• last year
Since the introduction of ASBOs in 1999, has antisocial and nuisance behaviour got worse or improved where you live? What is the most common type of anti-social/nuisance behaviour in your area?
00:00I suppose my reaction would be, yes, but I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about.
00:06What kind of antisocial behaviour do you think is most frequent in the area?
00:14People's awareness of what they should be doing, where they park their car, how they
00:18park it, is they park it on the pavement, will it make a difference, and so things like
00:22And so there isn't space for what everybody's trying to do.
00:26And so they park their car and you're outside your house and you can't get to your house
00:32and things like that.
00:34So no, I think, well, not that I know so much about the process itself, how it works, but
00:43I don't think that it should be more harshly punished.
00:46I think a lot of the time if people are getting in trouble for antisocial behaviour, it's
00:51like systemic.
00:52There's things to do with their lives, things they're struggling with, that would be better
00:57served by more support, more help.
