Switched for Christmas Hallmark Twin-Switch Christmas Movie

  • last week
00:00:00What jellyfish? Have you ever been stung by one of those?
00:00:04Yeah, I'd stung, I'd stung.
00:00:19What's wrong, guy?
00:00:20Oh, yeah, must be here to fix.
00:00:30Okay, here we go.
00:00:53A crowd in a man's fishing spot is usually frowned upon around here.
00:00:56Public beach. Besides, looks like you're getting skunked anyway.
00:01:02Nah, got a 34-inch blue in the back of the truck.
00:01:05Besides, shouldn't you be out protecting the fine people of the vineyard from dangerous criminals?
00:01:09Well, that's why I'm here.
00:01:11Thought a caller was a 2-11 in progress. Some tourist, stealing all the fish.
00:01:17Why don't you try this one, Chief?
00:01:28Sandstriker 750. Just came out.
00:01:31I'll stick with mine, thanks.
00:01:34Suit yourself. Hate to see you go home empty-handed. Again?
00:01:38Watch and learn, JW.
00:01:42Good luck.
00:01:45I'm on duty, but there's a fundraising gala up at the Yacht Club tonight. Might be worth cleaning up for.
00:01:53Eh, you know that's not my cup of tea. Besides, college ferrets make my neck itch.
00:02:01See you'll be there.
00:02:07I'll catch you later, Chief.
00:03:13Morning, Bob. That's good word.
00:03:16Coffee's hot and the weather's fine.
00:03:18You have a chance to check out that big sailboat at the end of the dock?
00:03:21That Road 77, fully restored? Beautiful boat.
00:03:25Right from the mainland on Thursday. Haven't met the owners yet, somehow.
00:03:29Hmm. One bluefish fillet.
00:03:32Very nice. Seems like a fair trade.
00:03:36How's your dad's boat coming along?
00:03:39Slowly. Father like son, I guess.
00:03:42Your dad never rushed a project.
00:03:44He never seemed to finish one, either.
00:03:46Well, as John Foster Dulles once said, man's accomplishments in life are a cumulative effect of his attention to detail.
00:03:52Secretary of State. Eisenhower. Smart man.
00:03:55Sure, Bob. Whatever you say.
00:04:11Judy, what can I do for you today?
00:04:14Well, is there any chance you can take a look at my outboard? It turns over, but it just keeps quitting.
00:04:22All right.
00:04:26So I called Ted over, and Ted helped me put this up here, but he couldn't get it running.
00:04:32Well, let's take a look.
00:04:34You know, if the engine's turning over, you're probably getting a spark.
00:04:38Just not enough fuel.
00:04:40Thank you so much, Jeff. It's really kind of you.
00:04:44Just what I thought. Fuel filter's clogged.
00:04:52Beautiful boat.
00:04:54Did you restore it yourself?
00:04:57Who did the work?
00:04:58It's impressive.
00:05:00Some guy in Boston.
00:05:02Is that where you sailed her in from?
00:05:04Yeah. Charlestown Marina.
00:05:08Bradley, we made it.
00:05:11Great day for a sail?
00:05:12Oh, definitely.
00:05:13Good to see you.
00:05:14You too, man. I told you this was beautiful.
00:05:16It is that.
00:05:17This must be your sister Stacy.
00:05:18How'd you guess?
00:05:20Well, what do you guys want to drink? We got it all.
00:05:23Come on in.
00:05:26I still think this is weird. You've known this guy, what, three days?
00:05:29Oh, come on, Stacy.
00:05:33Must be nice, sailing around on your rich daddy's dime.
00:05:38Wouldn't know.
00:05:40Well, that should get you going.
00:05:42You should probably change this filter, and I checked the fuel tank.
00:05:45I think there's some dirt in there.
00:05:50Oh, Jeff, are you okay?
00:05:53I'm fine.
00:05:54Well, thank you.
00:05:56You should probably get that checked out, huh?
00:05:58Yeah, yeah. You have a good one, Judy.
00:06:10Again, sorry for the mess. We're doing some last-minute touch-ups,
00:06:12but I wanted you to get a first look at the new wing,
00:06:15funded entirely by Harriet's Hope Foundation.
00:06:18Dr. Maydaris.
00:06:19Hi, Peyton.
00:06:22Follow me, but please be careful with construction.
00:06:39Jeff Jackson.
00:06:41Z. Maydaris.
00:06:44This is certainly a surprise.
00:06:46So you're back from New York.
00:06:48A few years ago.
00:06:51What about you?
00:06:52What are you doing on the island?
00:06:54Moved here about a month ago.
00:06:55My dad's old place.
00:06:58Dr. Maydaris.
00:07:00Yeah, imagine that.
00:07:02What about you?
00:07:03I heard you were a detective with the Boston PD.
00:07:05I was.
00:07:07Early retirement.
00:07:08Why is that?
00:07:10Missed fishing on the vineyard.
00:07:12Oh, yeah?
00:07:13Is that how you hurt your back?
00:07:14Fishing on the vineyard?
00:07:18It just goes out sometimes.
00:07:20My doctor back in Boston would give me a cortisone shot when it acted up like this.
00:07:23Since you're a new patient here, I can't give you a shot until I've taken an x-ray.
00:07:28Is that really necessary?
00:07:31Stand up.
00:07:32I'll take a look.
00:07:38Recent surgery?
00:07:39Six months ago.
00:07:41And what'll I see on the x-ray here?
00:07:43Some pins holding your vertebrae together?
00:07:50One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:07:56I'm guessing this is the real reason for your early retirement.
00:08:00You tried to dig it out and then decided it was too close to your spinal cord?
00:08:04You know your way around an x-ray.
00:08:07I also worked for seven months in New York City at the coroner's office, so I've done enough autopsies to know what a bullet can do to a body.
00:08:16You know if this decides to migrate closer to your spine, it could damage nerves, possibly leave you disabled.
00:08:22So I've been told.
00:08:24What were you doing exactly that aggravated it?
00:08:26Just being neighborly.
00:08:27You need to be careful with this.
00:08:29Yeah, I know.
00:08:31So how about that cortisone shot?
00:08:33Let's give it a few days, see how you're doing.
00:08:39Listen, I'll book you for a follow-up soon to make sure the inflammation doesn't get any worse.
00:08:44You're the doctor.
00:08:45I am the doctor, so no more friendly repairs.
00:08:48Doctor's orders.
00:08:50Hi, how'd it go?
00:08:51They love it.
00:08:52Happy to see their donations put to good use.
00:08:55Um, Jeff, this is Peyton Bartell.
00:08:57This is Jeff Jackson.
00:08:58She runs the foundation that funded the New Wings.
00:09:00Nice to meet you.
00:09:01You too.
00:09:02You know we have our annual gala at the Yacht Club tonight.
00:09:05Yeah, yeah, I heard.
00:09:07You should come.
00:09:08Z, you'll be there, right?
00:09:09I wouldn't miss it.
00:09:10I appreciate the offer.
00:09:12It's for a great cause.
00:09:13I'm sure.
00:09:14See you tonight?
00:09:17So that was a very polite note.
00:09:19Nothing personal.
00:09:20Well, it starts at 8.30 if you change your mind.
00:09:23It'd be nice to catch up.
00:09:27It's good to see you, Z.
00:09:31Hey, Jeff.
00:09:33I was really sorry to hear about your dad.
00:09:36Yeah, thanks.
00:09:46This is my dad.
00:09:50Hi, Lisa.
00:09:55Knock, knock.
00:09:58Brought you some strudel.
00:10:00Hey, you know, the county will pay for speech recognition software
00:10:03so you don't have to torture yourself with that keyboard.
00:10:06What are you talking about?
00:10:07I'm much faster than I used to be.
00:10:09Oh, really?
00:10:11Anyway, I'm not about to ask for special favors,
00:10:15at least not until they renew my contract.
00:10:17Dad, the board's going to re-elect you.
00:10:19Everyone loves you.
00:10:21Hey, I saw Jeff Jackson today, finally.
00:10:23He came into the clinic.
00:10:24Is that so?
00:10:26Why didn't you tell me the real reason for his retirement?
00:10:29Well, you doctors have your patient confidentiality.
00:10:33We cops have a code.
00:10:36And you doctors have a code.
00:10:38Patient confidentiality.
00:10:39We cops have a code.
00:10:44So I take it I'm not going to see you at the gala tonight.
00:10:46Oh, lots of paperwork.
00:10:48All right.
00:10:49Plus, at the speed you type, we're going to need to put a cot in here.
00:10:54I'll talk to you tomorrow.
00:10:55Have fun.
00:11:09What am I doing?
00:11:28What am I doing?
00:11:39What am I doing?
00:11:46I'm sure the Percys know all about the Pendray, Britt.
00:11:49I just want them to think of us the next time they plan one of these functions.
00:11:59But I don't understand why the IRS is asking at all.
00:12:02I'm going to meet with Peyton tomorrow and I'll get to the bottom of it.
00:12:04I promise.
00:12:05There's my Percy.
00:12:11What a wonderful party you've put together.
00:12:13Britt, how lovely to see you.
00:12:15Dr. Medeiros.
00:12:16You know Gerald Martin?
00:12:17His firm handles the accounts for Harriet's Hope.
00:12:20Doctor, you patched up my son a couple years ago.
00:12:22I remember.
00:12:23You sent me a really lovely note.
00:12:25Helena, I wanted to tell you that we're now doing events at the Pendray.
00:12:29I'd love to send you...
00:12:30What is she doing here?
00:12:32Jackie Shaw.
00:12:34That article about the foundation?
00:12:36She wrote that.
00:12:37I'm wondering if I can ask you a few questions.
00:12:38Well, if you'll excuse us, we need to go find my husband, of course.
00:12:45That went well.
00:12:53Jeff, this is the second time you've surprised me today.
00:12:56Lady said it was for a good cause.
00:12:58Not sure I looked the part, though.
00:13:00Yeah, did you get dressed in the dark?
00:13:02Not bad.
00:13:03No, it's not that bad.
00:13:05Well, hello.
00:13:08Jeff, this is my friend Britt Prajna.
00:13:10She runs the Pendray Hotel.
00:13:11This is Jeff Jackson.
00:13:12Nice to meet you.
00:13:14And how do you two know each other?
00:13:16I met on our dad's.
00:13:17We were best friends.
00:13:19Jeff used to spend his summers out here during high school.
00:13:21We used to hang out with some of the same people.
00:13:23Well, hey, I'm going to do a live stream.
00:13:25Let's all say hi.
00:13:27How about I grab us some drinks?
00:13:29Ray, what are you doing here?
00:13:31Come here and talk to your dad.
00:13:33We told you it's not a good time.
00:13:37Who does this guy think he is?
00:13:38I don't know. It's just a joke.
00:13:40And why haven't I met him before?
00:13:42Because we haven't seen each other since we were 18.
00:13:45It's not like that.
00:13:47It's not. I'm serious.
00:13:49We were like oil and water.
00:13:52Maybe there was a kiss.
00:13:56Michelle, while we appreciate your interest in Harriet's Hope,
00:14:00we believe it's inappropriate for you to be here.
00:14:02Sorry, I don't think I understand.
00:14:04No, I believe you do.
00:14:06And we'd appreciate it if you would leave before we begin our program.
00:14:09Are you kicking me out?
00:14:11No, not at all, Jackie.
00:14:13We'd love you to stay.
00:14:15Maybe some positive coverage for Harriet's Hope would be appreciated.
00:14:19Stay and enjoy.
00:14:21I have something to show the two of you.
00:14:25That was weird.
00:14:27That was weird.
00:14:32Mr. Martin.
00:14:35I've been meaning to speak to you about something.
00:14:37Oh, you are?
00:14:38Dad, Helena says they're going on stage now.
00:14:40I really just...
00:14:41I'll catch you later.
00:14:42Buddy, you can see he's busy.
00:14:44Yeah, I just need a second.
00:14:46No, we need to talk.
00:14:47No, we don't. I came here to talk to you.
00:14:48You show up here uninvited.
00:14:50Completely rude.
00:14:51Get your hands off me, please.
00:14:52We both know why you're here.
00:14:53Just step by the door, okay?
00:14:55You're vibing here tonight.
00:15:01My dad.
00:15:02It didn't work, though.
00:15:03I didn't feel like I needed to.
00:15:05Hey, I'm not going to tell you.
00:15:06Get your hands off me.
00:15:07Hey, get your hands off me.
00:15:08You want to touch me?
00:15:09Get your hands off me.
00:15:10No, no.
00:15:11Hey, hey.
00:15:12That's enough.
00:15:13Take it outside.
00:15:14Yeah, that's right, Ray.
00:15:15Let's take it outside.
00:15:26Ladies and gentlemen,
00:15:28if I could have your attention, please.
00:15:30I would like to welcome you
00:15:32to the 5th Annual Harriet's Hope Gala.
00:15:37I'm Cate Bartell,
00:15:40Executive Director of Harriet's Hope,
00:15:42a foundation started by my father
00:15:45after the death of my mother, Harriet,
00:15:47to help families impacted by illness.
00:15:51And while we helped many people in those early days,
00:15:54our reach was short
00:15:56until two very special people
00:15:59joined our Board of Directors,
00:16:01Mr. Thomas Percy, our Board President,
00:16:04and his wonderful wife, Helena,
00:16:06our Fund Development Chair.
00:16:08So, please,
00:16:11give a warm welcome to Mr. Thomas Percy.
00:16:21Peyton has kindly given us the credit,
00:16:23but the credit really belongs to everyone here.
00:16:27It's because of your generosity
00:16:29that our success is even possible.
00:16:32So, eat, drink, be merry.
00:16:35And dance.
00:16:37Yes, please dance,
00:16:39as long as you don't have two left feet like me.
00:16:42You know, someone once said to me,
00:16:47to love and be loved is everything.
00:16:51So, thank you, everyone, for showing us your love
00:16:54and allowing us to spread it far and wide.
00:16:57Enjoy the evening.
00:17:01Okay, guys, let's get this picture.
00:17:11Let's get a selfie.
00:17:16Good. Having a good time?
00:17:20It's nice to get out.
00:17:22Well, we'll have more fun on the dance floor, and that's all good.
00:17:25Thanks, but I'm not much of a dancer.
00:17:27Did we just find the one thing Jeff Jackson isn't good at?
00:17:30You know, it's just I don't think my doctor would approve.
00:17:33She's very strict.
00:17:35Okay, so, just us girls, then?
00:17:38Guess so.
00:17:42Have fun.
00:17:51music stops
00:18:33What did you do? Work on your dad's boat all night?
00:18:35Feels like it.
00:18:37As a local sage recently told me,
00:18:39a man's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.
00:18:43Sounds like my kind of guy.
00:18:46Thanks, Bob.
00:18:47My pleasure.
00:19:20music continues
00:19:51music stops
00:20:07Okay, put him down here.
00:20:11Will everyone move back, please?
00:20:14O'Connor, I'm going to need some more help down here.
00:20:17You know, you might want to reference Tide's map of the Vineyard Sound from the NOAA.
00:20:22The current must have brought him in from somewhere nearby.
00:20:25Uh, yeah, good idea. Thanks.
00:20:28Is Chief Medeiros coming down?
00:20:30Oh, actually, there he is.
00:20:33Jeff, probably not how you wanted to start your day.
00:20:36No? I'd rather be pulling blue fins out of the water right now.
00:20:39Will you tell us where you found him?
00:20:41Yeah, I found a jacket over down on the rocks by Bob's.
00:20:44Started to look around.
00:20:46Found him stuck up against those pilings.
00:20:48Any ID on him?
00:20:49No, sir.
00:20:50I'm pretty sure his name's Ray.
00:20:52He was staying on that Road 77 down near the end of the dock.
00:20:55You talk to him?
00:20:56A bit. I also saw him last night.
00:20:58Ah, here she is.
00:21:00That's my acting M.E.
00:21:02Z is your acting M.E.
00:21:04What are you, moonlighting?
00:21:06I'm the only doctor on the island who has autopsy experience.
00:21:09But what about you? I thought you were retired.
00:21:11He found the body.
00:21:20Okay, let's see here.
00:21:23He looks familiar.
00:21:25Yeah, he was at the gala last night.
00:21:27Arguing with those two other kids.
00:21:28Oh, yeah, I saw that. That was Bradley and Stacy Martin.
00:21:31This guy was arguing with Gerald Martin's kids?
00:21:35Might want to question him before they lawyer up.
00:21:37You don't think it might have been a simple drowning?
00:21:39Had too much to drink at the party? Went for a walk?
00:21:41Long walk off a shore pier? I don't think so, Chief.
00:21:46Oh, wait a minute. There's a laceration on the back of his head.
00:21:49Maybe he smacked it on the dock on his way down.
00:21:52That way it could be the blow and not the water that killed him.
00:21:55It's possible.
00:21:57He's wearing a ring.
00:22:00It's a graduation ring.
00:22:05Class of 85.
00:22:07He had vote keys in his pocket.
00:22:09I can show you the boat.
00:22:10All right, let's go.
00:22:12It's just over here.
00:22:17No obvious signs of foul play.
00:22:19And if he'd gone over the side here,
00:22:21his turn would have taken him the other direction.
00:22:29Came in alone? Big boat like this?
00:22:31I didn't see anyone else with him.
00:22:33Except when he took the Martin kids out.
00:22:36Anyone here?
00:22:37Anyone here?
00:22:40Martha's Vineyard Police.
00:22:43Open up.
00:22:49Hey, Chief.
00:22:51Take a look at this.
00:22:53Looks like a yearbook.
00:22:58I'll call a judge to get a search warrant.
00:23:00And I'll get Jenkins busy looking up that hull number.
00:23:02Sounds like you got it handled.
00:23:03Good luck.
00:23:04Hey, we're gonna need you to come down to the station this afternoon
00:23:07so we can get an official statement from you.
00:23:09All right.
00:23:11Hey, Jeff.
00:23:17What's going on? Everything okay over there?
00:23:19Listen, do me a favor, Judy.
00:23:20You see anyone else taking interest in this boat,
00:23:22you give me a call.
00:23:25Sorry, just one second.
00:23:26Dr. Medeiros, where's May?
00:23:29I'm acting Emmy this week.
00:23:30I don't suppose you could at least tell me if the victim drowned?
00:23:33No comment for now.
00:23:34Come on, Z, you gotta give me something.
00:24:16Haven High.
00:24:19Let's see, what do we got here?
00:24:21Vineyard Haven, 25-year high school reunion.
00:24:24Popular Vineyard Haven teacher retires.
00:24:29Vineyard Haven alum donate 50 new computers.
00:24:33Donation was spearheaded by Gerald Martin.
00:24:37Vineyard Haven class of 85.
00:24:57What do I owe the pleasure?
00:24:58Wanted to have a chat with Brad and Stacy if they're home.
00:25:02I don't think so.
00:25:03They took Ferry to the mainland today to see a concert in Boston.
00:25:07I don't expect them till tomorrow.
00:25:08Kids these days, huh?
00:25:10Oh, I know.
00:25:12Yeah, come on in.
00:25:14Can I ask what this is about?
00:25:17A friend of theirs was found dead this morning.
00:25:21I'm real sorry to hear that.
00:25:24You know who it was?
00:25:25We haven't positively identified him yet.
00:25:27That's why I need to talk to your kids.
00:25:29We know they went sailing with him yesterday,
00:25:31and they talked to him at the Harriet's Hope Gala last night.
00:25:34You're not suggesting my kids had anything to do with his death?
00:25:37I'm not suggesting anything.
00:25:39I just need to speak to them.
00:25:41How about I come by again tomorrow afternoon?
00:25:44Sure, I'll tell them to expect you.
00:25:46Great. Thanks, Gerald.
00:25:48Yeah, sure.
00:26:18What is that?
00:26:28What is that?
00:26:54Okay, so you saw the body in the water,
00:26:56and then you called 911, and then what did you do?
00:26:59I waited.
00:27:02Have you looked up the home number that wrote Yen?
00:27:04Yeah, but it isn't registered to anyone named Ray.
00:27:10Well, who's it registered to?
00:27:13Um, I don't think I'm allowed to tell you that.
00:27:16I'm guessing this is the printout of the registration.
00:27:20And now I can see that the owner of the boat's name is Donovan Fletcher.
00:27:26I've heard that name before.
00:27:28Excuse me.
00:27:36Hey, Sarah.
00:27:37Oh, hey, Dee.
00:27:39Is my dad in his office?
00:27:42Dad, I found something you have to see.
00:27:47It's a small splinter of glass that I found in the laceration in the victim's head.
00:27:52You know what this means.
00:27:54Sounds like he was murdered.
00:28:04So this Ray kid didn't drown.
00:28:07He was murdered.
00:28:08That's what your official report's gonna say.
00:28:10It's going to say that the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head,
00:28:14likely from something made of glass or with a glass component.
00:28:17And you're sure he didn't fall onto or through something made of glass?
00:28:21No, the angle of impact makes that unlikely.
00:28:24Then whoever killed him must have dumped his body in the ocean after the fact.
00:28:28So you got a graduation ring, the Vineyard Heaven yearbook on the boat, both from the class of 1985.
00:28:35I got curious.
00:28:36So I looked up the class of 85, and I found this online.
00:28:44Gerald Martin was in the Vineyard Heaven class of 1985.
00:28:49And last night when I was at the bar, Ray came up to introduce himself to Gerald Martin,
00:28:53and the Martin kids were right there doing their best to literally drag him away.
00:28:57But wait, if they were trying to protect their father from Ray, why would they get on a sailboat with him?
00:29:04Sir, Detective Jeff, you thought I should run priors on the sailboat owner, Donovan Fletcher?
00:29:11Oh, we did.
00:29:13What'd you find?
00:29:14A lot of arrests, mainly in Boston, grand larceny, fraud, extortion.
00:29:18Here, I've got his mugshot.
00:29:22He was there last night too, right next to me at the bar.
00:29:27Run a search for his known associates.
00:29:29Yes, sir.
00:29:32So Ray's sailing around on a boat owned by this guy Fletcher.
00:29:36He's hunting down Gerald Martin, using his kids to get to him, and somehow he gets bashed in the head?
00:29:44You got your work cut out for you.
00:29:47Well, I'll let you get to it then.
00:29:50Jeff, wait.
00:29:54This investigation looks like it's going to be a lot more complex than usual.
00:29:57What do you mean usual? We've had one homicide on the island in 12 years.
00:30:01Right. We're not exactly swimming in experience here, and you've worked how many homicides?
00:30:07Too many.
00:30:08Yeah, we could really use your help. You could lend us your expertise, maybe help steer the case?
00:30:14That's a really good idea.
00:30:15No, it's not. I'm retired.
00:30:19Well, not by choice. You're still a detective. Otherwise, you never would have brought us this.
00:30:25Okay, yeah. You know, my mind goes there, but I can't work this case. I'm not a cop anymore.
00:30:32And besides, I'm done with all that.
00:30:35Oh, what, you don't care about catching the bad guy anymore? Really?
00:30:41You don't even know what you're asking me.
00:30:55You think I don't know what I'm asking, but I do.
00:30:59I know where you got that bullet you're carrying around.
00:31:05You know, your dad used to tell me that people rarely do what they're great at, what they love.
00:31:13They do what's easiest.
00:31:14And spent the rest of their lives regretting it?
00:31:17Oh, I remember.
00:31:18You really gonna play the dad card?
00:31:22There's a killer running around this island.
00:31:24Then hire a real detective. I can give you a few names.
00:31:34You're right. I'm sorry I put you on the spot.
00:31:37This case is mine, not yours.
00:31:41Chief, I'm not a detective.
00:31:43This case is mine, not yours.
00:31:46Chief, Gerald Martin is on hold for you.
00:31:49He wants to know if you want to come back out to the house and speak to his kids.
00:31:53Thanks, Chief.
00:32:30Jackie Shaw?
00:32:32Your office told me I could find you here.
00:32:34Something about a board meeting?
00:32:36Yes, well they barred me from sitting in.
00:32:38And you are?
00:32:40Jeff Jackson.
00:32:41Doing some research for Chief Medaris.
00:32:45I wanted to ask you about an article you wrote.
00:32:50What can you tell me about Gerald Martin?
00:32:53What's interesting you ask.
00:32:55Why should I answer?
00:32:57Found a body this morning at the pier.
00:33:00You're the one who found the body.
00:33:01And I recognized him as someone who was trying pretty hard to talk to Gerald Martin at the gala last night.
00:33:07Gerald Martin, I see.
00:33:08Well then we definitely should talk.
00:33:10But if you can just hold on one minute.
00:33:13Helena, I know you don't want to talk to me, but you and your husband cannot dodge my questions forever.
00:33:17Jackie, this is not a good time for Helena right now.
00:33:20Her car was stolen at the gala last night.
00:33:22She's very upset.
00:33:23Isn't that the least of her problems?
00:33:25If you have questions, you're welcome to ask me.
00:33:27Seems to me that you'd be more angry about the allegations by the IRS than anyone.
00:33:31Well, if I thought they were true, I would be.
00:33:33But I don't believe it.
00:33:35How could I?
00:33:36How could I?
00:33:41I'll tell you what, I will talk to Thomas and have him get back to you at the end of the afternoon, okay?
00:33:54When you came by earlier, Chief, I had no idea that Brad and Stacy had ditched their trip to Boston.
00:34:01It's true. We didn't tell him. We changed our minds.
00:34:05So, why don't you tell me how you met Ray, if that's his name?
00:34:10That's the name he told us.
00:34:11Did he give you a last name?
00:34:15Where did you meet him?
00:34:16At the bar in the Yacht Club on Tuesday.
00:34:19He came up to me, we started talking, he bought me a beer and said I had to go see his boat.
00:34:25And so we went down there, I saw the boat, it was pretty cool, and then he said to come back next time with my sister.
00:34:33Why do you think he wanted you to bring your sister?
00:34:36I don't know. She came up in the conversation and I thought he was being polite, so I asked her.
00:34:42I had nothing better to do, so I went too.
00:34:45Although, if I'd known it was going to be so weird, I would have just...
00:34:48Weird? How?
00:34:50He was just kind of nervous, like smiling too much or something.
00:34:55But I guess it was fine at first.
00:34:57Then he starts talking about our dad and he's asking all these nosy questions.
00:35:01Super intrusive, and we were thinking, this is not cool.
00:35:04And we bring up the gala and he's like, I want to go meet your dad.
00:35:07And we told him no, because now we're thinking, okay, this guy really is weird, and then he shows up there anyway.
00:35:12I thought I'd let a complete stalker into my dad, so we got him out of there as fast as we could.
00:35:17So, you got him to leave?
00:35:20Yeah, we got him out of there and we sort of stood guard outside for a little while and he left, yeah.
00:35:27Did he tell you why he was so interested in meeting your father?
00:35:31Any idea why this kid was so determined to talk to you?
00:35:34Well, people always want something from me. They want me to give them a job or invest in their company.
00:35:40Who knows?
00:35:47Okay. Thanks.
00:35:54My friend at the Globe knows you. She says you're one of the good ones.
00:35:57So I tell you my story and you tell me about the body you found?
00:36:00That's a deal.
00:36:02A month ago I got an anonymous tip about Harriet's Hope.
00:36:05This person had been working there a long time and said that she believed someone was skimming money from the foundation.
00:36:11A lot of money.
00:36:13She said over a million dollars had gone missing in the time that she was working there.
00:36:19I know.
00:36:20So, I began asking questions and of course got nothing but denial.
00:36:24So, and you can't tell anyone this, I took it to the IRS and they actually started looking into it.
00:36:31Did they find proof?
00:36:32Well, the IRS can't comment on an ongoing investigation.
00:36:36But it seems to me that to be able to skim money over the long term you have to have access to their books.
00:36:42And guess who owns the accounting firm that keeps their books?
00:36:46Gerald Morton.
00:36:55Well, best of luck finding out who that kid is.
00:36:59Who is it?
00:37:01Well, I'm gonna leave you to it.
00:37:03I'm a pro.
00:37:05I'm a pro.
00:37:07I'm a pro.
00:37:09I'm a pro.
00:37:11I'm a pro.
00:37:14I'm a pro.
00:37:15Well best of luck finding out who that kid was I have one more question for you. Sure. Go ahead
00:37:21You ever hear of a guy by the name of Donovan Fletcher?
00:37:26No, no can't say that I have
00:37:29Well, thanks for your time Joe sure
00:37:58Wow looking very doctory. Thank you. Can you give me a sec? Yeah
00:38:10Hey, hey, um, I owe you an apology for pushing me so hard. No, you don't don't ever apologize for doing everything
00:38:17You can to catch the bad guy
00:38:20So you do still care? Yes, I do
00:38:23It was my whole life for a long time. No, I'm sorry. It's just that you've been through a lot Z stop
00:38:30I'm not a wounded bird
00:38:32And this is gonna work if you're gonna treat me like one what's not gonna work I'm in
00:38:36I'm gonna help you and your dad work the case
00:38:41Where do we start first thing tomorrow we start where the victim was last seen alive the Yacht Club. Okay. I'll see you there
00:39:07Got you
00:39:45Jenkins found a legitimate company owned by Fletcher employing one Ray Norris. Oh, so we finally have a last name
00:39:52Any idea what Ray did for him? No, but maybe we'll find an answer on that boat judge signed a search warrant this morning
00:39:59So our working theory is that Fletcher had something on Gerald Martin and you're thinking that Fletcher was blackmailing him
00:40:05Oh, he's been arrested for extortion before I
00:40:08Mean it would explain why Martin might skim money from Harriet's Hope if that's what he was doing
00:40:13Yeah, let's say he was using the foundation as his personal ATM
00:40:16He would have stopped the minute the IRS showed up and if he missed some
00:40:20Payment to Fletcher or someone like Ray would show up to lean on but Martin fights back
00:40:25He kills Ray dumps him in the ocean
00:40:27So we might actually have the why if we can figure out what Fletcher had on him
00:40:32Although I'm thinking you might have something to do with the class of 85
00:40:35You know, I'd really like to take a look at the yearbook. We saw in that boat. I'll bring it back with me now
00:40:41Search warrant for the security footage the Yacht Club
00:40:44We're on it good
00:40:59920 that's when Bradley pushed right out the door
00:41:03But he's going back in
00:41:06Let's see when he comes back out
00:41:09Where's Stacy?
00:41:17Wait, who's that Helena Percy?
00:41:21Is she crying well Peyton Bartell did say that her car was stolen that night
00:41:25I mean
00:41:27She just went out of frame
00:41:31And she's back seven minutes later
00:41:37Maybe she went to look for a car
00:41:39Yeah, a lot of people came out the front door that night
00:41:45But there's no Ray. I don't think Ray comes out this door at all
00:41:48I don't think Ray comes out this door at all rally and Stacy lied
00:42:00Looks like someone disconnected the camera for construction if Ray didn't go out the front
00:42:03He had to come out the back and so could any number of other people we saw Bradley heading back here
00:42:10You see what I see those glass blocks
00:42:13Maybe the head wound and that splinter of glass one of these glass blocks could be a murder weapon
00:42:19that means
00:42:20That means this could be our crime scene
00:42:24I'll call my dad
00:42:28He's missing a tarp
00:42:34Dad you need to send a forensics team behind the Yacht Club
00:42:41Okay, my dad's got a team on their way, what is it well drag marks through here
00:42:50There's no blood trail
00:42:52And don't scalp lacerations like the one you found on red bleed a lot copiously well that could explain the missing tarp
00:42:58You know his killer could have wrapped a minute and dragged him
00:43:02To the parking lot to a vehicle right he's got to get to the ocean somehow
00:43:07You grew up here if you had a body in your car, and you need to dump it fast
00:43:14Seems like a pretty public place to dump a body no
00:43:18It's really desolate at night, and this is the easiest place to get a body in the deep water
00:43:22The Yacht Club's like half a mile away, so this is the first place I thought of
00:43:29Looks like someone's driven up here recently
00:43:32We might be able to pick up these tracks
00:43:35You know the way the current flows it would carry a body to where you found Ray
00:43:40We need to get a team down here for a search see if anything's washed up on this beach
00:43:50Well Jeff oh hi
00:43:52It's Judy remember you asked me to call you if anybody got on that sailboat and a slip across from mine
00:43:58No, if you're talking about the police searching it they have a warrant no no they came and went a while ago
00:44:03No, I'm talking about a guy on the deck right now
00:44:07I've never seen him before he's very suspicious. I'll be right there. We got to go
00:44:24There's nobody here, what's Judy Judy?
00:44:32Judy hey dad yeah, we're on the boat now
00:44:36No, if someone was here. They aren't here anymore
00:44:40Judy Jeff did you see see who I don't know
00:44:49See don't please
00:45:11Don't think so
00:45:13Oh, he's getting away
00:45:24As far as I know it's not against the law for a man to take possession of his own boat
00:45:29There's no sign same as impounded or off-limits your bodyguard tries to toss my daughter overboard and you swung a boat hook at him
00:45:38Assault with a deadly weapon can get you put away for a good long while
00:45:41My client saw what he believed to be intruders on his property while searching for spare keys
00:45:47He and his security personnel acted within their legal right to remove said intruders security personnel now. Let's talk about other personnel
00:45:55Ray Norris worked for you not as of a week ago. I fired him
00:45:59Do you typically dismiss employees with a glass block over the head? I know what you mean
00:46:04He was an unreliable deckhand
00:46:06neglected to bay orders in a timely manner
00:46:11So I told him to get lost
00:46:13What you did hit my boat you expect us to believe he stole your boat
00:46:19It's not what I expected. I assure you and why didn't you report it stolen? I
00:46:23Have a reputation and I prefer to dish out retribution yourself
00:46:26I prefer not to involve the police in private matters, and I'm guessing you consider your business with Gerald Martin a private matter
00:46:35Who's Gerald Martin
00:47:05Still no sign of Fletcher's bodyguard
00:47:06No Fletcher keeps telling us he can't reach him
00:47:09But we'll round him up soon if he's still on the island and I'll hold Fletcher on that assault charge for now
00:47:14You believe what he said Ray Norris stole his boat
00:47:17Well, if it's true just made this case a whole lot simpler kid makes off with the boat
00:47:22Fletcher chases him down and then lives up to his reputation by killing him. Okay, if Ray did steal his boat
00:47:28He'd know the Fletcher would come after him hard. Yeah, what's the first rule of larceny?
00:47:32Don't get caught with the merchandise. So you're saying what Ray got himself a room while he was here
00:47:36I'd be stupid to stay on that boat, wouldn't it?
00:47:44I'm bearing evidence
00:47:46I found this in Ray Norris's pocket
00:47:48The water was trying to turn it to pulp, but I was able to salvage some of the larger pieces and put it together
00:47:57It's not a complete number, but it's better than nothing. I've been trying to figure out what it is
00:48:02I thought it was a phone number, but there's no 2-1-1 US area. Maybe it's an international number
00:48:06You might want to try that bank routing number
00:48:09I've been doing my dad's probate stuff filling out a lot of financial documents the routing number for his bank starts with
00:48:162-1-1-3-7. Maybe there's another bank with a similar routing number
00:48:21Help yourself here. Okay, let's see here
00:48:36So Ray was walking around with a bank account number in his pocket. Maybe it's Fletcher's Gerald Martin's Ray had his high school class yearbook
00:48:45Where is that by the way?
00:48:47Sir, I just spoke to a hotel manager who said that Ray Norris checked in five days ago
00:48:53What hotel the Pendrick?
00:48:59Anyone talk to him during a stay
00:49:01I haven't had the chance to ask around yet. What about housekeeping? Have they serviced the room at all this week?
00:49:07Well, no because this
00:49:15Wow Ray definitely wasn't sleeping on that boat
00:49:21We're eating anything close to a healthy diet
00:49:25Remind me to never let you look in my fridge doctor
00:49:27Should I go talk to my staff see if anyone remembers talking to this guy good idea
00:49:53Look at this
00:50:00Elena Percy
00:50:23Really couldn't tell you how that young man got a hold of my business card. You're saying you didn't get any calls from him
00:50:29Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying
00:50:32You do know that his cell phone records will show if he called you
00:50:35Well, I could check my voicemail and see if he left any messages. It'd be great Helena. Only now is not the best time. Oh
00:50:44What's going on Helena? It seems the young man that we read about in the newspaper
00:50:50You know the one that was killed the night of our gala Ray Norris was killed at your gala behind the venue
00:50:57Well, it seems that he had my business card. Oh my wife's business cards are all over the island
00:51:03She's in charge of fund development. We want donors to be able to find her
00:51:07I was just about to check my voicemail to see if he'd contacted me
00:51:10Payton checks your messages every day. You don't know and if he'd called Lane is only in the office twice a week
00:51:16Well, there you go. Is there anything else that I can help you with? Yes, actually
00:51:23Can you explain why you were crying outside the doors of the Yacht Club less than five minutes after you were smiling up on stage?
00:51:30I thought it was because of your car, but you didn't report it stolen until after midnight
00:51:35Well, it's because of all that
00:51:37dealing with the IRS
00:51:39We've just been on stage
00:51:41Bragging about our success in the meantime, we're dealing with them
00:51:46Suspicions having to defend our integrity
00:51:49Can you blame her for being a little emotional? It's contemptible to be accused of something with no proof
00:51:55Helena they're asking about the donations earmarked for the new hospital being okay
00:52:00If you excuse us, we have to resolve this matter
00:52:10She's lying, how can you be sure what Ray's cell phone records will tell us one way or the other
00:52:19That's my dad he wants us to meet him at the South Pier, let's go. All right, boys
00:52:31The tarp was missing from one of the glass block pallets behind the Yacht Club and Jeff thought
00:52:36That it might have been used to wrap around Ray to transport the body
00:52:49Your murder weapon
00:53:06So you've been hanging at the police station
00:53:09Donating your detective skills to the chief
00:53:12You hear about everything, don't you Bob? I must have one of those faces people just want to tell me things
00:53:18Yeah, well my uh skills haven't been able to crack the case yet
00:53:21I was hoping I'd find some answers in here, but it's a lot of wishing someone named Donna a good summer
00:53:29No, wait someone named goose said he loved dancing with her a prom
00:53:38Chief what you got?
00:53:41Forensics they got traces of blood on that glass block from the tarp. So no doubt. It's a murder weapon. Yeah, but no prints
00:53:48That's too bad
00:53:49Now if there's fresh water instead of salt water
00:53:51We might add a shot now they did manage to lift a couple of partials up one of those other blocks that fell off the
00:53:55Pallet, I'm guessing they're gonna be Fletcher's or maybe that so-called security personnel is not so sure
00:54:02The simplest story is always the best bet. Oh and listen
00:54:07The lab also sent us the model of tires that made those tracks down at the pier if they match the tires on Fletcher's car
00:54:13Then I think we have our guy
00:54:15Would you mind texting me the model? There's another angle. I want to work on that. You got it. Thanks
00:54:23Bob I
00:54:25Was gonna unload a stolen car, where would I go? I
00:54:29I don't know a guy
00:55:07Gus got a sec
00:55:1122 million seventy-five thousand according to the average lifespan. I
00:55:17Guess I could spare a few great
00:55:20It looks like vineyard salvage is really paying off
00:55:23Yeah metal is worth its weight in gold these days it's a good little side business
00:55:28I'm looking for some parts for my mother-in-law's car
00:55:32She's got high-end taste with a low-end budget. You know what? I mean? What kind of parts you looking for?
00:55:38Something that would fit a BMW
00:55:407 series you got anything like that. No, there's a coincidence. I had one of those come in yesterday
00:55:49It's not a coincidence
00:55:52You want to tell me where you got it? I
00:55:54Got a lot to do. Oh, that's fine. I
00:55:57Get it. I can just call my cop buddy and haven't come down here with a warrant
00:56:01Well now now you don't need to do that. Okay, then you tell me where you got it and we can forget
00:56:06We ever had this conversation
00:56:11Deal yeah after you
00:56:16Local guy brought it in he found it out in the state forest thought it was abandoned
00:56:22Fair salvage
00:57:13Why are you following me still holding a grudge about that swim? No
00:57:18I just wanted to ask you some questions and you want the cops involved too late
00:57:36Good thing you got a beat on him when you did shadowed by better
00:57:39He was trying to stop you finding evidence that pointed to him and his boss from Helena Percy's stolen car
00:57:44You know, there's something else bothering me about that car right now
00:57:48Wasn't hot-wired whoever stole it had a key
00:58:03Sounds like a party
00:58:15See hi, hi Peyton, what's the occasion the IRS just informed us?
00:58:20They finished their investigation and found no wrongdoing with her books, which I always said they would wow
00:58:25That's great. And we're about to make Helena's day even better Jeff found her car. Oh my goodness up. I'll go get her
00:58:43Are very happy to hear about the car, of course
00:58:46It was a minor headache compared to what we were dealing with here, though
00:58:49Well, you can pick it up tomorrow, but unfortunately, we don't have any keys to give you
00:58:54We assume you have a spare set more than one. She's always misplacing her keys
00:58:59So I made several sets for her one for her desk one for her purse one for home just in case
00:59:03So any number of people could have had access to those keys?
00:59:07Technically, yeah, so you two on the boat. All right goose. See you out there
00:59:16Did you just call him goose
00:59:19Nickname from high school. Everyone thinks it's from Top Gun, but it was from before that wasn't it Tom because of his laugh
00:59:24All right, our goose is the original I should pay him a licensing fee
00:59:28Money but we'll let you get back to your party. Let's go see. Thank you. Thanks Cheers
00:59:44Jenkins did you find it pulled it up and printed it out right after you called birth certificate for Raymond Joseph Norris
00:59:53Donna Marie Norris mother father
00:59:59Okay, so if Gerald Martin was the goose who took Donna to prom the red wanted to meet Gerald Martin because he believed Martin was
01:00:06his father
01:00:07Yeah, Jeff. I
01:00:09Got some news for you
01:00:11We got a match on the prints. We got up that glass block from the Yacht Club. It's not Donovan Fletcher
01:00:18Joe Martin
01:00:20No, it's another Martin
01:00:23No, it's his sister Stacy
01:00:32Stacy Martin's print was on one of the glass blocks
01:00:35Why would her prints even be in the system a little shoplifting incident a few years ago?
01:00:40But now we've got her at the scene of the crime handling a block
01:00:44Identical to the murder weapon if we're right about Ray's mom. We have a motive
01:00:49Yeah, I'm gonna need you to explain that one to me
01:00:51I didn't put it together at first either, but in high school the Donna who won this yearbook was named Donna Lawson
01:00:58And she has a note in here from someone named goose. That's Gerald Martin's nickname here. They are together
01:01:05Back up a little bit Ray Norris was born in what 96
01:01:10March 1996 in Concord, New Hampshire
01:01:12I know that Martin married Bradley and Stacy's mom long before 96 that the math just doesn't add up
01:01:19Well when I looked at the class of 85, I saw an article about a class reunion
01:01:23This class is 10-year reunion would have been in 95. I'm thinking Martin and Donna
01:01:29Reconnected at the reunion. She got pregnant, but he was married
01:01:35But she still has his class ring and at some point she gives it to Ray tells him the truth
01:01:41So he came here to meet his father
01:01:43Except his other kids did not like that at all
01:01:49Let's go talk to them
01:01:58Gotta do for you. We need to speak with Stacy Bradley too. Oh, they're not here. I'm not sure where they went
01:02:04Well, you either need to round them up and bring them down to the station with your attorney
01:02:08Or I'll have to put out an APB on them
01:02:10It's about our murder victim Ray Norris
01:02:12And when I saw you shaking hands with at the gala
01:02:16Okay, and Ray Norris is the son of Donna Norris
01:02:19formerly Donna Lawson
01:02:21name ring a bell goose I
01:02:26Went to prom with Donna and that was her son we were wondering if it might also have been your son
01:02:36You're serious, I don't think that's possible. I mean the last time I saw Donna was 89 90 91 you don't seem too sure
01:02:44Just find your kids call your lawyer and meet us at the station
01:03:04Z what's up? I came to the Duke for an early lunch and guess who's here
01:03:10Bradley and Stacy Martin
01:03:18Hey, hey, I'm so sorry Stacy left and I just didn't feel like I could tackle her on her way out the door
01:03:24Where's he at over there?
01:03:27Let's see what all brought us to say
01:03:42Not good
01:03:45Bradley wait, we want to help you. Look if you think I'm gonna tell you where Stacy is you can forget it
01:03:53You want to protect her I respect that whatever man
01:03:58Look, I think you should know what we know
01:04:00At least then you can make an informed decision about what to do. Okay, what do you know?
01:04:06Why don't you sit down?
01:04:11Know Ray believed he was your father's son
01:04:14He thought you were his brother and Stacy's sister
01:04:17That's why he took you on that boat ride
01:04:19It was so ridiculous. He brought us out into the middle of the ocean
01:04:23He starts telling us this crazy story about how my dad got together with his mom at the high school reunion. Did you believe him?
01:04:30We didn't want to but then he shows us this yearbook in a ring
01:04:33He says that my dad gave his mom and he had he had a bank account number. Okay, he calls. This is real proof
01:04:40He said that most of his life. His mom got monthly payments from our father
01:04:47When his mother died he found that account number and he wanted more money from your dad
01:04:51I shouldn't be telling you this I went to the gala to confront your dad
01:04:56You and Stacy tried to stop him, but you couldn't get him to leave. No. Yes, we did. We did make him leave Bradley
01:05:02There are security cameras outside the yacht club
01:05:04We know he went out with you
01:05:05But then he went back in and we know Stacy followed him back in and went out the back door
01:05:10We know this because we found her prints on one of the glass blocks behind the bed is because he pushed her into them
01:05:17So you found them together behind the club. Did you feel like you had to protect her? I have to go
01:05:27Was he about to confess
01:05:29What do we do?
01:05:31We follow him
01:06:22Keys they must have a boat in that garage
01:06:32It's gonna be fine
01:06:37Bradley you didn't do anything
01:06:49That's not the way out of this kid
01:07:01First of all
01:07:03Running down my clients like that not the way to win their cooperation. This is all ridiculous
01:07:09Anyways, Ray Norris is not my son
01:07:12I mean he told my kids that I supposedly got together with his mother at our 10-year reunion
01:07:17Well, I didn't even go to my high school reunion. I was working in London. You can check with my boss. It's not true
01:07:24Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Of course it matters. I think it kind of matter
01:07:28What matters is that these two thought it was true
01:07:32You believed him didn't you you believed he was gonna force his way into your family
01:07:36You believed he was gonna demand your father's time his money
01:07:40Things you two were used to getting all to yourselves. It's not true. No, do not answer that
01:07:45Not that it matters
01:07:47Motive without evidence is useless in a court of law. We have Stacy's prints on a glass block
01:07:52Not the actual murder weapon, but that puts her at the scene the time the murder took place
01:07:58And then what at 953 Bradley Martin was seen on security footage from the op club entering the front door
01:08:04And then an eyewitness said that he then went straight to the coat room where Helena Percy stated that she left her cone
01:08:11With the car keys in the pocket, how would I know that I went in there? Oh, wait, wait, wait
01:08:16First you say Stacy's prints proves who was there then Brad going into a coat closet means a jury would probably think it means
01:08:23He helped her get rid of the body
01:08:25Maybe even more than that
01:08:29Maybe he was just defending his sister during an altercation with Ray. Is that possible? And if that's the truth of it
01:08:37Then you could claim self-defense
01:08:39But if you want that to fly
01:08:41You've got to tell us what happened
01:08:44Speculation is not evidence
01:08:48You don't have enough to arrest these two let alone convict them I
01:08:55Think we're done here, let's go
01:09:02We didn't kill him he was alive the last time we saw him okay Stacy, let's go
01:09:25My dad said your interview with Brad and Stacy didn't go so great
01:09:30lawyers are always good at minimizing but
01:09:33wasn't wrong
01:09:35And we still got a lot of dots to connect. I was thinking maybe these kids wrapped something else in that tarp
01:09:40something that could have
01:09:42Washed up somewhere here. I'm gonna stretch. Yeah, maybe they slipped their IDs in there
01:09:47Or like a phone with the crime recorded on it. I was thinking a note that said we did it
01:09:54Of course, it would have to be in tiny little pieces. You could have fun putting it back together
01:09:58I don't want to laugh. I might give you the idea that I like your sense of humor
01:10:02Oh, I wouldn't dare think that not after what you said to me that night after Wazzy's party out there on that pier
01:10:08Told me I was
01:10:10Sophomoric, I had to go home and look up with that man
01:10:18All the things to remember you had to remember that I can remember other things too
01:10:25You know, that was a fun night. Yeah, it was
01:10:35Jackie yeah, I can do that. Yeah, I'll see you then
01:10:45Jackie Shaw she wants to meet in the morning. Okay. Well, I better go check in on a patient
01:10:50So good luck with your needle in a haystack operation
01:11:05I'm not saying the IRS didn't do their due diligence
01:11:08But I was certain that the tip I got about money skimming and Harriet's hope was legit. How so I
01:11:14Think Gerald Martin or someone cooked their books and covered their tracks or your sources wrong
01:11:19Could be but I believed it for a reason. I think the tip came from Peyton Bartell
01:11:24the executive director
01:11:26What makes you think it was her the attention to detail?
01:11:29I think she tried to get to the bottom of it herself and when she couldn't she did a little whistle-blowing
01:11:34on her own organization
01:11:36Well her father started it and she had to hand it over to the Percy's and the Percy's are the ones who got the big
01:11:41donations the office the boat they took other donors out on and
01:11:45Thomas handed the financial reins over to his buddy Gerald Martin
01:11:50Still it seems like Peyton will be shooting herself in the foot to bring attention to the product not if she got her foundation back
01:11:57Know the Percy's seem nice, but I also think that you know better than anybody that people are not always what they seem
01:12:06Did O'Connor finish going through Ray's cell phone records did he make any calls to Helena Percy?
01:12:13No, we found a business card in his hotel room
01:12:18You know, maybe he called from his room, could you check on that and get back to me?
01:12:32Local dr. Z Madera's daughter of Martha's Vineyard chief of police enjoys an afternoon at the luxurious Pendry Inn. Mm-hmm
01:12:40Why would you post that?
01:12:42Okay, if word gets out that a murder investigation came through here
01:12:45I wanted folks checking us out to see that important people still come on
01:12:51first of all, this is weeks old and secondly, nobody says I'm important and third
01:12:57Should have asked. Okay, you're right, right? I should have
01:13:02But if the number of social media likes count you are important. Oh, okay. Look
01:13:11Look how many likes on this picture of us at the gala. Well, yeah, we look fabulous. Mm-hmm
01:13:18Did you see this one you and the handsome detective? Wait a second
01:13:24That looks like Ray Norris
01:13:26Yeah, it is. That's that's our victim
01:13:30Yeah, I remember seeing him at the gala. He was talking to Helena Percy right after she came off the stage
01:13:39I'm so sorry. I have to go
01:13:45So look this is
01:13:47Right after the speeches and there's Ray and Brit posted this. Mm-hmm. What's that? Hashtag? She's using
01:13:54Harriet's Hope Gala. Let's see if there's any other photos using that same hashtag
01:13:59Yes, bingo
01:14:07Look who Ray's walking towards when he comes back in. That's Thomas Percy and Brit told me she saw him talking to Helena
01:14:14Keep going
01:14:16Wait, right right there. Yeah
01:14:22Yes, please dance as long as you don't have two left feet like me
01:14:28You know
01:14:29someone once said to me
01:14:32to love and
01:14:33be loved
01:14:35Is everything so thank you everyone for showing us your love and allowing us to spread it far. Come on
01:14:46You know how in yearbooks they have everyone pick a quote and print it on their photo
01:14:51Look at Donna Lawson's
01:14:54To love and be loved is everything Thomas Percy used on his favorite quote in his speech. That's what turned Ray around
01:15:01He was probably thinking the same thing I'm thinking right now that Thomas not Gerald was his father
01:15:06So he's the one who reconnected with Donna at the 10-year reunion for some one-night fling
01:15:12He was quoting her about love. It was sending money even after the kid was grown. I'd say it was more than one night
01:15:18Which makes it even more difficult to hide you mean from Helena?
01:15:21He called her Ray that is three hours before he showed up at the gala from his hotel room
01:15:27She said he didn't but the pen Dre has a PBX phone system that tracks calls
01:15:32Elena lied
01:15:33Then Ray was talking to her right before he got killed
01:15:48Where is everybody?
01:16:01He scared me you're back
01:16:04We're here to talk to Helena Percy or Thomas if either of them are available. No, I'm sorry
01:16:09They gave the staff the day off. I'm just here putting some files back in storage
01:16:14Is there something I can help you with actually there is?
01:16:18My dad hasn't made any arrests in the murder of Ray Norris. Oh, I thought your dad had someone in custody someone named Fletcher
01:16:25Well, we haven't ruled him out
01:16:27But we've come across some photos of the victim attempting to talk to Thomas the night of the gala
01:16:31Talk to Thomas. Why would he do that? It's a good question
01:16:35You have any guesses? He also called Helena just before the gala. Did she happen to mention that to you?
01:16:43No, no, I don't think so well Percy told us that you pick up Helena's messages sometimes
01:16:49Did you pick up her messages the day of the gala? I may have
01:16:57Was someone who called wanting to know if he needed a ticket to get into the gala was it Ray Norris?
01:17:02I really don't remember and did you pass that message on to Helena?
01:17:09Or did you delete it what
01:17:14You know exactly who Ray Norris is don't you? I don't know what you mean
01:17:18And you know that Thomas was having an affair with Ray's mother
01:17:22And that he was supporting a child
01:17:28Think I hear someone right now, maybe it's them. I'll go check
01:17:36Why are you talking to her like that because she's in it up to her neck
01:17:49Her office is down this way
01:17:52Peyton Peyton wait
01:17:55You just need to answer a few questions
01:17:59Stop right there. I'll shoot her. I swear
01:18:02You should have just let me walk out. You don't need to do this Z. Look at me. It's gonna be okay
01:18:08She doesn't want to hurt you. Do you pay him? I never wanted to hurt anyone. I know
01:18:13You were just trying to protect the foundation that bears your mother's name
01:18:16Get back get back to the conference room. And that's why you made a pact with Thomas Percy, isn't it?
01:18:22He raised money for you and you turned a blind eye while he what
01:18:27Set up a phony vendor number so he could send money to raise mother get back, but you had it under control
01:18:33You and Percy figured out a way to cover your tracks. It was all gonna blow over
01:18:38Until Ray showed up at that gala
01:18:41Ray Norris who was there to demand his father pony up more money. I'm sorry. This is a private party
01:18:47Really? My name is Ray Norris that man Tom Percy my biological father. He's citing me a lot of maybe he told you what he
01:18:54Wanted very long maybe you convinced him. You wanted to help Thomas
01:18:57I told him if he stayed out back you'd send Percy out to meet him. And that's when Stacy Martin found you are embarrassing
01:19:03They argued and then her brother showed up Stacy and tried to make Ray leave
01:19:11This isn't over a and that's when you confronted him
01:19:16Norris I
01:19:19Spoke to mr. Percy. He has no clue what you're talking about. What if I told you I'd proof
01:19:23But we know we had an account number in his pocket zero two one one three five nine eight seven zero
01:19:29It's an account number ring any bells tip. It was a Harriet's Hope account number, wasn't it?
01:19:35There was a number that would have destroyed everything that you and your family worked so hard to build
01:19:41What choice did you have?
01:19:44But to kill him
01:20:29Get up the stairs now
01:21:06You okay
01:21:25Any news on the board reelecting you none yet, but if they do be thanks to you. Mm-hmm. Well if you're passing around credit
01:21:36Should probably pass them to your daughter. Oh, he always makes me feel appreciated
01:21:43You ready
01:21:46Just so you know this house calls a one-time deal
01:21:51Cortez own is not the best solution to your problem. You have a better solution you want to offer
01:21:56How about not trying to make a long jump record onto a boat?
01:22:01If it was pretty dazzling, you know, you're allowed to tell me you were impressed Oh
01:22:11Is he gonna tell me how this bullet got there
01:22:19Someday and yes
01:22:22You do have to catch your own dinner
01:22:24I'm from the vineyard. I'll catch mine and I'll catch you. Oh
01:22:28Yeah, something else, you know that
01:22:31See what you got
