• le mois dernier


00:00C'est parti !
00:31Bienvenue chez nous
00:33Et voici notre petit bébé
00:36Mais je deviens de plus en plus grand
00:38Oui, tu es
00:40Je t'inviterais à venir
00:42Mais nous n'avons pas tout de suite retourné à la maison
00:45Tu vois, ce matin
00:47Laissez-moi raconter la histoire, s'il vous plaît
00:50Bien, d'accord
00:52Oh, super !
00:53Ce matin, maman a réparé le déjeuner
00:55J'ai toujours réparé le poivre
00:58C'était trop chaud pour manger
01:00Aïe, j'ai brûlé ma langue
01:02Ça prend du temps pour se réchauffer
01:04Alors j'ai mis le poivre dans nos bols
01:07Elle a mis du honneur sur le mien
01:09Puis nous sommes allés faire un tour dans les bois
01:12Et c'est là que cette petite fille est venue, je pense
01:15La petite fille était Goldilocks
01:17Elle était aussi allée faire un tour dans les bois
01:19Quand elle a vu la maison des trois oiseaux
01:22Tra-la-la-la et fiddle-di-di
01:25What will I do and what will I see ?
01:29La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
01:35What a cute house !
01:37Youhou !
01:39Is anybody home ?
01:41Hmm, guess not
01:42I'll just tiptoe in and look around
01:46Oh boy, breakfast porridge
01:49I'll just have a little taste from this big papa-sized bowl
01:55They'll never miss it
01:57Ouch, that's too hot
01:59Wait, here's a middle-sized bowl
02:04Yuck, too cold
02:08Oh, here's a little tiny bowl
02:11They wouldn't feed that stuff to a baby, would they ?
02:16Hmm, honey
02:18Now that's good
02:21Goldilocks ate all the porridge from the little tiny bowl
02:25That was tasty
02:27Now what shall I do next ?
02:29Goldilocks peeked into the living room
02:31Oh, that must be the papa's great big green chair
02:36Looks comfy
02:38This is quite a climb
02:40There, nope, too high
02:43Red is really my favorite color anyway
02:47The mama's pretty chair should be just right
02:51Oops, too wide for me
02:54Now there's some fun
02:56The baby's rocking chair
02:59The little tiny chair was not too high and not too wide
03:04This is just right
03:06Tra-la-la-la and fiddle-dee-dee
03:10I love to rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye me
03:15Oops, just one rock too many
03:18Oh well, a little glue, a few nails
03:21It'll be easy to fix
03:23And with that she decided to look for some toys
03:26Tra-la-la-la and fiddle-dee-dee
03:30Oh boy, a whole basket of clothes for playing dress-up
03:38Here we go
03:41The papa's big hat is just a tad too big
03:45Hey, who turned out the lights?
03:48What a charming middle-sized hat
03:51It's me, almost
03:53Just a bit too flowery
03:57Baby's little tiny socks fit me just right
04:02By then Goldilocks was sleepy
04:05It's time for a little cat nap
04:09First she found the big, big papa bear's bed
04:13This bed is big enough for my whole family
04:16But it's too hard
04:18Now this one must be mama's bed
04:21It's much too soft for sleeping
04:25But boy, oh boy, is it great for bouncing
04:29Boing, boing, boing
04:34Over there is the little tiny baby's bed
04:38This is just right
04:40Not too hard, not too soft
04:44Teeny tiny and cozy warm
04:47It was so cozy that Goldilocks fell fast asleep
04:53Just about then the three bears came home
04:58Our porridge must be just right by now
05:01Yum, yum, I'm putting extra honey on mine
05:04I'm so hungry I could eat that whole pot myself
05:12Me too and I'm a growing boy
05:15When the bears opened the door
05:17He couldn't believe their eyes
05:23Goodness, someone's been here
05:25We've been ransacked
05:27What a mess
05:29Look, someone has been tasting my porridge
05:33Someone has been tasting my porridge
05:36And he spilled it
05:38Someone has been tasting my porridge
05:40And it's all gone
05:42Who would do something like that
05:44Someone big and mean I bet
05:46Shh, we better check the living room
05:49He might still be here
05:51The bears tiptoed to the door
05:56He's not here
05:58But someone has been sitting in my big, big chair
06:02Someone has been sitting in my chair
06:05Just look at those messy paw prints
06:09And someone has been sitting in my chair
06:12It's broken all to pieces
06:14I'll never walk again
06:19There, there, Papa will fix it
06:22Shh, we better check upstairs
06:25I'll find the culprit
06:27The bears tiptoed up the stairs
06:35Mama, were these clothes here before
06:39No, it's the burglar
06:44Maybe he's gone
06:46He must be in the bedroom
06:49The bears tiptoed to the bedroom
06:58Grand sakes
07:00Someone's been sleeping in my big, big bed
07:04Someone's been sleeping in my middle-sized bed
07:07Just look at those footprints
07:10Someone's been sleeping in my bed
07:13And here she is
07:15Oh, bears, help
07:19Who are you
07:21And a mouse
07:23Let me out of here
07:26Goldilocks was so frightened
07:29That she ran down the stairs, out the door
07:32And all the way home without stopping once
07:38And that's what happened
07:40It really did
07:41That little Goldilocks was afraid of us
07:44Yes, my little honey bear
07:46I'll bet that she'll never ever again
07:49Go into a home she doesn't know
07:51And Mama Bear was right
07:53Goldilocks never again went to the house of the three bears
