00:00Hi. Hey, I just had a wonderful thing happen to me. After all these years, the member of
00:08our technical crew have made me an honorary member of the technical crew, and I feel highly
00:13honored by this, and so tonight, I not only get to introduce the panel the way I always
00:17do, I get to take their pictures while I'm doing it. I never tried this before, so if
00:23you want to tune another station, it'll take me a minute. First of all, here is our panel.
00:29There's Bill Cullen, Bill Cullen, and next to Betsy Palmer. Oh, no, back, back. And there's
00:40Henry Morgan, and there's Bess Morrison. Now, wait a minute now, wait a minute now.
00:45I can give you a shot that shows you the whole thing. There you see before... Isn't this
00:51done skillfully? There you see before your very eyes the panel of I've Got a Secret.
01:01I've Got a Secret, brought to you tonight by...
01:10The new Polaroid automatic camera for finished pictures in ten seconds.
01:16Now, here is I've Got a Secret, starring Gary Moore.
01:27Thank you very much. You have met the members of our charming and somewhat warm panel. It
01:32is a miserable night in New York City, but we hope we can make it happy for you in here
01:36by introducing, please, our first contestants.
01:45Hi there. How are you? Hi, darling. Hello, how are you? All right, let's all get seated
01:52and get real close to each other. That's fine. Now, let's find out who these delightful creatures
01:56are. What is your name, honey?
01:58Jane Hoberman.
01:59Jane Hoberman of...
02:01New York...
02:03Fresh Meadows, isn't it?
02:05Fresh Meadows, Long Island.
02:06That's right. It's a good thing you remembered. You couldn't get home tonight if you didn't
02:09remember where you live, could you? And the young lady here on the other side?
02:12Pamela Hutchings.
02:13Pamela, where are you from?
02:14New York.
02:16From New York. Don't give away any secrets. All right, young, scrappy young fellow?
02:20Frankie Corrado.
02:21Frankie Corrado from...
02:22New York City.
02:23All right. Now, youngsters, if you'll whisper your secret to me, we'll show it at the same
02:27time to our audience at home. And here we go.
02:29Here we go.
02:40Panel, to help you classify the secret, the clue concerns something that happened to these
02:44youngsters. And Bill Cullen, we'll start with you, please.
02:47Something that happened. Was it a... Well, let me see. We got Jane, Pamela, and Frankie.
02:51Jane, was it something good?
02:58Pamela, was it a physical thing? Like, did... Yeah, was it a physical thing, Pamela?
03:05And Frankie, did it affect all of you at exactly the same time? Did it happen to all of you
03:10at exactly the same time?
03:12Now, when he says not the same time, he means the precise, not the exact, precise moment.
03:18Can I...
03:19He's playing it very cagey.
03:21Well, can I go along on the basis that it did happen to all of you at about the same
03:27About the same time. Okay, Frankie?
03:29$20 down, $60 to go. We'll go, please, to Betsy.
03:32Pamela, does it have to do with your age?
03:36Frankie, does it have to do with your age like about six years ago?
03:43Seven, eight years ago?
03:46No? Did it have to do, Jamie, when you were born?
03:49It did. Did it have to do that you were all born at the same time?
03:54Well, now, we say same time again, not the exact...
03:56The same day.
03:57Same day, yes.
03:58I think the same day.
03:59Same day.
04:01All right. Hold it, Bill. Bill just got the idea. It's too late. We're going out to Henry
04:05Morgan, having lost $40. Henry, I think you're the only one on the panel now who doesn't
04:10I think I got it.
04:11Oh, you have got it?
04:12I think.
04:14No, let's go back to Henry. We can't do that to him. Henry, what were you going to say?
04:22If you're going to be nice to me, it must be our birthday, and they must have been born
04:27on it.
04:28That's exactly what it was.
04:37They may look young to a lot of people, but they look awful old to me. I'll tell you that
04:41when I realized that they were born on the same day. Actually, June 19th, 1952. And this
04:47is I've Got a Secret tonight. It's I've Got a Secret's 10th anniversary. And 10 years ago,
04:52when these children opened their mouths to let out their very first big yelp, I was opening
04:57my mouth for the first time to say good evening and welcome to I've Got a Secret. Little could
05:01I have imagined that I was going to get to say it 489 times, which I have up until now.
05:07And Pamela and Jane and Frankie are proof of what can happen in 10 years. I feel that
05:12their parents have somehow accomplished more than we have.
05:16How does it feel to be old, Frank?
05:18You don't mind being an old man? Well, that's the way to do it. Smile at the years. I want
05:22to mention that we did intend to have one other birthday child with us. Betsy Palmer's
05:26husband gave us the name of Rosemary Turco of Mount Vernon, New York. And Rosemary was
05:31all set to come down and be part of our show, but the poor child, she got tonsillitis and
05:35she couldn't come. So, Rosemary, dear, happy birthday to you tomorrow. We're going to send
05:39you a present. The present will be sent to your house, and these youngsters will get
05:43their presents backstage. Thank you and happy birthday to us all.
05:58Now then, a lot of unfortunate people are going to come home from trips this summer
06:02with pictures that just didn't turn out, came out to be nothing like these, but they won't
06:08find out about it until it's too late. Now, that cannot happen to you with a Polaroid.
06:12With a Polaroid 10-second automatic camera, because you see your pictures in 10 seconds.
06:17Now, Bess, let me show you how very easy it is. All right, big smile, and it's one, two,
06:24three, and that's all. Now, this electric eye here, I'll show it to you close up in
06:29half a second. This electric eye sets the exposure for me from dawn to dusk. Now, there's
06:35even this little built-in flash gun for indoor snapshots, and the camera is always in focus.
06:40In just 10 seconds, look at that. In just 10 seconds, there's your picture.
06:56Now, all of this costs less than $100 or less than $75 for a slightly smaller model, so
07:02be sure that you get your pictures with a Polaroid 10-second automatic camera.
07:06See your dealer tomorrow.
07:11Whether you're loving your deal or dealing with your love, it's all part of Buzzer's
07:17Weeknight Negotiations, starting at 8 with Let's Make a Deal.
07:20Are you ready? You're on your own. You're on your own.
07:22Followed at 9 by Tattletale. That's not what Steve said. I'll meet you in the parking lot.
07:27Weeknight, starting at 8, only on Buzzer. Deal with it.
07:31Being our anniversary, it's always happy to welcome back old friends. Our next contestant
07:36is a former stagehand on our show, and he left us to become a professional magician.
07:41And I'm happy to report that he's doing just great, as you will see in a moment.
07:45Here is Lon Masterson.
07:54Now, panel, Lon is going to demonstrate a trick, a new trick that he has perfected,
07:58and we're going to need a volunteer. Anybody who will volunteer whose name happens to be
08:03Henry Morgan. Henry, you have just volunteered.
08:05Will you come up here and volunteer, please? I recommend that you remove your jacket and
08:09your shoes. Yeah, leave them over there with the ladies and bring them over, and then take
08:14your shoes off. Paddle over here. And with a little help, would you mount this ladder
08:19and get inside the capsule, please?
08:23This is your life, Scott Carpenter.
08:28All right. Didn't this program start like this?
08:30I used to do these bits, you know. Then I got too fat to get in the capsule, so there
08:34you go. Now, just stand right where you are. Henry, you should be very flattered, because
08:41Lon specifically requested that you help him with this trick, and don't worry about a thing
08:45because we're not going to keep you in suspense about what we're going to do to you. Lon will
08:48whisper his secret directly to Henry. At the same time, we'll show it to the folks at home.
08:52Paddle. Paddle a clue to Lon's secret concerning something that's going to happen. We'll start
09:05the game with Bill Cullen, please. Is this, Lon, this thing is going to happen, will it
09:09give most of the audience great pleasure? I think so.
09:14Will something physical happen to Henry? Yes, yes.
09:19Will it give Henry great pleasure, assuming Henry experienced great pleasure like anyone else?
09:24I hope Henry will come out smiling. Good, good. Is he not going in smiling?
09:29I think he'll come out smiling. One question that won't help get the answer, but I'm curious.
09:34Is it hot in there? Yeah.
09:38Are you going to make Henry disappear? For a while.
09:42All right. Oh, boy. Are you going to bring him back?
09:45For a while. You'll be bringing him back, yes.
09:49Will Henry be in the same shape when he returns as he is now?
09:52I hope so. Everything works, yes. All right, we've lost 20. We have 60 to go. We go, please, to Betsy.
09:58Henry, are you afraid? I'm a little too stupid to be afraid. I mean, really, though. Huh?
10:05Really, are you? No, because I figure they wouldn't kill me on the air. They're cowards.
10:11Is it something that is going to happen right inside of that capsulon?
10:16Part of it. Part of it?
10:18Is it something that will happen to the lower half of Henry instead of the upper half?
10:23No. It'll happen to the whole Henry? The whole Henry.
10:27Will it happen while we're still on the show, or are you going to take him away until next week?
10:35Oh, no. This will all be done before your very eyes. $40 down and $40 to go.
10:39And, Bess, because Henry is busy and can't be used as a questioner, your questions will be worth $40.
10:44Fine. Lon, are you going to use any other apparatus besides what you have on the stage?
10:50A little bit. And is this going to be lifted from the floor?
10:54No. I didn't imagine so. Not with Henry in it.
10:59Oh, no offense. No offense. Is anyone else going to participate besides the two of you?
11:06All right. We've lost the $80. And, panel, because there is a feat of magic involved here, I'm not going to tell you what's going to happen.
11:12I don't want to spoil the surprise. But first, let's turn it around so you can see that it's the same all the way around, no matter how you turn it.
11:19And it's going to happen right out here on the stage. Now, Henry, I cannot watch...
11:22That's a nice breeze.
11:25I can't bear to watch a grown man suffer. Would you sit down and make yourself comfortable? Get way down inside the thing.
11:30Bye, Henry. That's a boy. There you go. All right. Oh, that looks so comfy.
11:35Now, friends, it's traditional on anniversary shows for the host to thank all the people who have made the show possible.
11:41I would like to take a few minutes now to let you meet some of the members of our staff and our backstage crew.
11:46In the interest of time and Henry's good nature, please hold your applause until we've introduced them all.
11:51First, there's Roger Peterson, our associate producer. Hello, Roger. There you go.
11:57Happy anniversary, Henry.
12:01And following Roger is Rosalie Brown, our wardrobe mistress, affectionately known as Ducky.
12:06And Ducky, you look very pretty tonight.
12:09Oh, that looks so cool. He's going to be so happy in there.
12:12And after Ducky comes Pat McCormick of our production staff. There you go.
12:19Don't worry, we'll wring him out after this whole thing is over.
12:22Swallow hard, Henry.
12:24And after Pat comes Ray Bowden, our studio guard. Ray, thank you very much.
12:29And there you go. Just tread water, Henry. Tread water. Help is on the way.
12:34And he is followed by Judy Crichton of our production staff.
12:39And, of course, oh, boy, look at that.
12:43Every theater must have its theater manager. We have Guy Alexander, and we're happy.
12:47Hi, Guy. Hiya, Gary.
12:54And now next is Irma Reichert of our production staff. Hi, Irma.
13:01And the gentleman with whom I've been associated for a number of years, I'm happy to say,
13:05our teleprompter operator, Mr. Bob Anderson.
13:08Hello, Robert. There he is.
13:10Ha, ha.
13:14And Diane Hoffacker of our production staff. Hi, Diane.
13:21And finally, we have June Gossett of our makeup department. Hi, June.
13:27Don't you look cute?
13:29Had her hair done.
13:32All right, June, thank you very much.
13:35He's got the sun on him.
13:37Bob, what happens next?
13:39Well, Gary, we're going to see if we can make Henry come out smiling.
13:43See if we can make him come out smiling. All right.
13:47There you go.
13:50A few magical passes, and Henry, come out smiling.
13:54Look, smiling.
13:57And cry. Smiling and crying.
14:09There you are. Oh, boy.
14:11Henry, wasn't it terribly crowded in there?
14:15No, I didn't think so.
14:18Did you think so?
14:28He did come out smiling, and for good reason.
14:31Henry, I do want to thank you again.
14:33That's all right. I want to thank you, too.
14:44Thank you. It wasn't crowded in there, was it?
14:46No, no.
14:47Bob, one final thank you to you, Henry.
14:50Very, very much.
14:51And thank you very much.
15:01All right.
15:06Henry, you look warm and somewhat soiled.
15:11I was just a little nervous of meeting new people.
15:18You know, usually I get to do those bits,
15:20but because of my sore hand,
15:22I wasn't able to make it into the barrel.
15:24Should I take a second to talk about that,
15:26just so we won't have so much mail?
15:28You people have been very kind.
15:30You've noticed that I have shaking hands with my left hand.
15:32One columnist thought I was going to Hollywood
15:34because I was shaking left hand with everybody.
15:36It's simply that I had an operation on my hand
15:39some, oh, three months ago,
15:41and it takes a long while for it to clear up,
15:43and the one thing that I cannot afford to do is shake hands
15:45because I can't control how hard the other person's going to squeeze it.
15:48But it doesn't hurt, and don't worry about it,
15:50and thank you for your concern.
15:51All right.
15:52Now, we will meet some other members of our crew
15:54in what I promise will be a most fascinating way, I think.
15:57But first, let's watch this.
16:00Meet Dream Whip,
16:02the wonderful dessert topping that's white and light
16:05and tastes just right.
16:07You know, Dream Whip just melts in your mouth,
16:10but not on your desserts.
16:12I can whip it up hours before dinner.
16:14Decorate my desserts.
16:16Even add the finishing touches.
16:18Then when dessert time rolls around,
16:20they're all ready to serve.
16:22No last minute rush.
16:24And Dream Whip is so fresh as ever.
16:26It won't wilt or separate like other toppings.
16:30And if there's any Dream Whip left,
16:32you can keep it fresh in your refrigerator for days.
16:35Use it later in the week to dress up gingerbread
16:38or perhaps on a pie.
16:40So delicious, yet only 17 calories per tablespoon serving.
16:44Low in cost, too.
16:46Keep several boxes of Dream Whip handy.
16:48It'll stay fresh in your kitchen cabinet,
16:51ready to use any time you wish.
16:53Try Dream Whip soon.
16:55Another fine product of General Foods.
16:58Dream Whip.
17:00Oh, I wish you could be with me right here.
17:02This is the coolest spot in New York City.
17:04This is our control room,
17:05and the gentlemen you see surrounding me
17:07are some of the technicians who are responsible
17:09for getting our show out of our studio
17:11and into your homes onto your screen each week.
17:13The man in charge here is our director, Franklin Heller.
17:16Frank, will you turn around and smile to people?
17:18There you go.
17:20Now, Frank watches everything that goes on on the stage
17:23through the eyes of three cameras,
17:25which he places and which he directs.
17:27And depending upon what's happening on stage,
17:29Frank decides which picture to send out over the air.
17:32So, Frank, will you show us what our three cameras
17:34are looking at now?
17:36Take two, Vern.
17:38Now, there's our regular four-shot of the panel.
17:40Take three.
17:42And that is my empty desk,
17:44where I would be if I were not here in the control room.
17:46All right, and take one.
17:48Take one, and that is our youthful producer,
17:51Mr. Chester Feldman.
17:53Uh, Gary.
17:54Yes, Frank?
17:55Uh, look, here's our telephone.
17:59Talk to Chester.
18:00Oh, talk to Chester?
18:01Hello, Chester.
18:02Happy 10th anniversary.
18:04Pick up the phone, Chester.
18:05Pick up the phone, Chester, because we got you hooked in.
18:07Happy 10th anniversary.
18:08Thank you, and the same to you.
18:13You know, there are lots of times when inadvertently
18:15the show runs short, you know,
18:17and you always yell up to me and you say,
18:19hey, Gary, fill a minute.
18:21Chester, we're running short.
18:22Will you fill a minute, please?
18:27Chester, you're on.
18:30Take two.
18:34Come on, fill it.
18:36All right, Chester.
18:37Thanks very much for everything, my friend.
18:39Now, where are we?
18:40Now we're cut back to the control room.
18:41We'll meet some of the other gentlemen in here.
18:43This is our associate director, Al Mifolo,
18:46and his job, as his title implies,
18:48is to help Frank Heller,
18:49and he also directs our live commercials.
18:52You want to turn around there?
18:53There you go.
18:54There's Al.
18:55The man seated to the left of Frank Heller
18:57is our technical director, Vernon Gamble.
18:59Now, when our director says, take one,
19:02that means that he wants the audience at home
19:04to see what camera one is looking at,
19:06and then Vernon Gamble is the man
19:07who actually pushes the button
19:09to get that picture on the air.
19:11He also handles many special effects,
19:13like, well, let's try a dissolve, shall we?
19:17That is a dissolve.
19:18Now we will do a wipe.
19:20Wipe back in there.
19:21Gary, you go.
19:22There are millions of things he can do
19:23with that complicated board.
19:25Now, the next gentleman is Ralph Holmes,
19:27our lighting director on this show.
19:29Will you turn around there?
19:30There you go.
19:31Now, by the way, there are some 300 lights
19:34all strategically positioned around the stage by Ralph
19:37to make the panel and me look passable,
19:40and in the case of the gentleman,
19:41it takes 300 lights, too.
19:43Now, the gentleman to my left is Jay Fermin,
19:46our audio engineer,
19:47and he is in charge of placing all the mics
19:49around the stage.
19:50You want to turn over there, Jay?
19:51Let him see you.
19:52He sees to it that you hear everything that's going on,
19:55and if you think that's easy,
19:56he is currently sitting in front of a console
19:58watching and adjusting 24 different dials.
20:02Now, there's one other person that I must not overlook,
20:04and that is our video engineer, Jim Angiromi,
20:07and he is in the little room below the control room.
20:10Now, Jim maintains the qualities of the pictures
20:12that you receive at home,
20:13and he's a terribly important man
20:15because without him, the picture might look,
20:17well, like this.
20:21All sorts of horrible things could happen
20:22if he didn't know exactly what he's doing.
20:24Now, Frank, can you get one of the cameras backstage
20:27so we can get pictures of some of our stage hands
20:29in their natural habitat?
20:30Right, Gary. We're almost ready.
20:31Cass, you ready?
20:32Take two, please, Vern.
20:33All right, Cass.
20:34Pat, over to the pin rail, please.
20:36There we are, Cass.
20:37Now, that's Dick Gorta, our head carpenter,
20:39and John Alex standing at the pin rail,
20:42and they are in charge of all the scenery on the show.
20:44Now, those ropes that you see raise and lower
20:46all the curtains on stage
20:48and other pieces of suspended scenery.
20:50Now, Frank, will you give us the shot of the switchboard?
20:53There we go.
20:54And there is Johnny Brennan, our chief electrician,
20:57and Jay Brennan,
20:58and they are at the switchboard
20:59that controls all of the lights in our studio.
21:02Now, let's get a shot of our property man.
21:06There we go.
21:07There is Joe Mullen, our head property man.
21:09Joe, will you wave at the camera, please?
21:11There's Joe. He's in the white shirt,
21:13and next to him is Bernie Rodkin,
21:14and they take care of all of the movable props on the show,
21:17like this piano and the drums,
21:19which they're about to move into position.
21:21The gentleman wearing the earphones is Don Darcy,
21:24our stage manager,
21:25whose job it is to see the things run
21:27as smoothly as possible backstage,
21:29and here you see him at that job.
21:32And several times these changes during our show
21:35must be made in matters of split seconds,
21:38and so it really takes a high degree of skill.
21:41Now, before I go back on stage,
21:43I would like you to meet the three men behind the cameras
21:46who have been taking all of these pictures tonight.
21:48They are Hans Singer, Cass Gaylord, and Stan Gould.
21:51Frank, can I see the gentlemen?
21:53Take one.
21:54Ready, three.
21:55Take three.
21:56Ready, two.
21:57Take two.
21:58And there they are.
21:59Well, Frank and gentlemen, thank you for...
22:00I hate to leave. It's so cool in here.
22:02It's miserable out there.
22:03Forget the rest of the show. Let's stay.
22:05No, I've got to leave you,
22:06because I want you to meet two other gentlemen
22:08who are associated with our show.
22:19Now, this is Leon Mumford,
22:21who is the porter here at Studio 52.
22:23Leon, will you follow up on the stage with me, please?
22:26You know, there are five other television shows
22:28that originate from this particular studio.
22:31If you want to know what all the technicians and stagehands
22:33do in between shows and during rehearsal breaks,
22:36I'll tell you.
22:37They go off to a corner,
22:38and they listen to Leon Mumford play the piano,
22:41and many times the other gentleman in our shot here,
22:44Mike Fitzgerald, comes over and joins him.
22:47He's obviously of our electrical department,
22:49and he plays a very mean harmonica.
22:51And we have a ball sitting around
22:52listening to Leon and Fitz playing together.
22:55So, fellas, let's go on over,
22:57and they have been kind enough
23:00to invite me to join them on drums.
23:02Isn't that interesting?
23:12All right, and I'll make like Lawrence Welk now.
23:16And I'll give you the tempo.
23:19Fellas, I just broke the bass drum pedal.
23:21Well, I have to.
23:22Can somebody come fix it?
23:24Because I can't go boom if I don't.
23:26Oh, I got it.
23:27I got it.
23:29All right.
23:30So, here we go.
23:32And, sir, let's go like one and a two and a one, two, three.
23:46All right.
24:16All right.
24:46All right.
24:47All right.
24:48All right.
24:49All right.
24:50All right.
24:51All right.
24:52All right.
24:53All right.
24:54All right.
24:55All right.
24:56All right.
24:57All right.
24:58All right.
24:59All right.
25:00All right.
25:01All right.
25:02All right.
25:03All right.
25:04All right.
25:05All right.
25:06All right.
25:07All right.
25:08All right.
25:09All right.
25:10All right.
25:11All right.
25:12All right.
25:13All right.
25:14All right.
25:16Just like that.
25:17All right.
25:18All right.
25:19All right.
25:45Then, it's our celebrity-studded version of charades on Body Language.
25:49Stay tuned.
25:50Gentlemen, don't leave your places, because we'll be back with you very, very shortly.
25:56As I said earlier in the show, to those three youngsters out here, ten years is a lifetime.
26:00It doesn't seem to me like ten years since I've got a secret first started.
26:04I think we ought to check out and see who we are in the order of seniority as far as
26:08being panel members.
26:09Bill, weren't you first on the show?
26:12I wasn't on the original.
26:13I was on the third week.
26:14The third week, and you've been on ever since.
26:17Now, Henry, I think you came on next, right?
26:18Yeah, I guess about the third month, something like that.
26:22And then, it would be Betsy who would be- Well, I think, yes, and off and on, I was
26:25on for about seven years, and I think four years regularly.
26:28Four years as a regular, and Bess, you were on many times off and on, but you started
26:31as a regular- I'm the youngest.
26:32About what?
26:33I'm the youngest.
26:34You're the youngest.
26:35Younger than springtime.
26:36That's exactly it.
26:37Just about three years, I think.
26:39Three years.
26:40But she's learning, guys.
26:41But it's been marvelous, and I would like to take the extra minutes that we have to
26:46do something that I do before every show.
26:48Nothing would have been possible, of course, without our audience.
26:51We usually have a little question and answer period.
26:53Does anybody got any questions about anything you've seen tonight, anything at all I can
26:56answer for you?
26:57Raise your hand, I'll call on you, and don't be bashful just because it's on television.
27:02Anybody at all got any questions you want to ask?
27:05Chester Feldman, you have a question?
27:06I've got to get off in 30 minutes.
27:08I've got to get off in 30 seconds.
27:09I've got to get off in 30 minutes.
27:10I've got to get off in 30 seconds.
27:11I've got to get off in 30 minutes.
27:12That's different.
27:13All right.
27:14Thank you all very much.
27:15It is traditional, of course, to thank the members of the cast and the members of the
27:16backstage crew who have made a show possible.
27:17It's nice that we can say that these people have not only made our show possible, they
27:18have made it more than pleasant.
27:19And so, Norman Parrish, we'll throw it back to you and to Leon and to Fitz, and let's
27:20go and rock us off with the blues, huh?
27:21All right.
27:22All right.
27:23All right.
27:24All right.
27:25All right.
27:26All right.
27:27All right.
27:28All right.
27:29All right.
27:30All right.
27:31All right.
27:32All right.
27:33All right.
27:34All right.
27:35All right.
27:36All right.
27:37All right.
27:38All right.
27:39All right.
27:40All right.
27:41All right.
27:42All right.
27:43All right.
27:44All right.
27:45All right.
27:46All right.
27:47All right.
27:48All right.
27:49All right.
27:50All right.
27:51All right.
27:52All right.
27:53All right.
27:54All right.
27:55All right.
27:56All right.
27:57All right.
27:58All right.
27:59All right.
28:00All right.
28:01All right.
28:02All right.
28:03All right.
28:04All right.
28:05All right.
28:06All right.
28:07All right.
28:08All right.
28:09All right.
28:10All right.
28:11All right.
28:12All right.
28:13All right.
28:14All right.
28:15All right.
28:16All right.
28:17All right.
28:18All right.
28:19All right.
28:20All right.
28:21All right.
28:22All right.
28:23All right.
28:24All right.
28:25All right.
28:26All right.
28:27All right.
28:28All right.
28:29All right.
28:30All right.
28:31All right.
28:32All right.
28:33All right.
28:34All right.
28:35All right.
28:36All right.
28:37All right.
28:38All right.
28:39All right.
28:40All right.
28:41All right.
28:42All right.
28:43All right.
28:44All right.
28:45All right.
28:46All right.
28:47All right.
28:48All right.
28:49All right.
28:50All right.
28:51All right.
28:52All right.
28:53All right.
28:54All right.
28:55All right.
28:56All right.
28:57All right.
28:58All right.
28:59All right.
29:00All right.
29:01All right.
29:02All right.
29:03All right.
29:04All right.
29:05All right.
29:06All right.
29:09I've Got a Secret has
29:10been brought to you tonight by
29:18The new Polaroid automatic
29:20camera for finished pictures
29:22in ten seconds.
29:24The preceding program
29:25was pre-recorded.
29:26This is John Cannonsradio.