जीवन में कौनसी 3 बातों पर भरोसा रखना चाहिए Pujya Sadhvi Shaktipuri Ji Katha2024

  • 2 days ago
जीवन में कौनसी 3 बातों पर भरोसा रखना चाहिए Pujya Sadhvi Shaktipuri Ji Katha2024


00:00Some have cried for their sorrows
00:02Some have cried for their happiness
00:05What great things have they said?
00:07Some have cried for their sorrows
00:09Some have cried for their happiness
00:12Some have cried with faith
00:14And some have cried for faith
00:16We need to speak like that today.
00:19How many of you have faith in God?
00:22How many of you have faith in the Kata?
00:26And how many of you have faith in yourselves?
00:29You will have to forget it, Maharaj.
00:31Just have faith in these three things.
00:33Have faith in yourself.
00:35Don't underestimate yourself.
00:37But you say this when there is a fight with someone.
00:41You will have to forget it, Maharaj.
00:43Do you underestimate me?
00:45Do you look down on me?
00:47Earlier, children used to drink milk from their parents.
00:51They used to drink cow's milk.
00:53So, when there is a fight, they say,
00:55Come in front of me and show me.
00:58Today, children are born in hospitals.
01:01As soon as they are born, they are put in bottles.
01:03And many people open the lid of the bottle.
01:05So, they can't face me.
01:07So, first of all, have faith in yourself.
01:11That you are a part of God.
01:13God is inside you.
01:15You will have to forget it, Maharaj.
01:17Then, have faith in His satsang, His story.
01:21Have faith in the saints who know Him.
01:24Then, have faith in Him.
01:27Then, you will become God yourself.
01:29You will have to say it, Maharaj.
01:31You will have to say it loudly.
01:33And if you have faith, do this much.
01:36How much should you do?
01:38Your hands will remain small.
01:40How much should you do?
01:42Shall I tell you a story?
01:44Shall I tell you?
01:46Once upon a time, there was a man who used to worship God.
01:49He had a lot of faith in God.
01:51He used to do this day and night.
01:53He used to say, whatever will be done, my God will do it.
01:55You will have to say it, Maharaj.
01:57Whatever will be done, will be done by His will.
01:59Whatever He will do, will be good in my life.
02:01He used to work hard day and night.
02:03He used to worship Him.
02:05He used to have faith in Him.
02:07Whatever He would give, He would accept it.
02:09Whatever would go away from his life,
02:11He used to think, my God will do it.
02:13He had complete faith in Him.
02:15He had complete faith in Him.
02:18He had only one son.
02:20He fell ill.
02:21You will have to say it, Maharaj.
02:25The doctor said,
02:27If you bring Rs. 20 lakhs by morning,
02:29The operation will be done.
02:31Your child will be saved.
02:35What did the doctor understand?
02:37He raised his hand.
02:39The doctor said,
02:41It is not my cup of tea.
02:43He did not lose hope.
02:47He spoke to his relatives,
02:49His family,
02:51His society.
02:53He did not lose hope.
02:55There was a temple near his village.
02:57He went there and sat quietly.
02:59He did not say anything.
03:01After doing all the work,
03:03He goes to the temple and sits there.
03:05It is around 12 or 1 or 2 pm.
03:07That is why,
03:09The owner of a town is restless at night.
03:11You will have to say it, Maharaj.
03:15The owner was sweating profusely.
03:17He felt like going out.
03:19He told the driver.
03:21He took out his car and went out.
03:23He saw that the doors of the temple
03:25were closed today.
03:27What is the matter?
03:29As soon as the owner went to the temple,
03:31He said,
03:33Look, God,
03:35I have complete faith in You.
03:37The doctor said,
03:39You can do whatever you want.
03:41If you want,
03:43Your son can be saved.
03:45If you don't want,
03:47Nothing can be done.
03:49He was saying that,
03:51The owner heard it.
03:53He had kept Rs. 20 lakhs in the car.
03:55He gave it to him.
03:57The owner said,
03:59Take this Rs. 20 lakhs.
04:01Your son's operation will be done tomorrow.
04:05Neither the person nor the owner
04:07saw the car.
04:09The owner said,
04:11Take my card.
04:13If you need more,
04:15Call me.
04:17The owner said,
04:19My card is my God.
04:21Till tomorrow,
04:23Did you know me?
04:25I have complete faith in Him.
04:27Today, He has sent you.
04:29If I need anything tomorrow,
04:31He will definitely send it.
04:33You will have to say it, Maharaj.
04:35Have faith in Radhe.
04:37Have faith in your God.
04:39Have faith in your Karma.
04:41Have faith in yourself.
04:43Have faith in Radhe.
04:45He will never deceive you.
04:47At every opportunity,
04:49Krishna will come to your house first.
04:51You will have to say it, Maharaj.
04:53You have to do Dhaan in all three lives.
04:55Believe in yourself.
04:57Do Satsang with good people.
04:59Do Satsang in the name of God.
05:01Have faith in God.
05:03That is all.
05:05That is all.
