Biography of caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab part 8

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Biography of caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab part 8
00:00Some characteristics and features of Caliph Umar bin Al-Khattab
00:05He was tall, physically powerful and a renowned wrestler.
00:08He was also a gifted orator who succeeded his father as an arbitrator among the tribes.
00:14Umar became a merchant and made several journeys to Rome and Persia,
00:18where he is said to have met various scholars and analyzed Roman and Persian societies.
00:23The Rashidun Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab,
00:26his qualities and morals since the beginning of the Islamic message and its spread to the world.
00:31Part 8
00:32We continue to tell a stage of the life of the Rashidun Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab,
00:38meaning leader, jurist and statesman, and the second of the rightly guided Caliphs.
00:43He patched his clothes with skin, took buckets on his two shoulders,
00:47always riding his donkey without the saddle, rarely laughing and never joking with anyone.
00:53On his ring is written the words enough is death as a reminder to you O Umar.
00:58He did not seek advancement for his own family,
01:01but rather sought to advance the interests of the Muslim community, the Ummah.
01:05According to one of Muhammad's companions, Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud,
01:10Umar's submission to Islam was a conquest, his migration was a victory,
01:14his Imamate period of rule was a blessing.
01:17I have seen when we were unable to pray at the Kaaba until Umar submitted.
01:21When he submitted to Islam, he fought them the pagans until they left us alone and we prayed.
01:26Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud, Shia View's main article.
01:30Shia view of Umar Umar is viewed very negatively in the literature of Twelver Shia
01:35the main branch of Shia Islam and is often regarded as a usurper of Ali's right to the Caliphate.
01:40After the Saqifah assembly chose Abu Bakr as Caliph,
01:44Umar marched with armed men to Ali's house in order to get the allegiance of Ali and his supporters.
01:50Sources indicate that a threat was made to burn Ali's house if he refused,
01:55but the encounter ended when Fatima, wife of Ali, intervened.
01:59According to the majority of Twelver scholar writings, Fatima was physically assaulted by Umar,
02:05that this caused her to miscarry her child, Mus'in ibn Ali, and led to her death soon after.
02:11See Umar at Fatima's house.
02:14However, some Twelver scholars, such as Muhammad Hussain Fadlallah,
02:19reject these accounts of physical abuse as a myth, although Fadlallah mentioned that his speech is a probability
02:24and not a certain reason to reject that event.
02:27Another Shia sect, the Zaydiya followers of Zayd ibn Ali, generally has two views about that.
02:34Some branches, such as Jarudiya Sarhabaya, don't accept Umar and Abu Bakr as legitimate Caliphs.
02:41For instance, Jarudiya believes that Muhammad appointed Ali and believes that the denial of the Imamate of Ali
02:47after Muhammad's passing would lead to infidelity and deviation from the right path.
02:52The other view accepts Umar and Abu Bakr as legitimate Caliphs, albeit inferior to Ali.
02:58According to Al-Tabari and Ibn Atam, when asked about Abu Bakr and Umar, Zayd ibn Ali replied,
03:05Have not heard anyone in my family renouncing them both nor saying anything but good about them.
03:10When they were entrusted with government they behaved justly with the people and acted according to the Quran and the Sunnah.
03:17Family tree of Umar Umar married nine women in his lifetime and had fourteen children, ten sons and four daughters.
03:25Wives the known wives of Umar are Zaynab bint Mazan, she was the mother of Hafsa, Abd Allah and Abd al-Rahman al-Akbar.
03:34Um Kulthum bint Jarwal, she was divorced by Umar. She was the mother of Ubaid Allah and Zayd al-Ashqar.
03:42Kureba bint Abi Umayya, divorced by Umar in 628.
03:48Jamila bint Thabit, she married Umar about between May 627 and May 628.
03:55Hayy had one son, Asim.
03:58Atika bint Zayd, she was married to Umar and had a son named Eyad.
04:03Um Hakim bint al-Harith ibn Hisham, she was married to Umar in 634 and was mother of Fatima.
04:11Um Kulthum bint Ali, from this marriage Umar had a son named Zayd and a daughter named Ruqayya.
04:17This is, however, the Sunni view. The Shia do not accept that such a marriage took place.
04:25In fact, even some Sunni scholars maintain that Umar's wife Um Kulthum was actually Abu Bakr's daughter who was raised in Ali's house.
04:33Sons the sons of Umar are, Abd Allah, son of Zaynab bint Mazan.
04:39Abd al-Rahman, son of Zaynab bint Mazan.
04:43Zayd, son of Um Kulthum bint Ali.
04:47Ubaid Allah, son of Um Kulthum bint Jarwal.
04:51Zayd, son of Um Kulthum bint Jarwal.
04:55Asim, son of Jamila bint Thabit.
04:58Eyad, son of Atiqa bint Zayd.
05:01Abd al-Rahman, Abu'l-Mujabar, Abd al-Rahman, Abu Shamah, Ibn Umar, Abd Allah.
05:07Daughters, the daughters of Umar are, Hafsa, daughter of Zaynab bint Mazan.
05:12Fatima, daughter of Um Hakim bint al-Harith ibn Hisham.
05:17Rukaiya, daughter of Um Kulthum bint Ali.
05:22I stop at this point today.
05:24Until next time, stay curious, stay informed, and keep exploring the world's incredible stories.
