The Young and the Restless 9-26-24 (Y&R 26th September 2024) 9-26-2024

  • 3 days ago
00:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't
01:00know who I am, I don't know who I am, I don't know me."
01:12What are you doing here?
01:18I, I was waiting for Daniel.
01:27He's not here.
01:28Yes, that's right. He got called away. Something about having to pick up Lucy, but he told me to wait here for him.
01:41You're lying.
01:58I am not lying, I am telling the truth.
02:28Yeah, he did.
02:57I, um...
03:00You know, I'm just gonna get going.
03:01No, you're not gonna go. You're gonna tell me what's going on.
03:04Why are you here, Sharon? Why are you in my apartment? What are you looking for?
03:08What do you want?
03:16You must have misunderstood me.
03:19Oh, I think I have a pretty clear picture, Sharon. You broke into our apartment for some reason, and now I'm waiting to hear what it is.
03:27Well, if you would stop accusing me of things, I would tell you.
03:32Okay, great. I'm listening.
03:35I felt that there were things left unsaid between Daniel and me yesterday, and so I stopped by to finish that conversation, but no one answered the door.
03:46So I called Daniel, and he told me to have the super let me in and that he would be home soon.
03:54That's your story?
03:55That's the truth.
03:56That's not the truth. Daniel didn't do that.
03:58I swear it is.
03:59No, Sharon, I spoke to Daniel just before I got home. He didn't mention any of this.
04:03Not that he spoke to you, that he was meeting you, that you'd be here, none of it.
04:08Well, maybe it happened after that, then.
04:11Oh, you don't think that Daniel would mention to me,
04:14Hey, honey, heads up, the woman who's been screaming at us and threatening us in public, she's gonna be in our living room,
04:20so when you walk through the front door, make sure you don't jump out of your skin?
04:23I cannot speak to what Daniel was thinking. I only know what he told me, and that was for me to wait here for him.
04:31Sharon, stop. Daniel didn't tell the super to let you in. You didn't speak to Daniel. It's all a lie.
04:37What are you doing?
04:38I'm calling Daniel.
04:39You don't have to do that.
04:41Well, if you're not lying, then he'll corroborate your story, right?
04:47Okay, what?
04:48I didn't talk to Daniel.
04:55How did you get in?
04:59I pulled with the lock a little.
05:03You picked the lock to my front door?
05:06Yes. I needed to talk to him.
05:10What was so important, Sharon, that you couldn't tell him on the phone?
05:13I wanted to tell him, to his face, that I thought it'd be best if he left town. I thought it would be best for all of us.
05:23So you broke into his home to tell him he had to leave?
05:29Well, I wanted to say it privately. You yourself suggested that you all leave Genoa City.
05:38How do you know about that?
05:40I heard about it.
05:42From who? Where?
05:43I can't remember.
05:45Are you bugging my apartment now, Sharon?
05:48Stop interrogating me, dammit. I am not on the witness stand.
05:52Well, you are about to be, Prudence, unless you start leveling with me right now.
05:58You don't know what it's been like.
06:03What what has been like?
06:05Seeing Daniel all the time, seeing his face again, and then having to relive that night all over again.
06:14The night that he killed my sweet baby girl.
06:19Sharon, Daniel did not kill your sweet baby girl. Yes, he was drunk, but Cassie was driving the car.
06:30So this was Cassie's fault?
06:34No. No, it wasn't. It was a really tragic, stupid decision made by two teenage kids.
06:47And Daniel has been suffering ever since that day.
06:53Right. Yeah, he's suffering.
06:56I know you don't think he's suffered enough, Sharon.
06:59And I know you don't think his pain counts for anything, but yes, Daniel has suffered.
07:04And he has remorse. And if it's not enough for you, I am very sorry.
07:09But it is going to have to be.
07:13Because you say so.
07:16Because what do you want Daniel to do?
07:20Do you want him to die?
07:22Would that even the score? Would that somehow satisfy you?
07:28Because that wouldn't bring Cassie back. We both know that.
07:33So what did you really come here to tell him?
07:41I already told you.
07:44Right. That's right. You came here to tell him he had to leave because seeing him upsets you.
07:52No. Because seeing him tears me apart.
08:00This is about more than just being upset, Heather.
08:05This is a pit in my stomach every time I see his face. And he's everywhere. Everywhere I look.
08:13So your solution was to break into his home to tell him that?
08:16Yes. That's right. It's a big wide world out there. Why can't you all just go live somewhere else?
08:23We did think about it, Sharon. I even pushed for it. Do you know why?
08:27Mostly because I am sick and tired of being afraid to run into you and you lash out at my daughter in public.
08:34But you know what? Ultimately we decided we didn't want to send the message to Lucy that running away from our problems is okay.
08:41So I am so sorry to disappoint you.
08:46We're staying.
08:49You're not sorry. You're not sorry about anything.
08:53That's not true. I feel very sorry for you, Sharon.
08:59Because you need professional help so that you can stop terrorizing my family.
09:08Oh. So I'm the monster now?
09:12I don't know what or who you are, Sharon.
09:15But I know that I don't believe one word of this wild tale that you're spinning telling me about Daniel.
09:21Not any more than I believe you have an ounce of remorse for your behavior towards me, Daniel, or my daughter.
09:27I don't know what this is. But I do know that, to be completely honest, it scares me. You scare me.
09:36I scare you?
09:38Yes. With your rage and your vindictiveness, your complete inability to exercise any self-control.
09:46I think it's been a show until now. I think we've all seen a front to hide something far more sinister.
09:52And the only thing you're probably actually regretting is pretending to apologize to us.
10:02What the hell is this?
10:05Did you do this?
10:08What are you talking about?
10:10This broken glass.
10:14No, I didn't.
10:17Then who did?
10:19I don't know. This is the first time I'm seeing it. It must have been that way before I got here.
10:26No, Sharon. It wasn't this way when I left. And no one else has been here except for you. So what the hell is going on?
10:39What did you do, Sharon? Why is there glass on my floor?
10:46I already told you. I have no idea. It was like that when I got here.
10:52I thought you said you just noticed it now. So what? Did a birdie fly in the window? Was it a ghost, Sharon? Stop!
10:59You know, I don't have to stand here and listen to you accuse me of things I didn't do.
11:05Sharon, I just want to know why you're here.
11:08Well, I've told you over and over again, but why bother when you're not going to believe me?
11:14I don't know what happened to the glass. Believe it, don't believe it, I don't care.
11:20Where are you going? What do you think you're doing? No, you're not going home. Not until we get to the bottom of this.
11:25Oh, so what am I, your prisoner?
11:27Of course you're not my prisoner, but I know something strange is going on here. There's glass on my floor, and I know that you did it.
11:34Okay, now who's talking crazy? Why would I break a glass?
11:39I don't know, Sharon, but nothing you're saying makes any sense. Maybe I should just let the police handle this.
11:47Stop! Why are you doing this? Why do you feel like you have to jump to all of these conclusions based on nothing?
11:55It's not nothing to break into someone's home to do I don't know what, but I'm tired, it's late, and I don't feel like arguing with you anymore.
12:05Please don't do this.
12:08Then tell me the truth, because then maybe we can start to work something out somehow.
12:14But you have to tell me the truth, because I know, Sharon, that you didn't come here to just talk to Daniel.
12:23I've said everything I have to say.
12:30Have it your way. I really hope I'm wrong.
12:44What the hell's the matter with you?
12:46There is no reason to involve the police.
12:52You're sick, Sharon. You're sick.
12:57Don't call me.
12:59You need to see someone as soon as possible. I suggested it. Maybe I should call Nick.
13:05Don't you dare. You will paint me out to be some crazy lady who breaks into people's houses and terrorizes them.
13:15Is any of that wrong?
13:17You can't call him!
13:19Shut up, Sharon! Calm down.
13:22Please don't. Please don't call. Please, you can't. You can't.
13:27Okay, fine, I won't call Nick, but I am going to call the police because you need someone to help you.
13:34Why can't you just let this go?
13:39The way you've been behaving lately, Sharon, toward me, toward my family...
13:44I won't bother you anymore.
13:47I wish I could believe that.
13:49I promise I give you my word I will leave all of you alone.
13:54Sharon, you obviously came here to do something tonight.
13:59I don't know what, but I can only guess that it was to harm Daniel, or me, or Lucy, or all of us, and I cannot allow that.
14:08So I am going to do whatever it takes to protect my family and get you out of our lives once and for all.
14:27Sharon, don't go! Do not go!
14:44Heather, are you alright?
14:59You are out of your mind.
15:23Sharon, wake up!
15:42Heather, what's wrong? What's happened to you?
15:47I don't think she can hear you.
15:58Come on.
16:00Wake up.
16:02Wake up!
16:12Oh my God!
16:14Oh my God!
16:17Okay, Heather, check her pulse.
16:22I don't feel it. There isn't any. Any at all.
16:26Oh my God! Oh my God! What have I done?
16:31What have I done? I need to call an ambulance!
16:34I need to call an ambulance!
16:35Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I would think twice about that if I were you.
16:38Why would you say that?
16:40Heather's dead, Sharon. And the only thing a doctor can do for her right now is to determine how it happened.
16:46And that wouldn't be good for you, would it?
16:50Are you saying I did this?
16:53No. I'm saying we both can agree that it wouldn't be a great idea to call anyone right now.
16:59Because then you're involving the police. And that's going to get tricky.
17:05What do I do?
17:07First thing you do is you calm down.
17:10Oh, I can't calm down. How am I supposed to calm down? I may have just killed someone.
17:17Well, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?
17:19Shut up. You know what? Maybe I'm wrong.
17:23Maybe her pulse is just faint. Maybe I can still save her.
17:30By all means, check again. Hold a mirror under her nose if you want. It's not going to change the outcome.
17:38She's dead, Sharon. And honey, you're the only other person here.
17:53We feeling sorry for ourselves?
17:57I feel sorry for her and Daniel and Lucy. How could I have done this? Oh, my God. What is the matter with me?
18:08Well, that's a whole other conversation. But unless you want to explain all this to the police, I suggest you get busy.
18:18I suggest you get busy.
18:22What does that mean?
18:25The best thing to do right now, the only thing to do, is to clean up this mess.
18:33What does that even mean? Clean this mess up? What are you talking about?
18:38Come on, Sharon. It ain't exactly like this is your first time getting rid of a body.
18:43You're pretty handy at it when you thought you'd killed me. So why don't you use that for inspiration?
18:49Dig deep. Figure out how to make Heather disappear.
18:56I won't do that. I can't.
19:01Well, then I guess I'll see you in prison. A life without parole, I'd imagine.
19:07No. Not if I explain.
19:10Explain what, Sharon? That you haven't been seen publicly harassing Daniel, Lucy and Heather?
19:18Because a lot of people are going to say you have, including your family. And don't forget what happened earlier.
19:25You broke in here with the intent of poisoning Daniel.
19:31I emptied the bottle. I was not going to go through with it.
19:35And you think the police are going to believe that? Or are they going to believe the more likely scenario?
19:40That Heather came home, saw you poisoning Daniel's whiskey, tried to stop you, and you two fought.
19:47And then they're going to take a look at the body, and they're going to put two and two together.
19:58I don't remember. I blacked out.
20:03Sharon, that's what everybody says.
20:07Oh, I just committed murder, but then I can't remember anything.
20:13Come on, you're going to have to do better than that.
20:17She was alive before, and she was staring at me. And she said, she said to me,
20:27You are out of your mind. I remember that.
20:31And now she's lying dead on the floor, and you don't have an alibi.
20:36So it looks like she was right.
20:39Maybe, maybe you can plead insanity. It'll probably work.
20:43What is your family going to think? What is Nick going to think?
20:49Oh, no. What do I do? What do I do?
20:55You take a couple deep breaths, and you cowboy the hell up.
21:00Because Daniel and Lucy are going to be home any minute, and you need to get to work.
21:30He's probably calling to say they're on their way. Let's get this finished up.
21:52Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:20What the hell are you waiting for? Daniel and Lucy could walk through that door any second now.
22:25You want that poor girl to see you wrapping her mom up like a pig in a blanket?
22:29Pull yourself together.
22:33I am. I'm doing it.
22:46Sharon, you can't just leave her there. You gotta dispose of the body.
22:52I know.
22:53People are going to be looking for Daniel, Lucy, Nick.
23:02Why do you keep bringing him up?
23:06Because isn't that your greatest fear? That Nick will finally abandon you?
23:12Nick cares about me. He does.
23:15Oh, come on. He might care a little bit, but mostly it's just going to be pity.
23:22How sad is that?
23:23Please, please, will you just? You have to think!
23:28By all means, please do.
23:52Come on.
24:07She's leaving a trail.
24:22Come on.
24:29Come on.
24:51Come on.
25:21Come on.
25:51Come on.
26:21Come on.
26:51Come on.
27:21Come on.
27:51Come on.
28:13You cleaned everything up?
28:18You sure you didn't leave anything behind?
28:24Sharon, this is important.
28:27The tiniest piece of evidence that puts you in that apartment tonight could send you to jail for the rest of your life.
28:36I went over everything. I cleaned up all the blood, all the glass.
28:43No one was ever there, huh?
28:46I took her phone. I took her purse. Everything's in the overnight bag.
28:52I even took the empty bottle of whiskey.
28:55Look at you, thinking on your feet.
29:00I just want this night to be over.
29:05You're almost there, baby.
29:09One more stop, and you can go home.
29:16Come on.
29:46Come on.
30:16Come on.
31:02Please forgive me.
31:16I love you.
31:46I love you.
32:16I love you.
32:47I love you.
33:05God, what have I done?
33:10I understand how you feel.
33:13How could you? You were a monster.
33:23Well, even monsters have our dark nights of the soul.
33:29You never had a soul.
33:33Blaming me is not going to get you anywhere.
33:38You own this, Sharon.
33:41And you can deflect and rationalize all you want.
33:45But at some point, you're simply going to have to accept it.
33:52How do I accept this?
33:56How does anyone accept something like this?
34:01Maybe you could.
34:03But not me.
34:06You know, you keep focusing on our differences instead of our similarities.
34:15I am nothing like you.
34:20You get caught, I think the police will beg to differ.
34:26As will your family.
34:31What am I supposed to do?
34:34Just pretend like nothing happened?
34:46Yeah, that's what you do.
34:50You're going to have some bad nights.
34:53Where you wake up terrified and overcome with guilt.
34:59But you need to find a way to hide that.
35:03You understand?
35:05Sharon, this is your private hell and it needs to stay that way.
35:12So, I'm just supposed to carry on?
35:19You carry on as if you were never there tonight.
35:23You will be just as shocked and surprised as everyone else when you find out about Heather's sudden disappearance.
35:32And if her body's never found, well, who's to say what really happened to her?
35:38Because there is nothing that ties you to any of this.
35:47The police? The police are going to want to talk to me?
35:52Oh, yeah.
35:55And you'll come up with an ironclad cover story that explains everything.
36:02But I can wait until tomorrow.
36:07Tonight it's okay to grieve.
36:12Grieve? Grieve for who?
36:18For yourself to start.
36:22You should have never been put in this situation in the first place.
36:29How can I live with what's happened?
36:34Because you have to.
36:37If you don't, you lose everything.
36:42Your family, your freedom, your life.
36:48So come tomorrow, you find a way to convince yourself that none of this ever happened.
36:59Can you do that?
37:01I don't know.
