Walsham-le-Willows joint boss Chay Budd reacts to Suffolk Premier Cup defeat to AFC Sudbury

  • 2 days ago


00:00Shae, obviously you're going up against a side two levels above you, but you've given
00:07a real game tonight, obviously gone out of the cut, but after a five goal thriller really
00:13where you pushed them all the way.
00:15Yeah, I think we sort of set up with a bit of a game plan, we've brought a few boys in
00:20that haven't played much lately and obviously Cam coming in so we gave him a little run
00:24out so I wouldn't say we possibly started what we would perceive as our strongest side
00:28tonight, but it was good to see some of the lads that haven't had a chance to have a go,
00:32particularly Rihon and Harrison and stuff like that, so we're really pleased with how
00:35they've done.
00:36Yeah, and this can give you confidence going forward, can't it?
00:39Obviously you have made a positive start to the season, just a point or so off the top
00:44of the table, but a couple of defeats recently.
00:47Yeah, I think unfortunately we've had critical people injured at the wrong times and I don't
00:53like making excuses like that because I know every team has that problem, but we obviously
00:57lost Charlie Norman and it looks like he's going to be out for quite some time and he's
01:00sort of our talisman, Nuney the centre-back got injured for quite some time so he's only
01:05just come back as well, so I think we've been a bit unlucky in that sense, but I know every
01:09team has that and you just have to live with it and get on with it, but I don't think any
01:12game that we've actually played this season I've felt that we've been out of it, I think
01:15we were unlucky against Fakenham not to get a point on Saturday, there's been a few games
01:20we possibly should have won and we've not got anything from them, so we're quite pleased
01:24and the boys are buoyant and we're enjoying it, it's great, no problem.
01:27Yeah, and you're obviously pleased with what you saw from your side tonight against a team
01:32that play a few levels higher than you and the Pyramid?
01:35Yeah, they're a very good side, I love the way they move the ball about, I said to the
01:38boys at the end there's a lot we can learn from that and that's where we've got to get
01:42to, we're quite a young side, so I think their movement off the ball and on the ball was
01:45excellent and I think we try and do that, but we've just got to try and get to that
01:49level and I know it's difficult, we're a huge club, we're only a village team, we've got
01:54what we've got, but I think the boys were terrific tonight and like you say, right at
01:57the end there, probably could have even got something out of it and maybe took it to penalties.
02:03And Cameron Nicholls' return to the club was announced today, straight into the starting
02:08line-up and that's a beast to have someone of his quality back at the club.
02:12Yeah, Cam's outstanding, he's been to a few training sessions and stuff, he was eager
02:16to get over here, we've had to wait a little bit of time with some stuff off the field
02:21to get him here, but I'm really pleased he's here. Obviously, we're losing Charlie and
02:26now being able to bring someone of his quality in is definitely going to make a difference
02:29and I thought he played really well tonight, considering he hasn't played for two months,
02:32I thought he was excellent, so I'm really pleased.
02:35And just a final one, it's Sheringham away on Saturday, what are your thoughts ahead
02:39of that one now?
02:40Sheringham is always a tough place to go, it's a long journey for us. We're finally
02:47getting everybody back, so it looks like we'll go there with a full squad, which will be
02:50nice. I don't underestimate anyone in our league, I think every game we play is difficult
02:54from top to bottom, so we go there with the right mentality and hopefully we'll get something.
02:59Well, all the best of luck and thanks for talking to us.
03:02No worries.
