• last year
Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat jumlah kelompok menengah di Indonesia cenderung turun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Padahal selama ini, masyarakat kelas menengah selalu menjadi andalan dalam menggerakan ekonomi nasional melalui kegiatan konsumsi.

Disisi lain, Asosiasi Pengelola Pusat Belanja Indonesia (APPBI) seperti dikutip media menyebutkan, penurunan daya beli masyarakat kelas menengah membuat pola belanja mengalami perubahan, yaitu muncul kecenderungan untuk membeli barang dengan harga yang lebih murah. Pola ini pun dikhawatirkan menjadi salah satu pemicu maraknya barang impor ilegal, terkait harga yang sangat murah karena tidak membayar berbagai pungutan dan pajak sebagaimana mestinya.


00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics, taken ten years ago.
00:21Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:23Live from IDX Channel Jakarta, I'm Prasetyo Wibowo,
00:26welcome back to Market Review,
00:28where we discuss the issues that affect the economy in Indonesia.
00:32You can watch our live streaming on IDXChannel.com.
00:35Let's start the complete Market Review.
00:47The government admits that Indonesia's dependence on digital platforms is growing.
00:51To that end, the government is pushing for digital transformation acceleration
00:55in order to achieve digital sovereignty in Indonesia.
01:02Minister of Communications and Informatics Budi Ari Setiadi admitted
01:06that Indonesia's dependence on digital platforms and ecosystem technology
01:10is growing.
01:13Meanwhile, the speed of digital transformation is changing the behavior of the people.
01:17Therefore, Budi said that the acceleration of digital transformation is being pushed by the government
01:23in order to achieve digital sovereignty.
01:26Budi explained the steps to ensure this digital sovereignty is realized by various policies,
01:31including the presence of data centers, human resources management,
01:35as well as the implementation of regulations such as Penal Code No. 5 in 2020
01:39on the monitoring of the electronic system in a private environment
01:42and the government regulations on the protection of personal data.
01:46Budi explained that in the concept of digital sovereignty,
01:48one of the important aspects that needs to be prepared for digital transformation
01:52is the protection of that sovereignty itself.
01:55The issue of digital sovereignty is the state's ability to ensure the rules
01:59that are trained by actors in the digital world,
02:02both in terms of law, economy, or industry.
02:05This concept is also being implemented in various areas at a global level.
02:10In the rest of his term as Minister of Communications and Informatics,
02:14Budi said that he continues to focus on strengthening the development of the digital ecosystem.
02:19This is done, among other things, by building a national data center as a source of IDXNL.
02:30Yes, Pemir, to discuss our topic this time,
02:32digital transformation to a prosperous Indonesia,
02:35I am here with me in the IDXNL studio,
02:38Mr. Mohd. Arief, General Director of the Indonesian Internet Service Association or APJI.
02:43Good morning, Mr. Arief.
02:45Good morning, Mr. Pras.
02:46How are you?
02:47I am well, thank you.
02:48Thank you for being here.
02:49We are joined by Mr. Heru Sutadi,
02:53Director Executive Indonesia ICT Institute.
02:56Good morning, Mr. Heru.
02:58Good morning, Mr. Pras. How are you?
03:00Good morning, Mr. Arief.
03:01Good morning, Mr. Heru.
03:02You are the second choice for APJI.
03:04Good luck.
03:06Yes, that's it.
03:07Congratulations, Mr. Arief.
03:08You are the second choice for APJI.
03:13Okay, before we discuss further,
03:15we will ask for Mr. Arief's opinion first.
03:17Let's review the current conditions for the internet network,
03:22its development and penetration over the last 10 years.
03:26Yes, if we look at the digital disruption era now,
03:31Mr. Pras,
03:32we have reviewed the government of Mr. Jokowi for 10 years
03:35in the last two periods.
03:38If we look at the last 10 years,
03:40the development has been quite rapid.
03:42This can be seen from the number of members of the Internet Service Providers.
03:48In my opinion,
03:49it shows the animosity or development of the digital industry in Indonesia.
03:53Yesterday, I just finished a national meeting.
03:56The number of members of APJI is now 1,170 companies.
04:01But if we look at 10 years ago,
04:03around 2014-2015,
04:06at that time, the number of ISP members was only around 170 companies.
04:11Wow, that's amazing.
04:12In 10 years, the development is 10 times.
04:15We can see how the development of the digital world,
04:19the existing digital development.
04:21And this also reflects that
04:23these providers are not only from big cities,
04:25Mr. Pras,
04:26but they also come from small cities,
04:28even in the islands.
04:30From Sabang to Marauke,
04:31almost all provinces have ISP.
04:34And this is how they help
04:37the spread or penetration of digital infrastructure in Indonesia.
04:41Of course, it's like that.
04:42Outside of that, the government has several programs.
04:44We all know,
04:45there's Palapari, PTS, Satria, and others.
04:48I think it also helps
04:50the penetration to rural areas or 3T areas in Indonesia.
04:54That's it.
04:55So, the penetration is amazing.
04:56In the last 10 years,
04:57out of 100 members,
04:58now there are 1170.
05:00More than that.
05:01So, the ISP members are amazing.
05:03Mr. Herus, how do you see
05:05the digital disruption
05:07affecting the daily activities of the Indonesian people,
05:10at least in the last 10 years, Mr. Herus?
05:14Yes, if we talk about
05:16how the people use digital services,
05:19now we can't let go of
05:21the daily life of the people
05:23with digital services.
05:25Everything can be done
05:27quickly, easily,
05:29through our employees or consultants.
05:32We want to order food,
05:34we want to order retailing,
05:35we want to shop, and so on,
05:37including government services.
05:40Especially yesterday,
05:41when we entered the COVID-19 phase,
05:44digital transformation was done so quickly.
05:48Although indeed,
05:50if we talk about digital transformation,
05:52there are things that support it.
05:55There is what we call PPT,
05:57People, Process, and Technology.
06:00From the people's point of view,
06:02the public is so enthusiastic
06:04about using digital services,
06:06but there are also obstacles,
06:08for example, related to the education,
06:11so that they don't become victims
06:13of global digital development.
06:16Then, of course, we also talk about
06:18the process,
06:19because in Indonesia,
06:21the people are quite diverse.
06:23There are from the city, from the village,
06:25West Indonesia, East Indonesia,
06:27with all kinds of challenges.
06:30This is not easy either,
06:32how to transform them
06:35into digital.
06:37Because if we look at it now,
06:40our internet users are quite large,
06:43but then there are also many services
06:46that also have a negative impact
06:50on the community.
06:52Meanwhile, in terms of technology,
06:55we are also quite fast in adopting
06:57technological developments.
06:59From 4G, now we have started 5G,
07:03then we also have quite a lot of infrastructure development,
07:08although the challenge is that
07:10we are a bit late in building infrastructure.
07:13The indication should be 2020,
07:16because in 2024, there are still several villages
07:19that have not received internet services.
07:22Then our internet speed is still not at the level
07:26that can be compared to neighboring countries in Southeast Asia.
07:30We are still around 22 megabits per second,
07:33while other countries in Southeast Asia are above us.
07:36Below us, maybe only Myanmar.
07:38Then also from the development of technology,
07:43the Indonesian network is already
07:45we have Palaparing and everything,
07:47but if we look deeper,
07:49there is a need for additional national backbone infrastructure
07:52that must be built to support friends from RG
07:55to provide internet services in the absence of access.
07:58Okay, Mr. Heru.
07:59This is interesting, Mr. Arief.
08:01Infrastructure that can support the penetration of the internet network
08:04to the corners of the country.
08:06So how do you see, review the development
08:09and improvement at the moment?
08:11With the hope that this internet network
08:13should be done.
08:15If, for example, Mr. Heru said,
08:17in Plossok area must get the same thing
08:20with other friends in the big city.
08:22Yes, this is indeed an issue in the internal discussion.
08:25We at ABG or in the members,
08:27how many new members
08:29who are still having difficulty getting access,
08:31especially the backbone in areas that are not in the city.
08:35And not only the difficulty of infrastructure,
08:38but also the price problem is different.
08:41We may be on the island of Java, Bali.
08:43I think it has a price
08:45which in my opinion is already quite effective.
08:47So that the community can enjoy the internet service
08:49quite maximally like that.
08:51But what about our brothers and sisters
08:53who are still outside Java,
08:55especially with the backbone service which is still more expensive.
08:58So that the vendors can't sell to the maximum.
09:00Maybe with the same price,
09:02but the capacity is lower.
09:04What Mr. Heru said earlier is also true.
09:06Maybe we sell for Rp. 100,000-200,000, for example.
09:09But the quality of the service is reduced.
09:11Because the price of the backbone is still quite expensive.
09:16And this is still an obstacle.
09:20How if in the future we want to increase the quality of the internet.
09:25Not only the price, but also the quality.
09:28So this is our job together,
09:30how in the future the synergy between the government
09:32and the private sector bridge this problem.
09:34So that the people who are not in the city
09:37can still get the internet with good quality.
09:40That's it.
09:41So what is our synergy like?
09:43From the businessman,
09:45to the internet service provider.
09:48What is it like?
09:49We will discuss it in the next DCBN.
09:51We will take a short break.
09:52And viewers, make sure you are still with us.
10:08Thank you for joining us in Market Review.
10:10And we will continue to discuss
10:12about the digital transformation towards a prosperous Indonesia.
10:15Together with Mr. Mohd. Arief,
10:17Director General of the Indonesian Internet Service Association,
10:20and Mr. Heru earlier,
10:21Director Executive of Indonesia ICT Institute.
10:25Mr. Arief, you mentioned earlier
10:27about the service that has been delivered.
10:30The speed.
10:31You also mentioned, Mr. Heru,
10:35that it is still lagging behind.
10:37So what needs to be improved?
10:39In terms of infrastructure,
10:41technology, or what?
10:45So if it's true, as Mr. Heru said,
10:47in this world,
10:48our average speed is around 22-25 megabytes per second.
10:52But if we talk about the last 10 years,
10:54it has increased.
10:55It has increased by 10 times.
10:56But it has not yet competed with other countries in the region.
10:59This has become our common concern.
11:02As I mentioned in the previous segment,
11:04on average,
11:05let's say we are a broadband user,
11:07Indonesian home internet,
11:09the average price is around IDR 100,000-300,000.
11:11But in Jakarta,
11:12or in a big city,
11:13maybe with IDR 200,000,
11:14we can get 20-30 megabytes per second.
11:18But if we try it in a small city,
11:21maybe the price is the same,
11:22IDR 200,000, let's say.
11:23But the speed is only 5,
11:25or 3.
11:26Because the price of the backbone is still quite expensive.
11:28This is what makes it difficult
11:31for us to even it out.
11:33Because no matter what,
11:35the speed calculation will be on average.
11:38Not city by city.
11:39Maybe if we talk about Jakarta,
11:41I'm sure Jakarta, Surabaya, or the big cities
11:43will be the same as Singapore.
11:45But if we talk about other regions,
11:47this is what will make the average speed of our internet
11:51still decrease compared to neighboring countries.
11:55Mr. Heru, what do you think?
11:57Related to infrastructure,
11:59the backbone should also be cheaper,
12:03at least not evenly.
12:05Indeed, in Indonesia,
12:07what can we see?
12:10If Mr. Arief, the government,
12:13internet users themselves,
12:14had the chance to say.
12:15Mr. Heru.
12:16Yes, that's right.
12:17Mr. Arief said that the internet speed
12:19is average.
12:20We are below other countries.
12:22Because our area is indeed large.
12:2422 megabits per second
12:26maybe in Jakarta,
12:28it's more or less the same
12:30as countries like Singapore.
12:32But we have West Indonesia, East Indonesia,
12:34which still has a gap.
12:36In addition, maybe between cities and villages.
12:39This is what we have to fix.
12:41What is the problem of internet speed in Indonesia?
12:44There are several things.
12:46For example, what is the international backbone like?
12:48If we look at it now, there are many international backbones.
12:50So this is no longer an issue.
12:52But if we look at the main thing,
12:54it's the national backbone.
12:55This national backbone,
12:57in the digital journey in Indonesia,
13:01was built more by telecommunications operators.
13:04And telecommunications operators build
13:06areas that may be interested.
13:09So these non-commercial areas,
13:12they don't build.
13:13This is then built by Baktikom Ivo.
13:16But if we look at it from a glance,
13:18the network is still incomplete.
13:21Not yet integrated between West, Central, East.
13:25Especially in the East of Indonesia.
13:28So we see that the collaboration,
13:31the synergy between the government,
13:33telecommunications operators,
13:35and the internet service providers
13:37cannot be avoided.
13:40With this cooperation,
13:42we can strengthen the backbone.
13:45Then the access network is strengthened.
13:48Then maybe the tariff challenges
13:51can be more affordable.
13:54Because if, for example,
13:55as Mr. Haripangga said,
13:57if everyone who builds
13:59internet service providers
14:01or telecommunications operators,
14:02of course it will be very expensive.
14:03So the intervention of the government is also needed.
14:07And the government has the commitment
14:10to have Bakti who can build
14:12in non-commercial areas,
14:14which may be more expensive,
14:15so that it can be used by telecommunications operators,
14:19so that it can be used
14:20by internet service providers in Indonesia.
14:22Okay, but so far,
14:23if you yourself see,
14:25how with support from the policy side,
14:29how the privileges are obtained,
14:32so that the internet network providers
14:34can target the 3T areas
14:37that we have discussed earlier.
14:38Yes, I think at the moment,
14:40there is no strict policy yet
14:42to target 3T.
14:43We are still in the free market.
14:45So the providers,
14:47please choose your own market.
14:49There is no obligation for us
14:50to target rural or 3T areas.
14:53Only some of our members
14:55who are focused on the areas,
14:57the 3T segment,
14:59or rural border areas.
15:01In the future, in my opinion,
15:02the government needs to have a special policy
15:06on how we want to push it.
15:08Because if there is no special policy,
15:10it will be like this.
15:12They will tend to,
15:13the law is the law of the economy,
15:14they will tend to target areas
15:16that are easy,
15:18areas that have a lot of people.
15:20So the cost of the economy is not high.
15:22The possibility of reinvestment is also clear.
15:26Because in the area of 3T,
15:28it can be very long.
15:29But is the demand still high?
15:31If we look at the number of users,
15:33it keeps increasing.
15:34So coincidentally,
15:35last week we just launched
15:37a survey with Bakti.
15:38Especially this survey,
15:39we ourselves have an internet survey
15:42every year.
15:43But just yesterday,
15:44we collaborated with Bakti.com.info,
15:46we launched a specific survey
15:48for internet penetration in remote areas.
15:51From the data we got yesterday,
15:53for remote areas or 3T,
15:55Bakti area,
15:56there are already about 82% of people using it.
16:01So it's still about 17%,
16:02maybe in this rural area,
16:04people who have not yet access to the internet.
16:05This is just available.
16:06We haven't talked about quality issues and others.
16:09This is just the coverage.
16:10In the future,
16:11we will try to dig deeper.
16:13Hopefully, this can be included
16:15in future government policies.
16:17That's it.
16:18Regulations as needed.
16:19We will discuss it again in the next segment.
16:20Stay tuned.
16:41You are still watching Market Review.
16:42We will continue to discuss
16:44the development of the internet in Indonesia
16:46in the last 10 years.
16:47Out of 100 internet service providers,
16:51now there are more than 1,170.
16:54This is amazing.
16:55Mr. Heru,
16:56how do you see the position
16:58of internet services in Indonesia?
17:01How will it affect the economy?
17:05How will it improve the welfare of the people in the rural areas?
17:08If we look at the internet network,
17:10it is like a road infrastructure.
17:13If it is built,
17:15it can give a multiplier effect
17:18to the surrounding communities.
17:20Please, Mr. Heru.
17:21If we look at it,
17:22the world economy has changed.
17:24It used to be based on roads and cars.
17:27Now it is based on the internet and mobile phones.
17:30This is what we call the digital economy.
17:33If we look at it,
17:34there is a positive correlation
17:36between infrastructure development
17:38and national economic growth.
17:42we discussed yesterday
17:44that under Prabowo,
17:46the economy is expected to grow by 8%.
17:49It will be very difficult
17:50if the digital infrastructure is not built
17:53and the digital ecosystem is not practiced.
17:55Because if we look at it now,
17:57the digital economic growth is still below expectations.
18:01We are still USD 82 billion,
18:03while the expectation is USD 125 billion.
18:07In 2030, even USD 5 trillion.
18:10With this infrastructure,
18:12for example, to the villages,
18:14to the rural areas,
18:15they can also develop the potential of the region.
18:19Because now,
18:20if we talk about the digital economy,
18:22we buy products or sell products,
18:25not just,
18:26in the past, it was said,
18:27rural areas,
18:28districts, or provinces.
18:29Now, we can buy products
18:32from anywhere.
18:33So, indeed,
18:35the infrastructure must be improved,
18:37the ecosystem must also be built
18:39with the digital talent in the region also being improved,
18:42how the MSMEs are also easily encouraged
18:45to take advantage of digital services,
18:47to transform to digital.
18:49So, the economy together will also grow,
18:53and the hope is that the economic growth
18:56will be even bigger
18:58than before,
18:59it can be implemented, hopefully.
19:01Okay, talking about the support of MSMEs
19:04in the development of infrastructure,
19:06if this is about digital transformation,
19:08Mr. Arief, what do you think?
19:10Is the availability of MSMEs already sufficient,
19:13in terms of even from big cities,
19:16rural areas, and so on?
19:18Yes, I see, actually,
19:20even in our own industry,
19:21a lot of MSMEs are self-taught,
19:24in my opinion.
19:25Not really,
19:26they learn from the beginning,
19:28for hours,
19:29up to a certain level.
19:31In the future,
19:32what I put forward for the government,
19:34is how this digital curriculum
19:35must be included in the school curriculum.
19:39Because in the future,
19:40it's not just the infrastructure that we improve,
19:42it's not just the quality,
19:43but also the users,
19:45the MSMEs,
19:47these digital talents
19:49will also play an important role in the future,
19:51how they can use this technology
19:53in a positive, effective,
19:55and also productive way in the future.
19:57It shouldn't be when there is digital innovation,
20:01the quality is good,
20:02but not used to the maximum.
20:03In the end, this will also be counterproductive
20:06for our society in the future.
20:08This also has to be in line with
20:09how the digital curriculum
20:11must also be included in schools in the future.
20:13That's right.
20:14Since now, it has been prepared.
20:16Yes, so it is already available,
20:19in the sense that the knowledge has been obtained from the beginning,
20:22so maybe later,
20:23only the practice remains in the field.
20:24So, what do you see in the future?
20:26Can the role of APJII itself
20:28take the position that
20:30we also participate in preparing the SDM,
20:32how the infrastructure is also ready
20:35for us to go further?
20:38Yes, of course,
20:39as the largest ICT community in Indonesia,
20:41we also have a role,
20:43how we also continue to collaborate
20:45with various parties
20:46that are indeed focused on the issue of digital innovation.
20:49Because this is very important,
20:50but back again,
20:51when this is only situational,
20:55it will not root.
20:56And this is what I think is good,
20:58but only situational.
21:00And we hope,
21:01not only like this,
21:02in the future we also don't want
21:04only situational,
21:05we want continuity,
21:06so from now until maybe the next level,
21:09how to use technology properly.
21:13Peru, what are the challenges that need to be anticipated
21:16or even mitigated,
21:17related to later,
21:18for example, our internet network
21:20can really be massified
21:22to all parts of the country?
21:24Yes, of course we need to speed up
21:26the development of broadband infrastructure,
21:28be it national backbone,
21:30including access,
21:31especially for areas
21:33that are 3T, non-commercial,
21:35Indonesia in the east.
21:36Then the ecosystem problem
21:38must also be built.
21:40We agree, Mas Arief,
21:41to provide or include
21:43digital curriculum to schools.
21:45But it's not just coding,
21:47now if it's all digital, it's all coding.
21:49Even though when we talk about digital,
21:51there is digital business,
21:53there is digital art,
21:54digital creation, and so on,
21:55which we also need to develop.
21:57But our point is that
21:59this is a cyber security issue
22:01and data security must also be maintained
22:03in Indonesia.
22:04Because with some events
22:07that happen quite often,
22:10yesterday tax data also leaked,
22:11and so on,
22:12we are worried that later
22:14people will not believe
22:15to use digital services.
22:16So it is necessary to improve
22:18how we improve our digital security,
22:21our cyber security,
22:22how we strengthen
22:25the protection of public data
22:27so that the use of digital technology,
22:30digital infrastructure
22:32becomes more useful,
22:35more valuable,
22:37and also improve the economy of the community.
22:39Okay, that's quite a hot topic lately,
22:41related to cyber security.
22:43So how do you take a position
22:45to protect the security of data
22:48using internet facilities?
22:50Yes, we ourselves,
22:51since yesterday,
22:52we have been coordinating
22:53with the Ministry of Information,
22:54with several government agencies
22:56that do have a say
22:58in cyber security issues.
23:00But this is just an introduction
23:01to how we can determine
23:03who really
23:05has to protect
23:06cyber security in Indonesia.
23:08Because there are several bodies
23:09that I think have similar interests.
23:12And this also makes it difficult for us
23:13to coordinate
23:14who really has a say
23:16to protect the sovereignty of cyber.
23:19Maybe we have started to think,
23:20like several developed countries,
23:21we are ready to make the fourth movement
23:24for cyber security.
23:25Because this is a real challenge.
23:28Okay, Mr. Heru,
23:29lastly, how optimistic are you
23:30in terms of development?
23:32Yes, we know the internet penetration
23:34is also getting wider
23:35and it is expected
23:36to make Indonesia
23:37more advanced and prosperous.
23:40Yes, we have to be optimistic
23:41because the digital economy
23:43is a real people's economy.
23:45But we should not be complacent.
23:48There are a lot of PRs that need to be completed.
23:50Infrastructure, cyber security,
23:51data security,
23:52which requires the attention of the government
23:55and of course the whole community
23:57to be able to collaborate
24:00and make the most of this digital economy
24:02in a more beneficial way
24:04and provide added value
24:06for all of us.
24:07Okay, the point is that
24:08we have to work hand in hand
24:09like this, Mr. Heru, Mr. Arief,
24:10between the actors, the government,
24:12to be able to increase
24:13the internet network penetration,
24:15infrastructure development,
24:16the business climate,
24:17and of course,
24:18empower the community
24:20as well as the use of the internet itself.
24:23Mr. Heru, thank you very much
24:24for your presence
24:25and the analysis you provided.
24:26Mr. Arief, thank you too
24:27for your presence in the studio today.
24:29Good luck for the future.
24:32Okay, Mr. Mirsa,
24:33don't leave your seat
24:34because in a moment
24:35we will return
24:36with another interesting topic
24:37related to the retail industry
24:38which is under pressure
24:39with the decline of the middle class
24:40in Indonesia.
24:41In a moment.
24:43Thank you, Mr. Arief.
