• last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


00:31Must be our man.
00:42May I, uh...
00:44You can keep it.
00:47You have it?
00:49Seaside Hotel, 1124 Flamingo Road.
00:53How corny can you get?
00:55Striped suit, green hat band,
00:57girly magazine under the left arm.
00:59You think Waverly is overdoing it a bit?
01:02Oh, oh, another one.
01:07What do we do now?
01:09Well, when in doubt, follow instructions.
01:18May I have a light?
01:24You can have these.
01:36Not a thing.
01:38Unless they're using invisible ink.
01:41Well, he's not one of ours.
01:43We gave up that kind of kindergarten stuff ages ago.
01:59Help! Help! Help!
02:10Something interesting?
02:12I'm not sure.
02:14But I think those characters in that car are interested in us.
02:22Driver, uh, see if he can lose that red car behind us.
02:27You bet.
02:57Watch out for the truck!
03:11What's the matter with you? You drunk or something?
03:17Police. Who are you taking?
03:20I'm taking the kids.
03:22You're taking the kids?
03:25Police. Who are you taking?
03:271100 Block Flamingo Road. Seaside Hotel.
03:30Seaside Hotel.
03:32You've got to hold that woman!
03:58Police! Police!
04:02Police! Police!
04:08Grab them! Don't let them get away!
04:33Get them!
04:45Senor Delgado?
04:47You must be the two gentlemen Uncle promised to send there.
04:51Yes, I'm sorry. We were late, but apparently your government was tipped off that we were on our way.
04:55I'm not surprised.
04:57There is very little that escapes El Supremo's intelligence service.
05:00So it would seem. How soon can you be ready to leave, Senor Delgado?
05:03Exile. A hunted exile like myself must always be ready to flee.
05:08My wife and I are entirely at your disposal, gentlemen.
05:12I am sorry, but I have to disagree.
05:15And please don't think me ungrateful. You've just saved our lives.
05:18But now that those men know your identity,
05:21they will never allow my husband to reach New York alive.
05:24My dear, there is always danger in opposing evil.
05:28But if I don't appear at the Council of Nations now,
05:31I will have failed in my duty and all those who gave their lives fighting to free our country.
05:38I can assure you, Senor Delgado,
05:40that you and your husband will be protected by all the vast resources at the disposal of Uncle.
05:44I am sure you will do the best, gentlemen.
05:47But you have no idea the kind of enemy with which you have to deal.
05:51Fighting El Supremo is like fighting the devil himself.
05:55You must forgive my wife, but she's seen so much cruelty and oppression
05:59that it sometimes affects her judgment.
06:04I understand.
06:06It's all right. The coast is clear.
06:08Shall we be on our way then?
06:26Well, you ring a big enough bell somewhere and you get a little cupid out.
06:30Drop it!
06:32It is food!
06:35Look at the head. Is there a face on it?
06:41Matter of fact, I believe it's yours.
06:49Don't let him see it!
06:51Don't let him see it!
07:21Don't let him see it!
07:51Most extraordinary.
07:57I told you, it is no use. They cannot help him.
08:01What do you suggest we do? Fly in a couple of African witch doctors?
08:05It may surprise you, Mr. Solo, but that may be exactly what my husband needs.
08:09No, nothing would surprise me on this assignment.
08:16More tests?
08:19More tests?
08:28Just a minute. There may be some mistake here.
08:31Do not worry, Mr. Solo. I will not let him out of my sight for a minute.
08:38Hurry. We do not have much time.
08:42Well, of course.
08:45Oh, there you are, Mr. Solo.
08:46I'm afraid there are certain psychosomatic disturbances...
08:48Doctor, did you order another X-ray?
08:50No. Why?
09:05Voodoo. Oh, really, Mr. Solo.
09:08Well, I use that term only in the interest of brevity, sir.
09:11It seems much easier than saying the art of inducing psychosomatic disturbances.
09:15Oh, whatever it is,
09:17that's the real secret of El Supremo's stranglehold over his unfortunate country.
09:22I have no wish to offer any alibi,
09:24but there was nothing in our briefing to indicate that Señora Delgado was playing a double game.
09:29I'm still not satisfied that she is.
09:32However, I have a feeling that she is.
09:35Delgado regressa a su hogar.
09:38Promete ayuda total a El Supremo.
09:41Delgado returns home, promises full support to El Supremo.
09:46He doesn't miss a trick, does he?
09:49No, that's what so disturbs the Council of Nations.
09:53Delgado is the only remaining leader left capable of challenging him.
09:58He is the only one who is capable of challenging him.
10:02He must be rescued at all costs.
10:05Otherwise, this reign of terror of Supremo's will spread like a plague over the entire region.
10:11Do we have time to change before we leave?
10:14Well, I understand there are some very excellent haberdasheries in Puerto del Cielo.
10:19What a name for a city. Gates of Heaven.
10:23Let us hope that they remain firmly shut while we're there.
10:48Well, guess who that is.
10:50No cracks.
10:52My name is Soto. I have a reservation for two, please.
10:55Just a moment, sir.
10:57Oye, muchacho. Just a moment.
11:00Just a moment. Who's trunk is this?
11:04Just as I thought.
11:09Okay, Miss Susy. You can come out now.
11:14A nice, intelligent girl like you should know better than to try such a silly thing.
11:19You could have suffocated.
11:21Don't say it, Susy. Such language is not becoming to a lady.
11:25You have five minutes to be in your uniform and back in your job.
11:33What was she trying to do, beat her hotel bill?
11:36Susy? She's the new manicurist at the barbershop here.
11:39Silly girl is homesick. This is the third time she's tried to get away.
11:42In the trunk? Oh, no. Once she tried the laundry chute.
11:45Wouldn't it be simpler by plane?
11:47Impossible, senor. El Supremo is too fond of the way she does his nails.
11:51Now, what was that name again?
11:53Soto. Oh, yes.
11:57Oh, lovely. Look at the view.
12:01Reminds me of Naples.
12:05Oh, and I.
12:07Yeah, well, it's not that beautiful.
12:12Well, wasn't our contact supposed to leave word for us somewhere?
12:16Perhaps he has.
12:19Welcome to the Pearl of the Caribbean.
12:26After you've finished admiring the fruit,
12:29take a look in the closet.
12:33After you've finished admiring the fruit,
12:36take a look in the closet.
12:38What's that? Some kind of local joke?
12:50Aha! Our first contact, men.
12:57Well, there's nothing psychosemitic about that.
13:00He's been stabbed through the heart.
13:02Well, we'd better find our other contact before they do.
13:06Oh, too late.
13:09Oh, come in.
13:11I am so sorry I am late, gentlemen,
13:13but your plane was a little early.
13:15I am Capitán Ramírez.
13:17Yes, I believe we've met before, Capitán.
13:19Oh, yes, we have.
13:21And I'm the captain.
13:24Yes, I believe we've met before, Capitán.
13:26Oh, my compliments, señor.
13:28I did not think you had recognized me.
13:30Well, you're not a man that one easily forgets, captain.
13:33Thank you, señor.
13:35Gentlemen, I've come to escort you to the presidential palace.
13:38Is that an invitation or a command?
13:41An invitation by el supremo is always a command, señor Zorro.
13:45He expects you promptly at 4.30.
13:47We don't have much time, then, do we?
13:50It's only a few short blocks from here.
13:53Would you like a cigarette, captain?
13:57No, I prefer my own brand.
14:02Well, we owe you some matches.
14:05Perhaps you'll settle for this.
14:09Go ahead. It won't explode in your face.
14:22Thank you, thank you.
14:24I will always cherish it as a memento of my first encounter with Uncle.
14:28Perhaps we might stop in the barbershop for a second, all right?
14:31Mm, an excellent idea.
14:34I could use a shave myself.
14:38You go ahead. I'll follow.
14:40I'm one of those do-it-yourself fellows.
14:43If it is the body in the closet that is bothering you,
14:46don't worry about it.
14:48It will be well taken care of.
14:50Besides, if you don't mind my saying so,
14:52you could use a haircut.
15:21I think that man was right.
15:23You know, you could have suffocated in that trunk.
15:25I don't care.
15:27Anything's better than another three months in this place.
15:32Is it that bad?
15:34How long y'all been here?
15:36Well, I just arrived.
15:38Oh, wait till you spend a little time here.
15:40And don't ask me how I got here, either.
15:44Y'all ever been to Chicory?
15:49Oh, you're lucky.
15:51All you do there is sit around and think about how you can get away.
15:54Well, one day, one of those traveling men
15:56left a New Orleans paper behind with one of these help-wanted ads.
15:59Well, wouldn't you all just grab a chance
16:01to get out of that Chicory barbershop?
16:04I don't know what I'd give to be back there right now.
16:10Well, suppose there was a way.
16:14You mean it?
16:16Now, just let's keep this between the two of us, shall we?
16:23Now, don't kid me, mister,
16:25because, well, I mean, I want y'all to understand
16:28I may be desperate and all,
16:30but, well, I haven't lost my self-respect yet,
16:32if y'all know what I mean.
16:34It's nothing like that, I assure you.
16:39It's not that I object to having a date with a gentleman now and then.
16:42It's just that, well,
16:44I like to get to know him a little.
16:47You know the night spot called the Casa Verde?
16:50Oh, y'all don't want to go there.
16:53That's no place to take a lady.
16:55All I want you to do is call there
16:57and make a reservation for two under the name of Solo,
17:00and then find out the exact time of the last show.
17:06I call and I make a reservation for Solo
17:09and I ask for the time of the last show.
17:12The exact time.
17:14Exact time.
17:16And then after the call, write it down
17:19and leave the message under my door.
17:21Suite 304.
17:26Y'all serious about this?
17:28I mean about helping me get away from here?
17:31I've never been more serious.
17:36Serious about what?
17:38The purity of my intentions.
17:41I was merely trying to persuade the young lady to have dinner with me.
17:44You won't have time for that.
17:46Are you through?
17:48Am I?
17:50All right.
17:54Thank you kindly.
17:58I hope you are not getting any ideas.
18:02Me, sir?
18:04You better not.
18:06You might as well give me the two envelopes on those two.
18:10Yes, sir.
18:17I think you look much better with a trim.
18:20You may like to know that it cost me $10 American
18:23for him to leave my hair alone.
18:25Ready, gentlemen?
18:28All right.
18:40What shall I do with you?
18:43You realize, of course, that there is nothing to prevent me
18:46from standing you up against the wall
18:48and having you shot as enemy agents.
18:51Your Excellency is aware of the image he enjoys outside of these borders.
18:55That would hardly serve to improve it.
18:59And that is the only reason I forgo the pleasure.
19:02I could, of course,
19:05practice on you some of our native art.
19:08The art of voodoo, Excellency?
19:10Well, it is an art, Mr. Kiriakin.
19:13But I am afraid it takes a much richer blend of bloods and cultures than yours
19:17to develop a true appreciation of its magic appeal.
19:22And don't let the color of my eyes mislead you.
19:25There is no strain of blood that flows on this island
19:27that does not run through my veins.
19:29And the beat of the jungle drum speaks louder to me
19:33than all the voices of your civilization.
19:37I know very many civilized people
19:39who maintain that this little path of mine
19:42is really my lamented predecessor, Presidente Cordona,
19:46whom I, by some trick of voodoo magic,
19:50transformed into a monkey,
19:53as though Cordona needed anyone's assistance to become one.
19:58I've seen some pictures of the late President.
20:00I think that there is a resemblance.
20:06Did you hear that, Ramirez? That's funny. Why don't you laugh?
20:09That's enough.
20:12You came here, I believe, to see Senor Delgado.
20:15Well, I will save you the trouble of trying to find him.
20:29Senor Delgado, I believe you know this gentleman.
20:33Good to see you, Mr. Solo, Mr. Kiriakin.
20:37How do you feel, Senor Delgado?
20:40Much better, thank you.
20:43Why don't you tell them what made you decide to come home?
20:46When I was sick, I had time to think.
20:50I realized I was wrong about our great leader.
20:54Our country needs him.
20:57He has my full support.
21:02That is enough, Senor Delgado. You can rest now.
21:07Poor man is still very tired, but you can see he's coming along nicely.
21:11Isn't he, Senora?
21:14Oh, yes, Your Excellency.
21:17He's getting better every day.
21:19Well, I am very grateful to you for having brought him,
21:22but I don't think we had better overtax his strength.
21:35He's a changed man.
21:37I'm glad you think so.
21:40Well, gentlemen, it was a pleasure.
21:42And if I may suggest that if you leave now,
21:45you will still be able to make the night flight to Miami.
21:50We thought we might mix a little business with pleasure,
21:54get a glimpse of your country.
21:56There is really only one thing worth seeing,
21:59and you've already met me.
22:06That you managed to place the detonator.
22:10Everything is under control.
22:12Why don't you speak louder? I hate people whispering behind my back.
22:16I was just wondering if you had speed laws in this country.
22:19Not with only ten minutes to catch the flight.
22:22Well, I wouldn't want to have a blowout traveling at this clip.
22:25Perish the thought.
22:29Stupido! Why did you not check the tires?
22:32Don't blame this poor fellow. An accident can happen to any of us.
22:36I'm sorry, sir.
22:38I'm sorry, sir.
22:40I'm sorry, sir.
22:42I'm sorry, sir.
22:44I'm sorry, sir.
22:46I'm sorry, sir.
22:48I'm sorry, sir.
22:50I'm sorry, sir.
22:52I'm sorry, sir.
22:54I'm sorry, sir.
22:56An accident can happen to any of us.
23:02An accident, senor Solo.
23:04All right, just for that, you two can do the changing.
23:07Y pronto.
23:10We're going to need a key.
23:12Key? Oh, key.
23:14Andale, la llave. Dase la llave.
23:22Now, don't worry, Captain Ramirez.
23:25We're going to make it.
23:27We're going to make it.
23:29We're going to make it.
23:31We're going to make it.
23:33We're going to make it.
23:35We're going to make it.
23:37Now, don't worry, Captain Ramirez.
23:40It was probably overcrowded anyway.
23:45You may yet wish you were on that plane, senor Solo.
24:08Your message from the manicurist.
24:10No, it couldn't possibly be
24:12that you overestimated the effects of your charms on the young lady.
24:36Well, I declare, where I come from,
24:38I thought a gentleman was supposed to knock before entering.
24:41Excuse me, I'm sorry.
24:43Did you make that phone call I asked you to?
24:45Well, certainly.
24:47I was just about to slip the message under the door like you told me
24:50when it occurred to me that it might get into the wrong hands.
24:53So I asked this maid I know to let me in.
24:56Well, now, you shouldn't have done that, Susie.
24:58Oh, take a shower.
25:00I didn't think you'd mind.
25:02See, the one up in my room just drools a drop at a time.
25:05I meant the maid.
25:07She might talk.
25:10What was the message, anyway?
25:12Well, the man on the phone was a kook.
25:15I asked him for the exact time of the next show,
25:18and he said, uh,
25:20bring a silver dollar and hung up.
25:23Good girl.
25:25Does that make sense to you?
25:27Your towel's slipping.
25:30Let's go.
25:32Hey, wait a minute.
25:34I mean, what about me?
25:36I did my part. How about you all doing yours?
25:38Oh, I will.
25:39You promised, remember?
25:40Well, you just got to give me a little time, that's all.
25:44Oh, I should have known.
25:46You men are all alike.
25:48Oh, sweet talk till you get what you're after,
25:50and then a girl can just go whistle.
25:53Susie, I promised to try, and I will.
25:56As a matter of fact, I'm going to meet someone now who can help.
25:59Oh, that's fine. I'll come with you.
26:00No, no, no, no, no, you can't do that.
26:02You might get in serious trouble if you're seen with us.
26:04You see, we're not exactly, uh, persona grata around here.
26:07And we can't leave her here, either.
26:09Yeah, if those two jokers see her leave this room,
26:12she might be in a worse spot.
26:13What jokers?
26:15Listen, do you think you can, uh, shinny down a balcony?
26:19Oh, can't be much worse than an apple tree.
26:22Get your clothes on.
26:25An apple tree.
26:30That is a very nice lighter.
26:33Pure gold.
26:35Isn't that a bit rich for a mere capitan?
26:38It's yours, Your Excellency.
26:40It's amazing how quickly a girl can take her clothes off,
26:43and how long it takes to put them on again.
26:46Who did you steal it from?
26:48It's a present.
26:49From whom?
26:50From that man from Uncle, Mr. Sandlow.
26:52You numbskull.
26:53You misbegotten son of a she-ass!
26:59Well, that was fun while it lasted.
27:01They'll be on the first plane in the morning.
27:04They will not be permitted to leave.
27:05Not now.
27:06See if you can get the envelopes on them.
27:09I already have them, Your Excellency.
27:11The nail pairings are Sandlow's, and the hair is Kurallian's.
27:15Oh, I see.
27:16I see.
27:17I see.
27:18I see.
27:19I see.
27:20And the hair is Kurallian's.
27:22That is more like it.
27:24Anything else, Your Excellency?
27:26Just keep an eye on them!
27:28And before the night is out,
27:30you will have two very surprised young men on your hands.
27:33Yes, Your Excellency.
27:50Thank you, Your Excellency.
28:20Where is he?
28:24Whoever you're waiting for.
28:26Aren't you enjoying the floor show?
28:28Come on.
28:49Hey, you all must make a fortune with this.
28:51It's the same on both sides.
28:53Say, that man on the phone...
29:14Let's get out of here, shall we?
29:16I don't think we're going anywhere.
29:29Good evening, Captain.
29:31Won't you join us?
29:33Why not?
29:34I've been looking for you everywhere.
29:36But why did you have to pick this dump
29:38when there's any number of nice places in town?
29:41Well, we didn't think you'd look for us in a joint like this.
29:45I'm only trying to give you the good news.
29:47El Supremo has changed his mind.
29:50You won't have to leave.
29:52In fact, you may remain here indefinitely.
29:58And how long is indefinitely?
30:00I suppose I should be enjoying all this
30:03since I've had nothing but grief since you came here.
30:06But I'm really a very soft sentimentalist inside.
30:10And I have nothing but pity for you,
30:12as I would for any creature
30:14who is doomed to spend the rest of his days as a zombie.
30:21I don't know about you all, but I'm getting out of here.
30:24Sit down.
30:26No one may leave until I say so.
30:30And don't you try anything.
30:33I have a jeepload of men outside.
30:36Well, then why don't we have one last drink before we leave?
30:41Speaking of zombies, Captain,
30:44I've always understood that you can't make one
30:47unless you have something which is a part of the intended victim.
30:51That's right.
30:52El Supremo has everything that is necessary.
30:55Doesn't he, Susie?
30:59Oh, I couldn't help it.
31:01It was part of my job, but I had no idea what he wanted it for.
31:05That's all right. We understand.
31:07Oh, now you know why I gotta get out of here.
31:10Out of this creepy, crazy country.
31:13Be careful what you say.
31:15I don't care. I have had it up to here.
31:17And what for? Nothing's gonna happen to them.
31:19Because you know what?
31:20You didn't get their hair and nail clippings in those envelopes.
31:23You got yours.
31:37That's all right. Don't get excited, everybody.
31:39You're filling too much rum.
31:40There's men outside. Go call them.
31:44Don't worry.
31:53Let's go.
32:10Do you know where Avenida Santa Tomas is?
32:13I don't want to go there.
32:15That's where the cemetery is.
32:17Well, where else would you look for a zombie?
32:19Oh, no. Not me.
32:21Come on.
32:22Before Ramirez wakes up and finds out what you've done to him.
32:25They'll never believe this back home.
32:46This must be it.
32:47I can feel my flesh crawl already.
32:49Come on.
32:51Let's go.
33:00I hope nobody's home.
33:08Good evening. I'm Dr. Solo.
33:10And this is Dr. Kiriakin, my colleague.
33:13Captain Ramirez sent us to attend to Senor Delgado.
33:16Yes, this young lady is a nurse.
34:08Do you mind telling us why you decided to switch sides
34:11and bring your husband back to La Fuerta del Cielo?
34:13Because he is my husband.
34:15And I want to see him well again.
34:17Do you really think El Supremo is going to cure the only man he fears?
34:21There are others on this island that have that power.
34:23I should say there haven't been much help.
34:25I haven't had a chance to take him to her yet.
34:29Mamalu, the last great voodoo priestess.
34:33They say she taught Supremo all he knows.
34:36It's up to you, gentlemen.
34:37Either you take us to her or I will call the guards.
34:41Well, that doesn't leave us much choice.
34:44Does it?
34:45Well, if that's where you're going, I'll take my chances with Ramirez.
34:56Ladies and gentlemen, it appears we are about to become a captive audience.
35:11Come on.
35:12In there.
35:15In there.
35:23It's all set.
35:28Do it.
35:45Come on.
36:06The house is surrounded.
36:09Don't worry.
36:10In a minute...
36:51Get out!
37:13Excellency, am I dead?
37:16You should be, you brainless jackass.
37:18It's that girl, the manicurist.
37:20Never mind that now.
37:21They have abducted Delgado.
37:22I want you to take some men and find Mamalu.
37:26That's where they must be headed, you numb skull.
37:28I want you to get to her first.
37:31Yes, Excellency.
37:37What now?
37:38Out of gas.
37:41How much farther?
37:42I have no idea.
37:43I've come this far before.
37:45Not many people dare to come here.
37:47Come on.
37:51Let's go.
38:13Good morning. I was wondering if you could help us.
38:15It is prohibited to trespass on the Supreme's private properties.
38:18Let's go.
38:19I'm sorry, we didn't know that.
38:20If you'd just give us a little gasoline, we'd be glad to get off.
38:23Wait here.
38:24I will bring you some from the house.
38:25And no talking to those men. It is prohibited.
38:33What's he afraid of?
38:35We might give them something to eat.
38:37I've never seen a hungrier looking lot.
38:39They are not hungry, senor.
38:41They are...
38:46Now you know what happens to those who dare to oppose El Supremo.
38:54Go quick. He's calling the soldiers.
38:57Thanks. Is there anything we can do for you?
38:59What can you do for the dead?
39:06For the last time, won't you do it?
39:10I used to take him across my knee and spank him.
39:14Now he call himself El Supremo.
39:20Ordering me?
39:22All right, all right.
39:24Mother, he's asking you.
39:29That's better.
39:32They will come and ask you to help Delgado.
39:35You will agree.
39:37You take him to your prayer house. You put on a good show.
39:40And make him drink this.
39:42And when it's all over, you'll get the reward I promised you.
39:50How much farther do we have to go?
39:52I just can't take another step.
39:58Well, I think we've made it.
40:12Come on!
40:42Come on!
41:13Hold on to me or I'll take off any minute.
41:19Happy Halloween.
41:42Happy Halloween.
42:13Drink this, all of you.
42:16Is this really necessary?
42:18If you want him to come back, it is.
42:27Come here.
42:34Come on.
42:42It's not too bad. Go ahead.
43:12There's his chest.
43:43Let the spirit of the evil one leave this man
43:48and enter the body of the sacrifice.
44:04It is done. You can get up now.
44:12Oh, my love.
44:21Kill him. Kill them all.
44:24Thank you, my love. Thank you.
44:42My love!
45:02Is there anything we can do to help?
45:07My time has come like his.
45:13I taught him everything he knows.
45:17He turned it all to evil purpose.
45:29Tell him I died cursing his name.
45:45Operation Calypso reporting, sir.
45:47Oh, yes. Come in, Calypso.
45:49What's on your mind?
45:51Transportation, sir. We have Delgado.
45:56Control informs me that your position has been determined.
46:00You'll be picked up in less than an hour.
46:03I'll be waiting for you.
46:07Control informs me that your position has been determined.
46:11You'll be picked up in less than an hour.
46:18I think we could do with some food now.
46:25It's too bad you didn't think of that earlier.
46:28If there's one thing I hate, it's being caught on an empty stomach.
46:32Line them up over there and get the firing squad ready.
46:36Just one moment, Your Excellency.
46:38I have a message for you that might be worth your while to hear it
46:41before we're permanently silenced.
46:44There is nothing you can say that can persuade me to change my mind, Mr. Solo.
46:54And not even this?
47:02Are you trying to impress me with this?
47:05I had expected more ingenuity from Uncle.
47:08Don't you believe in the efficacy of your own methods?
47:11I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't.
47:14But you are forgetting the most important prerequisite
47:17of a successful application of voodoo magic.
47:20The intended victim must believe in your power to invoke such magic.
47:27And I don't believe you have it, Mr. Solo.
47:30I hope not, but I think the woman who fashioned this little thing
47:33could give even you a few lessons.
47:38Mamalou, I don't believe you.
47:41She died cursing your name.
47:44That was the message she asked us to deliver.
47:50I still don't believe it!
47:52Why not put it to the test?
47:55Do you have a pen, area?
47:59I used it, but I have this.
48:03I don't believe you.
48:22I'm sorry we weren't able to bring back Delgado with us after all.
48:26That's all right.
48:28I've just heard word that he's been elected president
48:31of the provisional junta that took over after the Suprema's demise.
48:35Incidentally, I'm not perfectly clear.
48:39How did you manage it?
48:41It's quite simple, really.
48:44We frightened him to death.
48:48Here's something I did bring back for the uncle collection.
48:57How interesting.
49:01Made in Japan.
50:01© BF-WATCH TV 2021