Claudia Sheinbaum is sworn in as president of Mexico

  • last week
The inauguration ceremony of Claudia Sheinbaum as the first woman to assume the nation's presidency is taking place in Mexico. teleSUR


00:00We go live to Mexico as the swearing-in ceremony is underway for Claudia Chamball to become
00:11the first female president of Mexico.
00:13Let's go over there to the Mexican city, the Mexican capital.
00:17Honorable Congress of the Union, people of Mexico.
00:28I swore to be abided by the political constitution of the United Mexican States and the laws
00:42that be stipulated on it, and play the role loyal and patriotic, and will take the office
00:55and be loyal to it as the people of Mexico has elected me, and so I will look after the
01:06welfare and prosperity of the country, and if I don't do that, the nation must demand
01:16it, they must demand it from me.
01:46Long live Claudia, they are saying, long live Claudia, long live Claudia, long live Claudia,
02:15long live Claudia, long live Claudia, long live Claudia, long live Claudia, long live
02:40Claudia, long live Claudia, long live Claudia, long live Claudia, long live Claudia.
03:04I can barely walk, said the old lady, so here you are, the president said, thank you
03:46The president, the constitutional president of the United Mexican States, Dr. Claudia
04:10Chambo Pardo, will send a message to, will deliver a message to the nation.
04:21I invite you to take your seats, thank you very much, long live Mexico, they are shouting
04:33good morning, good morning to you all, Bachelor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Honorable Congress
04:49of the Union, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Governors of Women and Men, Heads
05:01of Government, guests, special guests, families, people of Mexico, I greet and I appreciate
05:10the attendance of 105 countries that today are with us, it is a reflection of the commitment
05:22of Mexico for the international community, and the friendship that unites us with all
05:29the peoples of the world, I thank the attendance of the Prime Minister of Belize, and of President
05:40of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, Gabriel Boric, President of Chile, Gustavo Francisco
05:51Petro, President of Colombia, Miguel Diaz-Canel, President of Cuba, Sylvain Buitron, President
06:06of Dominica, and President of Dominican Republic, Cesar Arevalo, President of the Republic
06:19of Guatemala, Regina Abram, Councilor of the Interim Presidential, of Ayeshi and Xiomara
06:35Castro, President of Honduras, and President of Paraguay, and Prime Minister of the Sahara
06:49Democratic Republic, and Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, and I greet and I appreciate
07:00Dr. Hilda, who is attending in representation of the United States of America, and the representative
07:13of the Canadian Caucus, and the representatives of the European Union, and Security Policy,
07:23and Vice President of the European Commission, I appreciate the attendance of former President
07:30Walter of Germany, who is coming representing his country, and the Vice President of the
07:41Permanent Commission of the Republic of China, Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe,
07:50Theodore, Vice President of Equatorial Guinea, my gratitude to all the Heads of Government
08:00States of Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and the
08:08of the different powers, foreign ministers, ambassadors, I ask you to transmit the warm
08:20greetings of the people of Mexico to your leaders, I really appreciate the attendance
08:27of the 23rd International Organizations, I thank the UK representation of the Union,
08:40and the Spanish legislators, Gerardo Pizarrello, and many others that are today with us,
08:47and friends of different parts of the world, 19 years ago in this same place,
09:02in an abuse against freedom, the Head of Government of Andres Manuel López Obrador,
09:11in front of that legislature, pronounced a speech that served for the struggle for democracy,
09:21the attendance of the hearing, which in an attempt of unanticipated fraud, he said,
09:31you are going to judge me, but don't forget that it is still missing that history judge us.
09:40Today, we said it, we say it, we are sure that the history of the people
09:53has judged him, Andres Manuel López Obrador, is one of the greatest
09:59political leaders and social fighters, that is the most important social fighter
10:16of modern history, the most beloved president, just can be compared with Lázaro Cárdenas,
10:27who initiated his term and ends his term with love for his people,
10:38and so for millions, he is the best president of Mexico,
10:47who initiated the peaceful revolution of the fourth transformation of the public life of Mexico,
10:57and you have asked us several times not to reveal, not to build up monuments or
11:16or big homages, the truth is that it is not needed, because you will always be
11:26at most need, at the ones who don't surrender, who return hope and happiness, you will always
11:37in the hearts of the Mexican peoples, of the Mexican people,
11:45you withdraw from public life as a Republican, to continue fighting from another area,
11:56to write what you have lived during your first days, when you the origins of the greatness
12:05of Mexico, lies in the great greatest civilizations, who used to live in these lands
12:13centuries ago, before Spanish arrived, it is not a coincidence, that yesterday,
12:22it has been issued on the official journal, the constitutional reform of Mexico, that bestows
12:33full rights of the indigenous and afro-descendants of Mexico,
12:43the indigenous peoples of Mexico, so your last book is entitled thanks, and today we return
12:54your gratitude, thank you very much, thank you forever, it has been an honor to fight
13:02side by side with you, ever onward to victory, friend, brother, and Manuel López Obrador.
13:10So people say it's an honor to be with Obrador.
13:31On June 2nd 2024, the people of Mexico, in a democratic and peaceful way,
13:40they expressed loud and clear, it's time of transformation, it's time of women.
13:48Today, on October 1st 2024, the second phase is being initiated, the second
13:59step of the transformation of the life of Mexico, and today, after 20 years of the Republic,
14:07and 300 years from being a colony, it's after 1500 years,
14:16for the first time in history, women are leading the nation.
14:20And I prefer that we arrive,
14:37that we are leading the nation, because I am not alone, we arrive together, all of us.
14:46Mexico is a wonderful country, with extraordinary people, we are a great nation.
14:55Here, there have been original cultures that stemming from the chocolate,
15:07from the, so they gave us active languages, and they teach wonderful, stunning,
15:24stunning clothes, and with cultures as those Mayans, with their developed math, or the Aztecs,
15:34with, well, Mexico is the country that gave Hidalgo, that initiated the shout of independence,
15:44and that a couple of times later, there were thousands who were managing justice,
15:50who conducted a certain people to the path of freedom. Mexico, the country of models,
16:01who identified the feelings of the nation, to write that sovereignty comes from the people,
16:07that it is needed to mitigate the people, and so, homeland is first. Mexico is
16:31from Guadalupe Victoria, the first president of Mexico, who
16:41protested against the emperor, to achieve the constitution of the republic,
16:47and so then, he wisely expressed, we shouldn't prize those who serve the homeland, but punish
16:57those who invented it. So, journalists and fighters for independence, that 200 years ago,
17:07knew how to defend women for their thoughts. So, those of, those Mexicans liberals,
17:18knew how to separate the church from the state, and know how to defend homeland from
17:26the invaders. And so, those employers, those employees of Blanco River, who left everything
17:36to fight for democracy, of Zapata, who knew how to demand freedom, of the brave Villa, and of
17:45Carranza, the only governor, who raced against the Huertistas Cúbditat. Mexico is of the
17:54constituents of those in 1917, of Lázaro Cárdenas, who gave the land, and of Margarita Alonza,
18:06of Dolores Jiménez, of Berta Carrillo, and of Frida Kahlo, of Enriqueta González,
18:13the first mathematician woman. And so, Mexico is a country of free women and men,
18:21that have been fighting for democracy, justice, of those students of 1968, of the hundreds of
18:30women and men, who are not today, but who we are proudly inheritors. Mexico is a stunning country
18:39for our culture, for our diversity. Mexico is wonderful, thanks to our peoples, heroes and
18:48heroes, who live in the United States, and who love their families, and send us some funds to
18:58help us. So, Mexico is a wonderful country for their people, who is being resilient, rebellious,
19:05wise, and today, in power. Today, Mexico, thanks to all, we are the 12th economy worldwide, and the
19:146th tourism destination. Mexico is great. I call all of you, women and men, to make a reflection.
19:27Let's assess what's been happening during these six years.
19:34And so, now, let's answer the following questions. How is that 9.5 million Mexicans
19:48came out of poverty in six years? How inequalities has been mitigated without any taxes raised?
20:07How come is that Mexico achieves being one of the countries with less unemployment?
20:16How are we on a record of direct investment, and salaries have been ramped up without increasing
20:30inflation? The answer is that the model of the country has changed. So, there is no longer
20:42more corruption plan, but a plan based on the love of the people, honesty. So, we call it
20:51Mexican humanism. That's why we are talking about a deep transformation. Let's face it,
20:59that all Mexicans has gone well, has gone better. So, there's a lot of myths that were stopped
21:12during the imperial period. That marked our history for 36 long years. It was said that the state
21:22should be subdued to the market forces, that the economy was that if the minimum salary,
21:32there's going to be inflation and no foreign investment. That if the state participated
21:38in the economy, there was going to be economic rising and devaluation. That corruption was
21:43inherent to the government, that freedom all existed in the market, that the education,
21:51health, and fair salary were merchandises and not rights. All of it was fake.
22:02That's why we will continue with the Mexican humanism, with the fourth transformation.
22:08I review some of them. Some of the most basic principles for having prosperity must be shared
22:26for the sake of all. First, the poor people. Second, it cannot be a rich government with
22:35the poor people. This is a phrase of Benito Juarez Garcia, that the transformation governments
22:43make true, that the leaders must live without luxuries, and that the government cannot be
22:57a burden to the people. That we called austerity. And so, the leaders must be honest. The use of
23:07governmental structures for personal benefiting makes the public service. And so, we must follow
23:20ethics because there lies the necessary resources for the welfare of the people and the development
23:28of the nation. In a few words, honesty works out. And moral authority is the most important thing,
23:37and that cannot be purchased. It is only built up by fighting with honesty for Mexico,
23:47with justice, democracy, and freedom. Fourth, the maximum principle that democracy is the
23:55government of the people, for the people, and returning to what is with the people, everything,
24:02and without the people, nothing. And fifth, forbidden to forbid. Liberty, freedom is the
24:12essence of democracy. The development and welfare of the people can be established with taking care
24:20of the environment and natural resources. Seventh, women have the right to equality. Eighth, Mexico
24:31is a sovereign, independent, and democratic country. We want peace and fraternity of nations,
24:38and so, we get coordinated but not subdued to any governments. So, policy is made with love,
24:50not with hate. Happiness and hope is founded in the love of the people, of family, of nature,
24:59and on home land. Tenth, we condemn classism, racism, chauvinism, and any forms of discrimination.
25:08It is not a matter of tolerance. It is the recognition that deepening of inequalities
25:18will lead to injustice. Fraternity means to look at us equally. With this in mind,
25:28I express that our government will guarantee all freedoms of expression, of press, of meetings,
25:36of mobilization. Freedom is a democratic principle, and we are democrats. It is going
25:43to be respected human rights, and we will never use the force of state to repress the people.
25:50We respect and guarantee the religious diversity, political diversity, political, cultural,
25:58and sexual diversity. Anyone who says there is going to be authoritarianism is lying.
26:14Our external policy will follow the constitutional principles of self-determination,
26:23non-intervention, and pacific co-existence. And so, it will keep up the autonomy of Mexican banks
26:33in a responsible way between debts and GDP. We will boost public and private investments.
26:43I say it clearly, be sure that the investments of locals and foreigners will be assured in our
26:56country. We won't increase the prices of fuels, of gas, diesel, or electricity. In the next
27:10weeks, we will summon entrepreneurs to confirm the agreement that keeps without any increase
27:18the prices of the basic basket. So, we will deal with Canada and the United States to continue
27:26boosting the localization of companies. And so, we will promote taking care of the environment
27:36in the United States, Canada, and Mexico are aware that the economic cooperation
27:43strengthens the nation. It is clear that we won't compete, we complement each other.
27:49And besides, we have the conditions for a greater consolidation of the whole continent
27:57in a present and future vision of global economy. We will continue consolidating our
28:04relationships with the Latin American and Caribbean countries. We are united by history
28:10and commitment, as well as the different regions of the world. We will work hand by hand with the
28:18entrepreneur sector and the worker sectors to continue increasing the minimum salaries.
28:25Our target is to reach 2.5 basic baskets. We will make the digitalization program to facilitate
28:37the payment of taxes and other things. It is going to be a state of right in the recent
28:47constitutional reform for judicial power that marks the popular
28:55vote means more autonomy and independence of the judicial power.
29:00Think about it for a moment. If the target would be that the President control the Supreme Court
29:24of Justice, we would have made a reform to the style of Sevilla. But that is authoritarianism,
29:35and we are Democrats. We want to avoid corruption in the judicial power. It is a process in which
29:47there is going to be a unique summons, a committee of selecting candidates for guaranteeing
29:55they complied with requirements. And who is going to elect the people? How is going to be
30:03authoritative a decision that is democratic and that allows that the people decide?
30:09I am sure that in a couple of years later, we will be convinced that this reform is for the
30:18best. I say to those workers of the judicial power that your rights and salaries are completely
30:28safeguarded. We will keep all welfare programs, and we will make sure that its annual increase
30:43be never below inflation. And it is about to be approved that these rights be constitutional
30:51for no one to reverse them. There is going to be a universal lesson for the elderly,
31:02for the disabled. So, there is going to be Benito Juarez scholarships for primary students,
31:14and there is going to be free fertilizers, and the clinic is ours.
31:25So, different social projects. We will make true three welfare programs. All women aged 60,
31:3764, they are going to be supported. They are going to receive financial aid. All children
31:52who are coming to public schools are going to have a scholarship. We will initiate the next
32:01year with high school. Children, girls, and boys must be happy so they no longer hold the future,
32:13but the present of Mexico. So, we will prevent the health, and for it, we will hire 20,000
32:25physicians and nurses in recognizing the constitutional rights of the indigenous
32:37peoples, and we will make this true. We will consolidate the happy welfare as the best
32:48public health care system. We will increase the number of enrollments to public universities.
32:59So, education and health are the rights of the Mexican people. They are not privileged or
33:24We will build at least a million of houses, especially for youngsters,
33:32in schemes in which they can first rent and then acquire the house if they will.
33:40There's going to be credits at a low cost for improving houses, and a massive program of
33:48restructuration. In matter of structure, it is going to be broadened the Mayan train, and it's
33:56one of more than 1,300 kilometers. So, there's going to be guaranteed the route Hidalgo, and
34:15we are going to build up the double kilometer route of this Mayan train from
34:26City of Mexico to Apachuca, and from City of Mexico to Nogales, and then we will recover the
34:39passenger train to Veracruz. Before, they were privatized, but now we've recovered the passenger
34:50trains with crowds, because it means regional breakthrough, employment, tourism, and shared
34:57prosperity. If we want, we will continue with artisans and parks, with the construction of
35:05ports and airports, highways that generate breakthrough with welfare. And concurrently,
35:15we will improve infrastructure, and we will boost investment. As we expressed during the campaign,
35:26we will maintain the current cooperation of the 64 production electricity between the state
35:40and private companies. So, we will continue with the program of energy towards greener
35:52sources of energy to mitigate the greenhouses that lead to climate change. The private investment
36:00to cover 46 percent of electricity generation is going to be made with clear rules in the
36:09framework of law. To all women and men, we will be profiting from these green sources of energy
36:24at lower prices. So, the fundamental objective of the oil production with PEMEX is to continue
36:33with the production of the electricity. So, we will boost energy efficiency and the transition
36:44to these renewable sources of energy for improving the demand of energy. So, it is better to promote
37:06efficiency and renewable sources of energy. We will advance in the food sovereignty
37:14and self-sufficiency, provide food to those who gave us food. We won't promote transgenic
37:23food, transgenic wheat. We won't allow the harvest of transgenic wheat, not only the white
37:35wheat, but also other productive beans. So, to transform food for the welfare,
37:46and we will promote fair prices for food and supplying through hundreds of families,
37:56millions of families. And so, this means that we will make an environmental complex to
38:08profit those ways that allow us to reduce the pollution and generate employment.
38:17The most polluted city is going to be the cleanest city. That's what I was committed
38:27during my campaign. We will take care of water. So, that's why we will sign the national agreement
38:35for the sustainability of water. And so, we will make the judicial reforms to guarantee water
38:46as a resource of the nation. We will dignify the more than lots of hectares,
38:55and we will be recycling water as well. So, we will clean the most polluted rivers in our country.
39:07We will make of Mexico a scientific power of innovation,
39:13and that's why we will promote the basic sciences, humanities,
39:19and so we will be attached to them to several sectors for national breakthrough. So,
39:28Mexicans are creative and resilient. That's why we cannot leave behind in the technological
39:36breakthrough. Think about it. We have the greatest innovators. We have universities
39:47and technological institutions of the first class, and so we are very creative. So,
39:54regarding security, we will guarantee the fighting of crime, and so we
40:09will combat drug trafficking, which has been damaging so much in Mexico. Our conviction
40:17that security and peace are byproducts of justice, and our strategy consists of four issues.
40:30Attention, providing services to youngsters, intelligence and investigation,
40:41and strengthening of the national security guard, who believes that the national guard
40:51is demilitarized and is completely wrong.
41:02We will be coordinated with municipalities, states, with the prosecutor's office,
41:12that in its autonomy doesn't imply that stop the coordination. So, that will make us advance
41:23even more to take care of the causes and to take care of the four factors.
41:31I did it as a governor of Mexico City, and so we mitigated the homicides in just four years. So,
41:43I would notice that we will be yesterday in Acapulco to continue,
41:53and so we will support, as always, as a humanitarian government, we will support
41:59the affected of Guerrero and other states. I said that the people was crystal clear
42:08that when they say, they said on June 2, it is time of transformation, it is time of women.
42:16For a long time women, we were canceled. Many of us told us a version of history that
42:32didn't, that make us believe that the course of humanity was only led by men.
42:42Little by little, that vision has been reversing. Today, we know that women have been participating
42:52in the greatest deeds in the history of Mexico from different areas, and we also are aware that
43:01women can be presidents, and with it, I invite respectfully to appoint president,
43:18president with a, because in Spanish, it is the president takes, the president for women is,
43:44takes an A, an A letter. So, the president is making this reference,
43:56to changing this in the language. So, I want to acknowledge not only heroes of the homeland,
44:07but also to all anonymous heroines, to those invisible, that with these lines, we make visible,
44:19that with the, our arrival to presidency and these words, I make visible to those who fought
44:28for their dreams and achieve it, to those who struggle for their dreams and couldn't achieve it,
44:35and those who were able to raise their voices, and those who weren't, to those who have to
44:43be kept silenced. So, arrive for those indigenous women, those workers,
45:00those girls, those aunts who found in their, in their loneliness, their way of being strong,
45:07those anonymous heroines, that from their homes, from the streets, from their places of work,
45:16they fought for seeing this time. So, I want to congratulate our mothers who gave us
45:25our lives, our sisters, that from their histories, managed to move forward. And
45:35so, to, for those daughters and granddaughters,
45:42those women who fought with the possibility that at some point, there wouldn't matter if we were
45:50women or men, we could make our dreams and wishes come true, that without our sex determine our
46:00fate. So, to the, all of the, all of those women who thought us being free and happy.
46:19And with all of those women, today by our side,
46:36come the greatest dreams and wishes. Arrive with us, the people of Mexico, women and men empowered.
46:45The transformation turned you, turned the, the transformation gave you your freedom,
46:58your sovereignty, that never again can be, can be stolen from you. So, I am mother, a grandmother,
47:08a scientist, and woman of faith. And from as of today, for the will of the Mexican people,
47:17the constitutional president of the United Mexican States.
47:39I will rule for, for all women and men and be certain, have the certainty that I will put my
47:50knowledge, my strength, my history, and my own life at the service of the people and the homeland.
47:58I am 100% sure that we will consolidate together women and men in Mexico,
48:06every day more prosperous, free, democratic, sovereign, and fair. I'm not gonna let you down.
48:16I will summon to, to continue making history. Long live the fourth transformation, long live Mexico,
48:24long live Mexico, long live Mexico.
48:54So, we ask all the, all the present to stand
49:25for singing the national anthem with the accompaniment of the musical band
49:38after having listened the stunning speech of President Chamberlain.
52:38We were listening to the first statement of the now president of Mexico, Clara Chamberlain.
52:51During her address, she thanked Lopez Obrador for his outstanding administration and qualified him
52:56as one of the best presidents that Mexico has ever had. She also went over the history and
53:00the milestones of the Mexican nation, as well as the important role that women have played out
53:06throughout the history. The Mexican president also pledged to continue developing the nation
53:12and working for every Mexican to improve the well-being and the welfare of the nation,
53:17and also pledged to fight corruption in all its aspects and every word that can be found.
53:22She also pledged to continue strengthening the ties with Latin America and the Caribbean,
53:26and to continue working for the freedom of Mexicans and their rights of expression,
53:30assembly, and thought, and that they will guarantee all their religious and political
53:35and sexual diversity in foreign policy of self-determination of the people, autonomy,
53:40and the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico. She also pledged to strengthen investment, both private
53:46and public, and to continue developing the economy of the nation, and pledged that there will be no
53:53authoritarianism in the nation, as well as to continue the social programs first implemented by
53:59López Obrador, and to continue working and increase their reach every year so that more
54:05Mexicans can benefit, and also promised new programs that will benefit Mexican women
54:10over the 65 years old to reward all the work that women have done for the nation,
54:16as well as a universal pension for people with disabilities and guarantees for school-age
54:21children, and to expand health and higher education coverage, and finally to complete
54:26the Mayan Train Project, pledging that she will rule, as we say, for all Mexicans.
54:32Stay tuned with Treasury English for more updates.
