❤️ Hazrat IBRAHEEM علیہ السلام ki Dawat_e_HAQ _ ULMA Vs Doctrine of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza

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Hazrat IBRAHEEM علیہ السلام ki Dawat_e_HAQ _ ULMA Vs Doctrine of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza


00:00Now, my brothers, the verse that is coming, Surah An-Nahl, verse number 125.
00:07I have quoted these blessed verses in my hundreds of videos.
00:13Surah An-Nahl, verse number 125.
00:43Surah An-Nahl, verse number 125.
01:13Surah An-Nahl, verse number 125.
01:44Now, these blessed verses,
01:46Surah An-Nahl, verse number 125.
01:55There are three stages in Dawah-e-Haq.
02:00Number one, people have to be called to Allah with wisdom.
02:06Allah says in the Quran,
02:09Whoever has been given wisdom, he will be given much good.
02:15On the basis of logics, people have to be called to Allah.
02:21A practical example of this,
02:24Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
02:29The proof that he had in the court of the king,
02:34In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah has mentioned that incident at the start of Surah Parah number 3.
02:43When the discussion about Allah's being began,
02:46In front of the king, Ibrahim A.S. argued that
02:51My Lord is the one who gives life and kills.
02:55This is the quality of Allah.
02:58In response, he said that I also give life and kill.
03:03How did he do it?
03:05We find it in the Israeli traditions.
03:07The Quran is silent.
03:09He called two prisoners.
03:11One was freed and the other was killed.
03:13Although this incident had nothing to do with giving life and killing.
03:18It should have been that he would have killed the prisoner and brought him back to life.
03:22But Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. found out that
03:26If he argues in this matter, he will go to the other side.
03:30It is better to leave it well.
03:34And with wisdom, put the next argument in front of him.
03:39And he argued that my Lord is the one who takes out the sun from the east,
03:42You take out the sun from the west and tell me.
03:45This could not have happened.
03:47The words of the Quran are that he is a disbeliever, a liar, a liar.
03:50This is wisdom.
03:52In the same way, Allah suggested to Ibrahim A.S.
03:57It comes in Surah Al-An'am.
03:59He looked at the stars.
04:02He said that this is my Lord.
04:05This was in a questionable way.
04:07Because there were people who worshipped stars.
04:12And when the morning came, all the stars disappeared in the light of the sun.
04:16So he said, if this was the Lord, why would he disappear?
04:19I cannot have any relationship with such people.
04:26In the same way, addressing the moon,
04:28Then the sun said that this is the greatest, this is God.
04:32But he also went down.
04:35Then to teach his people, he prayed to Allah.
04:42O Allah, if you do not give me guidance, I will be misguided.
04:46After that Allah said that we taught this method to Ibrahim A.S.
04:52Not that he claimed that the sun is my Lord.
04:55Because some people here said to defend the Prophet,
04:59That even the words of disbelief can be said as a test.
05:04They lied to Ibrahim A.S.
05:06That Ibrahim A.S. also said that the sun is my Lord.
05:10He did not say this, he said it in a questionable way.
05:13This is my Lord.
05:17And then gave a verdict on it.
05:19Because after that it is mentioned that we suggested this wisdom to Ibrahim A.S.
05:23That do it this way.
05:26The second point was mentioned.
05:32Say it with a good voice.
05:34A good voice, a good speech.
05:37As long as there are no stories in it.
05:44There should be a conversation full of wisdom.
05:47There should be a conversation that creates a rhythm in the heart.
05:51There should be a conversation.
05:53There are such original incidents.
05:55They can also be narrated.
05:57There are such incidents in the Quran.
06:01The entire biography of Prophet Yusuf A.S. in Surah Yusuf.
06:06The more a person reads it,
06:10The more the heart is tempted.
06:12That how does Allah test His pious servants.
06:17So through a good voice also call towards Allah.
06:23Ibrahim A.S. also did this.
06:26In Surah Maryam.
06:28He called his father.
06:32And there is a difference in whether he was his father or uncle.
06:36Because for uncle also the word father is used.
06:38At this time this is not under discussion.
06:40Anyway he was a father.
06:42He was a polytheist.
06:44Azhar was his name.
06:46He called him towards Allah.
06:48And with so much love and affection, he made a good speech.
06:54Allah has quoted those words in Surah Maryam.
07:02What are those words?
07:04Ibrahim A.S. said
07:08When he said to his father
07:11Why do you worship such things that you can neither see nor hear?
07:25And they are of no use to you.
07:27There is no such thing.
07:29This is the same thing.
07:31There is no such thing.
07:33Even for such a small thing, they cannot be of any use to you.
07:42Of course, I have knowledge.
07:48Which you do not have.
07:55So you follow me.
07:57I will lead you to the straight path.
08:01O my father!
08:03See this is the third time.
08:05O my father!
08:09Do not worship Satan.
08:11Ibadat does not mean to disobey his command.
08:18Of course, Satan is the absolute disobedience to his Lord.
08:26O my father!
08:28I am afraid that a punishment from the Lord will catch you.
08:38If you continue this idolatry and polytheism.
08:47Then Satan becomes your saviour.
08:51You become his saviour.
08:53Whatever will happen to him will happen to you.
08:56O my father!
08:58He did not misbehave.
09:00But where are the fathers?
09:02Why not the fathers of the prophets?
09:04Except those whom Allah gives the opportunity.
09:09How beautiful was the verse.
09:11What did the father say in response?
09:14He said.
09:16He said.
09:18O Abraham!
09:20Do you want to separate me from my God?
09:26If you do not stop these things.
09:28If you do not stop this invitation to the truth.
09:34Then I will surely destroy you.
09:36Look at this.
09:38The father is telling his son.
09:40I will destroy you.
09:42The father is telling his son.
09:44I will destroy you.
09:50And now you stay away from my sight for a long time.
09:56Otherwise, I will kill you.
09:58And do not come in front of me for a long time.
10:04So he said in response.
10:06Peace be upon you.
10:12I will pray for you in front of my Lord.
10:18No doubt he is very kind to me.
10:20But Allah has forbidden this in Surah Taubah.
10:23You do not have to pray for the one who died in the form of polytheism.
10:26You can do it in life.
10:28You cannot do it later.
10:30This also showed that you can make a good voice as much as you want.
10:34When the people sitting in front of you do not want to listen.
10:38Even if he is your father.
10:40Who is aware of your habits.
10:42Despite that, he will not accept it.
10:44If he is stubborn and stubborn.
10:48So this is an example of a good voice.
10:52The third mode was mentioned.
10:58And argue with them in the best way.
11:02Argument means debate.
11:06Talk to them in the same level of accusation.
11:10Which I call Fakki.
11:14But that should also be in the best way.
11:18There should not be any abuse in it.
11:20But this is a natural thing.
11:22When there is an argument, even if you do not abuse.
11:24The next day you will have to abuse.
11:26Because there is an argument.
11:32This argument was also made by Prophet Ibrahim.
11:34I have presented Prophet Ibrahim as a role model in all three modes.
11:40Because the beginning of Ruku was made by Prophet Ibrahim.
11:52So I thought it necessary to present the examples of Prophet Ibrahim as a role model in the life of the people of the Quran.
12:00Now this example of argument is a perfect example.
12:04It is in Surah Al-Anbiya.
12:06It is a very famous incident.
12:08It is also a wonderful incident.
12:12When Prophet Ibrahim's people went to an annual fair,
12:22they took an axe and broke all the idols.
12:32And they put an axe on the shoulder of the biggest idol.
12:38They started arguing.
12:40Wisdom is also included in this.
12:42Good speech is also included in this.
12:44And there is also an argument.
12:46There will be an argument.
12:48Obviously, when you have killed the religious elders,
12:50there had to be an argument.
12:52When they came back,
12:54they saw that all the idols were broken.
12:56They were very upset.
12:58They called for a meeting.
13:00And they said,
13:02whoever has done this to our idols,
13:04they are very cruel.
13:06The idols were meant to protect you.
13:08They were your false gods.
13:10They could not even protect themselves.
13:12They did not pay attention to this.
13:14So when they had a meeting,
13:16it was revealed that
13:18all the idols were broken.
13:20All the idols were broken.
13:22All the idols were broken.
13:24Then it was revealed,
13:36We have been hearing for a long time
13:38that there is a young boy here
13:40who used to speak ill of these idols.
13:44It is not that he used to abuse them.
13:46He used to say that
13:48how can these idols harm anyone?
13:50How can they harm anyone?
13:54They said,
14:00Then he said,
14:02present this in front of people
14:04so that they can testify
14:06that he is the one.
14:08And of course,
14:10if he agrees,
14:12people will know
14:14and we will make a case against him.
14:16Now, Ibrahim was called.
14:18You have done this to our gods, O Ibrahim.
14:22So he said,
14:24O Ibrahim,
14:26did you do this to our gods?
14:28Did you bring down all these idols?
14:30In today's time.
14:32Did you do this to all these
14:34elders of the religion?
14:36Did you do this to them?
14:38He said,
14:46So he said,
14:48in fact,
14:50this must have been done by their elder.
14:52He did not use the word
14:54of the elder idol.
14:56And this was a theory.
14:58This was not a lie.
15:00This was a two-syllable sentence
15:02which has two meanings.
15:04That their elder did this
15:06to me.
15:08He did not take his name directly.
15:10And he tried to convey
15:12the message that the elder
15:14did this because the axe
15:16was placed on his shoulder
15:18so that he can think.
15:20Because in the beginning of this,
15:22after breaking it,
15:24he placed the axe on the elder
15:26so that he can think.
15:28Because there was a plan to fight.
15:36He said,
15:38If this idol,
15:40who has been martyred,
15:42ask them if they can speak.
15:48So after hearing this
15:50tiring answer,
15:52he started thinking
15:54in his heart.
16:00And then ultimately
16:02he said that you must have done this.
16:04Because he also knew
16:06that this big idol cannot do anything.
16:08It cannot move.
16:10Nor can these
16:12martyred elders
16:14or idols
16:18For them, they were the elders of the religion.
16:22And initially this idol worship
16:24started with the elders of the religion.
16:26It is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari
16:28that they were the pious servants of Allah
16:30in the tribe of Noah
16:32in whose memory
16:34a stone was placed
16:36and after a while it was broken
16:38and they became five idols.
16:40In the beginning,
16:42a stone was placed in their memory
16:44and they became their idols.
16:46This is how shirk started in the world
16:48for the first time.
16:50So he said,
16:52If they can speak,
16:54ask them.
16:56So he thought in his heart
16:58what will they say?
17:00Laqad alimta
17:02maa haa ulaa
17:06Then he bowed his head with shame
17:08and said,
17:10Ibrahim, you know very well
17:12that they cannot speak.
17:14Now Ibrahim got a full task.
17:16So see
17:18how he went out of the boundary.
17:22So he said,
17:24Afa ta'buduna min dooni Allah
17:26Do you worship
17:28wa in hastiyoon ki ibadat karte ho
17:30maa la
17:34shayyun wala ya dhurrukum
17:36jo kisi shay ka bhi tumhe
17:38nafa ni de sakte na nukhsan de sakte
17:40Sirf ibadat ki nafi
17:42nahi hui hai, nafa nukhsan ka bhi zikr
17:46Yeh kahte hain na, hum apne buzurgane deen ki ibadat
17:48ni karte, hum kabro ki ibadat ni karte.
17:50Nafa nukhsan ka tohqeeda rakte ho na.
17:52Dono cheezon ki nafi
17:58Tuff hai tumhare hopar.
18:00Wa lima ta'buduna
18:02min dooni Allah
18:04Aur un buto ki upar bhi tuff hai.
18:06Jinko tum
18:08Allah ke siwa
18:10maabood banaye be ho.
18:12Afala ta'qiloon
18:14Kya tum akal
18:16nahi rakte?
18:18Ab yeh
18:20Ibrahim A.S. ne jis tariqah se
18:22unhe deal kiya
18:28hi me
18:30isse pehle
18:3254 number aayat me wo sakht alfaz
18:34bhi hai. Qala laqad
18:36kuntum auntum wa
18:38aba'ukum fee wadala
18:40limmubeen. Unhone kaha
18:42ke bishak tum aur tumhare aba'u
18:44jidaat sab ke sab khuli kumrahi me the.
18:46Yeh alfaz bhi
18:48Ibrahim A.S. ne
18:50unke liye istamal kiye.
18:52Isme unloon ka radh ho gaya jo yeh
18:54kahte hain ki thoda aatoola rakhe karo.
18:56Ibrahim A.S. ne koi aatoola nahi rakha.
18:58Hum Ibrahimi hain.
19:00Auntum wa aba'ukum
19:02fee wadala limmubeen.
19:04Tum bhi tumhare saare buzurgan-e-deen
19:06so called sab gumraht hai.
19:08Yani Ibrahim A.S. yehi keh rahe the
19:10ki Baab-e-Tisha'i koi nahi.
19:12Yeh wohi baat.
19:18Fir inko zara aar dilayi
19:20toh unhone jawawan kaha
19:22qaalu harriqoo
19:24isse jala do
19:26wansuroo aalihatakum
19:28in kuntum faa'ileen
19:30aur apne maaboodon ki madad karo agar tumhe kuch karna hai.
19:32Dekhe kis teekay se jazbaat se khel rahe hain.
19:34Toh keh rahe hain apne
19:36buton ki madad karo.
19:38Yaar buton ne tumhari madad karni thi
19:40tumhe unki madad karni pad rahi hain.
19:42Yehi tumhari shikast
19:44ki announcement hain.
19:46Toh fir Allah taraf humein
19:48fir humne firmaya
19:50Ya naa rukooni bardum wa salaman
19:52ala Ibrahim
19:54aag thandi hoja
19:56aur sirf thandi nahi hona
19:58salamati ke saad thanda hona hai Ibrahim par.
20:00Wa aradoobi
20:04toh unhone Ibrahim A.S. ke khilaf chaal chali
20:06fa ja'alnaahumul akhsareen
20:08lekin khudhi khasara paane walo mein ho gaye.
20:10Aag ko thanda bhi kiya
20:12aur salamati bhi banadiya Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. ke liye.
20:14Yani itni thandi bhi na hoja
20:16takleef ho, salamati wali thandi ho.
20:18Toh ye Ibrahim A.S. ne
20:20mujadila bhi karke
20:22bataya. Yani unke
20:24usool aur mubadi ke upar unhe giraaya.
20:26Allah ka shukr hai
20:28hum bhi apni daawat isi tariqah se leke chaal rahe hain.
20:32hikmat ke saad bhi baat karte hain. Scientific facts
20:34ke upar meri ab toh
20:36saikano videos ho chuki hain. Munkireen-e-Khuda
20:38ko Islam ki taraf bulane ke liye.
20:40Fir waqt-an-faqt-an Christians
20:42ki taraf se,
20:44Hindu-on-ki taraf se,
20:48Atheist ki taraf se jo Islam pe hamle
20:50hote hain uspe mein videos record karwata hoon.
20:54ki baat hai. Allah ka shukr hai Quran-e-Hakeem
20:56me Fikr-e-Akhirat ke upar jitni
20:58ayaat hain. Woh sari ki
21:00sari meri videos
21:02YouTube ke upar available hain. Poori Quran
21:04ki tafseer 344 lecture mein record ho chuki
21:06hain. Ab ye doosi tafa recording
21:08ho rahi hain. Aaj 187 number
21:10lecture hain. Ab wo
21:12achha baaz bhi dekh sakte hain.
21:14Hadaay-e-Victory channel pe
21:16Hadaay-e-Portal channel ke upar
21:18usme Sahab-e-Ikram ke original
21:20waqiat bhi hain. MBI-e-Ikram ke waqiat hain.
21:24Uske zariye bhi ham logon ko Allah ki
21:26taraf bulate hain. Aur jo mujadara wala kaam
21:28hain, ye duniya ka mushkil tereen kaam hain.
21:30Ye jis aasan andaaz
21:32mein Allah-ta'la ne is platform se liya hai
21:34wo isi platform ka khaasa
21:36hain. Aur kisi ne ye kaam
21:38is tariqah se nahi kiya ke
21:40mukhtalib maqadme fikar ko unke
21:42usool aur mubadi ke upar mujadala
21:44karke back foot pe jaane pe
21:46majboor kiya gaya.
21:48Jinn logon ne gustahana
21:50ibaraton ke upar baaki firkon ko neze
21:52ki noak pe liya tha, hamne usi
21:54firki ki gustahana ibarate bhi nikaali.
21:58Jinn logon ne Bukhari-Muslim
22:00ki buriyaat pe sirf
22:02ruf-ul-idain ke upar munazir-e-lal-lal ke
22:04logon ko apna haq pe hona batana
22:06shuru kar diya tha.
22:08Aur isi pe wo apni
22:10fada ki announcement kar rahe the hamne Bukhari-Muslim
22:12se unke aqaid-un-nazriyat
22:14ke khilaf
22:16Banu Umayya ko expose karke
22:18unhe bhi imtihan me dala ki ab ise bhi maano.
22:20To har firki
22:22ko uske zor ke upar giraya.
22:24Iske upar meri jo video hai Majlis 50
22:26Interview of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
22:28wo tafseelan 4 ghante ki
22:30video hai. Usme maine tamam maqadme fikar
22:32ko baat kaise unke saamne rakniye.
22:34Jo unke
22:36interest ki cheez hai usse start lehna hai.
22:38Jo unme ghalat cheez hai
22:40burai hai usse start nahi lehna.
22:42Wo to baat hi nahi sunenge.
22:44Jo unke interest ki cheez hai
22:46jiski buniyat pe wo logon ko ghumrah kahte hain
22:48ussi common term se aapne agaaz
22:50karna hai. Masalam Braille bhi kahte hain
22:52ki baaki saare gustak hai.
22:54Unhe ke bilkul ham aapke saath hain
22:56ki gustakhi nahi honi chahiye.
22:58Wo aapko
23:00batayenge ji Ashraf Ali Thanovi
23:02ne Thanovi Rasoolullah ko endorse kiya.
23:04Ki bilkul ham aapke saath hai, ghalat kiya.
23:06Lekin ab ye Chishti Rasoolullah aur Shibli Rasoolullah
23:08bhi nikalaya hai.
23:10Ab aap kahan bhaagenge? Kyuki ye wo cheez
23:12hai jo aap khud maane hua hai.
23:14Jo bandi kehenge ke Braille bhi
23:16jo hai wo kabro se maangte hain
23:18aur ye Buzurgan-e-Deen
23:20jo unke nazdeek hain
23:22unke baare me aqeeda rakhte hain
23:24ke marne ke baad inki taqat badh jati hai
23:26aur ye logon ki madad karte hain.
23:28Ye ghumrah kun
23:30aqaid phila rahe hain aapke. Bilkul theek hai.
23:32Ab ye dekhen, aapke Ashree Thanovi
23:34sahab ne bhi likha hai, ke Qasim
23:36Nunautvi sahab marne ke 6 saal baad
23:38physically kabar se nikal kar, do band ke
23:402 maulviye ki sulah karwa ke wapis chale gaye.
23:42Khaab mein nahi.
23:44Ab aap batayein. Thodi der pehle toh aap
23:46keh rahe the na ki ye aqeeda ghalat hai. Ab batayein.
23:48Band gali mein chale gaye na.
23:52Isi tariqah se Ahle Tashayyihon ka ye claim hai
23:54ke wo
23:56Hazrat-e-Ali ki mukhalifat
23:58ke upar
24:00Usama Ali Mardwan par sabho shatam karte hain
24:02Ashab-e-Jamal ke upar
24:04agarche unhone
24:06maufi bhi maang li Hazrat-e-Ali se, aur maamla conclude ho gaya.
24:08Phir bhi
24:10unhe aap batayein ke khawarij
24:12wo the jo Hazrat-e-Ali ko chod gaye
24:14unke apne fooji the.
24:16Phir bhi Hazrat-e-Ali ne maal-e-ghneemat
24:18me se unka hisa muqarar kiya wa tha, jab takke
24:20unhe musulmanon ko katal nahi kiya.
24:22Aur unpe kufr ka
24:24fatwa bhi nahi lagaya. Ka humare bhai the
24:26bhugode ho gaye.
24:28Na ye kafir hain
24:30na ye munafiq hain.
24:32To ye har ek firke ko
24:34aapne asool aur mubadi ke upar kiraan hain.
24:36Ahl-e-Hadith ye kahte the ke
24:38humara namaz ka tariqah Raful-e-Dain ke saath Bukhari Muslim
24:40me likha hain. Dekhein ye log sunni
24:42hokar bhi Bukhari Muslim ko maan kar bhi
24:44uspe amal nahi karte hain. Bilkul aapki baat
24:46theek hain. Hum aapke saath hain. Namaz ka tariqah
24:48ye hi hain. Lekin Sirkaar Bukhari Muslim
24:50me to ye bhi likha hain.
24:52Ke Ibn-e-Umayyah ne is ummat ke saath
24:54kya zulm kiya.
24:56Aap aap bataye aapne ye baat maan niye ke nahi.
24:58Ye sirf Raful-e-Dain ki hadeese maan niye.
25:00To ye asool aur
25:02mubadi par, isko maine
25:08ilzami jawab kaha.
25:10Anti-venom ye hota hai ke
25:12cobra jo saanp hain na
25:14uske zair se uska
25:16anti-venom tiyar kiya jata hai.
25:18Us zair ka ilaj koi nahi hain.
25:20Wo zair
25:22dilute karke
25:24ghode ko teeka
25:26lagaya jata hai.
25:28Phir aasta-aasta ghoda
25:30uske blood ke saath
25:32usme immunity pehda ho jati hai.
25:34Phir aasta-aasta jab wo
25:36immunity strong ho jati hai phir wo
25:38uske blood me se
25:40jo antibodies baneve hote hain na
25:42jo ke
25:44us zair se ladte hain.
25:46Wo nikaal lete hain
25:48wo anti-venom hota hai.
25:50Tiyar kis se ho raha hai?
25:52Usi venom se.
25:56Thanvi Rasoolullah Venom se
25:58Chishti Rasoolullah Venom tiyar ho gaya.
26:00Sirf bandon ke naam
26:02badle hain.
26:04Lekin bandon ke naam nahin wo
26:06do mukhtari partyon ke wuzurgan-e-deen hain.
26:08Ek ke liye wuzurgan-e-deen hain,
26:10doozron ke liye wo gustaakh hain.
26:12Isliye unke liye aagaya imtihan wala mamla.
26:14To ye Allah ke shukar hain humne kiya hai.
26:16Mushkil kaam tha, Allah ta'ala ne liya hai.
26:18Kyuki iske saath jaan ka risk
26:20jhuda hua hain.
26:22Aur defame ho jaane ka khatra
26:24jhuda hua hain. Galiyan padhti hain.
26:26Isliye is kaam ko koi haath nahin daalta.
26:28Poori zindagi log Khatm-e-Nabuwat
26:30ka naam lete hain. Tauheed ka
26:32naam lete hain. Lekin
26:34shirk, jo uriya
26:36shirk hai, usse by name mention
26:38nahin kar paate hain.
26:40Iske wajah se log
26:42unki baat sunke bhi usi aqeedah pe
26:44rahte hain, jispe wo pehle the.
26:46Unki guftu ko enjoy karte hain.
26:48Lekin Allah ka shukar hain
26:50humara kuch chota sa clip bhi kisi ke
26:52mobile me chala jaye na,
26:54to ek baar bande heel jate hain ki
26:56yaar ye koon hai jo itne corfiters se bol rahein.
26:58Mera Nabi Isa
27:00hai koi nahin. Tere
27:02baabete, Shahi koi nahin.
27:04Wo zahira iske aage bishe
27:06main phir wo baat karke usko conclude karta hu.
27:10Ye wo kaam hai jo
27:12mujadila hai.
27:14Allah ka fazal se ye kiye hai. Allah taala
27:16ise kabool farmaayin. Aur isme
27:18agar koi ghalati hui hai to dar guzar farmaayin.
27:20Aur aanda bhi hikmat
27:22ke saath apne mamlaat ko leke chalne ki
27:24taufeeq atha farmaayin. Ye teen word
27:26zikar karke, agla hissa main aayat ka already
27:28cover kar chukon. Ki Allah taala khoob
27:30jaanta hai koon gumrahi par hain.
27:32Uske raaste se
27:34baika hua hai aur wo khoob jaanta hai ke koon
27:36hadayat pe hain. Yani tumhara kaam ye hai
27:38tumne Allah ki tarab bulana hai.
27:40Allah ko pata hai ke koon gumrahi aur hadayat pe hain.
27:42Ki Aamirul Azeem faisla karega duniya
27:44tumhara kaam ye hai ke tumne
27:46udu'u ila sabeeli rabbika bil hikmah
27:48wal mau'idatil hasanah
27:50wa jaadilhum billatihi
27:52ya ahsan. Ye kaam tumne karna hai.
27:54Wa in
27:58fa aqibu bimithli
28:00maa ruqibtum.
28:02Agar tum kisi ko sazaa do to bas
28:04utni hi sazaa do jitni
28:06usne tumhe takleeb di hai.
28:08Jo surah al maida main bhi
28:10kaya ke aank ke
28:12badle aank, naak ke
28:14badle naak, daant ke badle daant,
28:16kaan ke badle kaan, har zakham
28:18ke badle ussi level ka zakham.
28:20Usse zyada nahi aap desikte.
28:24Maa ruqibtum bih.
28:26Jo unhone takleeb ujai ussi
28:28level ki. Wa la'in sabartum
28:30aur agar tum sabar ikhtyaar karoge
28:32lahuwa khairul lissabireen.
28:34To sabar karne walon ke liye
28:36isse behtar cheez to koi ho ni sakte.
28:38Sabar ke liye yeh zuroori nahi hai
28:40ke aap badla na utaarein.
28:42Badla utaar kar bhi sabar ho sakta hai.
28:44Us takleeb par
28:46jo Allah ki taraf se aayi,
28:48aap sabar karein.
28:50Badla lena aapka haq hai.
28:52Kyunke takleeb jo aap pe aayi hai, wo to nahi khatam hoi na.
28:54Agar kisi shaks ka
28:56beta katal ho gaya hai, to yeh takleeb
28:58to uski kabhi bhi khatam nahi hogi. Isme to usse sabar
29:00karna hoga. Yeh takleeb
29:02even wo qatil ko
29:04faansi bhi chadwaate, tab bhi nahi jaa sakti. Beta to
29:06wapis nahi hana. Liyaza yeh na
29:08sabjiyega sabar ka matlab yeh hai ke tum
29:10muafi ki ravishi ikhtiyar karo.
29:12Yeh aapka right hai. Ke aap muaf karna chahatein,
29:14karein, nahi karna chahatein, na karein.
29:16Wo aapka right hai. Agar muaf karenge, wo
29:18surah-e-shuraah me aaya hai, ke agar koi muaf kar dega,
29:20uske against pe Allah ta'ala mazeed
29:22ajar qiyamat wala din dega.
29:24Lekin yeh aapki marzi hai. Yeh
29:26Allah ta'ala ne aapko
29:28koi ispe majboor nahi kiya.
29:32aur e mahboob sabar karo.
29:35Aur tumhara sabar bhi Allah ki
29:37taufeeq se hi hoga.
29:40Aur inpar gham na khao,
29:42jo tumhari daawat-e-haq ko kabool nahi kar rahein.
29:48Aur naa inke faribon ki
29:50wajah se apne dil me koi tangi mehsoos
29:52karo. Ke kehi meri
29:54daawat-e-haq ko nukhsaan na pochaadein. Tum sachai
29:56ke saath apni daawat ko bayan
29:58karo. Allah ta'ala ki madad tumhare saath
30:00hai. Koft zaroor hoti hai.
30:02Quran me kehi jegah yeh bhi aaye
30:04ke inki baaton se anabi tumhe koft zaroor hoti hai.
30:06Lekin at the end of the day
30:08tumhari jeet hoti hai. Duniya me
30:10bazaahir na bhi hui. Aakhirat me toh hone wali hai.
30:12Toh aapne apne aapko
30:14is gham me muktila nahi karna.
30:16Ke log haq nahi kabool kar rahein. Aur na
30:18is gham me padhna hai. Ke yeh
30:20jo Islam ke khilaf saadshayin
30:22kar rahein. Iski wajah se
30:24yeh ho jayega. Tumne apna kaam karna hai.
30:26Yeh apni
30:28makkarana chalein chalte rahein. Allah ta'ala
30:30ahl-e-haq ka saad dega.
30:32Innal laaha ma'allazeena
30:34taqoo. Beshak Allah ta'ala
30:36saad hai un logon ke jo taqwa ki
30:38ravish ikhtyaar karte hain. Allah ki badad unke
30:40saad hai. Jo khuda se darne wale
30:42log hain. Wallazeena
30:44hum muhsinoon. Aur wo log
30:46jo ke niqo
30:48kaari ki ravish ikhtyaar karte hain.
30:50Darja-e-ihsaan ke upar
30:52pohacheve log hain. Allah ta'ala
30:54unki madad firmane wala hain. Yani Nabi ul
30:56Islam aur unke jaan-e-saar
30:58sahal-ul-bait alaihim-ul-salam
31:00aur jaan-e-saar sahab-e-ikram alaihim-ul-ridwan
31:02sabko tasalli di jaari hai ki Allah
31:04tumhare saad hai. Aur
31:06at the end of the day tumhari
31:08kaamyaabi hone wali hai. Duniya mein bhi
31:10aur aakhirat mein bhi. Aur duniya ne dekha
31:12abhi to aakhirat mein jab log ajar dekhenge
31:14to us ajar
31:16ke to kya kehne. Alhamdulillah
31:18yaha pe hamara para no. 14 mi mukammal
31:20hua. Aur surat-un-nahl bi complete hui.
31:22Subhanak Allahumma
31:24wabihamdik ashadu
31:26wa ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka
31:28wa atoobu ilayk
31:30wa maa alayna
31:32illa albalaagul mubeen. Jazakum
31:34Allah khair.
