दो किसान मरने के बाद भगवान से क्या मागते हैं __ श्री 1008 महामंडलेशवर पूज्यासाध्वी शक्तिपुरी

  • 2 days ago
दो किसान मरने के बाद भगवान से क्या मागते हैं __ श्री 1008 महामंडलेशवर पूज्यासाध्वी शक्तिपुरी


00:00With the purest service of the body, the purest charity of the mind, and the purest holy hymn of the heart, may you be triumphant, may you be blessed.
00:09By the grace of the Lord, you are being blessed in all three ways.
00:14For that, please say it once.
00:18You will have to say it loudly.
00:21You will have to raise your hand and say it.
00:24You will have to say it with love.
00:27The one who has crossed all limits and donated, may he be blessed with God.
00:34And he has pulled the limits of love.
00:42He has pulled the limits of love because he is naive.
00:47He does not know that love is eternal.
00:51You will have to say it.
00:53If you want love, learn to give love.
00:56If you want money, learn to donate.
01:00There were two farmers.
01:02They used to work in their fields.
01:05They used to earn and eat.
01:07And one day, it was time for them to die.
01:10They died and went to God.
01:16God said, both of you are good.
01:18You worked hard and ate.
01:20Now tell me, what do you want?
01:23One farmer said,
01:25God, I worked hard all my life in the fields.
01:30But next time, give me such a place in my life,
01:37so that everyone gives it to me.
01:40I don't have to give it to anyone.
01:42You will have to say it.
01:45God said, okay.
01:48Secondly, what do you want, God?
01:51You gave me a good house, a good house.
01:54You gave me good fields, everything.
01:56But there is one thing missing.
01:59I could not donate in this life.
02:02Do something so that whoever comes,
02:04does not leave my house empty-handed.
02:06Sai, give me so much, so that I can take care of my family.
02:09And I should not be hungry.
02:11So that I do not starve.
02:13And God said,
02:16God gave you what you asked for.
02:19He took you where you wanted to go.
02:21You were born in the same village.
02:23You were close to each other.
02:25He said,
02:26I don't have to give anything to anyone in this life.
02:28Everyone should give it to me.
02:29So he became a beggar.
02:30Everyone is giving it to him.
02:35No one asks from a beggar.
02:36Everyone is giving it to him.
02:38And the one who said,
02:39do not starve.
02:41He made him the head of the city.
02:44He made him a good person.
02:46He is donating day and night.
02:48So the life is yours.
02:50What do you have to do?
02:51What do you have to think?
02:54the pearls cannot be collected from the scattered eyes.
02:57And the one who remembers Krishna,
02:59and is in love with God.
03:01In the remembrance of the lover,
03:03the pearls cannot be collected from the scattered eyes.
03:06In the remembrance of Krishna,
03:08we cannot sleep.
03:10And the eyes should not be soaked with tears.
03:13And the eyes should not be soaked with tears.
03:15And the eyes should not be soaked with tears.
03:17We should not think of this and cry.
03:20The world should not know.
