Jeune journaliste à l'"Evening News", Larry Stevens voit son travail facilité par un de ses vieux amis qui, depuis l'au-delà, lui donne les nouvelles du lendemain. Stevens se trouve ainsi toujours au bon endroit, au bon moment. Il devient rapidement le roi du reportage sensationnel et gagne l'estime de son rédacteur en chef, Gordon. Mais voilà qu'un jour, son ami lui annonce sa propre mort. Larry Stevens va tout faire pour survivre. L'échéance approche et le malheureux doit se résoudre à l'évidence : il lui sera beaucoup plus difficile que prévu d'éviter la catastrophe...
Court métrageTranscription
00:00News is what happens.
00:02What's the difference whether it happens 50 years to go or tomorrow?
00:06You mean will happen tomorrow?
00:08No, time is only an illusion.
00:13If I knew where I could get tomorrow's newspaper, I'd give 10 years of my life for it.
00:17How do you know you got 10 years?
00:19He's got you there, Larry.
00:21Sylvia, what do you see?
00:23I see a river. I see a woman walking.
00:26You see, everything is illusion in my profession.
00:28Unfortunately, life is not an illusion.
00:33I can look into the future myself.
00:35You're going to see me again.
00:42Didn't I tell you time doesn't exist?
00:45But I wanted to give you this first.
00:49What's the evening news? I've read it.
00:51Maybe not.
00:58Did I meet you last night or did I dream it?
01:00Tell me, did you give me a newspaper?
01:02It didn't do you any good, did it, Larry?
01:09Sylvia! Sylvia!
01:21It wasn't worth 10 years of your life, was it?