Suara Kecerdasan Buatan Kanye barat

  • last month
00:00entered the AI revolution and in the last year alone we've seen exactly how
00:04powerful AI can be with viral AI language systems such as chat GPT being
00:08used to write up entire essays complete school assignments and even prepare
00:12Friday khutba or image generation software that can create realistic
00:20images and videos based on prompts from your wildest imagination Donald Trump as
00:26a Muslim thank you thank you very much or even create for you a virtual studio
00:32and of course AI voice models that can be trained to replicate famous voices
00:37and mimic whatever sound you envision Kanye West singing the shit yeah I'll
00:43be the yeah Muhammad and the crazy part is this technology is making mammoth
00:48progressions by the day but what does this mean for us as Muslims should we be
00:52scared is this a sign of an approaching apocalyptic doomsday or is this
00:56something that will pass over us silently and soon wither away we sat
01:00down with one of the world's leading Muslim experts in AI dr. Walid Quddus no
01:04stranger to Silicon Valley and someone who is responsible for incorporating
01:08artificial intelligence into some of the world's biggest brands such as Google
01:12and uber someone who is responsible for pioneering Google Maps we asked him all
01:17the difficult questions and this is what took place is there a transhuman agenda
01:22play a movement to merge humans and robots together yeah I mean before we
01:29jump to the interview which I'm sure you're waiting to hear if you enjoyed
01:32this content and all the other content that one path network produces please
01:35support us to create more we are currently in the final stages of
01:39completing our studio to create bigger and better productions to benefit
01:42Muslims around the world please consider going over to our website and
01:46contributing whatever you can to support our mission
01:48Jazakumullah khair and now to the interview so you've been working with AI for decades
01:53we are often hearing now AI this AI that yeah what is artificial intelligence I
02:00mean how would you explain AI to a ten-year-old child yeah so artificial
02:05intelligence historically how computers have been programmed is you tell them to
02:09do a and B and C and no matter what they experience or what things they see they
02:15don't change their behavior over time the essence of artificial intelligence is
02:20learning from experience in other words every time the algorithm or the computer
02:26sees a new example it's trying to work out what can this example teach me about
02:31the world throughout our lives we actually use AI a lot so for example
02:36when you finish watching a video on Netflix how does it decide what you
02:40should watch next the AI has been looking people who watched movie a always
02:45like movie B or they you know 50% of them watch you know movie B and so in so
02:49doing you're actually starting to notice patterns in the world no longer is the
02:54computer saying being told exactly what to do but it's being told to adapt and
02:59modify and that idea of adaptation is really something that historically has
03:04been something that only humans do and now all of a sudden computers are
03:08becoming stronger at it as well given that AI at the moment can generate
03:11realistic images text video and speech how difficult is it to authenticate
03:17information is this something that we should be cautious about yeah I think it
03:21is and especially what we've seen for example in the United States with
03:24interference in elections by Russians trying to use these techniques imagine
03:28those techniques on steroids right because now you can personalize it for
03:32every person the the detectability is difficult so it's something we
03:36definitely have to pay attention to and hopefully regulate how do you feel like
03:41this will cause you know in terms of the spread of information and false news
03:46and things like that how can we combat this yeah it's a really difficult
03:50problem and I think it's also because people have not yet learned you know to
03:56differentiate you know between artificial content and genuine content
03:59and the content is designed to press people's buttons and that leads to
04:03things like confirmation bias so really it's up to us to really check our
04:08sources and it's not like that this is an un-Islamic things you know in Surat
04:12Al-Hajrat Allah says
04:13يَا أَيُّهُ الَّذِينَ أَمَنُوا إِذَا جَاءَكُمْ فَاسَكُمْ بِالنَّبَأٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا
04:17so Allah's telling us that when news comes to you make sure to take the time
04:21to verify that and and those forms of verification are getting more
04:26technically complicated but it's the same basic principles from your
04:30experience how far is AI from becoming sentient or conscious yeah well
04:35scientists have struggled to define consciousness for a long time and I
04:39don't think we have a good grip on it the Quran says
04:43يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الرُّحِ قُلًا رُحًا مِنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّي
04:46they ask you about the soul or the essence of consciousness they say that
04:50knowledge is from the matters of my Lord in other words this type of thing is
04:55still not something that people can answer there's also questions about
04:58whether the question is well formed one of the early computer science pioneers
05:03said asking if machines can think is like asking if submarines can swim
05:08they're just so different that the question doesn't even make sense
05:12will AI replace our friends will people stop finding the need to get married and
05:17having people human relationships unfortunately I do foresee a change on
05:22that front in particular marriage rates are plummeting across Western societies
05:28birth rates are plummeting against across Western societies and the cause
05:33of that essentially is the rise of pornography on the internet now imagine
05:38that you take that as an example and this is only one of the social
05:41implications but imagine that but really amp it up to 11 where you can use AI to
05:47craft an identity that is very tailored to your personal preferences and you
05:53know what you find interesting whether that's through text or voice or images
05:57and you can see that same unfortunate pattern of social damage that happened
06:03with pornography but much amplified and that's I think something that society
06:08will have to deal with I think it's it's one of the concerns I do have for how AI
06:13will adversely affect the community and unfortunately we're already starting to
06:17see signs of that Sam Altman the CEO of open AI who created chat GPT has said
06:23that the technology may pose a risk of extinction yeah as a someone who's
06:29experienced in AI and as a Muslim how would you respond to that it doesn't
06:33keep me awake at night is maybe the best way to put it if you look at the
06:37other causes of extinction like climate change and just society kind of falling
06:43apart and the family unit kind of being destroyed which is what we're seeing now
06:48this isn't the thing that gets me you know really worried the technology is
06:53still at its infancy and Sam Altman has his own agenda so I've been in Silicon
06:59Valley for 15 years now and what you do is when you have a startup you want to
07:03build a moat around it you want to build barriers to entry to other people
07:07entering it and so what you do is you get the government to do your dirty work
07:11for you introduce regulations that you know how to meet that other people don't
07:16know how to meet and that's just how business is played so while I respect
07:20Sam Altman's technical technical abilities it's also very important to
07:25understand that he has an agenda here that he is trying to pursue and that's
07:29just what he's going to do as the CEO of OpenAI. What are some potential uses
07:33of AI in the Islamic space that can actually contribute positively? Yeah I
07:38think I've seen some very interesting applications I think one that really
07:42demonstrates the possibilities is Tartir which is a mobile phone app that
07:47listens to you read Quran and tells you when you make a mistake you know
07:51historically this has taken you sitting down with someone or finding someone to
07:55be your buddy but this app makes it so much easier so it's like a general tool
08:01that can be used for almost any purposes the apps that can generate images can
08:08generate artistic images that encourage us to to kind of really reflect if they
08:14are in the right hands with the right prompts there are so many exciting
08:17possibilities here in terms of just every aspect of Islam. So as an expert in
08:22AI do you trust the information that comes out from these bots and programs?
08:28No I don't I know that may sound counterintuitive to people but I spent a
08:33lot of time working with these bots firsthand and I know that they have a
08:37problem with what's called hallucination it's not just that they are ignorant
08:41which means that they don't know but they hallucinate they don't know that
08:45they don't know in other words they can make stuff up be a hundred percent
08:50confident that is correct. They call that jahal muraqab in Arabic, when you don't know that you don't know
08:56yeah yeah so yes the big problem with AI is jahal muraqab right nothing
09:01stops it from making up a hadith that doesn't exist for example and the
09:04current iterations of the technology have a problem called hallucination they
09:09just make things up so there are certain chatbots that if you ask them right now
09:14you know do I need to wash my knees as part of wudu will tell you yes you have
09:19to wash your knees as part of wudu and so sometimes they'll make things up and
09:22especially dangerous is they can be very confident that they're and wrong at the
09:28same time so they won't tell you I'm not sure that will just give you a confident
09:32answer so I think we have to kind of be very cautious about using AI in the
09:38religious space I think there are uses imagine you know right now searching
09:44Quran and hadith is still very difficult because often we look for
09:49words but words don't capture meaning and one of the great things with these
09:53AI systems is that they capture meaning or what's called semantic information