Biography of caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab part 6

  • 2 days ago
Biography of caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab part 6
00:00Some characteristics and features of Caliph Umar bin al-Khattab
00:05He was tall, physically powerful and a renowned wrestler.
00:08He was also a gifted orator who succeeded his father as an arbitrator among the tribes.
00:14Umar became a merchant and made several journeys to Rome and Persia,
00:18where he is said to have met various scholars and analyzed Roman and Persian societies.
00:23The Rashidun Caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattab,
00:26his qualities and morals since the beginning of the Islamic message and its spread to the world part.
00:316. We continue to tell a stage of the life of the Rashidun Caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattab.
00:37On his deathbed, Umar vacillated on his succession.
00:41However, it has been reported that he said that if Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah,
00:46Khalid ibn Walid or Salim, the Mala and freed Persian slave,
00:50were alive he would have appointed one of them his successor.
00:53Umar finally appointed a committee of six persons to choose a caliph from amongst them.
00:58Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, Talha ibn Ubaidullah,
01:04Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Zubayr ibn al-Awam.
01:09All six are among the ten to whom paradise was promised according to Sunnis.
01:14The only one out of the famous ten, left out of the committee who was still alive at the time
01:20was Sa'd ibn Zayd, the cousin and brother-in-law of Umar.
01:24He was excluded on the basis of being related by blood and of the same tribe as Umar.
01:29Umar had a policy of not appointing anyone related to him to a position of authority
01:34even if they were qualified by his standards.
01:37Umar appointed a band of 50 armed soldiers to protect the house where the meeting was proceeding.
01:43Until the appointment of the next caliph,
01:46Umar appointed a notable Sahabi in Mala, Suhaib ar-Rumi Suhaib the Roman,
01:51as a deputy or caretaker caliph to run state affairs.
01:55While the meeting for selection of a caliph was proceeding,
01:58Abdur Rahman ibn Abu Bakr and Abdur Rahman bin Awf revealed
02:03that they saw the dagger used by Abu Lu'awah, the assassin of Umar.
02:07A night before Umar's assassination, reported Abdur Rahman bin Awf,
02:13he saw Hermuzan, Jafina and Abu Lu'awah while they were suspiciously discussing something.
02:19Surprised by his presence, the dagger fell.
02:22It was the same two-sided dagger used in the assassination.
02:26Abdur Rahman ibn Abu Bakr, son of the late caliph Abu Bakr,
02:30confirmed that, a few days before Umar's assassination,
02:34he saw this dagger in Hermuzan's possession.
02:37After this revelation, it seemed clear that it had been planned by the Persians residing in Medina.
02:43Infuriated by this, Umar's younger son Ubaidullah ibn Umar sought to kill all the Persians in Medina.
02:50He killed Hermuzan, Jafina and the daughter of Umar's assassin Abu Lu'awah,
02:55who is believed to have been a Muslim.
02:58Ubaidullah was intercepted by the people of Medina,
03:01who prevented him from continuing the massacre.
03:04Amr ibn al-Az is said to have intercepted him and convinced him to hand over his sword.
03:10The murder of Jafina enraged Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, his foster brother,
03:15and he assaulted Ubaidullah ibn Umar.
03:17Again, the companions intervened.
03:20When Umar was informed about the incident, he ordered Ubaidullah imprisoned
03:24and that the next caliph should decide his fate.
03:27Umar died on the 6th of November 644.
03:31On the 7th of November, Uthman succeeded him as caliph.
03:35After prolonged negotiations, the tribunal decided to give blood money to the victims
03:40and released Umar's son Ubaidullah on the ground that,
03:43after the tragedy of Umar's assassination,
03:46people would be further infuriated by the execution of his son the very next day.
03:51Umar was strong, fit, athletic and good at wrestling.
03:55He is said to have participated in the wrestling matches on the occasion of the annual fair of Uqais.
04:01The murder of Jafina enraged Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, his foster brother,
04:06and he assaulted Ubaidullah ibn Umar.
04:08Again, the companions intervened.
04:11When Umar was informed about the incident, he ordered Ubaidullah imprisoned
04:15and that the next caliph should decide his fate.
04:18Umar died on the 6th of November 644.
04:22On the 7th of November, Uthman succeeded him as caliph.
04:26After prolonged negotiations, the tribunal decided to give blood money to the victims
04:31and released Umar's son Ubaidullah on the ground that,
04:34after the tragedy of Umar's assassination,
04:36people would be further infuriated by the execution of his son the very next day.
04:41Umar was strong, fit, athletic and good at wrestling.
04:45He is said to have participated in the wrestling matches on the occasion of the annual fair of Uqais.
04:51The murder of Jafina enraged Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, his foster brother,
04:56and he assaulted Ubaidullah ibn Umar.
04:58Again, the companions intervened.
05:01When Umar was informed about the incident, he ordered Ubaidullah imprisoned
05:05and that the next caliph should decide his fate.
05:08Umar died on the 6th of November 644.
05:11On the 7th of November, Uthman succeeded him as caliph.
05:15After prolonged negotiations, the tribunal decided to give blood money to the victims
05:20and released Umar's son Ubaidullah on the ground that,
05:23after the tragedy of Umar's assassination,
05:26Umar was strong, fit, athletic and good at wrestling.
05:30He is said to have participated in the wrestling matches on the occasion of the annual fair of Uqais.
05:36I stop at this point today.
05:38Until next time, stay curious, stay informed,
05:41and keep exploring the world's incredible stories.
05:44Soon we will publish part 7.
