Nestor Cortes Scratched as Yankees Face Challenges Ahead

  • last month
00:00It was meant to be nasty Nestor getting out there on the hill for the Yankees but the
00:08mail coming across early today is that Nestor Cortez will not be a go for this one and a
00:14sign of the times there for the starting pitcher.
00:17It feels like he's really been up against the last couple of weeks, changes roles and
00:21now there's more to come on the injury side of things.
00:24Yeah, not great.
00:25He was probably not going to factor in to like the early playoff rounds because I do
00:28think he's outside their top three pitchers, but still just to have a quality veteran pitcher
00:33in that lineup and active if you need them even in the middle innings would have been
00:36a big deal.
00:37And also today, you're probably liking it if you're Nestor Cortez.
00:39Let me get out on the mound against a team that just clinched a playoff spot, maybe partied
00:43a little bit last night, not as focused as they need to be today, but that's not going
00:46to be the case.
00:47So a tough game just got a little bit tougher here for the New York Yankees because if we
00:50flip it over to the other side, Zach Gafflin has been really good.
00:53I know my card today, last 60 days minimum of 20 innings pitched.
00:57I got Zach Gafflin as number four out of 26 pitchers on my card.
01:01If we're looking at his numbers, Dubsy, a 2.40 ERA over those 60 days and a 3.41 XFIP
01:08So now you start to say like, okay, well, you get another win if you're the Orioles,
01:12keep the pressure on the New York Yankees.
01:13And again, I say this once again, the Yankees are going to win this division.
01:16They're going to win one of their final couple games.
01:19But today looked like it might've been a shoe in, just got, as I said, a little bit tougher.
01:22Gafflin's going to be the better pitcher on the mound tonight and maybe take a look at
01:25that plus 120 price, but that might change as well once we find out who that Yankee starter
01:30is tonight.
01:31So you might have to wait a little bit longer on this handicap, but Gafflin, pretty good
01:34You're going for the O's today.
