Genghis Khan Ep8 Chanzeg Khan Ky Lashkar Ky Hathon Musalmano Ko Kaisy Shikast Hui

  • 2 days ago
Genghis Khan Ep8 Chanzeg Khan Ky Lashkar Ky Hathon Musalmano Ko Kaisy Shikast Hui


00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum friends, before watching the video, please subscribe to our channel and click on the bell icon so that our videos reach you regularly.
00:30Nizamuddin said, Bargh Khan, you stay here with your companions, I will go to Uloon, I will send him to you and take him to Changes Khan.
00:39Bargh Khan agreed to this, then Nizamuddin and Ariz Zulzani moved away from there.
00:44They came to the place where Uloon was seated with respect and honor.
00:48When Nizamuddin went near him, Uloon stood up in his respect because she considered him as Koshan Khan.
00:55When Nizamuddin looked at Uloon carefully, he said, Uloon, don't feel bad, we won't harass you because you are a woman.
01:04Besides this, you and I already know each other.
01:07I have killed many of the Mongols who were arrested.
01:11I have saved some of my men who will take you to Changes Khan safely.
01:15I am not telling you to stop looking for Nizamuddin.
01:19You can keep looking for him.
01:21It is possible that you will be successful.
01:23And it is also possible that you will lose your life during this campaign.
01:27Anyway, one thing will happen.
01:29Now you go straight to the right hand.
01:31Some of the people who were arrested with you, who I have left, are standing there.
01:35They will take you with them.
01:37At this point, Uloon looked at Nizamuddin deeply.
01:41For a moment, he also looked at his face.
01:44Then she moved back.
01:45She reached where Bargh Khan was standing with his companions.
01:48Then she got on her horse and left from there.
01:51A few miles ahead, Karacha was stopped with a defeated army.
01:55He was hopeful that Uloon would meet him.
01:58Because he knew that Muslims do not hit women.
02:02When Uloon reached there with Bargh Khan and his companions,
02:06then Karacha expressed happiness.
02:08Then Karacha and Uloon took the remaining army and left for Changes Khan.
02:13Both the sons of Changes Khan, Oghdai and Choghtai, tried their best to conquer Atrar city.
02:20But Nizamuddin and Ainul Haq,
02:22both of them, sometimes by killing Shabkhun,
02:24sometimes by attacking the Mongol army,
02:27started to eat them.
02:29Historians write that Oghdai and Choghtai Khan,
02:32both of them continuously besieged Atrar city for 5 months.
02:36But they did not have the courage and courage to conquer the city.
02:40Meanwhile, Sultan Alauddin Khwarazmshah made a mistake.
02:43He called back Nizamuddin and Arif Zozani to provide supplies for himself.
02:49And sent his second commander,
02:51whose name historians call Karacha,
02:53with 10,000 troops to help his uncle Ainul Haq.
02:57In this way, two commanders named Karacha were affected.
03:01One Karacha Khan was the commander of Changes Khan
03:04and the other Karacha Khan was counted among the commanders of Sultan Alauddin.
03:08Historians write that this Karacha reached Atrar city with 10,000 troops.
03:13And after 5 months of siege,
03:15he saw the unbearable condition of the city.
03:18So he advised Ainul Haq that
03:20since the people of the city cannot tolerate more attacks,
03:23we should talk to the Mongols for reconciliation.
03:26Because Ainul Haq was aware of the nature of the Mongols.
03:29He knew that the Mongols would kill everyone.
03:32Therefore, there would be no way to save the people there even in the form of reconciliation.
03:36Therefore, it was better to fight from his point of view than to die for reconciliation.
03:40Therefore, he refused to act on Karacha's suggestion.
03:44Ainul Haq remained stubborn,
03:46but the people of the city were not seen from Karacha.
03:49Therefore, one night he opened the doors of the city with the will of the people of the city.
03:54In this way, using treachery, Karacha handed over the city to the Mongols.
03:58In the morning, Karacha was presented before Changes Khan's son Oghdai.
04:04First of all, Oghdai criticized Karacha for betraying the people of the city.
04:08After this, he ordered to behead Oghdai and said,
04:11if he can betray his own people, then he will betray us in the future.
04:15On the other hand, when Ainul Haq learned about Karacha's treachery,
04:19historians write that with an army of 20,000, which was now under his command,
04:24the castle was closed.
04:25After that, he would leave the castle every night and
04:28kill the Mongols in the middle of the night and enter the castle again.
04:33In this way, he killed countless Mongols in the night.
04:38Historians further write that this process continued for a month.
04:41On both sides, the number of armies decreased and decreased.
04:45The difference was that the Mongols were getting regular help,
04:48and because Ainul Haq was besieged, this facility was not available.
04:52While fighting, Ainul Haq had only two armies left.
04:56But there was still no difference in Ainul Haq's strength.
04:59When these two armies were also killed,
05:01the women in the castle surrounded him so that the Mongol army could not reach him.
05:06Finally, Ainul Haq was captured alive.
05:09He was presented in front of Genghis Khan's son Oghdai,
05:13and he ordered his murder.
05:15After this, the fields around the city were destroyed,
05:18and the city was completely destroyed.
05:21When Genghis Khan was about to attack Bukhara with his army,
05:27Qaracha and Aulun reached him with their remaining armies.
05:31Genghis Khan had already heard of their defeat.
05:34Therefore, when Qaracha and Aulun were brought before Genghis Khan,
05:38Genghis Khan instead of addressing Qaracha,
05:41looked at Aulun and addressed him and said,
05:44Aulun, the enemy with whom you collided, was he more in number than you?
05:49Aulun nodded and said,
05:51Khan-e-Azam, he was not much in number,
05:54but his cavalry was so strong that he was dominant over us.
05:57What is the name of his cavalry?
05:59Genghis Khan looked at Aulun carefully and asked,
06:02His name is Nizamuddin.
06:03The same Nizamuddin, whom I was looking for,
06:06Aulun replied in a confused tone.
06:08Here Aulun had lied.
06:11He did not take the name of Koshan Khan.
06:13He tried to avoid the matter by saying Nizamuddin.
06:16When Aulun became silent,
06:17Genghis Khan was lost in deep thoughts for a while.
06:20Then he addressed Aulun again and said,
06:23Aulun, I am asking you all these questions because
06:26Qaracha fled after the defeat,
06:28while the enemies had captured you.
06:30So you can answer my questions better.
06:33Okay, tell me, does Nizamuddin have a higher status than Koshan Khan as a soldier,
06:38who once went to our residence,
06:40and who defeated Qaracha against Teghzani,
06:43and about whom you said that you will also look for Koshan Khan.
06:47Upon this, Aulun thought for a while and then began to say,
06:49Khan-e-Azam, Koshan Khan is neither part of the army of Sultan Alauddin,
06:53nor is he the commander of any army.
06:55As far as Nizamuddin is concerned,
06:57he is considered one of the top generals of Sultan Alauddin Khwarazmshah.
07:01He has extensive experience of war.
07:03He is unparalleled in the high skill of Teghzani.
07:05He arrested me in a strange way.
07:07He did not even hurt my heart,
07:09in fact, he humiliated me.
07:11The soldiers who were arrested with me,
07:13were mostly from the Taichod tribe.
07:15Barghan was also among them.
07:17Therefore, he forgave not only me,
07:19but also all those who were imprisoned with me.
07:21We left his house.
07:23On the way, we met some soldiers left in Karacha,
07:25and we came to you.
07:27After a while, Changes Khan thought something and then began to say,
07:30How long will this Nizamuddin be saved from our hands?
07:33One day or the other, we will cut his neck.
07:36Now you people rest for a few days.
07:38After that, you will be provided with an army.
07:41And after this army,
07:43you will try to arrest Nizamuddin again and bring him to me.
07:46Aulun and Karacha agreed to this.
07:48After that, they stayed with Changes Khan.
07:51Changes Khan had a very fast and lightning-fast rush with his army.
07:56After leaving Atrar city,
07:58Nizamuddin headed for Sultan.
08:00Sultan Alauddin Khwarazmshah,
08:02at that time, according to historians,
08:04was at Satana city with his army.
08:08When Nizamuddin and Ariz Zozani came to the Sultan,
08:12the Sultan praised them for not letting their bravery,
08:15courage, and speed come near the city for five months in a row,
08:20and also gave them rewards.
08:22After this, he thought something,
08:24and then, looking at Nizamuddin and Ariz Zozani, he said,
08:27I have called you from Atrar city because my informants have informed
08:31that Changes Khan is heading for Bukhara,
08:33and after Bukhara, he would like to conquer Samarkand.
08:36Therefore, both of you go to Samarkand.
08:38I hope that the people of Bukhara will definitely defend themselves,
08:41and ignoring Bukhara,
08:43if Changes Khan reaches Samarkand,
08:45then Nizamuddin, you and Ariz Zozani,
08:47will defend the city well together with the ruler and
08:49governor of both Samarkand, Alp Khan.
08:52I want both of you to stay in my territory for a few days,
08:55rest, and then go to Samarkand.
09:00Nizamuddin and Ariz Zozani had agreed to this.
09:03Therefore, on this occasion,
09:05both of them, in a way of begging,
09:07had once again told Sultan Alauddin Khawar Zamshah that
09:10if he stands in the way of Changes Khan with the entire army,
09:13then he assures the Sultan that Changes Khan will be killed.
09:16Rather, the harm he has caused to our areas,
09:19we will cause more harm to his areas.
09:23Unfortunately, Alauddin Khawar Zamshah had come to the words of the stars,
09:27he had complete faith in them,
09:29and the stars always told him that the Sultan's stars are in orbit.
09:33Therefore, in these circumstances,
09:35the Sultan should not face Changes Khan in any way.
09:38Therefore, Nizamuddin and Ariz Zozani got up from despair
09:41and went to their tents.
09:43And then after staying there for two days,
09:45they took a part of the army and headed for Samarkand.
09:49Traveling with Changes Khan,
09:51the leader of the Taichut tribe, Bargh Khan,
09:53brought his horse close to the horse of Aulun.
09:55Seeing this style, Aulun understood that he wanted to say something to me.
09:59Therefore, he also brought his horse close to it.
10:02At this point, Bargh Khan, in great secrecy,
10:05addressed Aulun and said,
10:07Aulun, my sister, I have made a mistake in your matter.
10:10I have made a discovery about you on Koshan Khan.
10:13Now I regret why I did this.
10:15My guess may also be wrong.
10:17Whatever I said, I said it keeping my guess in mind.
10:20Hearing Koshan Khan's name, Aulun was shocked.
10:22Then she addressed Bargh Khan and said,
10:24What did you say to Koshan Khan about me?
10:27In response, Bargh Khan waved his hand on his forehead a couple of times.
10:30Then he said,
10:31My sister, thank you very much.
10:33He gave me life for the second time.
10:35The first time when I was captured by Changes Khan after defeating him.
10:39And the second time when I was working as his deputy under Karacha
10:43and had to face defeat at the hands of Koshan Khan.
10:46He met me and forgave me.
10:48When he met me, I said,
10:50My sister, I made a discovery about you on him.
10:53And that discovery was that...
10:55After saying this, when Bargh Khan stopped for a while,
10:58then Aulun looked at him with great impatience and asked,
11:01What did you discover about me?
11:03In response, Bargh Khan said,
11:05My sister, while traveling with you, I made some guesses.
11:09Keeping those guesses in mind, I said to Koshan Khan that
11:12I guess that Aulun is inclined towards you and likes you.
11:16My sister, don't mind my words.
11:19I said this only on the basis of my guesses.
11:22Hearing these words of Bargh Khan,
11:24Aulun smiled a little and then said,
11:27Bargh Khan, my brother, I think you did not do anything wrong.
11:31Koshan Khan's personality is such that
11:33any girl can be inclined towards him.
11:35This is also my condition.
11:36So if you have made this discovery,
11:38then I think you have done me a favor
11:40and made my work easier to some extent.
11:42Hearing Aulun's answer, Bargh Khan was happy.
11:45Then Aulun spoke and said,
11:47I spoke to Changes.
11:48He will once again give us an army
11:50to catch Nizamuddin, to finish him
11:52or to arrest him.
11:54Bargh Khan, now you are my confidant in the matter of Koshan Khan.
11:58Therefore, I will not keep my cousin brother Karacha with me.
12:01I will request Khan-e-Azam that
12:03the army that is to be handed over to me to avenge Nizamuddin,
12:06include Bargh Khan in it
12:08because Bargh Khan has more experience in dealing with the enemy
12:11and I hope that Khan-e-Azam will agree to my request.
12:14Bargh Khan thanked Aulun for this.
12:16Then he turned his horse to the right
12:18and kept a little distance from Aulun and started moving forward.
12:21On the way to Samarkand,
12:23Changes Khan separated an army.
12:25He handed over the command of this army
12:27to his three chiefs, Alq Khan, Asqat-o-Khan and Tikai
12:31and sent them to the cities of the Muslims,
12:33Banakat and Khajand to attack.
12:36Therefore, the three generals of Changes Khan
12:38first went to Banakat city.
12:40At that time in Banakat city,
12:42the ruler appointed by Sultan Alauddin Khwarazmshah
12:44was named Il-Taqo.
12:46When he learned that the Mongols were attacking Banakat,
12:49he closed the city gates and was besieged.
12:52The Mongols besieged the city and the war began.
12:56For three days, Il-Taqo bravely stopped the Mongols.
13:01While retaliating against them,
13:03he also killed many of their armies.
13:06But on the fourth day, he lost hope.
13:08He accepted defeat and opened the city gates.
13:11As a result, the Mongols entered the city,
13:14killed the people of the city
13:16and forced the young men who were not capable of fighting
13:18to join their army
13:20so that wherever there was a clash with the Muslims,
13:23the Muslims were kept ahead to fight and die.
13:26Therefore, these people had to fight
13:28and the Mongols stood on one side and watched the spectacle.
13:31After conquering Banakat,
13:33the three chiefs of the Mongols,
13:35whose names were Alq Khan, Asqat-o-Khan and Tikai,
13:38moved to the second largest city of the Muslims, Fajand.
13:41The name of the ruler here was Taimur Mulk,
13:43who was very brave, courageous, experienced and brave.
13:47He had built a strong fort
13:49at the place where the river was divided into two parts.
13:54When he learned about the Mongols' climbing,
13:56he moved to the fort with a thousand warriors
13:58who had the best experience of the war.
14:02The Mongols fought the Mongols well for a few days,
14:05but the fort was so strong
14:07that all such plans failed.
14:10Historians write,
14:11Fajand was a good, special city.
14:13The people of the city were at the mercy of the Mongols,
14:16and a large number of refugees had gathered from nearby.
14:19The Mongols caught everyone in vain
14:21and divided them into small groups
14:23and placed them on the rocks near the mountain
14:25under the supervision of the Mongol soldiers.
14:28The water of the river was stopped by these stones
14:30and the direction of its flow was turned towards the fort.
14:33Taimur Mulk had foreseen
14:35that if the fort could not be conquered,
14:38the Mongols would definitely take advantage of the flow of the river.
14:41Therefore, he had twelve ships built for his flow,
14:44on which strong roofs had been placed
14:46to make them homely.
14:48There were holes in the walls
14:49so that if the enemy tried to attack,
14:51he would not be allowed to come close by archery.
14:54The roofs were covered with mud so that there would be no fire.
14:57Therefore, when the Mongols began to change the direction of the river,
15:01the condition of the fort gradually deteriorated
15:04and Taimur Mulk realized
15:06that he could not stay in this fort for long.
15:09Therefore, he gathered seventy small ships from here and there
15:13and brought all his equipment in one night.
15:16He took the rest of the troops with him
15:18and left to avoid the Mongols.
15:21But the Mongols were not ignorant.
15:23They began to run alongside the river
15:25alongside the ships.
15:27Whenever they tried to come close to the ships,
15:29Taimur Mulk's army would shoot arrows at them and push them back.
15:33When the ships and ships reached close to the fort,
15:36the Muslims saw that the Mongols had fastened the chains
15:39on the bank of the river to stop them
15:41so that the caravan of the river passengers could not move forward.
15:44But by chance, the chains broke
15:46and Taimur Mulk safely escaped from that trap.
15:50But the enemies were coming along like shadows.
15:53The small clashes were common every day.
15:56The Mongols were on the verge of disaster.
15:58It was very difficult to handle 70 ships.
16:01The Mongols, whenever they got a chance,
16:03would pull a ship and put it on the bank.
16:05They would seize the goods on the bank
16:07and kill the army of Taimur Mulk in it.
16:10Although the number of soldiers and ships was decreasing,
16:13Taimur Mulk did not stop.
16:15Finally, he got a chance and landed on the western bank of the river
16:19and left for Khawarazm with a few of his men who were still with him.
16:24Finally, there came a time when he was left all alone.
16:28Only three arrows were left to protect him.
16:31But they were also unharmed.
16:33When he turned back,
16:34he saw that three Mongolian troops were coming in pursuit.
16:37When the distance between them was less,
16:39Taimur Mulk shot an arrow
16:41which hit the eye of the first Mongolian.
16:44He sat there, held his head,
16:46sighed, and the other two went back.
16:48In this way, Taimur Mulk reached Khawarazm safely.
16:51Since the Sultan was stationed in the outskirts of Satana city instead of Khawarazm,
16:56Taimur Mulk left Khawarazm and went to Satana city.
17:00On the other hand,
17:01Genghis Khan arrived near Bukhara with a very large army.
17:05At this time, Genghis Khan's youngest son, Tauli Khan, was also with him.
17:10Therefore, when Genghis Khan arrived at Zarnak with his large army,
17:14he sent his Muslim brother Hajib to the people of the city
17:19that if they accept obedience and obedience instead of confrontation,
17:23it will be better for them.
17:25Historians write that the Muslim Hajib reached Bukhara
17:28and Genghis Khan's message reached him.
17:30Some people of Bukhara were not ready for this humiliation,
17:33so they consulted each other
17:35that first of all, the ambassador who has brought such a humiliating message,
17:39should be killed.
17:40When the ambassador heard about this plan,
17:43he climbed to a high place and said to the people of Bukhara,
17:47O people of the city, I am also a Muslim like you and I am more Muslim.
17:51If you leave the intention of confrontation while following my advice
17:55and accept the obedience of the Khan-e-Azam,
17:57then I promise you that you will not be offended.
18:01But if you come to the confrontation,
18:03then your city will be completely destroyed.
18:06Upon this, the people of the city decided after deliberation
18:10that a delegation should come to the service of Genghis Khan and express obedience.
18:14Therefore, this was done.
18:16When the people of Bukhara went to Genghis Khan,
18:18and when he got a chance to express his obedience to Genghis Khan,
18:21Genghis Khan met him and expressed his obedience.
18:24As usual, Genghis Khan enrolled all the young men of Bukhara in his army
18:29and since Genghis Khan had forgiven the people of the city,
18:32the name of the city was named Fakh-ul-Baligh,
18:35that is, the fortunate city.
18:37And Genghis Khan went a little further to the place of Noor without entering the city.
18:42Historians write that Genghis Khan settled in Noor city.
18:45Here, the Mongols used a strange and strange method.
18:48After reaching Noor city,
18:50they started cleaning the dense trees hidden in the gardens in the vicinity of the city.
18:55They made stairs from the branches and branches of these trees
18:58and walked the city on their horses.
19:00The guards at the doors considered them to be ordinary people
19:03and did not make any intrusion.
19:05When they reached inside the city fort,
19:07the people of the fort knew at that time what the situation was.
19:10This news spread like wildfire in the city
19:13and people left everything and entered the fort.
19:16According to the usual custom,
19:18residents of the city were sent to express obedience.
19:21Some people were in favor of obedience and some were against it.
19:24Finally, after a lot of hesitation, it was decided that
19:27reconciliation would be better than retaliation.
19:30Therefore, the Mongol chiefs promised to pass on this condition to them
19:34that the people of the city should take their necessary equipment and go out of the city
19:38and leave unnecessary things at home.
19:40Because according to the custom,
19:42it is necessary to allow looting to keep the army happy at such times.
