• last year
00:00he she he is used for men boys and male animals she is used for women girls and
00:10female animals here are some examples for he and she actor actress boy girl
00:20bridegroom bride brother sister Emperor Empress father mother grandfather
00:32grandmother host hostess husband wife King Queen landlord landlady man woman
00:47nephew niece policeman policewoman prince princess son daughter steward
00:59stewardess uncle aunt here are some examples for he and she for animals
01:08animals he she bear boar sow cat Tom Queen cattle bull cow chicken rooster
01:24hen deer buck or stag doe or hind donkey Jack Jenny duck Drake duck elephant bull
01:38cow fox dog vixen goose gander goose horse stallion mare leopard leopard
01:53leopardess lion lion lioness peacock peacock peahen pig boar sow rabbit buck
02:07doe sheep ram you swan cob pen tiger tiger tigress