Palestine and Israel - The Contemplatively Unintelligent War
00:00I want you to remember that the greatest, some of the greatest minds in the world, in
00:04our history, have thought by killing millions of people, thousands and hundreds and millions
00:11of people, depending on who you're talking about.
00:14And it's going on today in Palestine and Israel.
00:19I'm not saying either one is good or bad, they're just not using any intelligence, never
00:23mind contemplative intelligence.
00:26War ends badly, and they think they're doing a good thing, and that is the mind, and it's
00:33a collective consciousness that needs to end.
00:37The good news is that it is ending, so to understand how to work your contemplative
00:43intelligence is really something that you should go into, because it's a way we can
00:48really penetrate all illusion, and there's so much illusion around us.
00:56Reality is far, far bigger than what we normally see at first, because those who have eyes
01:01let them see, it's not the physical eyes, those who have ears let them hear.
01:07It's the contemplative practice that allows you to ask, is it true?
01:14Is this person actually my enemy?
01:17And it's thoughts of enemy that appear real, but are not true.
01:22The only enemy is within.
01:26Your only enemy is your ego, pride and discord.
01:30No one else is your enemy but yourself.
01:33So you need to love your enemy.
01:39Palestinians and Israelis, this is not a new thing.
01:43They're taught from an early age to gear up and develop a deep hatred for the other.
01:50And they're taught this by parents, they're taught this by teachers, really?
01:57They're teaching deep hatred for the other, and everything lies in ruins when it starts
02:03with hatred.
02:05So loving inquiry is really, hold on a second, is my enemy my enemy?
02:11And you'll find that the answer is no.
02:15We've put these Palestinians and Israelis, the youngsters, together in experiments, and
02:20we've had two groups of teens together, and it's not even a matter of minutes until we
02:26see love dissipating, fear, almost instantly, along with all the fear and the lies that
02:33they've led to believe all their lives from people they trusted dissolve.
02:39And they sit and they converse and they said, I didn't think you'd be like that.
02:43I didn't realize that we were so alike.
02:47And isn't that amazing?
02:48That's what we can do in a matter of minutes.