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00:02Zoe, hey, it's Talon. Are you still at the hospital?
00:05Courtney mentioned you had a family emergency. Is everything alright with Max?
00:09Yeah. Yeah, actually, it wasn't Max this time. It was my sister.
00:15But don't worry, I can be back at the office later.
00:18No, no, no, no. It's fine, Zoe. You work enough as it is.
00:22But I am emailing you right now a proposal for a new client.
00:29Big budget, big everything. Think you can handle it?
00:33Me? Seriously?
00:35Seriously. Seriously. He wants to meet tonight at 6pm at Waterford International's restaurant.
00:43Yeah, I'll be there.
00:49Finally, some good news.
00:51Things were finally looking up for Zoe at work.
01:05But she had no idea this dinner would be a brush with fate.
01:09Reservation under the name Fuller?
01:11No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You've got to be kidding me.
01:15No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:18Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't see me.
01:27Talent Interiors, this is Zoe speaking.
01:29Are you joining me for dinner or not?
01:42You are my new client?
01:47And you are my new interior designer?
01:50I can call my boss and have him put somebody else on the project, given our history. That might be best.
01:58Don't be silly. We can be adults, right? Besides, I know how talented you are.
02:10Okay, well then, let's just dive right in, huh?
02:14I thought it might be a good idea to start getting your input with what you envision for your home.
02:18I'm going in on the mood.
02:20Going for your space?
02:25Let's eat first.
02:30Whatever you say.
02:35Were you always this testy?
02:41Neither could deny it. The chemistry between them was electric.
02:45I thought that the wood made a nice contrast with the lighter colors.
02:50I really like the wood textures here. You're definitely on to something.
02:53I thought the textures were really interesting.
03:00I'm sorry. If I'm overloading you, we definitely don't have to figure out everything tonight.
03:06No, it's not that.
03:09What is it?
03:13Why didn't you ever call, Zoe?
03:16Excuse me?
03:18Why did you leave?
03:21So suddenly.
03:23Why did you leave?
03:26So suddenly. I mean, I had no idea where you went.
03:29How could she tell him the truth?
03:31She had to protect herself. And Max.
03:34She couldn't get wrapped up in the Dexters again.
03:40I'm so sorry.
03:45Yes, of course. Have her prepped for surgery. I'll be right there.
03:50Is everything okay?
03:52It will be.
03:55I guess we'll have to continue this conversation further at another time.
04:06As Zoe watched Blaine leave, she wished she could have explained everything to him in that moment.
04:12But she couldn't put Max at risk.
04:15Besides, patients needed his healing hands.
04:19Zoe remembered when they healed her from her own terrible accident all those years ago.
04:24Oh, I'm not...
04:26I'm sorry. I can come back.
04:28It's okay. I, um...
04:30I'm not kind of struggling with ease up.
04:36Do you mind if I help?
04:42What's your name?
04:47I'm Dr. Dexter.
04:49You can call me Blaine.
04:51As Blaine fastened Zoe's gown, a shiver ran down her spine.
04:56How's that feel?
05:00Good, I guess.
05:04How's that?
05:11It's perfect.
05:12Blaine could feel something between Zoe and him.
05:16But he had to maintain professionalism.
05:26Are you okay?
05:28Yeah, um, sorry.
05:30You seem nervous.
05:31No, no, no. It's just probably the accident.
05:34Yeah. Well, I think as a precaution, we should have you stay here another day.
05:39Will you be my doctor?
05:42Yeah. You don't like me?
05:45No, it's not that. I just, I don't want to, um...
05:50take you away from other patients that might need you more than me.
05:54Well, something tells me that you need mine.
05:57Little did he know, this same man would get me pregnant only ten months later.
06:12Blaine was engaged.
06:14Why was he paying for dinner?
06:16And offering his private number?
06:18What could he want from her?
06:21I can't believe we lost him.
06:23I really thought he'd pull through.
06:35You seem distracted.
06:39Oh, hey. Sorry.
06:41I wish we could have saved him, too.
06:45You know, for a moment there, I thought I saw light on in you, Blaine.
06:48Thinking about your fiancée?
06:50Nope. Just distracted.
06:52What were you thinking about?
06:54Don't be ridiculous.
07:04I'm sorry.
07:06I'm sorry. I was just playing and my ball got away.
07:10Are you a doctor?
07:12I am.
07:13You look strong. Like a superhero.
07:16What's your name, kid?
07:18I'm Max. What's your name?
07:20I'm Dr. Blaine Dexter. You can call me Dr. Blaine.
07:24Oh, you're the brain surgeon with a penthouse downtown.
07:28And your family's loaded.
07:30You live in Moorpark, don't you?
07:33You a detective?
07:35Oh, the nurses want to marry you.
07:37Are you single?
07:39I have a fiancée.
07:43What's wrong with having a fiancée?
07:45It's just, if you were single, I would have introduced you to my mom.
07:49My grandma always says she needs a good man to take care of her.
07:53And you look like a good man.
07:55Are you her matchmaker?
07:57She used to be married, but now they don't live together anymore.
08:01I'm sorry to hear that.
08:03So if I fall asleep one day and never wake up again, she'd be all alone.
08:08Well, then let's just hope that doesn't happen, okay?
08:12Who is your mom anyways?
08:13Max? Max, I've been looking for you everywhere.
08:16Let's get you to your room, okay?
08:20What's wrong with the little guy?
08:24His whole family's been tested, but we haven't found a match for a bone marrow transplant yet.
08:28Bye, Dr. Blaine.
08:30Blaine felt his heart ache at Ramona's answer.
08:34He knew how difficult it was to find that kind of donor.
08:41There you are, where'd you go?
08:43You have to stay in your room, you little troublemaker.
08:46Well, he struck up a friendship with the hot surgeon, Dr. Dexter.
08:55Hey Max, sweetie, go ahead, I'll be right there.
08:59Ramona, Dr. Dexter cannot know who Max is.
09:04He can't know his last name, he can't know that he's related to me, okay? Do you understand?
09:08Zoey, what's going on?
09:09Please, just promise me.
09:13I promise you.
09:15Okay. Thank you.
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