The Young and the Restless 9-27-24 (Y&R 27th September 2024) 9-27-2024

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01:37I should have never gone there.
01:41How did I think for even one second
01:44that it would bring healing,
01:46that it would bring justice for you?
02:00You have always been my guiding light.
02:04I need you now more than ever.
02:07Help me understand how I did what I did.
02:11Help me to know what to do.
02:17Please don't hate me.
02:20What happened tonight, it isn't me.
02:25Yes, I've made mistakes, but nothing like this.
02:31Is this the culmination of my life?
02:38Have I always been like this?
02:41Making mistakes that hurt other people?
02:45Tell me, Mother, what happened?
02:47Where were you going the night of your accident?
02:49Leave it be.
02:50I want to know.
02:51Haven't we suffered enough?
02:53You're the one who brought this up, not me.
02:55I have never questioned what happened that night.
02:58And now the whole story changes?
03:00I don't buy it.
03:01I don't buy whatever it is that you're trying to prove here.
03:04I don't even know what the truth is from you anymore.
03:06You want the truth, girl? Fine.
03:08Then I'll tell you the truth.
03:09I'll tell you exactly what happened that night.
03:11It was raining.
03:12Remember, before you went to Frank's, I could see it in your eyes.
03:16See what?
03:18We were going to do something you'd regret.
03:20So I got in the car and I went after you.
03:23And the roads were slick.
03:25It was raining so hard I could barely see.
03:27And I swerved.
03:29And the next thing I knew, I was in a hospital.
03:31And some doctor was telling me I was going to spend the rest of my life in this.
03:38Are you saying what I think you are, Mom?
03:43You think that you're accident?
03:46And that you're in a wheelchair?
03:47You think that's my fault?
03:49Of course not, Sharon.
03:50I never wanted you to know.
03:53Maybe I've always been plagued by guilt.
03:59By a lifetime of things I wish I'd done differently.
04:06Wrongs that I wish I could make right.
04:10Something led me here tonight.
04:18To remember that there have been a lot of good things in my life, too.
04:26You are proof of that.
04:31And there are some things that I would never in a million years change, like meeting your dad.
04:40No plans for Nick Newman's birthday.
04:43Yeah, it looks that way.
04:45I could change that.
04:48Oh, yeah?
04:49Throw you a little party.
04:51You'd do that for me?
04:53You want me to?
04:55Oh, yeah.
04:58Who should I invite?
05:01Well, I figured I'd make an appearance.
05:03Who else?
05:05No one.
05:09You really want it to be just the two of us?
05:13It'd be the best present I could get.
05:19You're wearing it.
05:21What, my birthday present?
05:23The friendship bracelet.
05:26Sharon, do you think that maybe we could call it something else now?
05:32What do you mean?
05:34The way I feel about you, it's a lot more than friends.
05:39A lot more.
05:45Suddenly I turned into a princess.
05:48The world's most wonderful prince.
05:51What made you decide? I mean, why now? What made you decide to propose?
05:57I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
06:00I didn't see any point in waiting.
06:05No one ever made me feel more loved and protected.
06:10Of course, not everyone was so happy that we were together.
06:16Our relationship has gotten off on the wrong foot.
06:19And why do you suppose that was?
06:22I felt you had ulterior motives.
06:24I don't know what ever gave you that idea.
06:27Call it intuition.
06:29Or paranoia.
06:32Sharon, I really hope this isn't going to become unpleasant.
06:37I'm sorry, Mrs. Abbott. It's just, I'm not used to people...
06:41I'm sorry, Mrs. Abbott. It's just, I'm not used to people disliking me without a reason.
06:47It's all about control, isn't it, Sharon? Just trying to hang on.
06:54Because you know the damage you've done is irreparable.
06:57So you take all that guilt and shame and fear and you unleash it on all of us.
07:03Because I'm so evil.
07:06Very well put.
07:09Just out of curiosity, how do you expect me to react to all of this?
07:16Would you like to see me cry or be intimidated or lose control, yell at you?
07:24Boy, you are a cool customer, aren't you?
07:28I just no longer feel the need to have you walk all over me.
07:31Sharon, I didn't mean to imply that she...
07:32You still don't think that I'm good enough, do you?
07:36I'm not good enough for your sons. I'm not good enough to be a mother to my own daughter.
07:40I'm not good enough to be a part of your family.
07:42You know, I'm not sure here if this sudden erotic behavior is part of your act or if you truly are teetering on the edge.
07:52But you know what? In any case, I would make sure that the fire insurance is paid on this building.
07:58Oh, and there we go. From courteous to catty in record time.
08:05Hey, I was taking your manic lead.
08:09You are one vicious...
08:12I was willing to be civil with you. You don't make it easy, Sharon.
08:17Oh, is that so?
08:21Well, how's this for easy?
08:25Now you have a reason to go back to hating me like you always did. Happy now?
08:41Have I always created conflict? Is that who I am?
08:47Is that what landed me here?
08:56No, you're right. Conflict is not the story of my life.
09:14Because no matter how many hard times or obstacles that your father and I faced,
09:23we always managed to find our way back together again.
09:28I was right, wasn't I? About the wish you were making when you were blowing out the candles.
09:37Do you know how I know it was about us?
09:43Because it's what I want too, Sharon.
09:48I want us to put all our troubles behind us.
09:53I love you and I need you more than anything in my life.
09:59It was really hard for both of us after Cassie died.
10:05And you, I don't know how else to say it, except you shut down.
10:14And I just felt like I was living with a different person.
10:20And you just, you didn't want to deal with me.
10:24I was an idiot.
10:28That was when everything with Phyllis started.
10:35So all by myself, I broke up our marriage.
10:45I wish I could repair the damage.
10:54I could get up to you.
10:59I wish we could go back in time.
11:05Even when we weren't together, that unshakable bond was always there.
11:19Not that it wasn't tested over the years.
11:25So there was this guy, Frank.
11:33Where's your baby?
11:36I gave it up for adoption.
11:40I never even saw it.
11:43And under the circumstances, that was the only thing I could do.
11:48All these months, Sharon, you led me to believe you were a virgin.
11:53Though you told me our first time was going to be so special.
12:01But you were lying to me.
12:05What a fool. What a fool I've been.
12:08Nicholas, please try and understand.
12:12Frank, he was older. He was real popular.
12:16And I was so naive and stupid.
12:18He told me that he loved me, and I believed him.
12:21I thought he loved me.
12:24I'm sorry.
12:27I'm so, so sorry.
12:32I was so scared that he would run.
12:36But he stayed.
12:39He stayed right by my side.
12:43You were that baby I had to give up.
12:48Getting you back was like a dream come true.
12:55Nick was a little worried about becoming your father at that point.
13:03But I knew that he would fall in love with you just like I did.
13:10Nick, I realize how much you love Cassie.
13:16I know the adoption is really just a formality.
13:19No, no, no. It's much more than just a formality.
13:24I really can't wait to make Cassie my little girl.
13:27You know, officially.
13:32We're going to adopt you, sweetheart.
13:36You're gonna, you're gonna adopt me?
13:39That's right. We're gonna legally make you our little girl forever.
13:43What do you think about that?
13:54Finally, I had everything that I had always wanted.
14:03I should have known that it wouldn't last.
14:14I'm sorry I didn't bring you fresh flowers, but I...
14:21I didn't know I was coming.
14:26You know what? I have something better.
14:38Our perfect little family.
14:42You know what? I just thought of something. We have a surprise for you.
14:47Surprise what?
14:50Well, I guess you're just gonna have to open it.
15:13We had the initials DN engraved on there.
15:17You know what they stand for?
15:20Cassie Newman.
15:22You like it, honey?
15:24I love it.
15:26It's the most wonderful present I ever got.
15:34Except coming to live with you guys.
15:50I didn't know how lucky we were until that horrible night.
15:57Okay, how about this? After tonight, I will go back to being grounded.
16:02If I could have just this once with my friends, there's no school tomorrow, please.
16:11Uh, I tell you what, your bus is gonna be here soon, so why don't you go on to school and your mother and I will talk about it.
16:17Oh, thank you. Thank you.
16:19Oh, no, we didn't say yes. We said we'd think about it.
16:27I should have put my foot down. I should have never, ever let you go out that night.
16:35Was it you?
16:38It broke me. It broke me. It broke Nick.
16:45Our marriage fell apart.
16:54Even when I started to feel like I was getting past the grief and my life appeared to be normal, I was, I was always on the verge of another downward spiral.
17:24I'm sorry.
17:44I'm sorry.
18:09I was in the deep throes of bipolar disorder and I didn't even know it.
18:28Your death, through everything that has happened, it was always hanging over me.
18:39And now everything I've done, everything that has happened, was because of that damn night.
19:04I know what you'd say.
19:08That there were happy times, too.
19:13Moments that kept hope alive.
19:17I want to be there.
19:20You and our baby.
19:22I don't even know for sure that it's yours.
19:25I do. It is.
19:30You sound so certain.
19:32Cassie told us that we were going to have another baby someday.
19:36Cassie couldn't possibly have known.
19:39Sharon, I had, I had a dream once.
19:44Cassie was alive.
19:47We did have another little girl.
19:52Well, we can't allow ourselves to believe in dreams, Nick, because then that would imply...
20:06It was all in God's plan.
20:10We were destined to find our way back together again one day.
20:16And we both know that's not true.
20:23Faith was the daughter that you predicted we would have.
20:31And then another miracle happened.
20:35You can't actually see Cassie, let alone touch her.
20:39She's gone, Sharon. As hard as it is to admit, she's gone.
20:44So there has to be a logical explanation of this.
20:47Like what? I'm losing my mind?
20:50I don't know. It could be as simple as adjusting your medication.
20:54Well, I stopped seeing Cassie for a while when I went back on my medication.
20:59And now everything's been perfect, pharmaceutically speaking, and I feel great in every other aspect of my life except...
21:07Except that you're seeing our daughter.
21:10Yes, that makes no sense to me.
21:14But, Nick, I'm not only seeing her, I, I touched her. I am feeling her.
21:20I know it sounds crazy, but it happened.
21:26I can only hope that this is some kind of temporary side effect.
21:31That doesn't sound right.
21:33Of course it doesn't, but what else could it be?
21:36I thought the pain of missing you was causing my brain to play tricks on me.
21:48But then Nick found out the truth.
21:54It was like I got you back.
21:59It was like it wasn't you.
22:04You don't deserve to look like Cassie.
22:07You had convinced me that you felt terrible about what you had done to me, pretending to be my little girl, pushing me to the brink.
22:18I know that you had no one growing up except for Ian Ward, who is a horrible man.
22:23And I know that your mother was absent, so much so she might as well have been dead.
22:26And I know you're starving for love.
22:28You don't know me! So shut up!
22:31Everything that you think about me, it's all in your head!
22:36I didn't have to drive you insane. You were there long before I came into the picture.
22:42I told you, I'm not your beloved Cassie.
22:47I'm nothing like her.
22:50And that is painfully clear to me.
22:55Cassie would have grown up to be a kind, a generous young lady.
23:01Not somebody who uses her misfortune for being a thief or a liar or a tramp.
23:10I was just so angry.
23:15How could someone who looks and sounds so much like you, not be you?
23:27My heart, it just wouldn't let my brain accept it.
23:34I just wanted my daughter back in my life.
23:37She's not like your daughter, Sharon. It's not wishful thinking. She is your flesh and blood.
23:42Okay, Nick, you're not making any sense.
23:45I didn't trust Mariah, so I did some digging because I had to wonder.
23:49Wonder what?
23:50Why she looks so much like Cassie. Why she resembled her in so many ways.
23:54It's just a strange coincidence, that's all.
23:57It's not a coincidence. Cassie and Mariah are sisters.
24:02Sharon, you had twins.
24:05But the mother-daughter reunion wasn't warm and fuzzy.
24:12I'm really sorry about everything that was taken away from you. And from us.
24:18I'm especially sorry for the things I said to you. Things that no mother should ever say to their daughter.
24:27Hey, lady, I'm not your daughter. I'm not Cassie. Get it through your head.
24:37I know you're not Cassie.
24:39You called me your daughter in the storage facility and I let it slip because you were worried.
24:47It wasn't a slip.
24:49There's a reason Helen Copeland never acted like a mother to you.
24:53There's a reason she never felt like a mother. Because she's not.
24:57Helen Copeland is not my mom since when.
25:05Wait, don't.
25:07I am your mother.
25:14I wanted to be the mother that she never had. I wanted to be the mother that I never got to be to you.
25:32Have I failed you both?
25:46She resisted me.
25:49At every turn.
25:52But I knew that you would want me to persevere. And so I did. I persevered because I wanted to.
26:02And I just kept loving her.
26:07And praying that one day she would let me in.
26:12Sweetie, you never call me mom.
26:16I mean, not very often. Is that a choice you made?
26:22I mean, because there's no part of me that doesn't feel like I'm your mother now.
26:26No, no. I...
26:31The woman that I called mom for years before you, she was never really like a mom to me.
26:39So I think the word kind of gets stuck in my throat.
26:44But I don't mean it to hurt your feelings at all.
26:47No, no. I mean, you didn't. I understand.
26:50You've been through a lot. You went through a lot of rough stuff before you finally found us.
26:57Do you think that seeing as how this was Cassie's, do you think that I could have that, if it's okay?
27:13Yeah. You know, I think your sister would want you to have that. Something to connect you.
27:28Thank you, mom.
27:36Things got easier after that.
27:40And I grew to accept Mariah for the special, unique person that she is.
27:50And Mariah is your twin, which means a part of you is inside of her for me to love and hold on to.
28:07And for that, I will always be grateful.
28:14Being a mom to Mariah and Faith and Noah, it has helped me.
28:26It's helped me get through the pain, the grief of losing you.
28:33It helped me move forward.
28:37Move forward.
28:40And I've had some successes.
28:46I can honestly say my life, it exceeded my expectations.
28:56Baby, I just wanted to sit down with you and have a drink and to make toast.
29:04To what?
29:05To this place.
29:10To our place.
29:14Our place?
29:15Yes, our place. Sharon, we got it. Crimson Lights belongs to us.
29:20Neil, are you offering me a job?
29:23I am. I'm sure you got a million questions.
29:26Just when? When do I start?
29:28Wait a minute. Don't you want to know the details of the job?
29:30We could cut a deal. We always have. This is so perfect for me.
29:34This is something great that I can focus my energies on.
29:38In that case, welcome back to Jabot. Give me a hand and a hug.
29:44A toast to the oldest college graduate.
29:49I'm just kidding. I'm kidding.
29:52A toast to my mother, the graduate.
29:57Raising kids, running a business.
30:01You fought so hard for that degree.
30:04I mean, writing and reviewing and studying you.
30:08Did it before work, after work, during work.
30:12With Christian on your lap, you are my hero.
30:18And this is just one more reason why I hope to be just like you someday.
30:26I do have something inside of me that has helped me keep going.
30:35Helped me face so many challenges.
30:40That bastard raped you.
30:44Matt Clark raped you.
30:48You don't have to tell me I'm right. I know I'm right.
30:54I know what kind of animal he is.
30:57It's not fair.
30:58No, cancer is never fair. It just sneaks up on you. You're least expecting it.
31:05Damn it.
31:08Jake, why? Why does this have to happen now?
31:12Just when things seem to be working out.
31:17This is going to work out too. I know it.
31:19Just give me a minute, please.
31:24Just a minute before everything falls apart.
31:30Because if you tell me what I think you're about to tell me...
31:37I'm sorry.
31:48Ray was involved in the accident.
31:54I'm a survivor.
31:57And no one could ever say that I didn't love my children with my whole heart.
32:04One of my proudest, proudest moments was the opening of Cassidy First Technology.
32:13Transforming Cameron's demented legacy into a force for good.
32:21And it honored you too, my sweet girl.
32:26I had no idea that seeing and hearing your name on a daily basis would stir up so much in me.
32:39All of the happy memories were just being forced out.
32:46With memories of loss.
32:48And as hard as I would try,
32:52something was always there to remind me, or someone.
32:58When I heard that Daniel had moved back to Genoa City,
33:05I thought enough years had passed, I could handle it.
33:10I had no idea that the mere sight of him would just cause all of this rage.
33:21Like I'm rushing in.
33:24And take over.
33:26Just took over.
33:28To the point that I wanted to hurt him.
33:35And I almost did.
33:41I didn't hurt him though.
33:44I wanted to, but I came to my senses and I stopped myself.
33:50And that's, that's when Heather came in.
33:55And we fought, and somehow she died.
34:04I know how this sounds, but I can't remember how it happened.
34:11I wish I could claim self-defense, but from what I do remember, I don't see how that's possible.
34:23I have wracked my brain.
34:28I must have blacked out.
34:31And that's the part that's really tormenting me, is the not remembering.
34:38It makes me feel hollow.
34:40It makes me feel numb.
34:44And so here I am, Cassie,
34:47asking you what to do.
34:49Please talk to me.
34:51You are inside of me too, just like Cameron, but you are my better angel.
35:03Should I just turn myself in?
35:08Confess to my crime?
35:11And end this madness?
35:14I will take my punishment and hope that my family will find some way to forgive me when they find out what I've done.
35:24Because honestly,
35:27they aren't my one remaining true joy.
35:34I've missed you so much.
35:36Oh, I've missed you too.
35:44My children are the best part of me.
35:52Proof that I did do some things right.
36:00I'm not all bad.
36:09I know what to do now.
36:40Mom, wherever you are, please call and let us know you're okay.
36:46We are all so worried. If you don't want to call, you can text.
36:51Wait, what is it? Did you hear from her?
36:54I don't know what they say about comfort food in a crisis.
36:58What did she say? Is she alright?
37:00Wait, you heard from Sharon?
37:01No, I haven't, alright? But I have got to go out and try and find her.
37:05I can't wait here one more minute.
37:07I'll go with you.
37:08No, girls, I need you to stay here just in case she shows up while I'm gone.
37:12We've called every place in town she might be.
37:15I have got a few ideas I want to check out on my own.
37:18You think something bad has happened to her, don't you?
37:20No, I'm sure she's fine.
37:23And if something has happened to her, then it's my fault.
37:26If I had just stuck to the original plan and told her that I was in trouble, she would be here now.
37:31It is not your fault. I've told you that. You've got to stop thinking like that.
37:35Besides, I was the one who went to Madison and called her out for lying, and now she feels cornered.
37:42No one is to blame here, okay? No one.
37:49My God!
37:50What were you trying to do? Scare us to death? Come here.
37:56I'm sorry.
37:58Are you alright? Where have you been?
38:02I'm okay.
38:05Everything is going to be okay.
38:16Next week on The Young and the Restless.
38:21Your mom's not coming home.
38:25That's why I confessed.
38:29Confessed to what?
38:34To be continued.
39:04Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
39:34Subs by
