• last year


00:00This film is based on a true story.
00:14It is of vital importance, Carmen.
00:16The peace of our country depends on this mission.
00:18You know the language, you have worked as a secretary,
00:21you are the right person.
00:31Oh, finally home.
00:36What are you reading?
00:38The script of your film.
00:40It's very interesting.
00:44But didn't you have to be in the promotional cocktail?
00:47Yes, that's where I come from.
00:49And I'm looking forward to the premiere of the film.
00:51I don't know what else to say about my character.
00:54Besides, I really wanted to be with you more than with those adulterers.
00:58Inés, if what worries you is that I don't feel good being alone,
01:01forget it, I'm perfectly fine.
01:04Besides, the last thing I want is for you to change your plans for me.
01:07But if my favorite plan is to be with you and cook for you,
01:13I miss you very much.
01:17I know it won't be easy to get back what we had
01:21and that's why I'd like to ask you something.
01:27I still hate eagles.
01:33No, seriously.
01:35This afternoon when Agustín came to pick me up,
01:39how did you feel?
01:44I went to Berlin to forget what had happened.
01:47And you know what they say, that time heals everything.
01:51Well, after six months I can say it's true.
01:55But then,
01:57you don't feel anything for him anymore?
02:01Nothing like before.
02:03He's my sister's boyfriend, so I want to have a good relationship with him.
02:07And for that, we have to stop thinking about it.
02:11Yeah, but when there's an elephant in the room,
02:16it's so big that you can't ignore it.
02:19Where did you get that from?
02:22It's an expression that's used in India
02:25when there's a problem and you don't want to admit it.
02:28The director told me, he's traveled a lot.
02:31How interesting.
02:34Well, you know what?
02:36Today I ate with our uncle.
02:38I wanted to know what I'm going to do with my life.
02:41You know how he is, he's worried I don't have a plan.
02:44And what did you tell him?
02:46That I don't have one.
02:48I don't want to leave again,
02:50but I don't want to embark on an adventure
02:53after the failure of the gramophone store.
02:56No, it wasn't.
02:58But what happened with Celia made it all more difficult.
03:02But you proved that you're capable of many things.
03:07He proposed to me to take the advertising of La Moderna again.
03:10But, I don't know, I feel like I've already crossed that bridge.
03:15Of course.
03:17Whatever you do, Laurita, I'll always support you.
03:21And financially too, so don't be in a hurry.
03:27There's one thing I wanted to ask you.
03:31Tickets for the premiere of The Shadow of Love.
03:34I would like to invite the new colleagues of La Moderna.
03:36Very good.
03:38But I'm going to write it down because lately I forget everything.
03:43In fact, I don't know where my schedule is right now.
03:46Tomorrow I have a shoot, a press conference,
03:51a photo shoot,
03:54an interview with the radio, but I don't remember the schedule.
03:58Can you help me find it, please?
04:24I think it's here.
04:28You see? What would I do without you?
04:47In Italy you don't know how bad luck it is to see your girlfriend the night before the wedding?
04:51Yes, yes, yes.
04:53But I couldn't sleep.
04:56I needed to see you and give you the good news.
04:59The last time we slept apart.
05:03I can't believe that tomorrow you'll be husband and wife.
05:07Do you need a straw to relax?
05:09No, no, no. I'm fine. Don't ask me for a straw.
05:11It's just that I feel uneasy.
05:16I needed to see you.
05:19One thing.
05:21Have we done the right thing choosing Esperanza and Don Fermín as witnesses?
05:26You're so stupid.
05:29Well, go home. I don't want to give food to the neighbors' gossip.
05:33What gossip?
05:35I don't want them to think that we're going to spend the night together without being married.
05:38Oh, yeah? And that's why we're going to the bonfire, right?
05:43Oh, I'm going to give you something. Wait.
05:50This is for you.
05:53The key to my house?
05:56I left it here the night before I left for Italy, right?
05:59The first time we slept together.
06:02Do you remember?
06:04The first and the last.
06:06But no, it's the key to my house.
06:09Because from tomorrow on,
06:13it will be our house.
06:16The house of the Fazzielos.
06:18Did I say it right?
06:20Yes. Like a real Italian.
06:23Shh, shh, shh.
06:26I thought so.
06:28It's also bad luck to kiss the bride before the wedding.
06:33I've lost my appetite.
06:42Enough, enough, enough.
06:44I'm going to close the door on your nose.
06:47Are you okay?
06:48Are you okay?
06:49Yes, I'm fine.
06:50It's a joke.
06:52Come on.
06:54Go, go, go.
06:55See you tomorrow.
07:23Where are you going so...
07:25I know.
07:26And you, how are you so early?
07:28The Modena is still open.
07:30It hasn't even cost me.
07:31I wanted to leave everything ready for the inauguration.
07:35You're not going to tell me why you're going...
07:37So excited.
07:38I know.
07:39It's just that I've been called up for a very important event.
07:43But I can't tell you.
07:45I'm sorry.
07:47I've been called up for a very important event.
07:50But I can't tell you.
07:52Well, only that my partner is Mr. Fermin himself.
07:57Realize and draw your own conclusions.
08:01So you're a couple with Mr. Fermin, I say.
08:03Then it will be something illustrious.
08:06For God's sake, don't throw me out of tongue, I know myself.
08:09Well, can I go into the store and take a look?
08:13Sure, come in.
08:17Come in.
08:23Come in.
08:27What do you think?
08:29How beautiful.
08:31I had never seen anything like it.
08:33Take, take whatever you want.
08:35Oh, yes.
08:36Oh, how stylish everything.
08:40Well, too rambunctious for standing people like me.
08:47Good morning, Miss Paula.
08:49Good morning.
08:53Oh, Antonia.
08:54Look how beautiful.
08:56Take a look.
08:57See if you find something that will make you shine even more on your wedding day.
09:02Esperanza, it was supposed to be a secret and that there was nothing to tell.
09:06The fault is yours.
09:07For putting a fox watching the hen.
09:10Also, if people don't keep all our secrets, what would people talk about?
09:15What do you think, Miss Paula?
09:17That it would be a pleasure to be able to help you.
09:20And that you don't need to call me Miss.
09:22If you allow me, I would like to be able to show you some clothes.
09:26So that you go even more beautiful wherever you have to go.
09:32How beautiful.
09:34You are very kind, but go ahead, that the genre you have is above our possibilities.
09:40We are more of ...
09:42I know, but that's going to change.
09:44As I see it, all women have the right to enjoy fashion.
09:48And not only the most prudent.
09:51Look, Antonio.
09:52Let me show you a necklace and some earrings that I see will fit you great with that dress.
09:59Try it on.
10:01How beautiful.
10:06It's beautiful, Antonia.
10:09It's beautiful.
10:11I really appreciate it, but as I said before, we could not pay anything for what is here.
10:17And who said nothing to pay?
10:20Consider it a bargain.
10:22I lend it to you and you advertise the store.
10:26What do you think?
10:28Yes, but ...
10:30No buts.
10:31Let's go.
10:32Don't let the bride be late for her own wedding.
10:39Can I keep it?
10:40Of course.
10:41Consider yourself my first customers.
10:48And with the inestimable help of Mrs. Lázara, I have managed to contact some ladies from the high society.
10:55Ah, yes.
10:57All of them have shown themselves willing to collaborate and raise funds.
11:02So it's going to be a very important party.
11:04And I will need adequate staff.
11:09Are you listening to me, Emiliano?
11:12Of course, of course, yes.
11:14Well then, please, could you ask Don Fermín to send someone from La Moderna?
11:20Someone from La Moderna?
11:23And why would I have to ask him that favor?
11:25Having Pepita at your service as you have here.
11:32Pepita, leave.
11:38I don't want to ask Pepita.
11:40And why is that?
11:42Because Pepita already has enough with her obligations in this house.
11:48In addition, I hope that she goes to the flower of society.
11:51And I would like to have a more professional staff.
11:55More professional?
11:57Forget it.
11:58You will not find anyone better than her to support you.
12:02It would be necessary to have me support you in your bed.
12:09Her name is Pepita.
12:12What do you want, Emiliano?
12:15Take advantage of any opportunity to humiliate me? Is that what you want?
12:20The only thing I want is to leave this matter settled before I go to the office.
12:30Tell me, sir.
12:31Maruja and I have decided that you will help her in everything related to the charity auction.
12:35As you wish.
12:37It will be her presentation in society, so I trust that you are aware of the importance of the event.
12:42Not only for her, but for the whole family.
12:44Yes, sir.
12:46We risk our prestige.
12:49So everything has to go great.
12:51I want this auction to be discussed in all the circles of the good people of the city.
12:56And so it will be.
12:57As is logical, you will have to work together, but ...
13:01Well, nothing that you have not done many times so far.
13:08So ...
13:11Do not disappoint me.
13:22What I can assure you, Teresa, is that since I visited them yesterday, I have my hair like scorpions.
13:26Well, well, I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
13:29That's because you didn't see it with your own eyes.
13:31They have the house made a lioness.
13:33Of course, it makes perfect sense that the kid is called the lion.
13:37And they live terrified.
13:38In case he wakes up, he starts to bark.
13:40That they speak like at mass.
13:42That signs are made and notes are written.
13:45And they walk as if they were stepping on eggs.
13:47That silence is terrifying.
13:49Oh my God, Cañete, it looks like you're telling me a horror movie.
13:52Yes. Well, wait, here comes the fun part.
13:54When they get the boy to sleep, they take the opportunity to review everything he has done during the day.
13:58That he has peed, that he has pooped, that he has vomited, that he has cried, that he has laughed.
14:03And they tell you all this while they drool.
14:06It's terrible.
14:08Well, let's see, it's terrible, but it's also beautiful.
14:11It's beautiful.
14:12It's terrible.
14:14Well, let's see, it's terrible, but it's also beautiful, Cañete.
14:20Come on, go on, go on.
14:21Well, when I left, they didn't even notice.
14:23And I said goodbye three times.
14:24By signs, of course.
14:29I wouldn't stand a life like this.
14:35Did I say something inconvenient?
14:38No, well, you just said you wouldn't stand a life like this.
14:43I don't know, Cañete.
14:45And yes, I want to have a family.
14:49Well, leave it, changing the subject.
14:51Have you seen Mrs. Lazara? Because she is usually the first to arrive.
14:54She is in her office.
14:56Has something happened?
14:58No, well, yesterday I went to ask her to give me money to pay an invoice.
15:02And she started to get upset that now she has the key where Don Fermín keeps the banknotes.
15:07And the fact is that suddenly it was a bit strange because she closed the drawer and told me that the banknote was not there.
15:15That Don Fermín had taken it.
15:16That I told the supplier that I couldn't pay him.
15:19I told him, let's see, this is not going to look good.
15:22And he told me that it was none of my business.
15:25Well, I don't see anything strange in me telling you something like that.
15:29I have privileged and highly secret information.
15:37I have taken the trouble to write down everything we need.
15:41Here you have the list.
15:43Thank you very much, ma'am.
15:44Review it well, because it has to be exactly what I have written.
15:47The genre must be excellent.
15:50Any questions?
15:53Of course, we will get the best board, the porcelain one with gold rivets, the silver cover and the linen tablecloths.
16:01The ones they sent from Paris?
16:02Those same.
16:04I want to cause the best impression, as you will understand.
16:07I am sure that everything will turn out great.
16:09And that your guests will be able to appreciate the good taste you have.
16:12I hope so.
16:14Because here people tend to look over the shoulder of those of us who come from America.
16:18They must think that we continue to live in huts or that we are dressed with rags.
16:23So this snack is going to be an exam.
16:26That you will pass it with a grade, you will see.
16:28Well, of course it will not be because of my husband's initiatives.
16:33And one last thing.
16:35I hope you know how to be in your place.
16:38And that no lady, who is the opposite of you, can criticize us for having been neglected.
16:45Yes, ma'am. Do you want anything else?
16:50One last thing.
16:52Something that is not on that list.
16:54Tell me.
16:55Something that is not on that list.
16:56Tell me.
16:58One thing is that you have to swallow that you continue to live under the same roof.
17:05And another very different thing is that you get drunk with the perfume that my husband gave you.
17:12And if you do, make sure I can't smell it.
17:16Because yesterday you stank.
17:26Wow, how clumsy I am.
17:29It must be the nerves.
17:31Pick it up.
17:56After all we've been through, it's been seen and not seen.
17:59It's what civil ceremonies have, right?
18:02The important thing is that we are a man and a woman.
18:05To be honest, I was just as excited.
18:09Oh, thank goodness that servant has brought her shine to the ceremony, carrying the jar.
18:14Well, in the end she got it, huh?
18:16I was very excited.
18:19Well, long live the bride and groom, right?
18:22Long live, long live.
18:24Didn't we agree not to say anything?
18:27What is not told does not exist.
18:29And it's already done, Aleñez.
18:31Long live the bride and groom and long live the witnesses.
18:33And long live the bride and groom's friends.
18:36Well, I think this deserves a toast.
18:39And also a few words.
18:42For a beautiful love story that, like so many others, was born here, in La Moderna.
18:48And that, after some setback, has had the end that we all wanted.
19:00Well, now, if you allow me, I'll go back to my office.
19:03But you guys keep going, please, keep going, huh?
19:07And what do you tell me about my handkerchief, huh?
19:09Courtesy of Paula, the girl from the store.
19:12It opens today.
19:13Oh, well, you are beautiful.
19:16Well, Pistro, I imagine that you will move to Antonia's house immediately.
19:20Yes, yes, of course.
19:21Yes? Well, if you are not indiscreet, what are you going to do with the apartment?
19:30Rent it? What are you going to do if not?
19:34What were you thinking?
19:36Well, I want to propose a toast for those who are not there.
19:39For Trini, for Miguel and for his beautiful child.
19:42For Leon, for them.
19:49Pietro, let's see if it has been clear to me.
19:51So, what you want to do is rent the apartment.
19:53Isn't that right?
19:54Yes, yes, that's it.
19:55Yes, that's good.
19:56Come on.
19:58Let them kiss, right?
20:00Oh, let them kiss, let them kiss.
20:03Let them kiss, let them kiss.
20:17Where are you coming from?
20:19To take a walk through the gallery stores.
20:23I am very glad that you have fun.
20:25You work too much.
20:27Look, you have my permission to go to the premiere at the Garry's Lux cinema tomorrow.
20:32I know you were very excited.
20:35I would be even more excited if you accompanied me.
20:38I don't like that kind of sarau.
20:40But you also need to have fun.
20:43But you also need to have fun.
20:45And I do.
20:46I have exactly everything I want.
20:53What a joy to see you.
20:55I had been told that you had returned.
20:57How are you?
20:59I am also glad to see you.
21:01Well, I have been told that now you are the owner of Madrid Cabaret.
21:04That's right.
21:05A dream come true.
21:07And you?
21:08How did it go in Germany?
21:10Well, it wasn't bad.
21:12Although I guess they have already put you in the mood.
21:15That's right.
21:16About Inés' new life.
21:19It seems that we have something in common.
21:21Our old partners have not only left us, but are now together.
21:26Well, it seems that it is not a problem for you.
21:29No way.
21:31She is Mercedes, my sister.
21:33We haven't been together for years.
21:35Now we are in Madrid Cabaret.
21:36That's great.
21:38Regarding Inés, there is no problem for me.
21:41Now we are very friends.
21:44And you?
21:45What about me?
21:46Can you tell me the same about Agustín?
21:49I wouldn't know how to tell you.
21:51You can be a friend of someone you have been in love with and who is also with your brother.
21:56For my part, Inés has been so important to me that I want to continue having her in my life, even if it is in another way.
22:02Why don't we go in and have a coffee?
22:04Of course, if I introduce you to my sister.
22:07She is Laurita Valbuena, a great friend.
22:10Nice to meet you.
22:11A pleasure, likewise.
22:13I'll be right back.
22:14Very well.
22:15See you soon.
22:16Of course.
22:25How is it possible that such a beautiful lady can be so alone?
22:29Where can I file a complaint?
22:37Can I sit down?
22:38Of course.
22:45In fact, I wanted to talk to you, Iván.
22:49My brother has made inquiries about his friend, Mellado.
22:53And as I suspected, it is not to be trusted.
22:59Apparently, he is a spoiled brat who, to impress his father,
23:02is dedicated to provoking unruly people by offering them business that will never succeed.
23:09Are you insinuating that my friend is a swindler?
23:12Of course, he is not a sister of charity.
23:14And as little as I know, I don't think your brother is either.
23:17Besides, who do you think he is to meddle in my affairs?
23:21Who do you think you are?
23:23I'll tell you.
23:24A vulgar, run and tell me.
23:27I just want to help.
23:29Have I asked you?
23:39Esperanza, don't make me cough.
23:40Come on, woman, I don't have much time.
23:42But why do you want to see me in such a hurry?
23:45It's just that before I went to Antonia and Pietro's wedding, I was cooking.
23:49For them? What a beautiful detail.
23:51No, woman, for you.
23:53I was worried about how badly you would have fed yourself there in Germany.
23:58And in fact...
24:01A jar of duck loin cooked in its own juice.
24:05A wonder for the senses.
24:06Come on, sit down.
24:08Oh, look at her.
24:09What gives me that you have come more skinny than you left.
24:12I don't know, it could be.
24:15Are you sure you're okay?
24:17You know what I mean.
24:19As you can see, that Agustín,
24:21I'm going to give him a beating that he's going to eat all the adoquines in the gallery.
24:25You know that things happen, I have no brakes.
24:28Don't worry, it won't be necessary.
24:30Are you okay?
24:32Well, how did the ceremony go?
24:34Well, a little rough.
24:36Without a priest, without a choir, without being able to congregate.
24:39But very exciting, like the whole wedding.
24:42Well, I'm still glad for Antonia and Pietro.
24:45And for you.
24:46I know you really wanted to be the godmother.
24:48But no, I've only been a witness.
24:50I've stayed with that little pin.
24:53Although, what really makes me excited
24:57is being the godmother when you get married.
24:59Because you will.
25:00And with someone who really deserves you.
25:02Come here, give me a hug.
25:04Oh, my pin.
25:05How long.
25:08Hey, that's right.
25:10Now that the vampire is your aunt,
25:13don't even think about taking the godmother position from me.
25:16Because if not, we're going to have her very fat.
25:18No, no, don't worry.
25:20Who was going to tell me that Mrs. Vampire would be my aunt?
25:24But well, I'm going to have to get used to it
25:26and we're going to have to think of another name for her.
25:28Ah, well, I can think of another.
25:32Snow White's stepmother.
25:37My God, what is that smell?
25:39So intense.
25:41Bear's back.
25:43For the skinny.
25:44Cooked in her own juice.
25:46Do you want to try a little?
25:47No, no, thank you.
25:50Now I would like to talk to my niece.
25:52Do you mind if I call you that?
25:54No, I think it's up to you, of course.
25:57Esperanza, it would be so kind of you to leave us alone.
26:00Take the jar, please.
26:03I'm asking you, please.
26:05Yes, yes.
26:17My God, what a coincidence this woman has.
26:20Well, Esperanza has always been very worried about me.
26:23Yes, of course.
26:24Of course.
26:26Laura, I haven't had a chance to talk to you calmly.
26:29And I would like to ask you what have been your reasons for coming back.
26:33I have to say that I am more than delighted.
26:36Well, it's true that life in Berlin was getting a little difficult, but ...
26:42I have read that, apparently, the country is plunged into a very deep crisis
26:46and that you can hardly find a job.
26:48Yes, that's right.
26:50Although Celia and I could not complain.
26:52The truth is that I would have stayed a little longer,
26:54but my uncle required my presence.
26:56Oh, and can I know why?
26:59Well, for a family matter that has not yet been clarified to me.
27:02But, whatever it is, I'm glad to have returned,
27:05even if it's just for the back of Orza de Esperanza.
27:08So it was your uncle who called you?
27:13Well, I'm very glad he did.
27:16Well, tell me, how about Berlin?
27:26It has been a beautiful day.
27:30But also very long.
27:32I was wishing to be here at home.
27:35In our house.
27:37In our home.
27:42You have a beautiful foot.
27:46A beautiful ankle.
27:51A beautiful calf.
27:56And I'm not telling you to be here today.
28:01Do you want me to continue?
28:04Are you trying to tell me something?
28:07No, nothing.
28:09Only that, in addition to our home,
28:12it is our wedding night.
28:15It's true.
28:20I can't believe we're already husband and wife.
28:22Husband and wife.
28:27Do you want to take the days that Mr. Fermin has not offered?
28:33It's not the best time.
28:35In addition to the cocktail of the premiere of Inés' film,
28:38Mrs. Lázara has commissioned me an act for a foundation.
28:42But, don't worry.
28:44We will take time for ourselves.
28:47To enjoy being married.
28:54It will be when I have to know.
28:59Do you know the second thing I like most about being married?
29:05I don't even know the first one.
29:07Well, the first one
29:09is to sleep together.
29:13And the second one is to wake up together.
29:20I'm going to prepare the room,
29:25to take away all this that they had lent me for the wedding,
29:29and to prepare myself.
29:35I'm going.
29:49It's a telegram.
29:52Yes, I wrote him to tell him that we are getting married today and...
29:59What does it say?
30:02He is very happy, he wishes us to be happy
30:06and he is waiting to come to Spain, finally.
30:09Very soon.
30:10And Lucea too.
30:12She sends us her congratulations.
30:15What's wrong, Antonio?
30:16No, nothing, nothing.
30:19I was afraid.
30:22I was afraid that now that I was with his mother,
30:25our relationship wouldn't look good.
30:28Darling, that's what's important for you, Giancarlo.
30:30Yes, yes.
30:31Of course it's important, Giancarlo, for me.
30:33But his opinion wouldn't change anything,
30:37nor what I feel for you,
30:39nor what I plan to do with what I have left to live.
30:44I hope it's a lot, but...
30:46Because I just want...
30:52To sleep together.
30:55And wake up together.
31:20Don't worry, nothing can go wrong.
31:23How can you be so sure?
31:25Because you always end up with yours,
31:27and this time it won't be different.
31:33Iván, I didn't expect you to come.
31:36I really appreciate it.
31:39Wow, wow.
31:41My dear little sister and her faithful and sure servant.
31:45Life is full of impossible contrasts.
31:47Poor men, rich women.
31:49How was I going to miss this show?
31:51You should renew your repertoire, Iván.
31:53You're starting to repeat yourself.
31:56it doesn't make sense for you to pretend to insult me.
31:58You know I don't offend those I love,
32:00but those who can.
32:01And you,
32:02you can't.
32:03If you're going to make up another story,
32:05I'd rather you leave.
32:06I won't let you ruin my day.
32:09I came because our parents forced me to.
32:12But don't worry,
32:13I'll leave as soon as I can.
32:16What are you looking at?
32:25I'll wait for you outside.
32:27Mother, father.
32:28Hello, Paula.
32:30I'm so proud of you.
32:32Father, I thought that
32:33since you're the new owner of the gallery,
32:36you should take care of the presentations.
32:38It would be the right thing to do.
32:40And I'm not going to accept a no in return.
32:42Well, I'm afraid you'll have to do it.
32:44You've chosen to follow your own path, haven't you?
32:47Against my will.
32:50as you understand,
32:51I can't present something I don't believe in.
32:54I had that possibility in mind.
32:56I didn't expect less from you.
32:58Let's go, Maruja.
32:59Good luck.
33:03Let's go.
33:11Everything will be fine.
33:13Don't worry.
34:00But what's going on here?
34:02I didn't mess anything up, mother.
34:04And what's this?
34:05A diaper
34:06in the shape of a duckling?
34:08Impressive, isn't it?
34:09How well done.
34:10It's perfect.
34:11Shut up, man.
34:12He's sleeping.
34:13If he wakes up,
34:14I swear I'll kill you.
34:16What are you doing here?
34:17It's like everything is packed.
34:19Well, it could be more.
34:21Shut up.
34:22He came to shake my hand,
34:23but when it comes to the truth,
34:24I've spent more time doing papiroflex
34:26with the lion's diapers than cleaning.
34:28We have everything.
34:29Rabbits, little fish, even giraffes.
34:31They're in the bedroom.
34:32He looks like a tiny zoo.
34:34He promised me he'd be back tomorrow
34:36and we're done.
34:38What about you?
34:39How was the walk?
34:43going back and forth,
34:45in the end,
34:46we ended up in the retreat.
34:48I sat down on a bench
34:50and then a guard had to wake me up.
34:53What do you mean a guard woke you up?
34:54Well, I'm so tired,
34:56I'm so tired,
34:57that I'm out of breath.
34:58And you don't know how hard it was for me
35:00to convince this man
35:01that he's actually my son
35:03and that he's safe with me.
35:05This whole thing about being a mother
35:07is going to end with me, I swear.
35:09My love, my love, my love, my love.
35:11Calm down, calm down.
35:13Calm down, come on, sit down.
35:14Come on, rest.
35:20What is this?
35:22I think it was a cat,
35:23but now I don't know exactly what it is.
35:30It's normal that we have each other.
35:33My love, I just don't know.
35:37What if I'm the worst mother in the world?
35:39What if I'm horrible?
35:40What if this is a mistake?
35:42And I don't know...
35:43But my love, how are you going to be
35:44the worst mother in the world?
35:45The horrible mother...
35:49Look, this must be Cañete,
35:50who's coming up with new ideas
35:51to fold Leo's diapers.
36:00I'm glad to see you too.
36:05It's admirable how entrepreneurial your daughter is,
36:07especially in these times.
36:08I know.
36:09Although I would have preferred
36:11that the entrepreneur was Iván
36:13and that my daughter was a little more thoughtful.
36:18Good afternoon, everyone.
36:20Thank you very much for being here
36:21on a day as special as today.
36:23Possibly the most important day of my life.
36:32Coco Chanel,
36:33the famous French designer, says,
36:35a fashion that doesn't go out
36:37is not fashion.
36:39That is precisely what I intend with my store.
36:42To claim that beauty and good taste
36:45cannot be exclusive heritage
36:47of a social class,
36:49but a right of any woman.
36:52That is my goal.
36:54To reach that new woman of today.
36:57The one who has to run to catch the tram.
37:00The one who has to go to work
37:02and then take care of her children.
37:04The one who wants to feel comfortable at home,
37:07but who, in turn, longs to feel special
37:09when she goes down the street.
37:12This store is aimed at that new woman.
37:16Hence the name.
37:19Salón Nueva Mujer.
37:26What an idealistic story.
37:30Damn, Emiliano.
37:31It seems that your daughter has very clear ideas.
37:34Indeed, dear friend.
37:36She has them.
37:38Another very different thing is that they are the right ones.
37:41If you'll excuse me.
37:50I have the feeling that Emiliano doesn't want
37:53the store to do too well for his daughter.
37:56That doesn't make sense.
37:58Well, maybe he's wrong.
38:00What's wrong with you?
38:03Shall we go in?
38:13What if I'm not the one who's wrong?
38:16What if what I've discovered about you is true?
38:38What are you doing? I'm studying.
38:40They called me from the radio.
38:42They said you were late for the interview.
38:44When I say late, I don't mean five minutes ago.
38:46I mean an hour.
38:48They had to change the schedule because of you.
38:50Are you here to scold me?
38:51No, I'm here to understand what happened, Inés.
38:54I wrote it wrong on the agenda and I got confused.
38:57That's all. Can I keep studying, please?
39:01The promotion is a disaster.
39:03Between the things I forgot to tell you
39:05and the things you wrote wrong on the agenda,
39:08we're giving a deplorable image.
39:10I do what I can, but I'm exhausted.
39:13I know, but...
39:14It's not enough with so many interviews,
39:15so many press conferences,
39:16so many parties to promote the premiere.
39:19I don't know if they ask me about the court of Pharaoh,
39:21the shadow of the moon or the trepidant spade.
39:24And on top of that, I write every day.
39:33How's it going with Ballesteros?
39:37He's a good director, but he's too perfectionist.
39:40Do you want me to talk to him?
39:42No, it's not his fault.
39:44I don't know how long I can hold this pace.
39:48Very well, Inés.
39:49You understand that in this industry,
39:51no one gives away anything.
39:53Only those who really love the trade succeed.
39:57Those who resist.
39:59Inés, you still have time to change your path.
40:02But if it's in this one,
40:03you have to know that this won't change.
40:05You can't make a mistake.
40:06You have to have a good agenda.
40:09It's an absolutely wonderful world.
40:13But it doesn't forgive.
40:15There's no room for the weak.
40:18No, Agustín, I'm not weak.
40:20I just need to rest.
40:22Tomorrow is the premiere,
40:23and I don't want to show up with dark circles either.
40:36Well, I hope I don't interrupt.
40:38No, we were reviewing the script.
40:40And we're done.
40:44Good afternoon, Laura.
40:49I wanted to talk to you.
40:51No, no, you don't have to give me explanations.
40:53I'll get used to it.
40:55No, no, it's just that I wanted to give you the invitations
40:58you asked me for the premiere.
41:03You don't look too good.
41:05Are you okay?
41:07Yes, it's just that...
41:09I arrived late for an interview today,
41:11and lately I've been a bit distracted.
41:14But it's just that I can't do everything.
41:16But you don't have anyone to help you,
41:18an assistant or...
41:21An assistant?
41:23I don't know, I hadn't thought about it.
41:26But I don't have anyone on the team.
41:29I don't have anyone on the team.
41:33But what if I did?
41:38Of course.
41:39You want me to be your assistant?
41:41But I don't know what I'm going to do with my life, Inés.
41:44But Laura, think about it.
41:46If you accept, it could be really fun.
41:48And right now you don't have a job.
42:05Wow, I was just thinking about you.
42:07As always, of course.
42:09About wealth and poverty.
42:11About health and illness.
42:13To love you and respect you
42:15until death do us part.
42:19Isn't that what you solemnly swore at the altar
42:23on our wedding day?
42:24What belongs to one belongs to the other.
42:27Yes, yes, yes, that's right.
42:29And I still keep it.
42:30Can I know what's wrong with you, Lazaro?
42:36The other day,
42:37looking for a salary to pay the flour supplier,
42:40Teresa ran into a folder by chance.
42:43And I couldn't help but take a look.
42:45What folder?
42:46This folder.
42:49Can you imagine the surprise I got
42:52when I saw that you were building a society with your nieces
42:55with the sole purpose of leaving me out of the inheritance.
43:00It seems to me that an unfortunate misunderstanding has taken place here
43:04and I apologize.
43:06The truth...
43:07The truth is that I feared that this could happen.
43:11Well, you will explain to me what the misunderstanding is
43:13because what I read, of course, leaves no room for doubt.
43:18That document you have read
43:20certifies the seizure I made of Inés and Laurita
43:22of all my properties and assets
43:24in case of death.
43:26And what I intended was to avoid,
43:28by all means,
43:30that my sister, her mother,
43:33could inherit and manage my assets.
43:38Of course,
43:39that was long before I understood that you were the woman of my life.
43:44But to correct that
43:46and that you were also my legitimate heir,
43:48I had to wait for us to be married.
43:50And that is the misunderstanding.
43:55So you don't want to disinherit me.
43:58Of course not, Horace.
44:00Of course not.
44:04Why do you think I brought Laurita here?
44:09I don't know.
44:10I need the signature of my two nieces
44:12to be able to dissolve the society
44:14and include you in the will,
44:16but I didn't want to tell you anything until everything was resolved.
44:19That's why you were so eager at the opening of the store.
44:23I already knew something was wrong with you.
44:26Oh, my God, Fermín.
44:29I've come here
44:31feeling despised.
44:33I'm so ashamed, don't laugh.
44:36I shouldn't have doubted you.
45:19I'm working, please.
45:21Working for a good client like me,
45:23which means you have to take care of me.
45:25I want to introduce you to my friends.
45:28You're hurting me.
45:30Don't resist.
45:32Haven't you heard, gentleman? Let her go, please.
45:39Another round of the best champagne.
45:43Right away.
45:45I won't bother the camera again.
45:50I won't bother the camera again.
45:54This guy wants me to stop spending money on his crazy thing.
46:01Attention, everyone!
46:03Here comes the pride of Los Pedraza.
46:05My dear little sister Paula,
46:07her henchman and her henchman.
46:09Probably as idealistic and wrong as she is.
46:13Ivan, if you want to make my night bitter, I won't let you.
46:16So you'd better go home.
46:18My little sister is giving me orders.
46:20She's got character.
46:22You'd better ignore her.
46:24She's tired.
46:25How can you be so stupid?
46:27Don't listen to her.
46:30We've ordered a bottle of champagne and it's already taking a while.
46:33The service of this place leaves a lot to be desired.
46:39Hey, why don't you sit with us?
46:41My friends tell me you don't take your eyes off me.
46:45You don't have to try to impress anyone.
46:48And you don't have to give me advice.
46:50Yes, I haven't forgotten that you tried to defame my friend Mellado.
46:54You're right.
46:55It's none of my business.
46:57I won't bother you again.
47:03I want to think that you're tough and you haven't understood me before.
47:08Otherwise, if you keep behaving like a jerk, we're going to have a problem.
47:13Do you know who you're talking to?
47:16What's your name?
47:18I've called him Patan.
47:23You wanted it.
47:24Ivan, for God's sake!
47:25Shut up!
47:26Cesar, no.
47:27Ivan, no!
47:28I'm going to give you what you deserve.
47:42He doesn't have a pulse.
47:44But what have you done?
47:48What have you done?
47:54What's wrong?
47:57I got a puncture here in the head.
48:02You're tense.
48:03I'm worried that Inés or Laurita won't like your decision.
48:08It's a decision that only concerns me.
48:10They're going to go from inheriting all your assets to settling for a third party.
48:15Now you're my husband.
48:17And that makes you my legitimate heir.
48:20Ivan, answer me.
48:22Answer me!
48:25Don't react.
48:26My husband is dead.
48:27Did you think about what I proposed to you?
48:29Not much.
48:30Inés, I don't know what's going to happen in my life.
48:32But Laurita, I'd love you to be my personal assistant.
48:35Yeah, but I don't think it's a good idea.
48:37Well, you'd just have to keep track of my schedule,
48:40be aware of my schedules,
48:41schedule the interviews, supervise the wardrobe.
48:44Those are a lot of things.
48:46My place is here.
48:47I have to stay.
48:49With Emiliano?
48:51But son, please.
48:52You can aspire to much more.
48:54But what's wrong, mother?
48:55There's something you should know.
48:56I'm sure she's going to stay in a discreet background.
48:59She's not going to say anything.
49:00I'm sure we don't even know what she's living at home.
49:03Who's going to live in your house?
49:04Leonora, my mother-in-law.
49:05Oh, and you know it, Elias?
49:07I just came back from Labrador and I saw...
49:09I saw Pietro very tired, very tired.
49:12He's getting dizzy again.
49:14What do you mean again?
49:15I just couldn't remember, I couldn't tell him.
49:17So he has a way of finding out about things, huh?
49:19When is he going to tell me about this man?
49:21For me, never.
49:22Have you heard from Leonora?
49:24What's going on with Leonora?
49:25Nothing, what's going to happen?
49:27Let's see, I think I heard that she was at someone's house.
49:30I can't find anything, where did she put things?
49:32It's all in its place.
49:34And can you tell me what its place is?
49:35Where it belongs.
49:37I'm glad your grandmother is here to put order and sanity.
49:41Everything you said sounded like a lie.
49:43Well, it's normal for you to look strange.
49:45It happens to everyone when they see themselves for the first time on the big screen.
49:48No, but I've seen a lot of strange faces among the public.
49:50People were whispering and then they would shut up suddenly,
49:53as if they didn't like it.
49:55It's the terror at the premiere.
49:58We'll wait until tomorrow to see what the press says.
50:00Yes, I don't think they're going to be exactly good.
50:03The married man wants a house.
50:05Each mochuelo to his olive tree.
50:07As much peace you bring, as rest you leave.
50:09You're fried because I'm leaving.
50:11Do you know what I'm telling you?
50:12That if you want, I'm leaving.
50:18Call him as you like.
50:20The point is that I have stood before your mother.
50:22I don't care about your excuses or your explanations.
50:25I think it would be convenient to listen to my version.
50:27I'm not interested.
50:28I'm not interested in your version.
50:30I don't even want to know exactly what happened.
50:32Don Emiliano.
50:33Let him shut up.
50:34Let him know that from now on he can consider me his enemy.
50:38And I guarantee you that sooner or later
50:40he will pay for what he has done.