A wise old monk once said that contemplation is the highest expression of our intellectual and spiritual life. It is life itself, fully awake, fully active, fully aware of its own existence. It is spiritual wonder, spontaneous awe at the sacredness of life and being. It is gratitude for life, for awareness, and for being. Lastly, he said, it is a vivid realization of the fact that life and being within us proceed from an invisible, transcendent, and infinitely abundant source.
To access that source, we use contemplative intelligence. Accessing the highest kind of intelligence through our intellect and emotional intelligence leads us to a place akin to accessing a quantum field, grounded in both scientific and spiritual principles. Contemplation itself transcends reason and intellect. How often have we found that intellect, though sharp, ultimately cuts us to pieces?
Our minds are often set on a trajectory towards becoming increasingly riddled with ego defense mechanisms. These mechanisms place us in fight-or-flight mode, a state that, while occasionally necessary, is becoming a prolonged reality. This prolonged state creates toxic chemical reactions in our bodies and minds.
To access that source, we use contemplative intelligence. Accessing the highest kind of intelligence through our intellect and emotional intelligence leads us to a place akin to accessing a quantum field, grounded in both scientific and spiritual principles. Contemplation itself transcends reason and intellect. How often have we found that intellect, though sharp, ultimately cuts us to pieces?
Our minds are often set on a trajectory towards becoming increasingly riddled with ego defense mechanisms. These mechanisms place us in fight-or-flight mode, a state that, while occasionally necessary, is becoming a prolonged reality. This prolonged state creates toxic chemical reactions in our bodies and minds.