Discourse Tutorial for Students

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00:00Namaste everyone and welcome to the Chamondi Gurukulam, Siddha Kutta. In this video, I'm
00:05going to teach you how to navigate this platform effectively so that you can connect with other
00:10fellow students, engage with Guruji's teachings and make the most out of your 64-day Siddhi Yoga
00:17Challenge learning experience. So let's get started. First, I want you to go to the inbox
00:23of the email with which you log in to your learning account. So the email id that you
00:29use to access the 64-day challenge videos, I want you to go to the inbox of that email id
00:35and look for an email with the subject, welcome to Chamondi Gurukulam, Siddha Kutta. Click on that
00:42email and inside that email you will find an invite to join the community. So click on this
00:49link that you find in the email. Here you can create your account by selecting or setting up
00:58your username from the ones that are available. You create or set your password
01:06and you enter your full name.
01:10Click on accept invitation
01:15and that's it. Your account is created. Now that your account is set up,
01:19let's take a tour of your dashboard. Here on the left hand side of the screen,
01:25you will see all the categories that are listed. Now each category serves a unique purpose.
01:32I'll explain what each category is for so you know exactly where to go for what.
01:39Now let's begin with start here. Now if you are new to the 64-day Siddha Yoga Challenge,
01:46this is where you'll find the answers to the most common questions that students have.
01:51Go through the Q&A topics, all of them listed here. Please go through them and get your answers.
01:59Now in case you have a specific question that you want to know if it's already existing here
02:04in the portal, what you can do is on the top right hand corner you can see this search bar.
02:11Click on this and you can type in your question. Now let's say for example I want to know if I can
02:17take a break in my sadhana. So let's say can I take a break. You can search in all topics and
02:29and you will know what are the questions that have already been asked which are very close to
02:36what you're trying to ask. So you can navigate here and is it okay to take a break in between?
02:41If yes, when? So this looks like something close to what I wanted to ask so let me click here.
02:48And it is going to take you to the question and the answer. So the challenge is designed as a
02:53four-day cycle. You practice one asana per day for four days and take a break
02:58before starting the next set of asanas. Now if your question is not answered here, if this is
03:04not exactly what you're looking for and you don't find the answer here, what you can do is you can
03:10create a question. I will show you how to create a question next. Let's get back to the categories.
03:15So like I said earlier, the start here is the place where you find a lot of commonly asked
03:21questions and you will get the answers for them. If you don't, you can create your own question.
03:27Now the second section is news and announcements.
03:35Now news and announcements is a category where you will find all the updates, messages from Guruji
03:41like if there is any new lesson which is being added to your course or if there is any other
03:46important information that you need to know. So please make it a habit to come and check
03:50this session daily so that you don't miss out on anything. Now the next category here is the
03:57Q&A for the asanas, adharas and meditation. Now if you are doing a lesson for a particular day
04:05and say for example you're on day number four and you have a question about the asana that
04:10was taught in the class, here you can come to this section and you can post your specific question. So
04:20you can see there are already questions about different asanas, different adharas and the
04:26things that have been taught in the class. So you can go through these questions again,
04:31check if your question is already heard and answered. If not, you can create a new question.
04:37Now the next category is for student report. Now this is a space where you share your report,
04:44your daily reports, your progresses that you've made, the challenges that you're facing, the
04:49breakthroughs that you've had, anything that you want to share, this is where you come and post it
04:55so that there is accountability for you and you will also inspire the community with
05:00your motivation and your commitment. Now the next one is student report. Now here's where you will
05:08share your daily reports without asking any specific question. So if you've completed your
05:13practice or your sadhana for the day, you come here and you send in your reports. Now this is a great
05:19way to track your journey and see how far you've come. So it's just very simple, you can
05:24write, make short notes about your practice and post it here. The next category is student's
05:31milestone. Now this is the place where you celebrate your win, your small win, your positive
05:37shift, your transformations and your breakthrough so that you can not just honor your journey but
05:43you also serve as an inspiration for others walking the same path. Now if you have any trouble
05:50while using the quota or if you have any technical challenges, if you have any feedback, this is where
05:56you come and you post. So whether you have any technical issue or an idea for a new feature
06:02that will help us make your learning experience better, you can come and post that here. Now
06:07similarly there are other categories if you have any questions related to physical health or related
06:13to mental health, relationships, daily maryada about purpose, wealth creation, virya labha,
06:20karma visarjana, death and afterlife, women's cycle, productivity and time management,
06:27dreaming and if you need any book recommendations from Guruji, you can post it in the particular
06:33category. Now for each category there is an about the category note that we've posted. Please go
06:40through the note to understand whether your question fits in this category or not. Now that
06:45you know what the categories are and you know how to use them, let's take a look at how you can ask
06:52good questions in each of the categories. Let me quickly share my screen with you.
06:57Now let's say for example you have a question about meditation. So you will come to
07:04the Q&A asanas, adharas and meditation category. On the right hand side you will see this button
07:12called new topic. You click on that button and you will get this place where you can enter your
07:18questions. Now each question here is called as a topic right. So you need to give a title to
07:25your topic. This is the category that you've selected. Also you can add optional tags.
07:30There are predefined tags already within the system. You can see which tag fits best for your
07:36question and you can choose it. Now these are optional. It's not mandatory that every question
07:41should have a tag but if it is appropriate and it is available in the system,
07:46please use the tag so that we can categorize each question and it is very easy for you also
07:53in the future to come and revisit these questions or see the question based on tags for somebody
07:59else who's already asked. Now here is where you type your question. Now let's say for example
08:06I have a question that I'm not able to focus in my meditation. Now
08:15the wrong way to do this would be
08:16right now if you're going to give such such vague titles and you know you're not going to frame the
08:34question properly, this is not a good question because the person to whom this question is
08:38posted will not understand what exactly you're not able to do when you're meditating right.
08:43What has is it that you mean? So for the same question let's say I am not able to focus in my
08:53meditation. So you come here and instead of typing something vague you can type something like I am
09:08not able
09:38to focus in my meditation. So this is a more detailed question and once somebody reads the
09:51question either your Acharya or Guruji, they will be able to help you out better and tell you what
09:57exactly you need to do. Now once you type the question here can you see your topics is similar
10:04to me? So there are already questions about focusing on your meditation that I get a lot of
10:09thoughts while doing Nadi Shodhana. How do I deal with it? I yawn during meditations.
10:14What do I do about that? I feel dizzy. What do I do about that? So there are different questions.
10:19The questions may or may not be similar to what you want to ask but it's always good to go check
10:26and then create a topic instead of duplicating the questions here. So once you're done, once you've
10:32entered a good question given all the details that are necessary, click on create topic and
10:39your question gets posted over here. Now next what you do is wait for our answer. Either Guruji or
10:45your Acharyas will reply to you. Now once you've received an answer to your question, please read
10:53it and if you still have further questions please feel free to communicate and type that. Now say
10:59for example you've received a reply for this and you still have a follow-up question to that.
11:06You can just hit reply and you can type your question here. Now you can also engage with the
11:13posts and the questions that other students are asking if you have the knowledge to
11:20answer it. Now let's say for example somebody has asked a question here. Let's just take
11:26one question. So should all the asanas be done 108 times from day one every day or can I practice
11:36or can we practice as many as possible? What breathing should we use between the asanas?
11:40This is a question which already we have answered, the Acharyas have answered. Now before it was
11:45answered, if you know the answer you can also reply to the question and you can keep that
11:50conversation going if it is needed as it is needed and you can engage with other students.
11:57Now if there are any questions that you want to post which are personal or private in nature and
12:02you don't want to post it on a public platform and you want to ask the questions directly to
12:07your Acharyas or you know you want to share some experiences which are very personal and you want
12:11only your Acharyas to know about it. Let me explain to you how you can send a message directly to your
12:17Acharyas on the platform. Now the Kuta allows you to send a direct message. So on your left
12:24hand side you will see on the sidebar when you scroll down after the categories towards the end
12:29you will see this section called DM. There is a plus button right here to create a personal chat
12:36when you click on this and you type Acharya. Now if you want to reach out to your particular Acharya
12:41you can type Acharya. So all the Acharyas in the Gurukulam will be listed or displayed over here
12:52and you can go to your Acharya and contact them. Say for example you are a student of Acharya
12:57Shashank. You can click on this and you can say Namaste.
13:12Right you can send out a message to Acharya Shashank. Now once you send a message to your
13:19Acharya you can expect an answer within 24 hours. Now please remember not to contact the Acharyas
13:26on their whatsapp even if you have their whatsapp number unless they specifically ask you to
13:32message them there. Please keep that in mind and also do not contact the admin. Now this
13:40you'll see a lot of posts from Shamundi Gurukulam. If you are going here
13:46the admin of this group is called Shamundi Gurukulam. Please do not contact Shamundi Gurukulam.
13:57And ask your questions here or if you have any doubts do not contact this
14:02account or this user to get your things clarified. Okay the next thing is please remember not to
14:08contact Guruji unless it is something that is very urgent and if there is an emergency situation that
14:14only Guruji can answer. Now another thing to note is do not use this platform as a replacement for
14:21whatsapp or any other social media where you're sharing images and videos. That is not allowed on
14:27this platform. This platform is meant only for learning and you can only send in text messages
14:34or you can send in links to your Acharyas. Right so not just in the direct messages but also in
14:41the questions that you're asking will not be allowed to post messages with images and videos.
14:47So please do not request your Acharyas and request to the admin to allow you to do that.
14:52Now if you're using the Shamundi Gurukulam Siddha Kutha on your laptop or your mobiles you can also
14:58install the app. Now I'll show you how to do this on your Windows laptop. You can similarly do this
15:04on your Mac. Let me quickly share my screen again. So if you're doing this on your Windows
15:12on the top right hand corner you will find three dots.
15:17When you click that you will see this option to cast, save and share and under that you will see
15:23this option to install the Shamundi Gurukulam app. So you see this thing, select install
15:31and your app is installed. Now if you're using the Shamundi Gurukulam Siddha Kutha on your mobile
15:38you can also install the app for your mobile devices. On Android you can go to Google Play
15:44and search for Discourse Hub to install the app. Similarly on your iPhone you can go to
15:50the App Store and search for the app with the same name Discourse Hub. Now to install the app
15:55on your Android device you can go to Play Store and search for Discourse Hub. Click on install
16:09Once the app is installed you can click on open.
16:14Now the first thing that you do is add your first site. So click on this button
16:20and in the search bar you can paste
16:27shamundigurukulam.discourse.group. Your site will be listed here. Click on the add button.
16:35And your site is added. You can start using it. So here you can see all the latest questions that
16:44have been posted. You can see all the topics here listed from all the categories. You can
16:50see the category here. Start here, death and afterlife. So you can go to that particular
16:57category or if you want to explore other categories come on the top here and click on the
17:02hamburger menu and come to the categories. You can post your questions here.
17:14Now another way to install this app is via your Chrome browser. So you can go to the Chrome
17:21browser after opening the site. So on your Chrome browser you open the site and click on the
17:30three dots on the top right corner. Now add to home screen. This will give you the option to
17:37install apps. You select install and wait for the app to install.
17:44Once your app is installed you can see it on your phone.
17:55So this is how you do it. Happy learning!
18:00That's it. Now that you know how to use the Chamundi Gurukulam Siddha Kutta,
18:04explore, engage and share your journey with the community
18:08so we all can learn together and evolve together. Thank you so much. Namaste.
