• 2 days ago
Una vecina confronta a Gloria Panucci, acusada de ser una "viuda negra", en las cocheras del edificio donde vive. Panucci, conocida por su modus operandi desde 2007, es sospechosa de rayar autos y robar pertenencias. La policía allanó su departamento tras nuevas denuncias de vecinos cansados de convivir con ella.

Seguí en #AndinoYLasNoticias


00:00What the f**k do you have to do here in Las Cocheras if you don't have a car?
00:03A neighbor in La Intrepa!
00:05Why do you come to Las Cocheras?
00:07Why do you come to Las Cocheras?
00:09Why do you come to Las Cocheras?
00:13Come on, why do you come to Las Cocheras?
00:15Why do you come?
00:17Why do you come, black widow?
00:19Do you come to show off or do you come to scratch the cars?
00:23Yes, of course I'm going to do whatever you want.
00:25I was waiting for you. I knew you were going to get out.
00:27I knew you were going to get out.
00:30I don't give a f**k what you do.
00:32If you want to scratch the car, do it.
00:34I have insurance against all risks.
00:36I don't give a f**k.
00:38But don't change anymore, old woman.
00:40Don't change anymore.
00:42Let's recapitulate.
00:44This is Mrs.
00:46Wait, for the people who are not catching up now.
00:48This woman,
00:50now her apartment is being looted.
00:52Accused of being a black widow.
00:54Of having been acting for many years
00:56with the same modality.
00:58Some call her the Aurora ball.
01:00Her name is Gloria, Gloria Panucci.
01:02In the last few hours
01:04a new case has appeared.
01:06A person who she slept with and who she stole from.
01:08The city police is now in her apartment.
01:10But some neighbors
01:12who face it and others who,
01:14not out of shame, who were her victims,
01:16say, yes, we've known her for a long time
01:18and, unfortunately,
01:20we also fell into the trap.
01:22She lives on the eighth floor of this building
01:24where Polaco is,
01:27and they have sent us these images.
01:29First, the neighbors are tired of living with her
01:31and put it back
01:33because a woman discovers her
01:35in the garage of the building
01:37and it happens that she no longer has a car.
01:39What is she doing?
01:41Scraping the cars, trying to see what she can steal.
01:43Let's hear it.
01:45What the fuck do you have to do here
01:47in the cars if you don't have a car?
01:49What are you coming to?
01:51What are you coming to?
01:53What are you coming to?
01:55What are you coming to?
01:57What are you coming to?
01:59What are you coming to?
02:01What are you coming to, black widow?
02:03Are you coming to show off
02:05or are you coming to scrape the cars?
02:07Yes, of course I'm going to do whatever you want.
02:09I was waiting for you.
02:11I knew you were coming down.
02:13I knew you were coming down.
02:15I don't give a fuck what you do.
02:17If you want to scrape the car, do it.
02:19I have insurance against all risks.
02:21I don't give a fuck.
02:24You don't change a thing.
02:26Well, here she accuses her of being a black widow.
02:32Deborah, since 2007,
02:34she has been accused of being a black widow.
02:36Give me the other video.
02:38It's at the door where our cell phone is.
02:40So they can see where you're standing.
02:42I'm going to film you too.
02:44The two minors,
02:46the officer who can't do anything,
02:48the police.
02:50I'm going to film you too.
02:52The child is decomposed,
02:54she won't let me in.
02:56The security guard,
02:58the police can't do anything.
03:00I can't go in.
03:02I'm going to film the minors.
03:04Take the minors out.
03:06There you go.
03:08I'm going to do the same thing.
03:10So you can see how it feels.
03:12All night long,
03:14I had the child decomposed
03:16because of you.
03:18Here's another witness.
03:20What do you have to say about the lady?
03:22She's rude.
03:23Say no, say no, sir. Are you the owner?
03:25Yes, ma'am.
03:26Well, what do you have to say about the lady?
03:29Yes, now she doesn't bother me, but...
03:34She doesn't want to talk to me because she threatens us.
03:36She has threatened us.
03:40I give you the gift of living with a neighbor like this.
03:43What do you do, Deborah, in these cases, with a woman who...
03:46She even had to serve a sentence for being a black widow.
03:50Wait, wait, why are you calling me?
03:51What's going on, Selmira?
03:52What's going on? Let's see.
03:54We're at the door of the building.
03:56The raid of the city police has just ended.
03:59And Judge Castelli and Anselmo didn't order the arrest
04:02because they didn't find anything in the raid.
04:05They didn't find enough evidence to arrest her.
04:08They didn't find the pills or what was reported.
04:10The imported perfumes, the gold chains.
04:13They didn't find anything at all.
04:15Therefore, the city police withdrew from here,
04:18and Gloria Panucci is now free.
04:21A woman with criminal records who has been committing
04:24illegal acts since 2007.
04:26And as we saw in all the videos that the neighbors showed us,
04:29they live in fear because they also have an open cause.
04:32Since Gloria lives judging people.
04:35She judged the consortium,
04:37claiming that she was in charge of the building.
04:39And she won.
04:40Now the owners of this building have to pay Gloria $10,000.
04:44Therefore, none of the neighbors wants to go out to speak
04:47or report because they are afraid and because they have an open cause.
04:50Yes, Germán.
04:51This is Guillermo.
04:52The police, let's say, left.
04:55The lady was left alone.
04:58It's time to ring the bell.
04:59If you want to speak, we invite you because we want to hear all the voices.
05:02We know that the neighbors are all against it.
05:04I've been ringing the bell since 8 in the morning.
05:07What do they say?
05:08She arrived yesterday at 4 in the afternoon,
05:10who is here and does not attend, did not go out.
05:13But she has a completely conflicting coexistence with the neighbors.
05:17She scratches their cars, spits on the children,
05:19dirties the elevator.
05:20There are also videos that I showed to the production,
05:23where she hits the security staff.
05:25Let's remember that this woman made the security staff of the company
05:29that worked in this building withdraw
05:31and stop working here because of the continuous conflicts
05:33that she had with this woman.
05:35She thinks she's in charge of the building.
05:37She stands at the door, arms crossed, waiting to see who comes in and who leaves.
05:40There is a lot of material about this woman,
05:42but for justice, for Judge Anselmo,
05:45there is not enough evidence to detain this woman.
05:48We are here at the door, we are ringing the bell,
05:50hoping that she can also give her version.
05:52For now, she does not attend.
05:53We call her from here.
05:54If she is watching television, she knows that our cell phone is there.
05:57She knows.
05:58Show me the video where she hits the security staff.
06:01Let's see.
06:09Now we see them arguing.
06:11There it is.
06:12Facing each other permanently and daily
06:15with the security, with the neighbors.
06:18What they also say,
06:21there it is, the man retreating so as not to return.
06:23This is during the pandemic,
06:26where she was supposedly the one who carried the papers of the building.
06:29Evidently they did not know who she was.
06:32She was in charge.
06:33Of course.
06:34I think it's a woman who should see her mental faculties.
06:38Dr. Andino.
06:40I already read your mind.
06:41Dr. Andino, we are connected.
06:43Yes, I think it should be seen,
06:45because she also has a complicated age, because anything ...
06:49Of course, it's going to be a home arrest.
06:51But this comes from her 60s.
06:54Of course, but imagine the expertise she has.
06:57I calculate that no magistrate in the search
07:00I thought I was going to find something.
07:02That this search was going to be negative.
07:04It was sung and it was done for a mere formality.
07:07Because we are talking about a person who is an expert in the matter.
07:11For the neighbors who give her a home arrest
07:14and she is forced to be there.
07:16What do you know if she goes up and down the elevator?
07:19It depends on what the magistrate who dictates the home arrest has.
07:24Because if he has the ability to move or not.
07:26Because the device is marking you where you are moving.
07:29So, in general, it circumscribes you to your home.
07:33Now, that does not mean that you are going through the whole building.
07:37No, but someone has to take food.
07:38Let's see, how does he do it?
07:39If he has to go to the warehouse, if he lives alone.
07:41As any prisoner does.
07:42In other words, the prisoner, what does he do?
07:43He takes the family, the food.
07:45But if he does not have ...
07:46Because it says that there is a nephew, but he disappears.
07:48Yes, the grandson who left the apartment.
07:50Now, what happens?
07:51You live.
07:52You are in room A.
07:54Scratch the cars.
07:55He made a trial.
07:57Films the boys.
07:58Spits them.
07:59Throws things in the elevator.
08:01How do you make a living?
08:02Can't you kick her out?
08:03No, you can't kick her out.
08:05Because if she has a rental contract.
08:07Or is the owner.
08:09Yes, what you can do.
08:10And probably is to file a lawsuit.
08:13Of impossibility.
08:14In reality, what there is is a normal tolerance between neighbors.
08:18The code that establishes you is that the neighbors must be able to live together.
08:22When you can't live together,
08:24let's say your normal coexistence is interfered with
08:27by the doing of a neighbor.
08:29You can ask for damages and damages.
08:32And precisely because of these facts are causes of ...
08:35Well, but ...
08:36But you don't kick her out.
08:37You don't kick her out.
08:38But look, prepare the first video.
08:40That goes to the garage.
08:42Yes, but it happens a lot.
08:43Notice that they even wait for her because they need proof.
08:47To have like this, look.
08:50Do you give a fucking fuck?
08:53All I'm telling you is to stop screwing up.
08:55What the fuck do you have to do here in the car wash if you don't have a car.
09:00What do you come to the car wash?
09:04What do you come to the car wash?
09:07What do you come to the car wash?
09:10Come on, what do you come to the car wash?
09:12What are you coming to, black widow.
09:15Are you coming to fan or are you coming to scratch the cars?
09:18Yes, of course I'm going to do whatever you want.
09:21I was waiting for you. I knew you were going to get out.
09:24I knew you were going to get out.
09:26I don't give a shit what you do.
09:29If you want to scratch the car, scratch it.
09:31I have insurance against all risks.
09:32I don't give a shit.
09:33But don't change anymore, old woman.
09:35Don't change anymore.
09:37Let's see.
09:38I tell you, because in the framework of the arousal
09:40with which she has been operating in recent years,
09:43you can also say, I go out for a walk
09:45and I like to walk on the sidewalk.
09:47Yes, you can say anything.
09:48In fact, it is a common part.
09:50It is a common part of the building.
09:52That is, within what she pays as a tenant.
09:55I don't want to defend her.
09:57Let's play the game of the good and the bad.
10:00You defend the lady and I defend the concept of the neighbors.
10:06The doctor told her, you have to go out for a walk
10:08and if you can, in your life, to strengthen the legs.
10:12And well, what better than the garage.
10:17But don't scratch the car.
10:18No, but they didn't take her scratching the car either.
10:22No, no, no.
10:24If we didn't have that video, you wouldn't have any doubts.
10:26No, I think the lady is a threat to good coexistence.
10:29That's for sure.
10:30Is it a danger for third parties or for the guys?
10:32It's a danger for everyone, because they actually said it too.
10:35Because the man who went up the elevator at the beginning said,
10:38it's difficult, it's difficult to live together.
10:40Now she's calm, but it's difficult to live together.
10:42So I would also tell the lady, why don't you call the production?
10:46We are willing to listen to you without taking sides,
10:49neither in favor nor against.
10:50We are quite objective.
10:52And the truth is that we would love to hear your version of the facts.
10:56Isn't that right, Guillermo?
10:57Of course, of course, of course.
10:58Because you are not going to attack her if you are a great interviewer,
11:01you are very cordial.
11:02And I also think that in reality the lady may be having a stigma.
11:07I mean, if we follow Guillermo's position,
11:10they are defaming her.
11:11She never did all that.
11:13What they are telling her is people who don't love her.
11:15Of course.
11:16That they really can't stand her because, well,
11:18she actually has a way of living that is not understood.
11:23Well, let's see, she wants to get off.
11:26Selmira, if you get off after the break, now you have to take the break.
11:31If you get off, we'll talk hand in hand.
11:34Very well, we'll stay here waiting for her.
11:36Go ahead, go ahead.
11:37And of course, I'm also calling her on the phone.
11:39We have her number.
11:40I'm constantly calling her.
11:41There is a chance.
11:42It is important that she gives her own version.
11:43Of course, of course.
11:45I offer you a glass of water, don't drink it.
11:47Of course.
11:48They found her.
11:49No, they are actually defaming her.
11:51They are defaming her.
11:52The lady has the possibility of being heard by everyone.
11:56Guillermo is loving.
11:57He is going to interview her without taking a stand.
11:59Are you defending Mrs. Panucci?
12:01Gloria Panucci?
12:02No, I am defending her.
12:03Sentenced by sentence, here is what Germán writes,
12:05from November 26, 2008 to the only sentence of three years and nine months in prison.
12:09I am, you know, giving her the opportunity to tell her version.
12:14That is very important.
12:15It is part of our job too.
12:17We wait, because there seems to be an answer.
