DX Vs. Kane & Test

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WWF Raw Is War (December 6, 1999)
00:00And this is going to be a tag team war.
00:10This is going to be an explosion.
00:13What's it going to be?
00:14Folks, we don't know exactly the condition of Big Show.
00:22He's set to defend the WF title against Big Fish here a little bit later here tonight.
00:28We'll get you an update on the Big Show's condition here momentarily.
00:32Making his way to the ring, being accompanied by Torrey.
00:37Weighing in at 326 pounds, King!
00:43Being accompanied by Torrey.
00:45It's aptly named Armageddon King.
00:47It's this Sunday on pay-per-view.
00:49And it's the night that King finally gets X-Punked.
00:52Oh, man!
00:53One-on-one, and X-Punk may be dropped through hellfire and brimstone this Sunday at Armageddon.
01:00Yeah, but you can drag me through hellfire and brimstone to get to that evening match, JR.
01:06I can't wait to see that.
01:08Weighing in at 282 pounds, Tess!
01:13Tess was outstanding at the altar last week thanks to the clan, the game of Triple H.
01:19Tess was set to marry his fiancée, Stephanie McMahon, here last Monday night.
01:24We saw how that went down.
01:26And man, does Tess have a score, a huge score, to settle here tonight, moments away, with Triple H.
01:34Break it down!
01:37Their opponents representing D-Generation X at a combined weight of 430 pounds, X-Punk and Triple H!
01:48Withstanding this tag team matchup here and now, what about the new stipulations added to the no-holds-barred matchup?
01:54This Sunday at Armageddon, Triple H, Vince McMahon, no-holds-barred, anything goes.
02:00And if Triple H wins the match, he'll earn a WWF title match.
02:04However, if Vince McMahon beats Triple H in what's no more, in my view, than a street fight,
02:10then the marriage between Triple H and Stephanie will be a no.
02:14The stakes couldn't get any higher.
02:16Oh, here we go! Kane can't wait to get his hands on X-Punk!
02:21Not only would that marriage be a no, but I can guarantee you Triple H would never get another title match here in the WWF.
02:29Knocked down by the Big Red Machine on both the Game and X-Punk.
02:33And it's gonna be X-Punk now and the Big Red Machine.
02:36Oh, look at this! Facebuster by The Game.
02:39That has staggered Kane. And Kane with a thunderous knockdown!
02:43Well, come on, you gotta give Triple H credit. He's probably a little weakened. He's in a weakened condition.
02:47From what?
02:48He just had off his honeymoon. Come on!
02:50Oh, you think it was the honeymoon? I don't think so.
02:52Here comes Test. He certainly missed out on a honeymoon.
02:55He missed out on the biggest day of his life, thanks to Triple H, who ruined the lives of Stephanie McMahon and the McMahon family.
03:02What a power slam! He's got him hooked up!
03:04That's Test! And got a near fall. Man.
03:08You're nasty. There won't be no honeymoon in Armageddon on Sunday, King. I promise you that.
03:12Oh, I know that's so.
03:13Uh-oh. A shot to the back of the head.
03:15A glancing blow, but no glancing blow. Oh, man.
03:18Triple H from behind, knee to the spine.
03:20Test outside with X-Punk. And X-Punk, spinning heel kick.
03:24Let's face it, JR. What you got here in Test and Kane, you got a couple of guys that are lovesick.
03:30You know, they can't keep their mind on fighting what they're supposed to be doing. They're thinking about their women.
03:38It's happened all down through history. Remember Samson and Delilah?
03:41Yeah. Adam and Eve. Now we got Kane and Tory. Test and Stephanie.
03:46I guess you're going to say that May and Moon are new Samson.
03:49Oh, yeah.
03:50Oh, look at that! Double team! A double suplex by DX, by Triple H and X-Punk. Taking up and down Test.
04:00Well, we're getting word now that Big Show is up, and he is not happy, to say the very least.
04:06There's a cover right there. Big Show is up after Viscera drove him right through that table?
04:12With a Vick's Flash, the Vick Show is up, and the WWF title match will happen here tonight.
04:17It's scheduled live, and what a knife edge chop there by X-Punk.
04:21And that's not all that's going to be happening here tonight. Who do you think? Do we know yet?
04:24Who's going to be teaming up with Al Snow to take on the Rock and Sock Connection?
04:28Well, I have not heard. I have not heard of a soul who could be crazy enough to want to join forces
04:35with the unpredictable Al Snow against the Rock and Mankind, live here tonight.
04:40Well, wait a minute. It'd be a feather in somebody's hat if they could get a victory over the Rock and Sock Connection.
04:45Knocked down. You're right about that, King. No doubt about that.
04:48Hey, that may be all. That guy's near fall.
04:51Come on, ref.
04:52Well, Test, it's just, you've got to hand it to Test, man. You talk about a guy being through hell and back.
04:58Test, all set to be married here last week. His family on here. Everybody was here.
05:03He was humiliated.
05:05So was the entire McMahon family, thanks to Triple H.
05:10Oh, gut wrench into the powerbomb.
05:13Take another look here.
05:17Beautiful. Boom!
05:20I thought that was it.
05:21Quicker than a hiccup will meet Kane this Sunday at Armageddon.
05:25That won't be pretty, and neither will Triple H. Oh, there's a tag on both sides.
05:29Triple H in. Oh, it was Kane.
05:32Right hands by Kane, reeling Triple H back into the corner.
05:36And now Triple H face first to the turnbuckle, and then followed up again by Kane's clothesline.
05:42Show the power of Kane. The Big Red Machine is moving around here.
05:46He's showing no respect for a newlywed, is he?
05:48He's knocking everybody down that he touches. It's Kane. Tilt the world. Backbreaker for Kane.
05:53And from behind, King Triple H.
05:55Triple H.
06:01Oh, no! Nice teamwork here.
06:02Look out! X-Pac knocked right through the ropes.
06:06Did you see that?
06:07Sidewalk slam by Tess without Kane.
06:10Oh, X-Pac, look out!
06:11Kane going up on top. The Big Red Machine's gonna fly.
06:16Right in!
06:17What a clothesline! What a clothesline by King!
06:20Oh, look at Tori. She is loving this.
06:23And a hard tag with authority.
06:25And now Tess is upstairs.
06:31That's okay. No problem. He's not married.
06:34Tess landed straddle. That turnbuckle obviously cannot feel good.
06:40Now, Tess, that would have been a problem for Tess.
06:42And now look at X-Pac. X-Pac catching Tori.
06:44What is she doing?
06:45Look at this!
06:46Hey, take your hands off her!
06:47Another spin kick coming!
06:49Take your hands off her!
06:51What is...
06:53What is X-Pac...
06:54What is he thinking?
06:56He's gotta face Kane someday!
06:58Not the, uh...
06:59Not that!
07:00He's not...
07:01Not a Bronco block for him.
07:03Oh, my God, look at the power!
07:05Kane's raw strength caught X-Pac in midair!
07:08And then catapulted X-Pac back to the center of the ring!
07:12Over the top with X-Pac!
07:13And here comes King right back after him!
07:16Look out, X-Pac!
07:17Triple H.
07:19Trying to hook up the pedigree.
07:21But Tess counted.
07:22It's a back body drop.
07:25Boy, that's an emotional matchup here.
07:27Oh, look out!
07:28Look out, JR!
07:29Oh, no!
07:31Oh, a low blow!
07:32A low blow!
07:35X-Pac and King had him fighting up the ramp,
07:38but Triple H got the pedigree on Tess after the low blow!
07:43Break it down!
07:45And Triple H is still the king!
07:47X-Pac and Triple H!
07:51Triple H and Vince McMahon.
07:53It will not be a match that will be pretty.
07:55It will not be a classic catch-as-can-can match.
07:58It's gonna be a street fight.
07:59No holds barred.
08:01McMahon and Triple H this Sunday in Armageddon.
08:04But right here tonight, the WWE title will be decided...