The Traitors Canada Season 2 Episode 2

  • 2 days ago
The Traitors Canada S2 Episode 2


00:00Previously on The Traders Canada
00:05Previously on The Traders Canada
00:10My 22 guests arrived at my manor in La Belle Provence, and some certainly made an impression.
00:17Guys, I'm scared now.
00:19Because I love nothing more than a surprise, I made them a generous, if deadly, offer.
00:25Death Row is the list of players The Traders will choose from for their first murder.
00:33Their thirst for gold continued with an explosive mission.
00:39And I chose my three traders.
00:42This is what I came here to do.
00:46Thank God.
00:47And they are already showing so much promise.
00:50Realistically, we don't need to keep him around.
00:53The first person I really don't want to see is Kira.
01:12An early morning after a long night for our traders.
01:16But one of our five brave volunteers will not be breakfasting with his fellow faithful.
01:23Will their courage prove fruitful for the rest of the guests?
01:27Regardless, the die is cast and the table is set.
01:32My game has officially begun.
01:37Oh, I'm the first one.
01:39Come on.
01:44So I walk into the breakfast room.
01:46And of course, our portraits are hanging on the wall.
01:49And I zero in on my picture and...
01:52Oh, he looks so cool.
01:54Oh, Jesus.
01:55My God.
01:56Oh, he looks so good.
01:58It's going to be like the last good night of sleep I think we get.
02:01My first breakfast as a trader was stressful.
02:04I'm still waiting for a twist.
02:06I'm like, they're all going to come in.
02:07They're all going to just walk in.
02:09I'm just trying to keep my emotions really in check.
02:11Be contributing to the conversation.
02:13Were you hearing names yesterday?
02:15So many names.
02:16Yeah, I will say that I heard your name a couple times yesterday.
02:20I would love to like chat to you more today because...
02:22Yeah, I would love that.
02:25Come on in.
02:34So during the breakfast, one person I did try to keep my eye on
02:38is my sister because I don't know if she's a trader or not,
02:41but I know her the best.
02:42So like we shared an eye contact and it was slightly playful,
02:46but I don't know if she was like trying to hide that she's a trader
02:49or maybe she's still faithful.
02:50I have no idea yet.
02:52There's a 40% chance that I'm going to be sad
02:55because either her or Enoch.
02:57Enoch, yeah.
02:58I will be disappointed.
03:00Not that I like wouldn't be sad about the rest of them,
03:02but like those especially.
03:03Just a little bit more sad.
03:04I just have more of a connection.
03:06Connection with them already, yeah.
03:08I'm finding it very easy to be at breakfast with people
03:12because I'm observing other people.
03:14I'm trying to do the faithfully stuff.
03:18I am watching everyone.
03:22Come in.
03:24Who is it?
03:29We got a puppet show.
03:41What a crowd.
03:42Oh, my God.
03:43Everyone has walked in except the death row five.
03:48Enoch is coming for sure.
03:51Lauren, Kevin, and Dylan.
03:54Oh, Dylan.
03:55And Chris.
03:56And Chris.
03:57Oh, shit.
03:58Oh, and Chris?
04:00Chris, yeah.
04:01Chris or Lauren's gone.
04:02Chris or Lauren's gone.
04:04They're not going to kill Dylan.
04:06I just wish there was like a few clones of me
04:09just so I could listen to everyone's theories
04:11and be involved with everything.
04:12I just want to have ears and eyes everywhere,
04:14but I don't know if I can trust my traitors to do that for me.
04:18Everybody's in your head.
04:19Cedric, darling.
04:21Can you pass the coffee before I pass out?
04:22You want the ketchup?
04:24Can you get them, please?
04:25I didn't have any strong suspicions before breakfast.
04:28I think it's too soon.
04:30There's so little to go on.
04:31Everyone has been saying Cedric's name.
04:34Everybody's asking me for things like I'm the bubbler.
04:38Cedric, I need some.
04:40I'm coming around.
04:42Thanks for coming to my humble abode.
04:44I believe that a traitor would do a better job than what he's doing,
04:48so I'm not convinced of Cedric the way that everyone else is.
04:56Let the games begin!
05:01I didn't sleep much.
05:03I was pretty much sitting on the edge of my bed.
05:09I'm alive!
05:10I thought I was gone for sure.
05:12Right now, if you deal up around, who's kind of being sus right now?
05:17I honestly can't see anyone.
05:19That direction.
05:20You have a good view because you can see everyone's faces.
05:24I can't see anything.
05:25That's what I was doing.
05:26Part of this game is really all about listening, watching,
05:32and just taking it all in.
05:34And that's what I ended up doing.
05:36Is there anyone standing out at you right now?
05:39Do you want to say who or later?
05:41So I have a question.
05:43Everybody, I have a question.
05:45Michael John again!
05:47Making comments!
05:48If somebody did get murdered last night,
05:51and the traitors are sitting here right now,
05:54how do they feel? Do they even give a shit?
05:57I don't know.
05:58Why are you saying that right now?
05:59You're just kind of bringing attention to yourself.
06:01Right now, I think they're at their safest
06:03because the numbers are on their side right now.
06:11Come in!
06:19Oh my god, I'm so happy!
06:22Are you okay?
06:23Oh yeah.
06:24The traitors made a big mistake by letting me come back into the house.
06:27Today is the day.
06:28I start investigating.
06:29I'm going to find out who these traitors are.
06:33Oh, that's a hard knock!
06:35I can't.
06:51That's a hard knock!
06:52I can't.
06:53I almost broke that.
07:05Oh my god!
07:06Iconic outfit.
07:08He's like, oh my god, I'm here!
07:10Are you okay?
07:12Wait, what?
07:18Oh, I think it means he's gone.
07:25I think it might be the smartest to get rid of someone
07:29who doesn't have suspicion on them.
07:33I agree.
07:34Because then that way it keeps anything off of us.
07:36Any limelight off of us.
07:37And the only one out of that group that we didn't,
07:40we said was Chris, I think.
07:42That was the person that I thought would be the better option for us.
07:49Because he's so smart and I feel like if he does start speaking
07:51and it's like one of our names,
07:52it would hold a lot of weight.
07:55I'm all in.
08:00All in.
08:01That's it then.
08:10Dear Chris, by the order of the traitors,
08:14you have been murdered.
08:19These traitors are good.
08:20I guess that death row risk didn't necessarily pay off.
08:25To Chris.
08:26Goodbye, Chris.
08:27He was a good man, Chris.
08:28To Chris.
08:30To Chris.
08:31To Chris.
08:32I slept really well last night because I was under the impression
08:34that my strategy of being a little bit loud was going to keep me safe.
08:37Kevin is definitely a traitor,
08:39and I knew he would save me because of my mini panic moment.
08:42We're all wearing denim tonight for Alberta.
08:44I actually thought Dylan would get kicked out,
08:47and it surprises me that he didn't.
08:50Is he part of the traitor team, or are the traitors using him as a puppet?
08:54He's a strong player.
08:55You can't deny that.
08:56He's a strong player.
08:57Physically, anyway.
08:59So they're not fucking around.
09:02They'll take out anyone.
09:13So the clock has spoken.
09:16No one else is coming.
09:18Congratulations on making it through the night.
09:21Oh, well.
09:23Not Chris.
09:26So down to 21, I see.
09:28Lucky me.
09:30You know, murder is only one half of this game.
09:34The other half is winning money.
09:37Your next mission is upon you.
09:40I'll meet you there.
09:48So good.
09:50I just lost my appetite.
09:52First breakfast sucked.
09:54To have the first person get kicked out of the game was, like,
09:58it affected me more than I thought it would.
10:07Do I feel that the game has changed since breakfast?
10:13Someone's dead.
10:14Tension is up right now.
10:16Of course everyone is suspicious.
10:18Of course everyone has their theories.
10:20So you don't have anybody that you trust?
10:24Outside of me.
10:25Mary Jo.
10:26I believe her.
10:27She wears it on her face.
10:29But you know who else I think wears it?
10:33Kira's safe.
10:35Kira's safe.
10:36I think Kira is an A-plus traitor.
10:37Honestly, that girl is really, really smart.
10:39I'm, like, trying to take, like, notes from her, the way she talks to people.
10:42It's so open and so, like, charming and so sweet.
10:46She's really good at what she's doing.
10:51Yeah, so Kirkland said he's been hearing my name.
10:54And I'm like, that's what I'm wondering.
10:56So I was going to go chat with him about it.
10:58That's so weird.
10:59And I'm like, are you hearing it from the same person that you heard it from?
11:01Because, like, who else?
11:03I do think Rebecca's a traitor.
11:06I did notice her behavior change.
11:08I don't want anyone to be blindsided as well.
11:11So I was trying to have conversations with people.
11:14I think I've said enough behind the scenes.
11:16And I hope somebody else wants to take the spotlight at the roundtable.
11:20Yeah, I'm dying to hear where this came from.
11:23Well, of course.
11:24Do you mind if we just take a moment?
11:27I was looking for both of you, actually.
11:28So, I don't know if I'm interrupting.
11:30Let me know and I can go.
11:31Well, we were going to chat.
11:32But if you want to, like, you know, do something first.
11:34Can I ask who you're leaning towards right now?
11:37Thinking is a traitor?
11:39Like, literally the only person that is, like, in my mind is Cedric just for the reason that he keeps bringing me up really randomly to people that do not agree with him.
11:46I just don't know what I've done or said to give anybody that impression.
11:50But clearly I'm talking too much to the wrong people.
11:56Kira and Rebecca, there is something there.
11:59Because Kira yesterday told me that someone mentioned Rebecca to her.
12:03And Kira was like, can you believe they told me about Rebecca in front of me?
12:07And I'm like, oh, okay.
12:08Yeah, so we got to be careful about that.
12:10I'm so angry.
12:12Cedric keeps talking about my friends.
12:15Rebecca, her and I, I feel like I can trust her.
12:19So, I did not like that you were throwing her name out to me.
12:23What I, I didn't throw it out to you.
12:24I said, what do you think of Rebecca?
12:25No, you said, you told me, you told me that she was, she had changed demeanor.
12:31And I was like, wait, I didn't see that.
12:35You got to keep in mind, this is a game.
12:37I understand that.
12:38Please understand that.
12:39If you get emotionally attached to her, it's going to be a problem for you after.
12:43Cedric brings so much attention that it does distract from the actual traitors, which is good.
12:51Neda and I, I've not heard a single thing about either of us.
12:59So, what I tried to go with was, was the names that were floating around yesterday.
13:03The couple was Cedric and Mike.
13:05I feel so bad for Mike.
13:06Yeah, yeah.
13:07He's in his own.
13:08I'm just feeling like, I'm trying, having a hard time finding my people here.
13:14So, I don't think I would do well psychologically as a traitor.
13:18Because I would wear it on my face.
13:19Everybody would know.
13:20Unless it's a good act, he misses his cats.
13:22And like, you know, it's whatever.
13:24It's fair, I miss my cat.
13:25It could be.
13:26But he was telling me he did some acting, okay, not to, you know, that means anything.
13:30He said he was terrible at it.
13:33And he does podcast, True Crime.
13:35Like, but I'm like, if you're someone who does podcasts, you have to be somewhat confident and not shy.
13:42I know that he's a faithful, so I feel so bad for this guy.
13:46Because he's really trying to prove to these people he can be trusted.
13:50He's really pouring his whole heart out.
13:52So, Cedric came to me saying that people are throwing my name around.
13:56So, that's what's going around.
13:58I thought right now, and I was like, wait, what?
14:00And they think that you're playing a trick because you said that.
14:02That's an obvious trick.
14:03I like you.
14:04That's what I'm telling you.
14:05I know you're faithful.
14:06I did say that.
14:07I did hear that.
14:08No, man.
14:09Mike didn't say this.
14:10Somebody else said it.
14:11I'm feeling a little angry.
14:12I'm the type of person who wears my emotions on my sleeve, and it doesn't always serve me well.
14:23I know there's traitors among us, and I'm not one of them.
14:26If I'm acting, I should win an Oscar for that.
14:29But it's not.
14:30That's real.
14:31What they saw was real.
14:40You can trust me.
14:41I'm such a faithful.
14:42No, I'm such a faithful.
14:44I believe it.
14:45It's hilarious.
14:46I believe it.
14:47I actually thought they were going to give me traitor, but they did not.
14:50Cedric gave me such a bad vibe.
14:53He's gunning for you.
14:54He is, huh?
14:55He's weird.
14:56I don't know how to feel about him.
14:57He's very likely going to be my first pick.
14:59He's going to distract everybody from the actual, you know.
15:03That's very safe.
15:04He's the type, like, you make a mistake on him, you're like, all right.
15:11Those two names you mentioned, this is what's going around.
15:14Rebecca and Mike.
15:15Can I ask about Rebecca?
15:17Because I haven't actually, like, I keep hearing people say, oh, I've heard Rebecca, but I've
15:21never heard, like, an explanation for it or anything.
15:24At the round table, she definitely just changed her whole demeanor.
15:28Before, she was asking, like, what do you do or whatever, and then it just changes, just
15:32like, but that could be a game plan, I don't know.
15:34I'm suspicious of Mike.
15:36I keep flip-flopping on him so much.
15:38Oh, really?
15:40What are the things that are making you think he's a traitor, though?
15:42Just the way he's, like, acting and, like, the conversations he's having, but then I'll
15:46actually talk to him and I'm like, in my gut, I'm like, I actually think you are a faithful.
15:50I think he's a faithful.
15:52I wonder, like, are people going to go in with, like, a predetermined name, you think,
15:55or they're going to decide at the table?
15:57That's a great question.
15:58Some people could be swayed at the table, depending on what happens.
16:01Depending on what people say, right?
16:02Because people are going to say things, we're going to have a chance to talk.
16:05I think everyone's going in with an idea.
16:14You never know what's going to happen when you show up to these missions.
16:17It's literally a gamble every single time you get in that car.
16:22I'm hoping that it's a more cerebral mission, because the physical one yesterday was a little
16:30tough for me.
16:35I don't do the outdoors, so I'm scared.
16:37I'm going to be scared for every mission.
16:42Oh, my God.
16:43Look at that.
16:47That's crazy.
16:49There's nothing quite as majestic as a horse.
16:53But the Trojan horse may just be my favorite.
17:14This is brilliant.
17:19And why?
17:20Because it was a glorious example of betrayal.
17:26For today's mission, you'll drag my wooden horse around, answering ten questions along the way.
17:33Good God.
17:35Get one right, you'll get to load $1,000 worth of gold into the horse.
17:41That's good.
17:43Get one wrong, you'll weigh the horse down with bags of sand.
17:48That's going to be hard.
17:51The answers to these questions have already been provided by the traders, of course.
18:01That thing we are going to take on a walk through a trail?
18:04How are we even going to do this?
18:06You have 20 minutes to win the money you collected.
18:10Oh, and one last thing.
18:12Inside the wooden horse, there's no army, but there's a shield.
18:19I doubt I need to tell you how important the shield can be in this game.
18:23Get your hands on it first, you'll get to ride the horse all the way to immunity.
18:28The other players, who have to push you for the rest of the mission, may not be so appreciative.
18:35But it's not like they'll be able to murder you for it.
18:3920 minutes to answer ten questions.
18:41$1,000 per question.
18:43This is going to be hard, but we've got it.
18:46Let's get the money.
18:47Let's add some money to the pot.
18:49I'll see you at the end.
18:50Bonne chance.
18:52Okay, let's go.
18:54Strong is strong is short.
18:55You're strong is short.
18:56You go first.
18:57Everybody listen to Erin.
18:59All together, guys.
19:00All together.
19:05There we go.
19:06Let's go.
19:07Let's go.
19:08There we go.
19:10You're good.
19:11You're good.
19:12You're good.
19:13Peace, right?
19:14Nice peace.
19:15It was so heavy.
19:16I was leaning forward as hard as I could,
19:18and it still felt like it wasn't enough.
19:23We got to turn.
19:24We got to turn.
19:27Let's turn.
19:30When we have to make a turn,
19:32we have to lift the whole horse and its platform
19:36and move it over.
19:42The wheels do not turn.
19:44We haven't even got to the first question post,
19:48and we're already dying.
19:50I cannot believe how hard this is.
19:52Question number one, guys.
19:53We're almost there.
19:58Let's go.
19:59We got to slow it down.
20:00Let's go.
20:01Let's go.
20:02We get to question number one.
20:03I stick my hand in the box.
20:04I pull the rope.
20:05The top pops open.
20:07There's the question.
20:08The three name options are right there.
20:10Once their hand goes into that box,
20:13you're handcuffed.
20:14You're not coming back to the horse with us.
20:16What's the question?
20:17Which guest wields the most influence over the group?
20:22Panic, Cedric, Mary Jo.
20:25I was thinking it's going to be me for sure.
20:29It's Enoch, y'all.
20:31There's no leader.
20:32Everyone was just screaming out their answers
20:33and their instincts.
20:35I obviously have all the answers to these questions,
20:38but I need to hide the fact I can't be chiming in,
20:40giving all the right answers here and there.
20:42I want to just let the faithfuls do this on their own.
20:50Yeah, bang.
20:51Grab one.
20:52Grab one.
20:53Let's go.
20:54Grab one.
20:55So every question we got right, we get $1,000.
20:58Every question we get wrong, we get bales of sand.
21:023, 2, 1, go.
21:05OK, let's go, guys.
21:06Go get them, guys.
21:08After the question's been answered,
21:10they go on their merry way with the Trojan horse.
21:12I'm handcuffed to the box.
21:14I'm working on my tan.
21:15Pac-Man, are you going next?
21:16I'm good, I'm good.
21:17I'll go next.
21:18You'll go next.
21:19Trina's going next.
21:20When we arrive at the second post,
21:22I volunteer immediately.
21:24I want to get away from this horse.
21:26I don't want it in my life anymore.
21:28Which guest is the least worthy of trust?
21:32Mike, Michael, or Gail?
21:36Which one?
21:37Michael's on J, right?
21:38Cedric, this is Mike.
21:39No, no, Michael's John.
21:40This is Mike.
21:41Wait, wait, hold on, hold on.
21:43Hold on, everybody, everybody keep quiet.
21:47Cedric is wasting no time and is getting loud
21:50and trying to control what's going on.
21:53We need to work together and communicate efficiently
21:55and shouting over everyone is not going to help that.
21:58What's the difference between Mike and Michael right now?
22:00Michael's John.
22:01This is Mike.
22:02This is Mike.
22:03We need this money so badly, OK?
22:06We are playing in Canadian dollars.
22:08It's got to be Mike.
22:10It's got to be Mike.
22:12We got gold!
22:15We chose Mike because he's floating around,
22:17but he's under the radar and he's not really talking to people.
22:20He's bringing it on himself, which will be to our advantage.
22:23Well, I'm just happy that I'm the trustworthy girl
22:26and everyone thinks that because I am 100% faithful.
22:30Let's pick it up!
22:31Let's pick it up!
22:33Do we see a third clue?
22:34Do we see a third clue?
22:35There's a third clue!
22:36There's a third clue!
22:37Who's going to three?
22:38Who's going to three?
22:39I'll go, I'll go.
22:40I'll go.
22:41Go, Jasmine!
22:42It's up there!
22:44Which guest tells the most lies?
22:48Rebecca, Perry, Joe, or Dylan?
22:55As soon as I hear my name come up, my head is like, what?
22:59Like, where did that come from?
23:01Why do you think that?
23:03I feel like I haven't spoken to Mary Jo enough for her to have thought that I was a liar.
23:08It felt like the questions were set up to push us against each other,
23:14if anything, and create mayhem.
23:16If that's what the traitors would think, but I wouldn't say me.
23:18I've never told a lie in this game.
23:20We're saying Dylan!
23:25We got Dylan.
23:26Good job, guys.
23:27Good job.
23:28I like you, but you had to be the answer on this one.
23:33Which guest is the most useless in the hunt for the traitors?
23:40Lori, Pac-Man, or Jasmine?
23:44Shit, right now?
23:46It's Jasmine because she has no, she hasn't named one person.
23:51I think it's Jasmine.
23:55Five, four, three, two, one.
23:59She didn't give any suggestions.
24:01Before we scream out the answer, let's talk about it.
24:03Yeah, it has to make sense this.
24:05Ten minutes.
24:10Okay, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
24:13I'm running out of gas.
24:16Which guest is trying the hardest to fly under the radar?
24:21Is it Aaron?
24:24Or Kevin?
24:26I start to think we got to be more efficient about this.
24:29Show of hands!
24:31Show of hands!
24:33Show of hands!
24:34Kevin, show of hands!
24:36Trana, it's Trana, it's Trana, it's Trana.
24:44I think there was some sabotage happening from the traitor's side.
24:48They knew the answers, but I feel like just so they don't get sussed out,
24:51a lot of them didn't speak up.
24:52Ruthless traitors.
24:54Not even just traitors, but like, ruthless traitors.
24:57What are you supposed to do?
25:00If you're not going to listen to me, I'm just going to push and let you all figure it out.
25:06Which guest would gain the most by speaking less?
25:09We all know who that is.
25:13Everybody said in unison, Cedric.
25:16I love him, but he doesn't shut up.
25:19That's money for sure!
25:20Watch out!
25:21Go, go, go!
25:22Let's go, let's go, let's go!
25:25$1,000 in the pot.
25:27Five minutes.
25:29Which guest is lying about their true identity?
25:36Really, guys?
25:37I told you I was a former police officer.
25:39I'm a mom of four.
25:41I own a retail store.
25:43What else would I be?
25:44I've heard people say Lori.
25:46It's just too obvious.
25:47She's this kindergarten teacher.
25:55Bags, bags!
25:56Let's go!
25:57They're sandbags?
26:00Don't give up!
26:01Come on!
26:02Come on, guys.
26:03You can see it!
26:06Which guest is the most determined to win at all costs?
26:12Lauren, Dylan, Netta.
26:15It's either going to be me or Lauren.
26:16Let's be honest.
26:17I'd go with Dylan on this one.
26:18I'd go Dylan on this one.
26:22Fuck you guys!
26:24More sandbags?
26:26With all the sun, the dust, the excessive weight,
26:31and the traders are still giving us nothing.
26:34Let's go!
26:35Let's go, guys!
26:37Pace yourselves!
26:38Long strides, lean forward!
26:40This mission is so intense.
26:42We are pulling this thing.
26:45And we keep getting question after question wrong.
26:49The traders set us up for failure.
26:52I think we gave genuine responses to these answers.
26:55They were just getting it wrong.
26:57And I get it.
26:58They need somebody to blame.
26:59But it's not the traders.
27:00You guys actually betrayed yourselves this time.
27:03Which guest will definitely never make it to the finale?
27:16It shouldn't have been Mike.
27:18It didn't make sense to me.
27:20They already said he was untrustworthy.
27:22It was so stupid.
27:24And we had to go and pick up five more bags.
27:27Thanks, traders.
27:29Come on!
27:32Sandbags are making it heavier.
27:35That looks very heavy.
27:37Two minutes!
27:38This is the last one, you guys.
27:40We should just go straight to the finish line.
27:42You want me to go straight to the finish line so we get the gold?
27:44Go, Mary Jo! Go, Mary Jo! Go!
27:46We have time.
27:48We have time.
27:49Just shut the fuck up.
27:50Hurry up.
27:51I said, let's skip this last question because we're running out of time.
27:55And Dylan puts his hand up and tells me to shut the fuck up.
27:58I was really put off by Dylan.
28:01I was like, wait, we're being told we have two minutes left?
28:05And we're stopping for a question?
28:07Just go.
28:09I can't get the chain.
28:11We should have just gone straight to the finish line.
28:12I know.
28:13We should have.
28:14Well, I know we're all tired, but we just want to cross that finish line.
28:17Otherwise, we get nothing.
28:19Oh, my God.
28:20We have enough.
28:21Pop this off!
28:22Okay, which guess would make the best trader?
28:26Melinda, Mary Jo, or Gail?
28:41Fifteen seconds.
28:42Go, go, go.
28:43Go, go, go.
28:44Ten seconds.
28:45Keep going.
28:46Go, go, go.
28:47Keep going.
28:50Don't give up!
28:52We're almost there.
28:56We just had to do it.
28:57We did it.
28:58We did it.
28:59We did it.
29:00We did it.
29:01We did it.
29:02We did it.
29:03We did it.
29:04We did it.
29:05We did it.
29:06We did it.
29:07We did it.
29:09We just lost everything.
29:12I knew we shouldn't have stopped at that last question.
29:16Devastating to not win this money after all that hard work.
29:22Guests, no one will be writing books about what happened today.
29:27No money, no shield.
29:31See you back at the manor.
29:34Oh, my God.
29:35The mission was so hard, but I really dug in.
29:39And even when I thought I couldn't go on, I mean, I found the strength.
29:44That was hard.
29:45That was actually hard.
29:47I was so proud of Nick.
29:49That boy does not sweat ever.
29:52And he was drenched head to toe.
29:55It's those times that I just want to say, I'm so proud of you.
30:01And I don't get to say that, unfortunately.
30:05I'm really hoping that tonight at the round table, if my name comes up,
30:09I'm able to shut it down quickly and let everyone know that I am a faithful
30:14and we can actually get on the right track towards traders
30:17because we cannot let them manipulate us like this.
30:25The answer is like a few of them.
30:27The answer is like a few of them.
30:29I can tell we're there to, like, push us on to people.
30:33Who's hiding their identity?
30:34They said me.
30:35And I'll be honest, we're getting sabotaged a little to make money.
30:38Let's just say you want to stand to the radar as a trader.
30:41You don't want to guess everyone.
30:43But they could have guessed some.
30:45Because the traders knew the answers.
30:49Michelle brought up the fact that she had heard from someone Rebecca's name.
30:55And I went, oh, who did you hear that from?
30:57Because I know who's been saying her name a lot.
31:01Which is Cedric.
31:02Cedric's saying a lot of fucking shit, man.
31:04Excuse my language.
31:06Every time he's manipulating a lot of people.
31:08But it might have been someone else, too.
31:09Every time I hear something that's so left field, I ask who said it.
31:12And every single time, it's Cedric.
31:13Tonight, I have honestly no clue how to vote.
31:15And I know we shouldn't be going with the group, but I'm scared of kind of being left out.
31:20That is my Japanese conversation, too.
31:21So where do you think the group is going?
31:23This morning, it was Mike seemed like number one.
31:26And then people were throwing out Rebecca and Cedric.
31:28I think people were just like, he's just fucking annoying.
31:29Mike seems top of mind in a lot of people's heads.
31:32I think if we lose on him, it's way better than losing Kevin.
31:36There are certain people that I have, I'm like, okay, I've gotten to know you so much in these past few days that I think that I can trust you.
31:45And you feel like Rebecca is that?
31:47Rebecca is one of the people.
31:50We can take you as our proxy to it, where it's like, I trust because I trust you.
31:56If Cedric is not a traitor, he is the worst faithful I have ever seen.
32:03He's not helping.
32:04He's not helping.
32:05He's actually hindering.
32:17We're all crashing.
32:19Energy levels are dropping.
32:21I think this challenge just confused me even more to be honest.
32:25It's such a mind game.
32:27So right now we are in a bit of chaos.
32:30We failed the challenge.
32:32People are upset with each other.
32:33We have to bring everybody back in.
32:35But I would say Mike is a better bet tonight.
32:38I think Rebecca is tomorrow.
32:39If we get Rebecca tonight, it's also going to cause too much stir because she's such good friends with four or five girls.
32:47It's all going to, you're going to go next.
32:48We lose Mike.
32:49It's loose meat.
32:53I just want to understand, like, why is everyone throwing Rebecca?
32:56Is there something that I'm not seeing?
32:58I'm not trying to protect Rebecca, but she is not someone that's a threat to me right now.
33:04For me personally, I did see a behavior change and that was the only one that I really did see it.
33:09I will be straight up with you.
33:11But I'm going to be really real with you.
33:12If she's not, I'm going to question you after that.
33:14Of course.
33:15I feel like I'm the one now targeting Rebecca.
33:17So if she stays in this game, I'm like a sitting duck for murder.
33:22So I feel like she's got to go.
33:24Having a little bit of a duo thing too going on, like Kira.
33:28And so it's people are like...
33:30It's like a voting block almost.
33:32You're like, you know, in this game, you can't have it.
33:35Kirkland, he's got to stop bringing people one on one.
33:38You need, you need evidence.
33:39You need to start going like...
33:40I do agree.
33:41When I say something...
33:42Kirkland's on people's radars right now too.
33:44Everyone thinks that Kirkland is very stoic and he's very calm and collected.
33:49But what I'm seeing is somebody who is strategic.
33:52First thing he said at breakfast was,
33:54so Rebecca, your name has come up several times.
33:58And Rebecca was like, yeah.
34:00It felt very staged.
34:02So you think they're both traitors?
34:04I think so!
34:05Kirkland, I got my eyes on you.
34:15I'm telling you right now, you and I, I'm all in.
34:18Can I pinky promise?
34:21Like if we can have two female winners, like I'm...
34:24Can you imagine?
34:25I really want Kira to trust me.
34:27I don't think she does.
34:29Just when I look into her eyes, I can see the distrust in her eyes.
34:32So I'll work with her as long as I really can.
34:35Are you turning for Michael?
34:37I'm letting him dig his own grave.
34:40I want her and I to go all the way.
34:42And if he gets sacrificed, not on purpose,
34:46I won't be throwing him under the bus.
34:49But if the bus starts going, I'm not going to stop it.
34:55It's going to be an interesting roundtable.
34:58It's going to be an interesting roundtable.
35:00I actually have zero idea where it's going.
35:02I am incredibly interested and invested
35:05in what's going to happen at the roundtable tonight.
35:07No doubt it's going to be epic.
35:12I'm hoping people vote with their brains and not their emotions
35:32or try to jump aboard the general consensus
35:36because the general consensus is almost always wrong.
35:43I feel like my biggest red flag so far in this game with people
35:46is people that talk too much and put too many names out there.
35:50And I think the number one thing a trader will do
35:53if they feel uncomfortable is deflect.
35:59I'm feeling nervous.
36:01I feel like my name is going to come up on that roundtable tonight.
36:05I'm not really sure why.
36:07Nobody's really giving me an answer or a reason,
36:09but apparently my name's going around and I'm really scared.
36:14I don't want to go home.
36:28Quite the challenge, guests.
36:30You made zero dollars today.
36:33Luckily you still have $20,000 in the prize pot.
36:39You know, nothing is more important than a first impression.
36:44And at my manor, a bad one can end in banishment.
36:50Let's see if the faithful can at least start this part off on the right foot
36:55and unmask a traitor tonight.
36:59I'll leave the details to you.
37:03I have something to say.
37:07I came here with one name in my mind and it was yours.
37:11And I don't have that anymore,
37:14which is very interesting because I did a lot of thinking about
37:18just there's a certain person who is always the sower of dissent.
37:24Somebody is planting little seeds that they hope will grow.
37:28You're either the worst faithful there is or you're a traitor.
37:32But wait, can you just say who is planting these seeds?
37:42So you're saying I planted these seeds when I came and told you
37:45what was going on with your name and I said I didn't think you were
37:48and you're saying I planted the seeds.
37:50If you choose to turn on me right now, you're making a big mistake.
37:53You're here to pick a traitor and not go on your emotions
37:55and you're going on emotions right now.
37:57No, I'm not. I don't want my evidence.
37:59Okay, but you've been spreading lies.
38:01I've been told that you have been saying that I was talking about
38:06a good friend of mine behind their back.
38:09We're not here for gossip. We're here to find traitors.
38:12I understand that, but you are sowing seeds. You are lying.
38:17That's what a traitor does. They lie.
38:20Hey Ced, was that a joke when you brought my name up?
38:22Was that a joke when I brought your name up?
38:25Um, no, it wasn't a joke.
38:27So you think I'm a traitor.
38:29I felt that you changed also.
38:31You felt or you feel?
38:32I feel.
38:33You still feel like it?
38:34I still feel.
38:35How many people on this table right now you feel are traitors?
38:37He told me eight. He said there was eight.
38:39Dang, Ced!
38:42I said I had eight on the list.
38:43You said there's a list of eight?
38:44I'm going to give you an advice if you do survive this night
38:47because it's not looking good.
38:48Because you think I'm a traitor?
38:49Because I think that a lot of people think you're distracting.
38:53And like I said to you, I really don't think you're a traitor.
38:56But why would you be a distracting faithful?
38:59And I get it now. I get it. I get it.
39:01And that's genuine.
39:02I'll say you're also the person I'm hearing has said my name the most.
39:06And I did say your name.
39:08Can I ask why?
39:09I just felt your personality change in one day
39:12and that's what happens with traitors when they find out they're a traitor.
39:15If I was the one saying it's Rebecca, it's Rebecca, Rebecca.
39:19Which you were.
39:20Which I was.
39:21Why would you need her to defend you?
39:23Why didn't you come talk to me today?
39:24I didn't ask anybody to defend me.
39:25I'm talking to her.
39:26I'm talking to her.
39:27She was not in the room.
39:29If she just found out just now her name was dropped,
39:32why didn't she come and talk to me about it?
39:34You and I were having a conversation.
39:36And after, why didn't you come talk to me about it later on?
39:38Because I don't trust you.
39:39We had a conversation this morning.
39:40I don't trust you.
39:41You have said my name multiple times to so many people.
39:43Because I feel you're a traitor.
39:45You're spreading actual lies.
39:47How is that at all helpful to faithfuls?
39:49Anybody here, did I lie to anybody here?
39:51Anybody speak up right now if you think I did.
39:55Anybody here?
39:57Did I lie to anybody here?
39:59Did I lie to you?
40:00I sat with you.
40:01MJ, did I lie to you?
40:02I sat with you for two days.
40:03MJ said today, I think you're lying.
40:04You're lying.
40:05I lied once about this.
40:06Did anybody see me do that?
40:07Did you raise your voice like that?
40:08Did anybody see that?
40:09Who heard that today that she said to you?
40:10Yeah, well, during the challenge.
40:11During the challenge, who heard that?
40:12MJ, did you hear it?
40:13MJ, did you hear it?
40:14Can I speak?
40:15I know for a fact that I have not lied in this game.
40:17That's what that question was.
40:18I didn't see that.
40:19Who has told the most lies?
40:20I'll just say this.
40:21I'm a faithful.
40:25That's not what we're doing this year.
40:26That's all I have.
40:27That's what a traitor would say.
40:28If I was a traitor, I would be laughing at this chaos.
40:32I think, honestly, Rebecca, what worries me is how quickly and strongly you're making connections.
40:39Like, I am concerned about that.
40:41I'm a little fearful of the connections that I've been making.
40:44I know that that can be really dangerous.
40:46And oftentimes, the people that make connections get picked off very quickly by the traitors,
40:50which is kind of sad because I really trust Kira.
40:53I believe she's a faithful.
40:54And, like, I just, I feel like I like to be close to people that I trust, obviously.
40:59But, yeah, I can understand.
41:00Like, there's only so many things we can go on right now.
41:02There's two things going on right now.
41:04The emotions, and there's a lot of emotions.
41:07And that's not where we have to base our decisions.
41:10But the thing we really have to think about, that challenge today, those traitors were brutal.
41:16There were answers that were correct, and we all know them because we communicate.
41:20And they put the wrong answer down.
41:22And you know what they did today?
41:24They took $10,000 away from us.
41:26We gave everything today to get that.
41:29And they actually sabotaged us.
41:31So the most important quality these traitors have, they're smart.
41:37If anything, if emotions are going to be running high right now,
41:40it's about the fact that we busted our asses up out there today, and we got $0.
41:45And the traitors let that happen.
41:47And they didn't answer, and they grew.
41:49They did that by making themselves the most invisible people at that mission today.
41:55So if you are going to be looking around at this table right now,
41:58we need to be looking at the people that you knew were the least visible today.
42:12Time to vote.
42:14Oh, my God.
42:18How, as a fan of this game, did I not know it would get this intense this fast?
42:24You can't be 100% certain, but I'm 99% certain that Cedric is not a traitor.
42:29He's just attracting the wrong attention to him.
42:42I'm sorry, Rab.
42:44Sorry, just today I just talked to everybody,
42:46and other people were telling me some pretty good evidence.
42:50Nothing personal.
42:51I understand. It's okay.
42:55I hate this more than I ever imagined, actually.
42:59So I'm just going to go with my gut instinct, so I had to go with Mike.
43:07I'm shaking right now, because, you know, observations are observations,
43:13and hearing multiple people, you know, stating about chaos around somebody.
43:18Sorry, Rab.
43:19Nothing personal.
43:26I'm sorry, it's so early, and all I have to go on is my gut at this point.
43:32I voted for Rebecca.
43:34Three votes Rebecca. One vote Mike.
43:39I had a vibe off this person from the beginning.
43:42I don't know why I felt this vibe, but I did.
43:45All my friends in Newfoundland are going to hate me, but Rebecca.
43:54I think the traitors are finding comfort in chaos, so Cedric.
44:02I think the same thing, too, but I'm not voting for Cedric. I'm voting for Michael.
44:08You told me at the beginning of this show you 100% wanted to be a traitor,
44:13and I've been watching you.
44:15I wish.
44:16And your answers seem rehearsed, and just, yeah.
44:20Okay. Okay.
44:24I went with Mike.
44:28I chose Rebecca.
44:34Traitors won today. It's really pathetic.
44:37Chris is out, the nicest guy in the world.
44:39We lost the challenge, we got no information on the traitors,
44:42and this was a chaotic and unuseful roundtable.
44:46I wrote your name down, Cedric.
44:47This is a warning. Calm yourself.
44:51You have been spreading lies about me and my friends,
44:56and I don't appreciate it.
44:58You don't appreciate it, and you're giving the traitors exactly what they want.
45:05Five, Rebecca.
45:07Three, Cedric.
45:09Two, Mike.
45:10One, Michael.
45:14I think we're still very early.
45:17I think outside the game we'd be incredible friends.
45:20I don't want to be doing this, but just with so much going on...
45:25Oh, my God.
45:26I'm sorry, Cedric.
45:35I'm going to my bed.
45:40This is tough.
45:48As I mentioned before, I believe whoever the traitors are,
45:51they're not making a lot of noise,
45:54but I chose Aaron.
45:58The reason why is because you've been very quiet.
46:02I've been watching. You've been very observant.
46:04And based on your history, you've been a corrections officer before.
46:08If you truly are a traitor, you can use that for your advantage.
46:11So I'm just going to go with my intuition.
46:14I could be wrong, but nothing personal.
46:19I need this person to know that this is solely based on observation.
46:24And for that reason, I'm going with Rebecca.
46:28Okay, 6 votes Rebecca.
46:314 votes Cedric.
46:333 votes Mike.
46:351 vote Michael.
46:371 vote Aaron.
46:40Mary Jo.
46:41The first time I met this person, I told her she was formidable.
46:45And today in the challenge, I think you're really smart.
46:48And I think you could have written those questions.
46:52So my vote is for Rebecca.
47:00Sorry, Rebecca.
47:05Rebecca, if you get one more vote, you'll be banished from my memory.
47:12My feeling is that we need people that are going to be strong in the challenges.
47:16And so for that, I went with Enoch.
47:21I'm going with my gut, Michael John.
47:28As you guys know, I'm super quiet.
47:30So sometimes the noise makes it hard for me to analyze who the traitors might be.
47:44I really hope we got this right, but looking at your face, I don't know.
47:50I'm sorry, Rebecca.
47:55I'll mess this one up.
47:57Rebecca, you got the most votes.
48:01Join me.
48:03Tell us if you are a faithful or a traitor.
48:07It's really hard.
48:10I really love all of you guys.
48:11Honestly, it's only been a couple of days.
48:13Sorry, I cannot breathe.
48:16It's only been a couple of days, but I feel like I've made some really strong connections,
48:19which obviously screwed me over in the end.
48:22And if that's my fault, then I'll take that.
48:25But the traitors are laughing because I am a faithful.
48:32Jesus Christ.
48:49I'm just really disappointed, honestly.
48:51I just want to say to Kira, thank you so much for sticking your neck out for me when you didn't have to.
48:57I'm hoping that my banishment tonight might save you a little bit now.
49:02It's hard to get it right the first time.
49:06Maybe give a thought as to who led you down the wrong path.
49:14I'll see almost all of you tomorrow. Bonsoir.
49:18I'll see almost all of you tomorrow. Bonsoir.
49:31I knew she was a faithful from day one.
49:33And Kirkland, hey, nothing personal, but I said to you today too, when we spoke earlier,
49:38if Rebecca gets kicked out and she's a faithful, I'm going to question you.
49:44This is the same thing that's happening from season one, where faithfuls were all following each other.
49:49So, like I mentioned, don't go based on all the noise. Go with what you truly really think.
49:57Mike, what was that vote? What was that vote?
50:00I told you. Michael John told me the very first night that he 100% wanted to be a traitor.
50:05I think most people wanted to be a traitor anyways.
50:08I feel like shit now.
50:09Everybody else's vote was very logical. I don't know what that was.
50:14I regret my vote so much.
50:17I voted for Cedric because Cedric needs to calm down and it needed to be a warning to him.
50:22I wish I voted for Mike, but honestly, Cedric's behavior at the roundtable was terrible.
50:33Leaving the roundtable, I just feel so defeated.
50:36This has been a bad day for the faithful.
50:39Maybe I'm just terrible at this game, but I didn't know if she was a traitor.
50:42But I was kind of killing two birds with one stone.
50:44I thought she could be, but I also thought I don't like the idea of the girl power alliance.
50:49I really trust Kevin. I'm kind of grinning because that might be the one that bites me in the ass.
50:55I don't want to pull a girl and leave her a situation, so I'm going to go with my gut and trust him all the way.
51:04I don't know where to go with you at this point.
51:07I just want to know, do you and Michael know each other before this game?
51:10No, absolutely not.
51:12If you do, just admit it.
51:14Where is this coming from?
51:16Because your vote today was insane. You do the same podcast type things.
51:20Your logic is insane if you're pointing a finger at me.
51:23I would love for you to write to me.
51:24Fair enough. Vote me out tomorrow.
51:26If you want to put the pressure on me, I'm happy for that because it will honestly feel good to know what it's like to be in a podcast.
51:31I will go and say this to you in private, just you and me.
51:34We can do that another time, but I want to have Juan relax.
51:39Traders, if I'm going to be helping you, I guess applause. You did a great job tonight.
51:43Okay, so I didn't know that you were the first person who brought up Rebecca's name.
51:47I was not.
51:48You were not?
51:51I don't think she deserves to go home. I honestly don't.
51:53I couldn't put her name down.
51:55Michael John has been on my radar since moment one of this competition.
52:00Watch, just watching him, like watch him.
52:04Please watch him.
52:07Either you're too nice for this game, or you're just really smart.
52:11And I'm not saying I'm going to go for you next time, I'm just saying that when I was looking at where my choices were tonight.
52:15I feel like I'm a dead man walking at this point.
52:22Oh my God, I have so much to say. I'm so fucking pissed. That's why I said that speech.
52:27A faithful did leave, but not the right one.
52:30Unfortunately, she had to go, and maybe it's going to be better for my game in the long run.
52:37Here's to Rebecca.
52:38Here's to Rebecca.
52:39Rebecca, sorry.
52:41And I really hope, I really, really hope that the four of us are here tomorrow morning.
52:46I'm just terrified of what is going to happen tonight. Who is going to be murdered?
52:52Good night, guys.
52:53Good night, everyone.
52:54See you in the morning.
52:56I'm sending a little message out to the traders. I created chaos today, and it helped you guys.
53:01There's going to be no more Hurricane Cedric spitting around that room anymore.
53:05So you guys better watch it, because people are going to be more focused, because I was the distraction.
53:09But I'm not the distraction anymore.
53:25Oh, wow. What a day.
53:46That was a really rough one, you guys.
53:48Kind of felt guilty.
53:50Yeah, no, that was actually really hard.
53:52I was upset. I felt terrible.
53:54It's the doing it to their face.
53:55Yes, that's the thing.
53:56It's the doing it to their face and seeing the emotion on their face as they're leaving, her crying as she's leaving.
54:01I was like, literally like her dream just got, she's, yeah.
54:04And my name came up, not once, but twice, and you're not going to like that.
54:09I have to warn you, you got defensive very quickly.
54:13Trader to trader, that looked a little bit suspicious to me.
54:19I knew from day one that Michael John was a trader, even before he even revealed himself to me.
54:26So that does not surprise me that other people have caught on.
54:30He is very obvious, and yeah, I'm not going to be sticking my neck out for him, that's for sure.
54:39Who are we looking at for tonight to murder?
54:43I'm thinking we try to keep us physically strong.
54:47Today was rough.
54:49You know what the funniest part is? They keep saying, oh, they sabotaged us.
54:52We genuinely voted with our real answers.
54:55They were just not getting the answers right, and they think we're these evil geniuses.
54:59I love it.
55:00Are they that bad at this game that they're not even getting the answers correctly?
55:04That was on them.
55:05They were saying, oh, traders, you weren't communicating.
55:08What did you want us to do?
55:10And we did actually try to communicate.
55:12We tried.
55:13It's a little funny to hear how much they're blaming us, but I'm like, oof, you guys just really failed at this yourselves.
55:19You guys are so stupid.
55:22Who are you thinking?
55:23I'm just leaning toward Jasmine, just because it would throw in Aaron into the mix of suspicion, too.
55:28And I'm like, the more confusion, the more names, because soon it's going to keep getting down and down and down.
55:32They're going to cut Mike soon, they're going to cut Cedric soon, and then they're going to have to turn on somebody else.
55:37I was thinking Nichelle.
55:38I just don't see the reason to keep her.
55:42She comes across very faithful as well.
55:44What do you think?
55:46What do you think?
55:47But I think Gail Kim can go.
55:49Gail Kim and I haven't really spoke, so right away I'm thinking, okay, she's always talking to other people.
55:54Is she plotting and scheming against me?
55:56Gail is someone I trust and she trusts me, so I do not want to get rid of her.
56:01She killed it during the challenge.
56:03She gave it her all.
56:06I do not want to get rid of somebody like that.
56:10Yes, she's strong also mentally.
56:14It could be an asset to us at one point if for some reason we need to recruit.
56:21Are they negotiating with me?
56:23Do they have their own intentions?
56:25Do they maybe want to get rid of me and then get Gail in conjunction with them?
56:29Is that what's going on?
56:30Maybe they're going to eventually feed me to the wolves so they can get more of a bigger pot.
56:35I'm sticking with Gail today.
56:41And we don't need all these people for all these missions, right?
56:44So I'm going to stick with Gail.
56:45I think we do.
56:46That's my final answer.
56:56Okay, well, we're three.
57:01We discuss.
57:06There's something not right.
57:07I don't feel right.
57:08I am 99.99% sure there's something not right.
57:13Who's going to write my name down next?
57:17I want Gail gone.
57:26Come watch him, Michael.
57:27His reactions are so odd.
57:30This mission is explosive.
57:33One of these guys is a traitor.
57:36I have had the opportunity to watch you.
57:39If you're going to get a traitor, I just don't want it to be me.