• last year
Dr Marlene Krasovitsky addressed the National Press Club to campaign for a national ageism awareness day. Video by the National Press Club of Australia.


00:00Ageism leads to poorer health, social isolation, loneliness and reduces quality
00:05of life as people become disrespected, devalued and robbed of their humanity.
00:11This is about enabling current and future generations to age well and
00:17that's why Every Age Counts calls for a sustained national public awareness and
00:22education campaign on ageism and its impacts to challenge stereotypes,
00:27prejudices and discrimination in the workplace, in healthcare, in the community
00:32and so on. We've learned from the other great social movements that have
00:38changed the way we think and act that change is possible. Think Me Too, gay
00:44marriage and so many other movements and we agree with Minister Butler that
00:50age-based injustice is next.
