Out There: Crimes of the Paranormal (2024) Season 1 Episode 6: The Shape-Shifting Defense

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Out There: Crimes of the Paranormal (2024) Season 1 Episode 6: The Shape-Shifting Defense

A Navajo woman named Sarah Saganitso is murdered in Flagstaff, AZ; when a local white man confesses, his attorney's defense that a skinwalker did it forces the victim's family to fight centuries of anti-Native racism for justice.



00:00You know, some events in our lives, they get cemented in your brain.
00:29I didn't normally pick up hitchhikers, and certainly not at night.
00:38I come up to the traffic light, there is a young girl with dark long hair, standing on
00:45the corner with her thumb out.
00:48Now I'm 19, but she looked younger than me, I'm like, what is this kid doing hitchhiking
00:54this late at night?
00:56What if some guy comes by and picks her up, and then something happens to her?
01:01She said, I'm going to see friends in Berkeley Heights.
01:03I said, well, I can take you.
01:06She got in the car, I didn't ask her name.
01:12I was playing Led Zeppelin.
01:14We talked a little bit about the music, but she was pensive.
01:21She was looking down, doing this, playing with her chain.
01:28She had something weighing on her, for sure.
01:33When we got to the point where I had to turn off, I said, all right, here's my stop.
01:37How much further do you have to go?
01:39She said, oh, my friends are just up there on the corner.
01:44She exited the car, and that was that.
01:51I spent 15 minutes with this girl, and then weeks and weeks later, I'm watching TV, breaking
01:59They find this body of this missing teenage girl.
02:03I said, oh, my gosh, that's the girl I picked up hitchhiking, Jeanette De Palma.
02:13She was found murdered at the Houdel Quarry, laying up on a hill, face down, stones around
02:23her, crosses, branches made almost like a coffin.
02:33Then I read that witchcraft killed her.
03:03You know, I've been here all my life, born and raised.
03:14It's a nice place to live.
03:16We'd be gone all day, playing in the streets, but when the streetlight came on, you best
03:27be home.
03:29There was a lot of witchcraft going on at that time, animal sacrifices.
03:44There's this place called the Huachong Reservation.
03:47People would go up there to make out, but you wouldn't want to stay there after dark.
03:53They had satanic rituals up there.
03:58We would read things in the paper about sacrifices, like they found dead animals, mostly chickens.
04:07That wasn't just folklore.
04:09That really was going on up there, for sure, and, you know, it would always come up about
04:18Jeanette de Palma, how she was found, how she was murdered.
04:25Everybody thought, you know, they're going to catch the killer, and they never did.
04:36I keep hearing that people in Springfield are still afraid to this day.
04:41They talk about this case in hushed tones, they don't want to say too much, but since
04:47the day this happened, they can't get this off their minds.
04:53I'm a pastor in the Assemblies of God denomination.
04:57I was the pastor of Evangel Church for 20 years, from 1992 to 2012.
05:07A Sunday morning in July of 2004, church service had just ended, and Florence de Palma, Jeanette's
05:16mother, came up to the front, clearly upset, and she handed me an envelope, and she said,
05:25I don't know how much longer I have to live, you have to promise me that you'll do something
05:29about this.
05:35And I said, I don't know how, but I promise you I will do whatever I can.
05:41And I've held on to this envelope for the last 19 years.
05:50Whoever slayed Jeanette was certainly evil, and we believe as a church, there are people
05:56who will choose to do evil just because they want to choose to do evil.
06:00But we also believe there are people that can be motivated and prompted by supernatural
06:05evil forces to do evil.
06:09For Jeanette's case, I prayed a great deal about this.
06:15My first thought was interview the family.
06:22There is a picture of your sister Jeanette, beautiful girl.
06:29It brings back stuff I didn't, and I probably buried.
06:34She died such an early age, 16 years old she was when she went to be with the Lord.
06:42She was kind, good-hearted, and a dedicated Christian.
06:48The church was a big part of that family.
06:51Also Jeanette, she was involved with some of the activities at the church.
07:05Hi, my name is Wayne Tate.
07:07I'm a pastor in North Carolina.
07:10Back in the day when I was a teenager, my dad was the pastor of a church here in New
07:18The church's name was Evangel Church in Elizabeth.
07:22I was already involved in helping with worship at church, and it was a very active congregation.
07:31We experienced that, you know, Jesus freak time in our church.
07:47You're coming out of the 60s, the psychedelic time, the introduction of mind-altering drugs
07:54and all kinds of stuff like that.
07:56So I think that this was God's mercy on a generation to say, hey, let's get this figured
08:02out before you destroy your lives.
08:05Jesus Christ willingly went to the cross.
08:11We believe that God still shows up, and miracles happen, and the Bible's true.
08:18All these hippies came into the church, and so many people turned from drugs.
08:25People's lives were absolutely changed, absolutely changed.
08:29I became involved in Evangel Church.
08:32I've been serving the Lord ever since.
08:36And the DePalma family was part of that congregation.
08:39That's how I knew Jeanette initially.
08:43She was a kind of just a classic beauty, I thought, very outgoing.
08:51I remember Jeanette went down to the front and asked the Lord to come into her life.
08:57You know, she was trying to turn her life around.
09:01I discovered Jeanette was on a spiritual journey, as we all were at the time.
09:06But a great girl, sweet girl, very active in wanting to share her faith.
09:22We have to do some witnessing and get these pamphlets out.
09:28They were pamphlets of Christ's church, and it's an Evangelical religion.
09:34Just a doll, baby.
09:36Just a doll, baby.
09:39Jeanette was more than just a friend.
09:41For several months, three or four months or so, we dated.
09:44I don't think I officially said to her, hey, you want to go out?
09:48I think we just gravitated toward each other.
09:52But really, I never saw her outside of church.
09:56We lived in different towns.
09:59Jeanette felt we weren't able to give enough to the relationship.
10:06She kissed me on the cheek, turned around and walked away.
10:11And that was the end of our relationship.
10:15About a month or so after that happened, we got the news that she was missing.
10:34She was just turning 16.
10:37We thought that she was going to work.
10:40This is what we had heard.
10:42You know, she never came home.
10:44Honestly, we just worried and just waited.
10:51There was a patrolman on patrol, and they just said that the Palmer girl is missing.
10:58She, like, just disappeared off the face.
11:01Nobody saw her after that or anything else.
11:06But they said, keep your eyes open while you're riding out on patrol.
11:10And we did.
11:13The stories kind of came back to us that the family felt she had run away.
11:18We figured she'd come back in a day or so,
11:22because it still was not her nature to do something like that.
11:27You know, I was thinking, when she returns home,
11:32you know, maybe we'll get another chance.
11:36Janette was missing six weeks, approximately, before she was found.
11:42And it was unpleasant.
11:49I was on patrol.
11:51I got a radio call to go up to the Wilson Avenue apartments.
11:56Mrs. Trezon said that her dog was missing.
12:02Mrs. Trezon said that her dog brought this arm home.
12:10And I'm looking at it, and I said, this is a real human,
12:15because I could see fingernails on the fingers.
12:22I said, this arm, it might be the missing girl.
12:27That afternoon, they got a search party together,
12:30and I teamed up with Ed Kish, one of the other police officers.
12:35We figured she had to be somewhere in that area, in the quarry.
12:44I was the one to find Janette's body in the quarry on the plateau.
12:51She was just laying face down.
12:55It was a little shocking when you got up there and see the body.
13:00Her face was almost gone.
13:03Her toes were all gone from the animals eating.
13:07And then your mind goes, my daughters were like this.
13:11What would you do?
13:17When the body was found, I was shocked, you know?
13:22And then they went into her room to get a hair from her brush, I think, to identify her.
13:30After we got the news of what had happened,
13:33I'll never forget going with my dad to her home to talk with the family.
13:39I can remember the door opening, and the embraces and the tears,
13:47and the crushing reality of it all.
13:55Were they able to establish a cause of death?
13:58I have no idea. Everything was hush-hush.
14:02They never gave a cause of death.
14:05They didn't say it was a homicide, and they didn't say, you know, she took her life.
14:11It just said suspicious, that's all.
14:14Poor girl. I never, never ever seen anything like that.
14:18This was all new to me.
14:21When she was found, there was some sort of twigs found around her.
14:30Police from the Springfield Police Department said there were upside-down crosses
14:35and stones placed around her body, which indicate some kind of occult-like activity.
14:42This is how it started, this article here.
14:45Figured whoever killed her was possessed by demons.
14:49That set off a firestorm of news reporters that this could be witchcraft.
14:55Authorities said genetic death may be linked to a coven or witchcraft assembly
15:01thought to exist in the area.
15:05How it happened, who did it, all I know is she was murdered.
15:10It was gut-wrenching.
15:12It was gut-wrenching.
15:22When Jeanette's mother, Florence, handed me this envelope and said,
15:26Pastor Brennan, will you please promise me you'll do something about this?
15:29This wasn't just Florence handing me an envelope.
15:32This was a commissioning from God.
15:35I would go to the quarry, and it was very symbolic for me.
15:42Here I was, right in front of the location where Jeanette was murdered.
15:49But I had no game plan.
15:52For a long period of time, I didn't know what to do.
15:57I needed someone to help me to further look into this case.
16:02That's when I found out about an organization called Justice for Jeanette.
16:07And I was in contact with them.
16:11I'm Ed Salzano. I run Justice for Jeanette.
16:15I'm Holly Zuelle, and I also run Justice for Jeanette.
16:20You know, Justice for Jeanette was created to solve this murder.
16:24We started investigating this case, I believe in 2014.
16:31We lived in Springfield at the time.
16:35We came to the realization that Jeanette was murdered in the Whodale quarry,
16:39which was literally across the street.
16:42So we immediately felt drawn into the case.
16:47Who said it at the crime scene that witches are involved?
16:52Someone in the police department. We don't know who they are.
16:57And then it was all over the newspapers.
17:00Satanists may have slain girl.
17:03This is a quote probably from Pastor Tate.
17:06Pastor Tate, I'm assuming because they put quotes around Satanists.
17:10Pastor Tate believed that a group of Satanists, witches, killed Jeanette.
17:15So, in this investigation, we interviewed Pastor Tate.
17:20He was Jeanette's pastor at the time.
17:22She was very close with him.
17:25He was a very charismatic individual, beloved by his people.
17:29Very influential in their lives.
17:32I also knew Pastor Tate personally.
17:36He would point people to the Lord.
17:39He was a fire and brimstone preacher.
17:43The first trumpet sounds, the first thing that happens is hail and fire.
17:48Hail and fire. What does that make you think of?
17:51Sodom and Gomorrah.
17:53At the time, my dad was very strongly convinced
17:57things were found at the crime scene that indicated it was occult related.
18:02We have no idea who it was or how it happened.
18:08All we know is how they found the remains.
18:12Apparently they had offered her a sacrifice.
18:16My dad had heard those reports from authorities
18:20from the Springfield Police Department, I believe.
18:23And he made some pretty bold statements about that to the media,
18:27which they ran with.
18:28That just set off an incredible frenzy.
18:32They're saying she may have been captured by Satanists and then killed
18:38when she tried to lecture the group about Jesus Christ.
18:42Jeanette may have been witnessing to them.
18:47But she was kind of a bold person.
18:50And it doesn't strike me as impossible that she could have done that.
18:55Do you think that she was killed by witches?
19:01From what we've learned, we would love to have crossed off witchcraft,
19:06but we can't.
19:09Here's what I think happened.
19:11I believe Jeanette was killed by teenagers that were involved
19:16in the occult and witchcraft and Satanism, whatever you want to call it.
19:19They were trying to pull Jeanette into the coven.
19:25Instead, she was actually trying to pull them back into church.
19:32She was helping lost teenagers find God.
19:37You know, she was at Jonathan Dayton High School,
19:40where there was a lot of witchcraft going on.
19:44She was helping teenagers find God.
19:46There was a lot of witchcraft going on.
19:49The newspaper report said, do pupils pray to the devil?
19:54At Jonathan Dayton High School.
19:56Pastor Tate told me that after Jeanette was missing,
20:01they searched her room.
20:03We just learned that she was getting books on demonism and Satanism.
20:09And these books were found in her room after she was missing.
20:15I grew up in Springfield.
20:17Witchcraft is very prevalent in this area.
20:20In the name of Satan, the ruler of the earth, the king of the world.
20:25This suburban mother is high priestess of a New Jersey grotto,
20:29branch of the first church of Satan.
20:33Lilith, we believe, was recruiting teenagers to sell the Satanic Bible.
20:39Jeanette was learning about it,
20:42trying to pull people away from it.
20:49This was a war.
20:51This was a war between the Christians in the area and the Satanists in the area.
20:57And it all started with Mr. List killing his family.
21:00In Westfield, New Jersey, November of 71,
21:03he said, I saved their souls from the devil.
21:07And if you look into his daughter Patti List's background,
21:10she was into witchcraft.
21:12I mean, it's one town over, six months earlier.
21:16So all of the church people in the area were pretty freaked out.
21:22Girl sacrificed in witch rite.
21:25I assumed, oh, that must be what happened to her.
21:30Because at that time period, it's what was going on in our culture.
21:36Today, young people are increasingly drawn to witchcraft.
21:40Witchcraft and Satanism.
21:47In the 70s, the world at the time
21:50was enmeshed in this drama of good against evil and the occult.
21:55A lot of serial murders going on related to the occult.
22:00Charles Manson and his followers are rumored to have performed
22:03Satanic sacrifices in the area surrounding Los Angeles.
22:06There was an atmosphere of, it must be evil, it must be Satan.
22:10And to me, witchcraft is a decision that I'm going to worship Satan.
22:18The Satanists and the witches and the warlocks,
22:21it was all that group going on at the time.
22:23We were told that they were everywhere.
22:26The witches wanted a sacrifice, and Jeanette was the sacrifice.
22:33If all of this is true, why are no witches arrested?
22:41This is speculation. I'm not sure.
22:44But they have a long history of getting away with murder.
22:52Ed is very zealous. His zeal is very intense.
22:57And at times, and Ed will admit this himself, he needs to be reined in.
23:01I don't know if witchcraft really killed Jeanette.
23:04I personally don't have hard evidence of that.
23:07It's very difficult to discern what's true and what's real.
23:18Even this many years later, it doesn't really feel like we have that much more information
23:24to try to explain what happened to Jeanette.
23:27But I think it's important to remember that the sort of slice of witchcraft
23:31that we're talking about with Jeanette's case has this very Eurocentric
23:35Christian-centric origin.
23:39If there's a common definition for a witch across time, it's power.
23:44And power that might be frightening to the dominant group.
23:48Witchcraft, do I gather, because it's been distorted, is not dealing with Satanism?
23:53No. The things that we don't understand are the things we're afraid of.
23:57The fundamental thing about the magical religions is that they say,
24:01within yourself, you are the god, you are the goddess.
24:08Whatever a witch is, if we think that they maybe have the power to corrupt our children,
24:14or if we think they have the power to corrupt the good women of our community,
24:19then that power is something that we can sort of identify as something that needs to be dealt with.
24:25For example, the Salem witch panic started in winter of 1692
24:30in the home of Reverend Samuel Parris.
24:38His daughter and his niece started to experience the symptoms of being bewitched.
24:46And the girls said, these women in the community are witches
24:50and they have sent demons to possess us.
24:53Witch! She's a witch!
24:55This was a group of people who were very pious.
24:58They all believed in witchcraft and so took these accusations very seriously,
25:03but it very quickly escalated.
25:09The Reverend Parris started to really elaborate a rhetoric of,
25:15there's evil among us, you're either with us or you're against us.
25:18And this kind of charismatic leadership from the pulpit
25:22can really change the way that you think about your community
25:26and that you think about your neighbours.
25:32Thinking about that is important because it reminds us how powerful words are,
25:38especially from people who have power in our communities.
25:43Why do you think that witchcraft started?
25:45Why do you think Florence entrusted you with this
25:48rather than Pastor Tate whom she'd known for so long?
25:53Perhaps some comments that Pastor Tate had made at the time of Jeanette's murder
25:58would have discouraged her from asking him to do something about it.
26:03You know, I remember seeing the headlines of the New York Daily News
26:07when my father made his comments that he believed that she was killed in a satanic ritual.
26:12There was a big frenzy about it.
26:15That became probably national news.
26:20I believe that detectives have since said none of that was really true.
26:25My understanding is that a police officer who was on the scene
26:30reported that he saw what looked like to him crosses around Jeanette's body
26:37and based on that one person's report,
26:39then the story blew up.
26:42And then last fall, due to our freedom of information request,
26:46photographs were released of the crime scene,
26:49depicting a crime scene completely different.
26:53Some of the articles portrayed Jeanette as laying in a coffin-like structure.
26:58She wasn't. She was face down.
27:01There were limbs of trees on the ground as there would be in any forest.
27:05There's no evidence of any crosses around her body.
27:11Florence had never mentioned to me that in her opinion
27:15it had anything to do with the occult or witchcraft.
27:19She believed the headlines were distracting the world
27:24from the reality that her 16-year-old little girl
27:28walked out of her house and never came back.
27:31They were only paying attention to witches and the occult.
27:40So why do you think someone said that, that witches are involved?
27:47Either it's true or it's a scapegoat.
27:51Very early in this investigation,
27:54the police brought a witch in as a consultant
27:57to examine the evidence and they brought her to the crime scene.
28:02I mean, it was a police officer who kick-started the witch panic.
28:07So maybe it was to bolster the explanation that witchcraft was involved.
28:12Florence believed Jeanette was murdered.
28:15She felt the Springfield Police Department had been inept
28:19in their investigation of her case.
28:22When I found the body,
28:25Ed Kish was my partner on our search.
28:30He had his own way of doing things.
28:33He was a little hard-head.
28:36He was a patrolman, and then he went into the detective bureau
28:41as the juvenile detective.
28:44He was a detective.
28:46He was a patrolman, and then he went into the detective bureau
28:50as the juvenile officer.
28:53In school, he knew who was doing what and what was going on
28:57because he had kids coming in and telling him.
29:00He knew a lot of stuff. He knew the family, I guess.
29:03He knew Jeanette.
29:07Ed Kish said that Jeanette was a bad girl,
29:11that she was a party girl and that he had to pull her out of cars at the park.
29:15There was all kind of rumors floating around.
29:18I felt like she was painted as a partier and a wild kid.
29:24What we learned is, you know,
29:27she was just of age to where she would be going out,
29:31and it seemed like that summer was very turbulent.
29:34There were a lot of parties.
29:36Girls at that time, they would write things in their diary,
29:39and I know that she had one.
29:42So this is a section of Jeanette's diary.
29:48There were just a few pages from the Union County Prosecutor's Office.
29:53But it's her last diary entry, two weeks before she goes missing.
29:59July 21st, 1972.
30:03After work, Gail and me hitched to Donald's.
30:07I was so excited about seeing Joe.
30:13I walked in and my heart was beating 500 times a second.
30:18Some dude comes over and tries to make it with me,
30:22shoving S.C. down my throat.
30:26When Joe saw me, he smiled and stared at me for 10 minutes straight.
30:31Damn, I forgot what I was talking about,
30:33because Joe's eyes turned me on.
30:38We decided to go for a walk.
30:41What can I say about winding up on the grass?
30:45But what a damn horny guy.
30:48But I was good.
30:51She's really not doing anything bad.
30:54She was a normal teenager.
30:56Was she perfect? Was she a church mouse?
30:59No, she wasn't.
31:00When you're 15, 16, you're really in this boundary
31:05between childhood and young adulthood.
31:09And testing the boundaries is a natural thing to do.
31:13Young women have such a difficult time coming of age,
31:17because any kind of experimentation can be reputationally damaging
31:23in a way that will follow them forever.
31:25Whether they intend it or not to raise the issue
31:29that this was somebody who was a bad girl,
31:32and hearing that it was a police officer
31:35saying that about a victim of a horrific crime enrages me.
31:40Whoever is hearing that is going to think,
31:43well, she deserved it, or what was she doing
31:45that she shouldn't have been doing?
31:47What was she wearing? Who was she hanging out with?
31:49Was she drinking?
31:51It's victim blaming.
31:52If you kind of think about what was going on in Salem,
31:55looking at Jeanette's case, it's the same stuff.
31:58We have a community accepting the explanation of witchcraft,
32:04saying that a young teenage girl had gone astray.
32:13There were so many different rumors
32:15and so many different things said about Jeanette
32:18that it's hard to explain.
32:19And by bringing up the witchery and all of that,
32:22I wonder if it didn't provide cover
32:25for whoever really was responsible for Jeanette's murder.
32:30I haven't come to any conclusions,
32:32but some say maybe the police were involved,
32:34or someone connected to the police were involved.
32:37Even Jeanette's mother was wondering
32:40if there wasn't a cover-up,
32:42because the Springfield Police Department
32:44had done such a poor job,
32:46and they hadn't said anything.
32:47The Springfield Police Department
32:49had done such a poor job,
32:51and they hadn't thoroughly investigated.
32:54From what we've been told,
32:56a police officer handled Jeanette's pocketbook,
32:59picked it up on a crime scene,
33:01and searched it for drugs or identification,
33:03and then put it down.
33:05There's a police report that says later on,
33:08four officers were sent back to retrieve the pocketbook,
33:10and they couldn't find it.
33:12So, where's the pocketbook?
33:14What'd you do with it?
33:16The more, though, I researched and looked into it,
33:19I began to question the whole thing.
33:21I would be very curious to know
33:23the extent to which the network of people
33:26she was connected to was investigated,
33:29especially with respect to the men in her life.
33:34I fully expected that people would ask me questions,
33:37and when it never happened,
33:39I was shocked, to be honest with you.
33:41I never heard from the police
33:43or any one in authority about Jeanette's case.
33:48Jeanette's brother John told me
33:50that he hadn't even been interviewed.
33:52He said, of course, I had nothing to do with it,
33:54but you would think they'd interview the family.
33:56Each of those family members
33:58should have been talked to.
34:00The absence of that kind of investigation
34:03is not only troubling,
34:05but I confess, it's suspicious.
34:07I think she was targeted.
34:09I believe that the teens that were involved
34:11their parents or relatives were police officers,
34:14and they covered it up.
34:17Jeanette was being chased by these boys.
34:22It says right here in the diary
34:24that the boy is shoving southern comfort down her throat.
34:27That's alcohol.
34:29These two greasers tried to, you know,
34:32get with her, as she said.
34:34I was happy until some greasers decided to lay down
34:37so he could have me.
34:38So they were coming on to her, you know?
34:42And I don't even know if she had a choice sometimes.
34:45They can be really aggressive, young teenage boys.
34:49The whole aspect of these two boys keeps popping up.
34:53It's two boys, two boys, two boys.
34:55The night I picked up Jeanette DePalma,
34:58she said she was meeting friends.
35:03So I turned the corner right like this
35:06and watched her go up to the traffic light
35:11and I saw her.
35:13And I said,
35:15Jeanette, what's going on?
35:17And she said,
35:19I don't know.
35:21I said,
35:22go up to the traffic light.
35:27It was a clear view for me to see her walk up
35:31and meet her friends right at that corner.
35:34Two or three young guys and a girl,
35:38they were under the streetlight on the corner.
35:44After they found her, I talked to the police.
35:53Missing off this report
35:56is that she was meeting two or three boys
36:00and there was one female on that corner.
36:03So that's missing.
36:05Whoever these people were,
36:08did the police talk to them?
36:10Who was interviewed?
36:12Whose friends did they seek out?
36:15We don't know.
36:18You have to question everything in this investigation.
36:22The cold case detective told me,
36:25said the murderer could walk in
36:28to this office and say I did it
36:30and I wouldn't be able to do anything
36:32because it's not a homicide.
36:34It's a suspicious death.
36:36We started a petition to change Jeanette's death
36:40from a suspicious death to a homicide.
36:43It's gaining momentum.
36:46People are signing up to this day.
36:48Once it's declared a homicide,
36:49then state police can reinvestigate.
36:52But I would even prefer beyond that,
36:55that new sets of eyes take a look at this.
36:58We looked at the FBI crime lab report
37:02and saw that Jeanette had clothing
37:05and it was too decomposed
37:07for microscopic analysis at the time.
37:10But there might be DNA evidence on it.
37:14Because I'm trying to find an answer,
37:17there is a pressure.
37:19Am I doing enough?
37:21Is there more that I can do?
37:23Is there something that I'm missing?
37:25And we are putting out a plea to the community again
37:30to please come forward with any information
37:33you may have about Jeanette's murder.
37:40My name's Ed.
37:42My name's Ed Salzano.
37:44I run Justice for Jeanette.
37:47We're living in an age of DNA technology
37:50that's pretty miraculous.
37:52And there's no reason why after 50 years,
37:55today is 50 years,
37:57that this case can't be closed once and for all.
38:00And justice has not been rendered for Jeanette.
38:04And we're here today to say,
38:06Jeanette, we have not forgotten you.
38:12Some people still believe that witchcraft might have been involved,
38:16even though there's no hard evidence of that.
38:19I think that's where conspiracy theories come from.
38:22There's something not quite right.
38:24You don't know an answer,
38:26so you're desperately looking for answers,
38:28and you'll kind of come up with what makes sense to you,
38:32whether it's right or not.
38:34And we keep pounding the pavement
38:36and making those phone calls.
38:38We're going to solve this, because I think it's solvable.
38:39This had nothing to do with witchcraft.
38:42This is a murder that has not been solved,
38:45that needs to be solved.
38:47And my prayer is that it will be solved, and soon.
38:52We miss Jeanette.
38:54She's not dead, she's alive,
38:56and she's walking with Jesus now.
38:58And it's that circumference, too, to us.
39:03I'm hoping that
39:06that whoever did this heinous crime
39:11would come forward.
39:17Jeanette's case and the witch panic,
39:20it is a testament to the corrosive effects of sexism on our culture.
39:27I think any time you see a woman in power
39:31and who is seen as a woman,
39:33I think any time you see a woman in power
39:35and who is seen as threatening,
39:38get ready for a witch hunt.
40:03Get ready for a witch hunt.
40:33Get ready for a witch hunt.
