• 3 months ago
00:00So from this scene, Amy, was it obvious where the mould was on the paintwork up there?
00:12And that was where it originally was in the bathrooms upstairs?
00:30That's the point, isn't it?
00:54When I viewed the property, I've had a leak in my bathroom that never got sorted out.
01:14I've got pipes that's hanging out in my kitchen that should have been covered.
01:19It was dirty.
01:21I had to paint it myself.
01:23I had to re-carpet it myself.
01:25And I've been ringing the company for two weeks now to tell them that I've got a leak
01:30and my ceiling's going to fall through.
01:32They would not listen to me.
01:34And obviously on Friday the 20th, the ceiling fell all the way through my kitchen
01:40and I've got a leak in my bathroom still.
01:46What did you think of having to deal with all those problems to start with when you moved in?
01:50Because you must have felt very positive and thought you could move in,
01:53settle for your kids in school and life would go on as proper, wouldn't you?
01:56Yes, I just thought this house was suitable for my daughter's needs and for my son.
02:01The location was fine.
02:03And then obviously I thought, yes, it would be a nice home once it's all painted, cleaned.
02:09It would be nice for my family.
02:11But clearly not because the ceiling's just fell through.
02:15They don't want to solve any problems.
02:17They don't want to sort out the problems.
02:19I just feel very upset.
02:22And how much damage has been caused to the kitchen by the ceiling falling?
02:26Obviously it's landed here in front of the bathroom where it fell in,
02:28but has it caused damage to other things as well?
02:30Yes, it's caused damage to my flooring, my washing machine, my cooker, my blinds,
02:38which I only had fitted two weeks ago.
02:41Okay, okay.
02:42And you must have been very frustrated that you reported leaks and other problems with the house
02:46and nothing was done with them.
02:48Yes, I just feel that they don't want to sort out nothing.
02:51I've ring up every single day and they tell me,
02:55oh yes, we're sorted, we'll send someone out.
02:58They never send anyone out.
03:00No one's viewed my property.
03:02And now I had a surveyor come out on Wednesday to look at my ceiling and my bathroom,
03:07and that's it, no one's come back out.
03:10And this is a week gone already, and I'm actually currently staying with my mum and dad,
03:15which I want to get home with my family.
03:17This is where we belong.
03:19How much upheaval has it caused for the kids?
03:21Because obviously your son's GCSE level at year 11,
03:25and also your daughter's getting used to a new school.
03:28So how has it been for them?
03:30Yes, my son's upset, so is my daughter,
03:32because obviously we all want to come back home,
03:34and it's not fair to keep my son out so long,
03:39like where he's doing his GCSEs, which is an important year.
03:43I shouldn't be going on like this.
03:46As a single parent with two kids, do you know what I mean?
03:49I just want to get home, back to where we live.
03:52Currently you've had to obviously stay with your parents.
03:55They've gone for two weeks, so the house is clear.
03:58But what would happen when they move back after those two weeks?
04:02Have you got a stable place to live? Is there enough space in your parents' room?
04:05They have got enough space, but after two weeks,
04:08because obviously I told my mum it was two weeks,
04:10I'm not going to have nowhere to live.
04:13I phoned Sanctuary up and they told me that they can put me in a hotel,
04:16which is not suitable for my daughter's needs,
04:19when my daughter's got autism and her class is disabled,
04:22and it's not good for my 15-year-old boy, which is doing his GCSEs.
04:26It's an important year. He should be studying.
04:31Did you have any other reported issues with mould and other things?
04:36You mentioned asbestos to me before as well.
04:38Yes, I had a man come out and he told me I've got asbestos
04:42and mould actually in my kitchen ceiling.
04:45He came out on the Friday when it happened
04:48and he told me I've got asbestos and mould in my ceiling in the kitchen,
04:52and he told me the bathroom's not safe to use.
04:55He said that it needs to be ripped out and redone.
04:58But Sanctuary's telling me different to what he's told me.
05:02Are you a bit frustrated that people are telling you lots of different things
05:05and that doesn't seem to be a clear solution?
05:07Yes, I just feel that they've just let me down.
05:10They're not listening to what I'm saying because I'm a young mum with two kids.
05:14They just don't want to listen to me. I just feel let down, so upset.
05:18I just want to be back with my family.
05:21Has that worry had an impact on the children as well?
05:25Obviously they're going through so much, so has the family in total been struggling?
05:30Yes, my son and my daughter, obviously, because they want to come back home,
05:35but we can't come back home because we've obviously been told
05:38we're not allowed to come here until the problem's solved.
05:42But they keep telling me that it's going to be ready by the 8th.
05:46No way my property's going to be ready for me to move back on the 8th.
05:50They've not even started the job yet.
05:52I think they're just fobbing me off, which I don't think is fair.
05:55Do you know what I mean? I've gone through a lot this year.
05:57This is just like sums it up. Do you know what I mean?
06:00I just want my daughter and son back home where we belong.
