what I don't understand
00:54:42is why he wouldn't just tell her before he did it.
00:54:44Again, to protect her,
00:54:46so she wouldn't be implicated in a crime.
00:54:49We have to talk to Britt tomorrow.
00:54:53Tell her the potentially good news about Willard
00:54:56and the potentially very bad news about Lloyd.
00:55:07That makes so much sense about Willard.
00:55:10And it means the key to finding his killer is finding that brooch.
00:55:13I gotta tell you, I find it hard to believe Lloyd would...
00:55:17I mean, I know he's unpleasant,
00:55:20but I don't think he's a murderer.
00:55:23Hello, everyone.
00:55:26Sorry to intrude.
00:55:28We're just so glad to see you're up and about.
00:55:31But deeply sorry to hear about Mr. Guilford.
00:55:34He was a lovely man.
00:55:36It's shocking.
00:55:39Have there been any leads,
00:55:41any closer to finding out who did it?
00:55:43The investigation's ongoing.
00:55:45Well, if there's anything we can do, please let us know.
00:55:48I don't have to be over the phone, though.
00:55:50We're on our way to the ferry now.
00:55:52Thought you mentioned you'd be staying on the island
00:55:54for the next couple of weeks.
00:55:56That was our original plan.
00:55:58Unfortunately, there's some pressing business
00:56:00that needs my attention.
00:56:02Ah. Well, safe travels.
00:56:05Take care.
00:56:17I assumed you asked me to meet you
00:56:19so you could give me another scoop.
00:56:21No scoops just yet.
00:56:22I asked you to meet me because I could use your help.
00:56:25Hmm. I'm listening.
00:56:27When you covered the Lashmi event,
00:56:29did you get any background on Freddie and Regina Fields?
00:56:32Freddie Fields comes from a very wealthy family.
00:56:35A known art collector, he recently offloaded several pieces,
00:56:39but nothing nearly as valuable as the Lashmi emeralds.
00:56:42His wife Regina runs a non-profit,
00:56:45has been honored for her philanthropy.
00:56:47So, by all accounts, good people.
00:56:51What about Victor Gaines?
00:56:53Seemed pretty straightforward.
00:56:55A few newsworthy auctions,
00:56:57but nothing notable in his personal history.
00:56:59I want to know more about Gaines and associates.
00:57:02You have anybody back in Boston that could dig into him?
00:57:05I could make a few calls.
00:57:07I'd owe you one.
00:57:09Yeah, you really are running up a tab.
00:57:11I'm good for it.
00:57:14How's Britt holding up?
00:57:16Oh, she's fine.
00:57:18We actually just met with A.J. Sharma,
00:57:20the writer for McCulture Indian magazine.
00:57:22How was that?
00:57:24I mean, she loves talking about her grandmother,
00:57:26but he just kept bringing up Willard,
00:57:29and it seems like he's obsessed with the curse.
00:57:31You think that's just a story angle?
00:57:33I mean, I feel like I'm being paranoid
00:57:36ever since the brooch came on the island.
00:57:38Z, you and I have a lot in common.
00:57:41The brooch came on the island.
00:57:43Z, you and I both know curses don't exist.
00:57:45It's Jackie Shaw.
00:57:49I asked her to run something down for me.
00:57:51Hey, Jackie.
00:57:53Ten years ago, Victor Gaines was charged
00:57:55with attempting to sell stolen jewels on the black market.
00:57:58Well, then how come he didn't show up on his record?
00:58:00His lawyer had it expunged, buried it.
00:58:02One of my contacts dug it up.
00:58:04I'm going to e-mail it to you right now.
00:58:06Yeah, thanks.
00:58:08Looks like we need to have another conversation
00:58:10with Victor Gaines.
00:58:22We're looking for a guest by the name of Victor Gaines.
00:58:32I have some more questions for you, Mr. Gaines.
00:58:36Can this be brief? I have somewhere to be.
00:58:38When I saw you at the Pendray bar,
00:58:40you told me you had no knowledge of trading on the black market.
00:58:43But ten years ago, you were charged
00:58:45with smuggling jewels out of Europe.
00:58:47Those charges were dropped.
00:58:49Yeah, because the key witness died two days before the trial.
00:58:52It's awfully convenient for you.
00:58:54As a matter of fact, it was quite inconvenient.
00:58:56Can you explain?
00:58:58I was innocent. If the case had gone to trial,
00:59:00I would have been completely exonerated.
00:59:02When the witness died, the prosecution decided to drop the case,
00:59:04but the damage to my reputation had been done.
00:59:06Now, if that's all...
00:59:08That's not all.
00:59:10What can you tell me about your friend Rodney Emerson?
00:59:14The waiter you introduced to Rebecca Lane at the event.
00:59:16Uh, yes, of course.
00:59:18It was a surprise to run into Rodney.
00:59:20He did some janitorial work at my building.
00:59:22At the auction house.
00:59:24Yes, that's right.
00:59:26Now, if we're done, I really must go.
00:59:31What's your intuition telling you?
00:59:33That was a total waste of time.
00:59:35How about yours?
00:59:37Redire ad fontem.
00:59:43It means return to the source.
00:59:45Rebecca Lane is connected to the Gaines,
00:59:47who's connected to Emerson, but who connects them both to the brooch?
00:59:49Willard Guilford.
01:00:11Hey, wait a second.
01:00:15What do you think about tracing this from the thief's perspective?
01:00:17Oh, okay.
01:00:19Come on.
01:00:25So he breaks this window, lets himself in.
01:00:29With what? I mean, there's nothing here.
01:00:33What is it?
01:00:35It's a piece of flashing that protects the glass.
01:00:37Must have got jarred loose
01:00:39when the window was broken.
01:00:41I didn't notice it before.
01:00:43Wait, that's blood.
01:00:47So he broke the window with his hand.
01:00:49And who do we know
01:00:51has a cut on their hand?
01:00:57I want to remind you that my client
01:00:59is here voluntarily.
01:01:01Your client is here
01:01:03because his blood was found on the smashed door
01:01:05at Willard Guilford's estate.
01:01:07The same estate that we found Willard's dead body.
01:01:09Maybe he was there
01:01:11to try to cover up some evidence.
01:01:13You have nothing connecting him.
01:01:15No, it's okay.
01:01:19I'd heard rumors Guilford stole the brooch.
01:01:21When he was found dead
01:01:23without the brooch, I thought
01:01:25maybe he might have hidden it somewhere.
01:01:27In his house.
01:01:29So you broke in?
01:01:31All I did was go in and look around.
01:01:35I don't know anything about the theft of the brooch.
01:01:37I don't know anything about Guilford's murder.
01:01:39Then we'll be holding you on the breaking and entering
01:01:41until that proves to be true.
01:01:47What if I have information?
01:01:49Like what?
01:01:53I want a deal.
01:01:55We can do what we can.
01:01:59That guy you're looking for?
01:02:03Rodney Emerson.
01:02:05I started following Victor Gaines around
01:02:07after Guilford turned up dead.
01:02:09He's chartered a boat
01:02:11down in Vineyard Haven Harbor.
01:02:13And why were you following him?
01:02:15I knew he was close to Guilford.
01:02:17I thought he might
01:02:19lead me to the brooch.
01:02:23How does this relate to Emerson?
01:02:25I saw that Emerson guy.
01:02:29Hanging around Victor's boat.
01:02:43Rodney Emerson?
01:02:59Martha's Vineyard Police!
01:03:01Come on out!
01:03:25Rodney Emerson?
01:03:39If Victor's
01:03:41trying to clean up his mess,
01:03:43why leave a dead Emerson on a boat he rented?
01:03:45Maybe because Victor's
01:03:47not the one who killed him.
01:03:49I'd say he hasn't been dead very long.
01:03:51Maybe two or three hours.
01:03:59Does that look familiar?
01:04:01Yes it does.
01:04:03Same wounds we found on Willard.
01:04:29So now the Gazette
01:04:31paddles in gossip?
01:04:33It wasn't my article, Jeff.
01:04:35I promise you
01:04:37whatever I write about this story
01:04:39will be the whole truth.
01:04:41You have to trust me.
01:04:43Do I?
01:04:47I don't know where this goes,
01:04:49but it's more background on Victor Gaines.
01:04:51Maybe there's something there.
01:04:53I'll let you know what I find.
01:05:23What is it?
01:05:25I don't know.
01:05:27I'll call you back.
01:06:03That's six months before the auction.
01:06:25Guess what the burn marks are from.
01:06:29A stun gun.
01:06:31The measurement between the two marks
01:06:33on both Willard and Emerson
01:06:35match the most common type of stun gun.
01:06:37That's an odd weapon of choice for a killer.
01:06:43Did you figure something out?
01:06:47But we need a confession.
01:06:49What is it?
01:06:51Well, we need a confession.
01:06:53And for that, we need to find those emeralds.
01:06:57We're at Array of Phantom.
01:06:59Come on.
01:07:01Let's take a drive.
01:07:15Hey, you find something?
01:07:17Flash me emeralds.
01:07:23And look.
01:07:25It's all Willard's boat.
01:07:31Willard's note to bread.
01:07:35Let the brooch stay buried in the annals of time.
01:07:37You had a way with words.
01:07:39We need to get on that boat.
01:07:51He's at Pier 4 at the marina.
01:07:53Ah, so these are the keys to the annals of time?
01:07:55Pretty good.
01:07:59There she is.
01:08:09So where would you hide a brooch?
01:08:11Willard using the word buried
01:08:13makes me think it's under our feet.
01:08:15Like a trap door?
01:08:17Under a person.
01:08:19Like a trap door?
01:08:21Under a person rug.
01:08:33What do we have here?
01:08:57Hey, Chelsea.
01:08:59Is Britt here?
01:09:03She took off about 15 minutes ago.
01:09:05Oh, she's already at the lighthouse.
01:09:07Okay, well, let's head over there.
01:09:11Hello, Z.
01:09:15We're just running to the lighthouse.
01:09:17The lighthouse?
01:09:19Yeah, you're meeting Britt there.
01:09:21Am I?
01:09:23Come on.
01:09:25Let's go.
01:10:05Voice mail.
01:10:07Britt always answers her phone.
01:10:09Chief, get a unit out to the North Cove lighthouse.
01:10:11We're on our way.
01:10:17I don't want to have to use this on you again.
01:10:25Just tell me where Willard hid the brooch.
01:10:27I don't...
01:10:29I don't know.
01:10:31He had to have told you.
01:10:33I swear.
01:10:35He didn't.
01:10:37He didn't. Please.
01:10:39Gaines isn't our guy, Chief,
01:10:41but while looking into him,
01:10:43I found some interesting information on the fields.
01:10:45We found a public notice that the fields
01:10:47were days away from having their assets seized.
01:10:49They're in massive debt to the IRS.
01:10:51They needed the money from the sale of that brooch.
01:10:53Regina said she'd been mugged twice
01:10:55outside of her brownstone,
01:10:57but that she'd taken precautions.
01:10:59According to the local paper,
01:11:01she foiled a second mugging with a stun gun.
01:11:03That's what was used on both Willard and Emerson.
01:11:05Okay, we're on our way.
01:11:07Hold off until we get there.
01:11:30Wait. Jeff, shouldn't we wait for backup?
01:11:32Rick would be dead by then. Come on.
01:11:49Stay here.
01:12:03Wait, wait, wait!
01:12:05We just want to talk.
01:12:06If you want to live,
01:12:07you'll get your friend Britt to do the same.
01:12:11Leave it!
01:12:15Help her out.
01:12:19Let's talk.
01:12:20Like you said.
01:12:22Come on, get up the stairs.
01:12:23Move, both of you.
01:12:35Over there.
01:12:37Police are on their way.
01:12:38They know what happened and that it was you.
01:12:41Your accomplice, Rodney Emerson,
01:12:43was casing the hotel to steal the brooch
01:12:45when he saw Willard cut the power.
01:12:47And why would Willard do that, huh?
01:12:49Unless he intended to steal the brooch for himself.
01:12:51The three of you went to Willard's to search the place.
01:12:53But he wouldn't give up the brooch, would he?
01:12:55We just...
01:12:56We were trying to get him to tell us where he'd hidden it.
01:12:58He had a bad heart.
01:12:59We didn't know that.
01:13:00I swear it's okay.
01:13:01We didn't mean to...
01:13:03Kill him?
01:13:04Well, you did.
01:13:05That's grand theft and homicide.
01:13:07Double homicide if you count Emerson.
01:13:09And now you can add kidnapping to the charges.
01:13:12Why did you take Britt?
01:13:14He had to have told her where he'd hidden it.
01:13:16He didn't, I swear.
01:13:18Actually, Britt, he did.
01:13:20His notice sent you with the flowers?
01:13:24You mean about Clifford Monk?
01:13:26He said the brooch was buried in the Annals of Time.
01:13:29You remember Willard's sailboat?
01:13:32Oh, my gosh.
01:13:34Of course.
01:13:35What are you babbling about?
01:13:36The Annals of Time, his boat.
01:13:38And guess what we found buried in it.
01:13:41Hey, hey, hey.
01:13:43It's in my pocket.
01:13:47Give it here.
01:13:48Untie Britt first.
01:13:51Do it, Regina.
01:13:53Do it.
01:13:59Yeah, that's close enough.
01:14:00It's okay, Freddie.
01:14:01What do you think I'm gonna do?
01:14:03You're the one with the gun.
01:14:05All I have is a $5 million brooch
01:14:08that you killed to get.
01:14:13Here you go.
01:14:28Stay back!
01:14:29Both of you!
01:14:40Back up!
01:14:42On the ground!
01:14:43Both of you!
01:14:46What have you done?
01:14:49What have you done?
01:15:14The field's confirmed they met Emerson
01:15:16at Victor's auction house.
01:15:18And they killed him because he was trying to go to Victor.
01:15:20Probably to give them up.
01:15:22Ironic that they brought me here.
01:15:25Willard always called this place
01:15:27a light in the darkness.
01:15:32you still have that card Willard sent you?
01:15:36I don't know.
01:15:37I don't have it.
01:15:38I don't have it.
01:15:39I don't have it.
01:15:40I don't have it.
01:15:41I don't know.
01:15:59We need to go back to the hotel.
01:16:01Come on.
01:16:09Willard loved war games.
01:16:10And this note is basically a riddle.
01:16:13All coded language.
01:16:14Now, Zia and I were able to figure out the first part.
01:16:16About the brooch being hidden in the boat?
01:16:18But we also suspected that they wouldn't be the real Lakshmi emeralds.
01:16:21Wait, you mean...
01:16:23Willard told you
01:16:24that the brooch would be buried in the annals of time.
01:16:26And after that, there's this odd line about how
01:16:29you need to discard the transient and seek the true.
01:16:33And transient had to be code for the fake brooch.
01:16:36That's what you threw into the ocean?
01:16:38So then, where are the real Lakshmi emeralds?
01:16:41For that, you have to return to the works of Clifford Moncrief.
01:16:45They are a light in the darkness.
01:16:47As soon as I heard you say that, out at the lighthouse,
01:16:50I remembered where I saw the name Clifford Moncrief.
01:16:57In the confusion, after he cut the power,
01:16:59Willard must have hid the brooch...
01:17:06In the lighthouse.
01:17:08In the lighthouse.
01:17:26They've never left the hotel.
01:17:29You're incredible.
01:17:33Oh, my gosh.
01:18:05Is that...
01:18:06the gift of my homemade tartar sauce?
01:18:11Oh, it smells so good.
01:18:13Chef Jeff.
01:18:17And did you chill these before you battered them?
01:18:19You know, just because I wasn't born here
01:18:21doesn't mean I can't learn.
01:18:23Okay, we're doing a blind taste test.
01:18:26As soon as those clams are done.
01:18:28Bring it, Madaris.
01:18:31So, uh, you never finished telling me...
01:18:36you know, about your engagement.
01:18:43after the invitations went out,
01:18:45we were gonna do it at the Pendray in chorus,
01:18:49I found out that...
01:18:52I wasn't the only woman in his life.
01:18:56And it almost destroyed me,
01:18:57until I decided that it just didn't have to.
01:19:01And that this island is my home,
01:19:03and he wasn't welcome on it.
01:19:06Good for you.
01:19:12Oh, God.
01:19:16Get the towel.
01:19:17Rookie move.
01:19:19Oh, no.
01:19:21How do we do this?
01:19:23Um, you close your eyes.
01:19:29You close your eyes.
01:19:31You are not to be trusted.
01:19:33Come on, it's a blind taste test.
01:19:35I can get a blindfold.
01:19:36No, no, no, it's fine.
01:19:38I'll close my eyes.
01:19:39Right now.
01:19:40All right?
01:19:50All right.
01:19:51I'm ready for the next one.
01:19:57Well, I think...
01:20:00beyond a shadow of a doubt,
