Biography of The third Caliph Uthman bin Affan Part 1

  • 2 days ago
Biography of The third Caliph Uthman bin Affan Part 1
00:00The The Third Caliph Uthman bin Affan, his characteristics and morals since the beginning
00:06of the Islamic message and its spread in the world.
00:10Part 1.
00:11Uthman ibn Affan, the third caliph of Islam and his contributions
00:16Uthman ibn Affan, the third caliph who is known as the man with two lights, was one
00:20of the closest people to the Prophet, and he was a pious man.
00:25During his reign he expanded the Islamic state, many people converted to Islam, and
00:30he ruled with kindness and generosity.
00:33One of his famous accomplishments is the compilation of the Quran and disturbing copies of the
00:37Quran to the Muslims.
00:40What are the contributions of Uthman ibn Affan?
00:43Who is he?
00:44How did he die?
00:45That's what we will find out in this article and much more, let's get started.
00:50Who is Uthman ibn Affan?
00:53Uthman ibn Avan is the son of Affan ibn Abi al-Az, his full name is Uthman ibn Affan bin
00:58al-Az bin Umayyah bin Abdul Shams bin Abd Manath.
01:03He was born in Makkah into a rich family in the sixth year of the year of the elephant.
01:08His mother was Arwah bint Qurayz.
01:11His father Affan ibn Abi al-Az died before Islam, and his mother passed away during his
01:18Uthman was younger than the prophet by five years, and he accepted Islam early.
01:23He married the prophet's daughter Ruqayya and when she passed away, he married her sister
01:28Um Kulthum.
01:30Uthman was born into a rich family and his father Affan ibn Abi al-Az was a famous and
01:35successful businessman.
01:37He had everything he needed but still, he became a kind, honest, generous, and modest
01:42man, and he was known for his integrity and love to help the poor and the needy.
01:48When his father passed away, he took over his father's business and he became a successful
01:52businessman just like his father was.
01:55His business expanded as he was honest and trustful.
01:59How did Uthman ibn Affan enter Islam?
02:02In the past Arabs were known for their racism and cruelty, they used to bury their daughters
02:06and treat their women as objects.
02:09The idea of women was that they were mad for their pleasure and to give birth only.
02:14They used to kill each other for silly reasons or no reason at all and treated their slaves
02:19with cruelty.
02:20They worshipped many idols and were known for their dishonesty.
02:25Uthman ibn Affan was born in a rich family, his father was a merchant, therefore Uthman
02:29became a merchant too, he travelled around the world and got to learn about the different
02:33beliefs and nations.
02:36This shaped his personality and made him different from the rest of the Quraysh.
02:41One day when he returned to Makkah, he heard about the Prophet Muhammad.
02:45There was chaos due to the call of the Prophet Muhammad to the people to worship only one
02:49God and to say that he was a Prophet sent by God.
02:53The Prophet was asking them to give up all the idols they were worshipping and to worship
02:59But to them, this seemed strange, because they followed what their fathers and grandfathers
03:04Uthman ibn Affan knew the Prophet, as he was known for his honesty and trustworthiness.
03:10However, he didn't believe in Islam right away.
03:14But he remembered what the Christians and Jews said about the coming of the final Prophet
03:18to lead people on the right path.
03:21The third Caliph then decided to visit his friend Abu Bakr whom he knew that he accepted
03:25Islam and asked him about Islam.
03:28So, Abu Bakr explained what Islam means and what it calls people to, and asked Uthaman
03:34to become a Muslim.
03:36From what Uthman heard he felt that Islam was the right religion and he chose to convert
03:40to Islam.
03:42And when he met the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, he declared that he
03:46converted to Islam.
03:48In the beginning of Islam, Muslims were mistreated, the disbelievers oppressed them and tortured
03:53them in all ways to force them into leaving Islam.
03:56Uthman ibn Affan went through the same thing.
03:59He was tortured at the hands of his uncle Al-Hakam ibn Abi al-Baqawas.
04:04However, Uthman didn't give in to his uncle's torture, and when his uncle lost hope, he
04:09let him be.
04:11So, Uthman chose to defend Islam with everything he has got.
04:16When Uthman accepted Islam, he became one of the closest people to the Prophet Muhammad,
04:21peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and he married his daughter Ruqayya.
04:26The Migration to Abyssinia Due to the oppression and torture that Muslims
04:30went through they migrated to Abyssinia to seek refuge, as the king of Abyssinia was
04:35known for being a just ruler.
04:38Uthman and his wife Ruqayya also migrated to Abyssinia.
04:41The ruler of Abyssinia gave the Muslim migrants all the things they needed.
04:46The people of Quraysh then tried to convince the ruler of Abyssinia to return the migrants
04:50to them but he refused.
04:53During his stay in Abyssinia, Uthman started a new business and he and his wife Ruqayya
04:58were blessed with a child whom they called Abdullah.
05:02Uthman was a kind and generous man.
05:04He chose to help the poor and needy.
05:07Uthman ibn Affan became the third caliph.
05:10When Umar ibn Khattab was on his deathbed, he conducted a council to choose the next
05:14caliph and Uthman ibn Affan was chosen to be the third caliph.
05:19When Uthman became the third caliph, he started by reminding the Muslims that this life is
05:24nothing but a test and that they better work for their hereafter and not to get carried
05:29away by their desires and the false deception of this world.
05:33Allah says in the Holy Quran, And put forward to them the example of the life of this world,
05:39it is like water, rain, which we send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth
05:44mingles with it, and becomes fresh and green.
05:48But later, it becomes dry and broken pieces, which the winds scatter.
05:53And God is able to do everything.
05:56Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world.
05:59But the good righteous deeds, five compulsory prayers, deeds of God's obedience, good and
06:05nice talk, remembrance of God with glorification, praises and thanks, etc., that last, are better
06:12with your Lord for rewards and better in respect of hope.
06:16Quran 1845 Uthman was a kind and generous man.
06:21He was known for his love of the Holy Quran and for being a pious man.
06:25It was narrated that Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami said, Those who taught the Quran, such as
06:31Uthman ibn Affan, Abd Allah ibn Masud, and others, told us that when they learned ten
06:36verses from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, they would not go beyond them
06:41until they had learned the knowledge contained in them and how to apply it indeed.
06:46They said, So we learned the Quran and knowledge and its application together.
06:50Hence, they would spend a while to memorize a surah.
06:54Here are some of the sayings of Uthman ibn Affan said about the Holy Quran, If our hearts
06:59were pure, we would never have our fill of the words of Allah, may he be glorified and
07:05I would not like the day to come when I do not look in the covenant of Allah, i.e. Holy
07:11There are four things which are outwardly virtues, but in reality are obligations.
07:16Mixing with righteous people is a virtue and following their example is a duty.
07:21Reading the Quran is a virtue and acting upon it is a duty.
07:24Visiting the graves is a virtue and preparing for death is a duty and visiting the sick
07:28person is a virtue and asking him to make a will is a duty.
07:32Ten things are the greatest waste of time.
07:34A scholar whom no one asks about, knowledge that is not acted upon, sound advice that
07:39is not accepted, a weapon that is not used, a mosque that is not prayed in, a mashaf,
07:45Quran, that is not read from, wealth from which nothing is spent, in charity, a horse
07:50that is not ridden, knowledge of asceticism in the heart of one who is seeking worldly
07:55gain and a long life in which no preparation is made for the journey, into the hereafter.
08:01The third Caliph first assured the Muslims that he would guide them like the Prophet
08:04Muhammad and the previous Caliph did.
08:07Then Uthman reminded the governors and the armies of their true purpose which is to serve
08:11the people and not to fall for the life temptations.
08:15During the reign of the third Caliphah, there were many conquests in order to expand the
08:20Islamic reign and spread Islam.
08:23Achievements of Uthman bin Affan.
08:25Uthman ibn Affan became the third Caliph after the death of Umar ibn Al-Khattab.
08:31He achieved and accomplished many things during his caliphate, reign, some of which are.
08:36The expansion of the Islamic state.
08:39During the reign of the third Caliph there were many conquests to expand the Islamic
08:42reign and let Islam spread across the world.
08:46Among those conquests are the conquest of Meroe, Turkey, Alexandria, Armenia, Caucasus,
08:52Khorasan, Kerman, Africa, and Cyprus.
08:57Expanding the mosque of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, during
09:01the reign of Uthman, he expanded Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi.
09:06Establishing the first Islamic fleet.
09:08To protect the Islamic beaches from the Byzantine attacks he established the first Islamic fleet.
09:15Compilation of the Quran.
09:16One of the greatest achievements of Uthman bin Affan is the compilation of the Quran.
09:21The compilation of the Holy Quran started in the Caliphate of Abu Bakr Siddiq and was
09:26finished in the Caliphate of Uthman.
09:29Due to the expansion of the Islamic reign many of the new Muslims were not Arabic speakers.
09:34Therefore, in order to help them all recite the Holy Quran correctly, Uthman made copies
09:39of the Holy Quran and distributed it.
09:42Hudhaifa, R.A., said to Uthman, R.A., O Prince of Believers, save this nation before they
09:48differ concerning the book, Quran, as the Jews and the Christians did.
09:53Uthman, R.A., said, Send us the manuscript so that we may make copies of it, then we
09:59will return it to you.
10:01What did the Prophet Muhammad say about Uthman ibn Affan?
10:05The Prophet said, The most compassionate of my community towards my community is Abu Bakr.
10:11The staunchest in Allah's religion is Umar, and the most truthful in his modesty is Uthman.
10:18The Prophet praised Uthman and said, Shall I not feel bashful before a man when even
10:22the angels feel bashful before him?
10:25How was Uthman ibn Affan related to Prophet Muhammad?
10:29Uthman ibn Affan married the daughter of Prophet Muhammad Ruqayya and when she passed away,
10:34he married the other daughter of the Prophet Um Kulthum.
10:37Therefore he was called the possessor of two lights, Dhu Narayn.
10:42Who is the father of Uthman?
10:44The father of the third Caliph Uthman was Affan ibn Abi Al-Az, a famous merchant.
10:50Who is Uthman ibn Affan's wife?
10:52Uthman ibn Affan was called the man with two lights because he was married to the daughter
10:57of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Ruqayya, and when she
11:02passed away, he married her sister Um Kulthum.
11:05Therefore, he was called the man with two lights because he married two of the Prophet
11:10Muhammad's daughters.
11:12How did Uthman ibn Affan die?
11:14Uthman ibn Affan was murdered by some of the rebellious.
11:18He knew who they were but he refused to kill them.
11:21He couldn't shed the blood of a Muslim, and he didn't want to kill another Muslim just
11:25for his own sake.
11:27The third Caliph reigned with kindness and generosity so, on the 18th of Dhul-Hijjah
11:3235 AH, the rebellions broke into the house of Uthman ibn Affan and murdered him.
11:38And that is how the life of a kind and generous ruler ended with a tragic ending.
11:43Is Uthman ibn Affan one of those promised paradise?
11:47Yes, Uthman ibn Affan is one of the ten companions promised paradise.
11:53Here are the names of the ten companions of the Prophet Muhammad who were promised
11:58May Allah be pleased with them all.
12:00Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abu Talib, Talha ibn Ubaidullah, Zubayr
12:08ibn Al-Awam, Abdur Rahman ibn Auf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqas, Sa'id ibn Zayd, Abu Ubaidah ibn
12:17Now you know everything you need to know about the third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan who was
12:21a kind, pious, generous, modest, and trustful man.
12:27Uthman loved helping the poor and the needy even before he entered Islam.
12:31He accomplished many things during his reign, among which compilation of the Quran.
12:37Characteristics of Uthman ibn Affan A glimpse into his remarkable life, he commanded
12:42immense respect from the Prophet may God bless him and grant him peace, primarily owing to
12:47his exceptional quality of shyness.
12:50An anecdote illustrates this deeply ingrained trait of Uthman.
12:54Once, the Prophet may God bless him and grant him peace was reclining in Aisha's house,
12:59his thigh exposed.
13:01Abu Bakr visited first, followed by Umar, and finally, Uthman.
13:07Upon Uthman's arrival, the Prophet may God bless him and grant him peace promptly sat
13:12up and adjusted his clothing.
13:15Witnessing this gesture, Aisha inquired why he had done so exclusively for Uthman and
13:20not for Abu Bakr or Umar.
13:23In response, the Prophet may God bless him and grant him peace remarked, Should I not
13:27show modesty to one whom even the angels show modesty?
13:31Additionally, Allah's Messenger may God bless him and grant him peace has acknowledged that
13:36the most merciful of my Ummah towards my Ummah is Abu Bakr.
13:40The one who adheres most sternly to the religion of Allah is Umar.
13:44The most sincere of them in shyness and modesty is Uthman.
13:48These narrations underscore Uthman's exceptional character quality, setting him apart from
13:53his contemporaries and earning him a unique place in the heart of the Prophet may God
13:56bless him and grant him peace.
13:59In this article, we will delve into his distinctive character, his elevated status, and his unwavering
14:05commitment to sacrificing for the sake of Islam.
14:09These qualities, often lacking in today's Muslim community, make the study of Uthman's
14:14life profoundly relevant to all of us.
14:17Uthman ibn Affan's exceptional modesty, a unique characteristic.
14:22As previously mentioned, Uthman ibn Affan's predominant character trait was his extraordinary
14:28However, it is essential to recognize that his shyness was truly exceptional, given that
14:33he was no ordinary man.
14:36He was a highly successful businessman who had amassed considerable wealth.
14:40Moreover, he enjoyed widespread fame and adoration among the people of his era, to the extent
14:46that Quraysh women would sing lullabies to their children, expressing their love for
14:50Uthman by saying, I love you as much as Quraysh love Uthman.
14:55It's worth noting that shyness comes more easily when one is an anonymous and unremarkable
15:01Many people find it intimidating to interact with others due to this very reason.
15:05However, Uthman's case was entirely different.
15:09He was a superstar, a millionaire superstar, to be precise.
15:14It's difficult to fathom someone today holding a status comparable to Uthman's and still
15:18maintaining a sense of shyness when engaging with journalists or other high-profile individuals.
15:24This underscores a critical lesson.
15:26The kind of shyness that is inherently respectable and elevates our character applies universally,
15:31regardless of the circumstances.
15:34Whether we are conversing with someone in a much higher societal position or with someone
15:38at the lowest rung of society, genuine shyness is a quality highly valued in Islam.
15:44It reminds us of the importance of humility and modesty in all our interactions.
15:49Uthman's serene disposition, a reflection on his easy-going nature, another remarkable
15:55character trait of Caliph, Uthman was his remarkable easy-going nature when dealing
16:00with others.
16:02Much like shyness, this attribute is often rare in today's interactions.
16:07However, the Prophet may God bless him and grant him peace is known to have conveyed
16:11the message that Allah admitted to Paradise, a man who was easy-going in buying and selling,
16:16both when paying off his debts and when asking people to pay him when they owed him.
16:21This sentiment echoes the demeanor of Uthman, who demonstrated such a disposition on numerous
16:28One striking instance is when he allowed the cancellation of a business deal for an individual
16:32who had become dissatisfied after the agreement had already been established.
16:37In contemporary business dealings, we tend to be stringent and unforgiving when it comes
16:41to contracts.
16:44If a client wishes to amend or withdraw from an agreement, it often results in rejection
16:48or legal battles if any stipulations have been violated.
16:52However, Islam teaches us to be more approachable and lenient in such cases.
16:57Consequently, if someone enters into a contract and subsequently finds it burdensome or unfavorable,
17:03we are encouraged to facilitate their exit from the agreement.
17:07Uthman serves as a shining example of this easy-going approach, reminding us of the importance
17:12of compassion and flexibility in our interactions.
17:16Uthman's Humility and Gentle Nature
17:18A profound character study, it is narrated that Uthman ibn Affan, during his night prayers,
17:24would personally prepare his wudu, ablution, water.
17:28When someone observed him doing this task, they inquired why he didn't instruct his servant
17:33to do it for him.
17:34Uthman responded with a profound humility, saying,
17:37No, the night is for them to rest.
17:41Despite occupying such a high social standing and enjoying ideal financial circumstances
17:45that would have granted him the privilege of assigning household chores to his servants,
17:50Uthman displayed remarkable humility by valuing every minute of their rest and tending to
17:54even the simplest tasks, such as water preparation, himself.
17:59Moreover, this narration underscores Uthman ibn Affan's exceptional gentleness.
18:05His considerate demeanor extended to his treatment of servants, as he refrained from disturbing
18:09their sleep when they could have assisted him.
18:12Throughout his biography, Uthman is recognized as a true gentleman, consistently demonstrating
18:17compassion toward people, caring for the less fortunate, and ensuring that those in
18:22positions of strength fulfill their responsibilities.
18:26His life serves as an enduring example of humility and kindness, emphasizing the importance
18:31of looking out for the well-being of others.
18:35Uthman's willingness to sacrifice an ascetic lifestyle, in its conventional sense, religious
18:40asceticism typically implies abstaining from various worldly indulgences, such as luxury,
18:45marriage, or even social engagement.
18:48However, within the Islamic context, asceticism, known as Zuhd, in Arabic, takes on a distinctly
18:56different meaning.
18:58It is often defined as a state in which attachment to the material world remains in one's hands
19:03but not within their heart.
19:05In this context, a person may possess substantial wealth, enjoy a vibrant social life, and indulge
19:11in luxuries, yet still be considered ascetic as long as their heart remains unburdened
19:15by an attachment to these worldly possessions.
19:19If everything they have were to vanish overnight, it would not sadden them, and if it were to
19:23return, it would not increase their happiness.
19:27Absolute asceticism, therefore, revolves around the detachment of the heart, rather than the
19:32limbs, from entanglement in worldly affairs.
19:36The exemplary embodiment of such detachment can be found in the life of Uthman.
19:41As previously mentioned, he was not only exceptionally wealthy but also widely known, beloved, and
19:47highly respected in his community before embracing Islam.
19:51For a man of his stature to willingly forsake everything was indeed a formidable task.
19:56However, when the persecution of Muslims in Mecca reached intolerable levels, and life
20:01became unbearable for many believers, Uthman was among the first to undertake the migration
20:06to Abyssinia, where Muslims could practice their faith freely.
20:11In this migration, Uthman had to leave behind his thriving business, substantial wealth,
20:16and his esteemed social status.
20:19His asceticism was evident in the freedom of his heart from the love of material possessions
20:23and status, making it relatively easy for him to relinquish his life's achievements
20:27for the sake of Allah.
20:30Throughout his life, Uthman continually demonstrated his asceticism by generously spending substantial
20:35portions of his wealth for the betterment of Islam and the well-being of fellow Muslims.
20:40He purchased a well in Madinah, ensuring that people could access it for free.
20:45He also acquired land and contributed it for the expansion of the Prophet's Mosque when
20:49it became insufficient for the growing Muslim community.
20:53Furthermore, he dedicated significant resources to support Muslims preparing for the Tabuk
20:59Today, many people find themselves deeply attached to the material world.
21:05Our measures of success are often closely tied to our worldly progress.
21:10When this progress stagnates or all our achievements are lost, some may experience depression or
21:15even contemplate suicide.
21:17Hearing a story of someone losing all their worldly possessions is often perceived as
21:21the ultimate life challenge.
21:24However, if we were to adopt an ascetic mindset, similar to the companions of the Prophet may
21:29God bless him and grant him peace, such losses would be met with equanimity, even if we were
21:34to initiate them ourselves.
21:36Uthman's life story serves as a powerful testament to the strength of asceticism in
21:41transcending the allure of materialism and embodying a profound spiritual detachment
21:45from worldly pursuits.
21:47Undoubtedly, Uthman ibn Affan, known as Dhul-Nurayn and the third caliph of Islam, was a
21:53man of extraordinary character, earning him a distinguished place among the companions
21:58of the Prophet may God bless him and grant him peace and a prominent role in history.
22:03Remarkably, his enduring legacy is not solely attributed to his special social status as
22:08a wealthy businessman but rather to how he conducted himself in these roles.
22:13His remarkable shyness, despite his fame and status as a superstar, his humility, easygoing
22:19nature in business transactions, and his gentle treatment of people, including his servants,
22:24are the reasons why we reflect upon his life in this article.
22:28In contrast, many individuals today aspire to write themselves into history through the
22:33pursuit of fame, wealth, and honor.
22:36However, they often overlook that it is not the attainment of these achievements that
22:40truly matter but rather one's virtue in managing them.
22:45In Uthman's example, we witness how he maintained his humility when others might have succumbed
22:50to pride and boastfulness.
22:52He possessed everything, yet he willingly gave everything for the sake of Allah and
22:56his love for the Messenger may God bless him and grant him peace.
23:01These are the character traits that elevated him to greatness, and these are the qualities
23:05we should aspire to cultivate in ourselves, virtues that Allah loves.
23:10I stop at this point today.
23:12Until next time, stay curious.
23:15Stay informed, and keep exploring the world's incredible stories.
23:21Soon we will publish.
23:23Part 2
