• last year


00:00As is well known, clashes between brothers are settled by slapping.
00:06That's why I apologize to you and Rafael.
00:11Julio has apologized and behaved like a man while you kept silent.
00:16So you found out about him.
00:17Why else?
00:18If it had been for you, I would never have known.
00:20From today you are in charge of Valle Salvaje again.
00:23With the power to make as many necessary decisions as you want without being questioned.
00:30Could you explain to me what has led you to put all the responsibility in my hands?
00:33I confess that the suggestions of another person have helped me make the decision.
00:37Your wife, Gaspar. Your wife.
00:40Vale is her weight in gold, so you can take good care of her.
00:43But I promise that from now on I will change.
00:47I will be the man you want me to be.
00:49Ask me with your hand in your heart to forget her and I swear to God that I will.
01:05I am your aunt. I am your mother's sister.
01:09Imagine the storm that would break loose.
01:11We will catch her together.
01:14Let them go for a walk.
01:16Let them go for a walk.
01:19Let them go for a walk.
01:28Accept it once it's over or I'll have to tell you everything, Bernardo.
01:32Mercedes, for God's sake.
01:34The choice is in your hands, Bernardo.
01:38If you want to know, you just have to keep talking.
01:40This blow doesn't look good.
01:43He hasn't been cured, has he?
01:50Right now you're going to tell me who you're hiding behind your back and why you're hiding.
01:56I was playing.
02:00What happened?
02:02But I don't understand how you can harm children or hide them.
02:05What's wrong with Luisa?
02:07Nothing, Adriana. Really.
02:10I wanted to apologize for what happened with Pedrito and for how I spoke to you.
02:15Don't worry, it wasn't that bad.
02:17When my illness is over, Pilara will do it.
02:23And that day, my family will need someone to support this house.
02:29Bárbara and Adriana lost their father shortly before coming to Valle Salvaje.
02:34What was he killed for?
02:38I think Mrs. Pilara knows something.
02:41What if she asks me again?
02:44That won't happen.
02:45You have my word.
02:48But how can you come into my house like that?
02:50And how can you go around talking about my brother?
02:53What a curious reaction.
02:55Plus, saying, as she says, that behind my son's connection there is no personal interest.
03:01For now, I already know my husband's.
03:03And the reason is to be in such a hurry.
03:05I need to know his, Victoria.
03:09But I'll find out before that wedding is held.
03:23Rafael didn't spend the night at home.
03:30Did you hear me?
03:33What do you want me to do?
03:34That he runs after him and brings him by the ears as if he were a kid?
03:38Our son is already an adult man.
03:42Besides, it's not like it's the first time.
03:44At least you could show a little concern.
03:49I know you.
03:50And even if I wasn't present at the conversation, I would put my hand on the fire because you were too hard on him.
03:55I gave him the treatment he deserved.
03:57Haven't you seen how he has left the face of his own brother?
04:00And the world falls apart every time I imagine them reaching out to solve their differences.
04:04But you have to admit that Rafael ...
04:07Are you going to justify it?
04:09What he did was wrong.
04:12But it is also true that the treatment you give him is far from what Julio receives.
04:19Rafael needs more consideration on your part.
04:24Since he got here, he's been leaving his soul for these lands.
04:27It's his obligation. It's what we all do.
04:29But he must also earn your respect.
04:33He's been trying to do it all his life.
04:36José Luis ...
04:39He didn't even protest when he had to go to war to stab a fly that didn't belong to him.
04:48I have work.
04:51It's for the wedding.
04:54Everyone is waiting for the great speech of the Duke.
04:58I don't understand how things are.
05:00How can you have the temerity to write a few words?
05:03Do you expect them to write alone?
05:05You already know what I expect, José Luis.
05:07Pilara, please.
05:09This wedding, in these circumstances, makes no sense.
05:15But ...
05:16Why do you insist on tightening the rope so much?
05:19Because I have too many reasons.
05:22And it hurts me to see you so blind.
05:26That girl is not ready to get married. Not even Julio is.
05:30It was the nerves of the link that led him to fight with his brother.
05:34I had never seen him like that. Never.
05:37All this is nonsense.
05:39We have committed ourselves to the whole world.
05:41There is no going back.
05:42Well, we can find a way.
05:45Pilara, please.
05:47What's your problem?
05:51I don't like that girl.
05:54I've told you a thousand times, but you insist on not taking me into consideration.
05:58Adriana is not a woman for my son.
06:02And do you think the day will come when a woman deserves your approval?
06:10And now please leave me alone. I've already wasted a lot of time.
06:28I have a wound that does not heal over time
06:35For a betrayal that pierced my heart
06:40As if it were a fist
06:46That I have not forgotten
06:51I have not forgotten
06:54I have not forgotten
06:57Who locked me in this torment
07:04Of silence and lies
07:07Everything I knew is getting further away
07:14I live dreaming
07:17With what fate decided to deny us
07:22Condemned to the taste of bitterness
07:26Dancing with madness
07:28Imagining that it is you
07:33I live dreaming
07:35Eternally waiting
07:37That in this wild valley
07:40Your light illuminates me
07:43That in this wild valley
07:47Your light illuminates me
07:52I love you
07:58I hope the arrangements of the priest for the wedding arrive in time.
08:01It wouldn't be a tragedy either. You have a bow full of beautiful dresses.
08:05Let's see, it's not full.
08:07I remind you that you have much more clothes than your older brother.
08:10But each garment serves for an occasion.
08:12In addition, you will wear the mother's dress.
08:14You will be very beautiful and we must all be up to the task.
08:17Who has seen you and who sees you?
08:19I don't know if in the end you will take the taste of the wild valley.
08:22I have another option.
08:23Good morning, ladies.
08:27I see that I am not the only one who has gone out to take advantage of the morning.
08:30Who can stay locked up when a day like this dawns?
08:34I'm glad you enjoy the valley.
08:37How is Pedrito evolving?
08:39Better, much better.
08:42Good news then.
08:43Yes, it is a relief to see how every day is more vital.
08:47In fact, we have just picked up some berries and fruits for him.
08:50If you saw him, his mouth would be watering.
08:53And it is not for less. You have chosen well.
08:55Do you want?
08:56No, thank you. You are very kind.
08:58I wouldn't want to deprive Pedrito of these delicacies.
09:01Excuse me.
09:02Excuse me, Mr. Alejo. Do you know where your brother Rafael is?
09:05Pedrito wants to thank you for everything you have done for him and I can't find him around here.
09:09I'm sorry, I can't help you.
09:12Rafael left yesterday. I think he didn't spend the night at home.
09:16Has something serious happened?
09:18As serious as you want to consider.
09:20A family fight.
09:22Rafael argued with my sister and my father about the government of these lands.
09:25I guess.
09:26I've never been interested in those disputes.
09:29And do you think he will spend a lot of time outside?
09:33You never know with Rafael.
09:35You don't seem very worried.
09:37Because he would be of little use. He will be in the Cuba del Brujo.
09:40Rafael always takes refuge there, especially if he has problems with my father.
09:43It's better to go look for him.
09:45Rafael is one of those people who prefers to heal himself.
09:48Well, few things heal more than a good company.
09:51Without a doubt.
09:52When melancholy reaches me, I take refuge in literature.
09:55Books have the power to take us to another place.
09:58Just by going through a couple of pages, I'm far from here.
10:04It's time for me to continue on my way.
10:06I don't want Pedrito to get mad at me for entertaining them.
10:09Pedrito will be delighted to know that you have been worried about him.
10:30Good morning.
10:32Sorry, I didn't hear you coming.
10:33You don't have to get up, woman.
10:35That way we can talk more calmly.
10:43Is everything okay?
10:44Yes, ma'am.
10:46You know that you can be honest with me.
10:49You must be honest.
10:51What's going on?
10:53I can't get my head out of what Mrs. Pilara said the other day.
10:57Are you still with that? I asked you not to give it importance.
11:00I would like to, but my head is like a mill.
11:03Stop complaining.
11:05She may suspect what she considers, but she has to prove it.
11:09And if she does?
11:11And if she tells Mr. José Luis everything?
11:14We'd end up in jail.
11:17Pilara is a smart woman.
11:19She knows what's at stake.
11:21If she speaks up, everything her family has built
11:25would be blown up.
11:27Not to mention that she would look like a lunatic in front of her husband.
11:31I don't understand how you can be so calm.
11:35There are so many things you don't understand, dear.
11:38That's why you have to trust me
11:40and stop giving Pablo your fears.
11:43And now for the important part.
11:46How are things with Luisa?
11:48She's got me in a bind.
11:51Besides being well equipped with the chores of the house,
11:54she's charming.
11:56Spontaneous when it comes to laughing
11:59and sweet when you need a gesture of affection.
12:03A gift of virtues.
12:05I hate her.
12:07Besides, she's getting along better with Pedrito.
12:10That's not true.
12:12And also with her sisters.
12:14That's normal.
12:15And she'll end up getting along with all of Valle Salvaje if you don't put a limit on her.
12:18It's not that easy.
12:19Are you really going to sit and cry while I keep eating you up?
12:22If that relationship keeps growing,
12:24I'm sure it will end up harming us.
12:27Why did you hire her then?
12:29Because it's better for us to control her.
12:32Besides, I remind you that I just fired a maid
12:35and this substitute comes on behalf of Rafael.
12:37No one in their right mind would reject a job that's not even a gift.
12:42Instead of thinking about it so much,
12:45get down to work.
12:51Get back control.
12:54Never forget that Luisa is the maid of this house.
12:57And as I told you, she's at everyone's service.
13:08This is the list of commitments for the wedding.
13:11I've reviewed it several times, but I'd like you to do the same.
13:15It would be a huge mistake if we forgot someone important.
13:26Do you need any guests?
13:30Everything's in order.
13:32I'm convinced that most people will be delighted.
13:36It's a very significant day for you and for the Galvez de Aguirre.
13:40We're very lucky to have the love and respect of so many people.
13:47That's why I'm worried that someone
13:50could get the wrong impression.
13:54What do you mean?
13:57The absence of your brother Rafael could stir up a lot of talk.
14:02And in this house we're not friends of rumors.
14:05If the river sounds, it's far from Valle Salvaje.
14:10I'll do everything I can to get Rafael back.
14:14Very good, son.
14:16That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
14:21if I do everything I can, it doesn't mean I can get him back.
14:27Don't look at me like that. You know how Rafael is.
14:30I also know how you are.
14:32And I trust that you can fix it.
14:39Mr. José Luis, Mr. Julio.
14:41Could you come in? I'll just steal a few minutes.
14:43Go ahead.
14:47Is there a problem?
14:50No, it's about my new job.
14:52Do you regret it now?
14:54No, on the contrary. I'm very grateful for this opportunity.
14:57I wanted to tell you personally.
14:59The best way to show gratitude is with work.
15:02Yes, sir. Work and more work. I'll take care of it.
15:05Bravo. That's exactly the attitude that a good boss should have.
15:09I'm sorry if at some point I haven't been up to your expectations.
15:13But I assure you that I've always done my best.
15:15And as you can see, every effort pays off.
15:18My only goal is to devote myself and soul to the care of these lands.
15:21I swear I'll do it as if it were mine.
15:23Very well, then let's cut to the chase and get down to work.
15:34Don't worry. You've made the right decision.
15:39Now it's over Rafael.
15:41But you've already seen how he's going to respond to you.
15:44With work, work and more work.
15:47What else can you ask for?
16:13Can I help you?
16:17Mrs. Pilara.
16:19I'm sorry if I scared you.
16:21I heard something and...
16:23Well, I didn't imagine I was going to meet you.
16:27I came to look for a book for Pedrito.
16:30Alejo invited me to use the library when he needed it.
16:33And as you can see, I've taken the liberty of coming.
16:36Well done.
16:40I guess it would have been a shame to meet me instead of him.
16:46Alejo is a great lover of letters, there's no doubt about that.
16:49But I'm sure you could also make me a great recommendation.
16:54You don't have to pretend with me.
16:57I know perfectly well that for a young man like you,
17:00Wild Valley doesn't have many distractions.
17:03And a handsome young man your age...
17:07It's normal for him to arouse your interest.
17:10I'm not interested, just like your son is in the books.
17:14In the books.
17:40The Galatea.
17:44By Miguel de Cervantes.
17:46I don't know if it will be to Pedrito's liking,
17:49because young people always want stories about knighthood and adventures.
17:53But I have the intuition that it will be to his liking.
17:57And to what do I owe that heart?
17:59To love.
18:04You don't deserve it.
18:07I think it's time for me to go back to my sister.
18:09Wait, wait.
18:11We've barely had a chance to talk.
18:14I'd like to know how you're doing in the little house.
18:18I often think about how difficult it must have been to leave your home.
18:22It was all very fast.
18:26But at least you were lucky that your aunt welcomed you with open arms.
18:32And without barely knowing each other.
18:35Don't tell me.
18:36I don't know why I thought that Victoria and her father had a very good relationship.
18:41And it may be so.
18:43Although the truth is that I have rarely seen my aunt Victoria in the Villa de Madrid.
18:47At least since I have reason.
18:50Surely the distance and the obligations of each one prevented them from having more relationship.
18:55Yes, life is capricious.
18:58The good thing is that, in the midst of misfortune,
19:01now they have a place to move forward.
19:05I won't keep you any longer.
19:07Oh, and as my son said very well,
19:10you can come back whenever you need it.
19:23Both are appropriate for a wedding, that's not the problem.
19:26The point is that these are more elegant and refined,
19:30but more classic.
19:32While the others are more of the taste of current fashion.
19:36But less of my mother's.
19:38Both are beautiful.
19:41Aunt, I would like a little more help on their part.
19:45What do you want me to tell you?
19:47Any choice in this case would be a success.
19:50Besides, at your age, any ornament is in the background.
19:54That help is not enough.
19:58You will make the decision as soon as you see them next to the dress.
20:01I'm sure of it.
20:07You're right.
20:09It would be best to wait to see them together.
20:12Thank you very much.
20:25I could barely breathe.
20:27Don't worry.
20:29The only thing he cared about was the pendants.
20:31Even if you had sneezed, he wouldn't have noticed.
20:36I hate having to hide.
20:40It's the only way to keep seeing them.
20:43If someone finds out ...
20:47Stay away.
20:49Don't let those desires of yours blind you from living it all.
20:54Our relationship is a sin.
20:59No, no.
21:00It's impossible that what I feel,
21:02that something so beautiful,
21:04is a sin.
21:07How can it be if it makes me so happy?
21:09No one can understand you better than me.
21:12But we must be prudent, Alejo.
21:15A scandal of this magnitude would condemn us.
21:19Aren't we already condemned?
21:21Trapped in a wild valley.
21:26At least we can be together.
21:31We could also be as far away from here.
21:34In a place where no one would know us.
21:39Walking on my arm in the village.
21:41With one of those respectable couples.
21:45I don't know if my imagination can fly so high.
21:49When we're together, yes.
21:52I would write comedies.
21:53What I've always wanted.
21:55With my money, we'd both live.
21:57At first, it would be hard.
21:59But with time, when I get a name,
22:02I could buy a house.
22:04A home where I could leave the stupid moral judgments at the door.
22:12It would be wonderful.
22:15Besides, I know that if I left here,
22:17surely no one would notice my absence.
22:20Let's go.
22:24Didn't you hear what I just told you?
22:27It's crazy.
22:29I don't care.
22:30I'm crazy.
22:31And so are you.
22:36I'd rather go crazy
22:38than have to live here, locked up.
22:42we have something in common.
22:44If I left,
22:46many would notice the difference.
22:50Your brother will get married in a few days, Alejo.
22:54Let's wait for the wedding.
22:56We'll leave later.
22:59Not to come back?
23:03I don't want to have to count your kisses again.
23:06I want it all with you.
23:09All of it.
23:15You've made me feel these days more than in a lifetime.
23:19Let's go.
23:20Let's live.
23:31You won't regret it.
24:05How are you?
24:16I want to apologize.
24:21I've been bad to you.
24:23I was harsh and rude.
24:26But you know I'm not like that, right?
24:31You know I love you.
24:39And that light smile.
24:42Did a mouse steal it?
24:44No, because mice smile like that.
24:48What do you think?
24:50Very fine.
24:53You look excited about the wedding.
24:56The event deserves it.
24:58I've known you since before you knew what a shoe is for.
25:02if you're so excited about that wedding,
25:05it's because there's something else.
25:08Guest dancers?
25:09And an artist from Valle Salvaje,
25:11who's got you on fire.
25:12I don't know what you're talking about.
25:14What artist?
25:15Don't listen to Pedrito.
25:17Sooner or later, he'll give me the reason.
25:19Do you know where Adriana is?
25:21She left after lunch to go for a walk.
25:23Hasn't she come back yet?
25:25I haven't seen her.
25:26Very good.
25:28Instead of worrying about her wedding,
25:30she goes for a walk in the countryside.
25:32She'll do it to find some calm.
25:34Let's see if she's lucky,
25:35and if she finds a bit of hope,
25:37which would be good for her.
26:17That basket is too heavy.
26:18Let me help you.
26:19Not at all, miss.
26:21You think I'm going to lose my gums
26:23for four water bottles and a carton?
26:25I should have seen myself
26:26throwing the bags of firewood in the forest to my house.
26:29You're good at your job.
26:30What are you doing?
26:31From the tent to the ironing board,
26:32as you were told.
26:33Oh, no.
26:34From the tent to the chair.
26:36Don't look at me like that.
26:37I can only do you good when I rest for a while.
26:40You and the creature.
26:41And can you play golf?
26:43You and the creature.
26:44And can you play golf with me?
26:47Luisa has to carry on with her work.
26:50But she promised me she was going to play with me.
26:53Why did you promise me?
26:55It's just that I get spasms.
26:58Well, don't talk to her anymore.
27:00Those four water bottles can wait.
27:02I'll help you.
27:03I'll be back in a flash,
27:05but that snack has to be finished,
27:07or there's no deal.
27:08I'm almost done.
27:13I'll be back in a flash.
27:28Luisa is the maid.
27:30And I love playing with her.
27:32Let's play hide-and-seek.
27:34I don't know if that's a good idea.
27:36I promise I won't run.
27:38And I'll be careful.
27:41Don't put me in dangerous hide-and-seek.
27:43Please, over there.
27:46Very good.
27:48But if you get tired...
27:49I'll go home.
27:50That's it.
27:51You have my word.
27:53If you want, I can play with you.
27:56Where is this kid?
27:59Where are you?
28:02Don't you see my eye?
28:11seven, eight, nine, ten.
28:15Get the girl out of the mess.
28:18If she doesn't want to go out,
28:19what do I do?
28:20What do I do?
28:21With the head of a pan.
28:23Be careful.
28:24The kid is going to be in my arms.
28:35Good afternoon, mother.
28:38You know how much I'm upset
28:41by your habit of coming in without knocking.
28:44You're right.
28:45I'm sorry.
28:48And that good-for-nothing?
28:50It looks like the first day as head of a pan
28:53has made your mood worse.
28:55I'm exhausted, but I have no complaints.
28:57I feel like I can finally show my worth.
29:00God be with you.
29:01At least for now, we can be happy.
29:04What do you want?
29:08Are you going to tell me what's wrong?
29:14I just want what's best for you.
29:18Believe it or not,
29:19I know how much you've pursued this promotion.
29:22And for nothing in the world,
29:24I'd like you to give it all up.
29:27I see.
29:29You think I'll get over it soon, don't you?
29:32That I won't be able to take the reins.
29:35It doesn't matter what I think.
29:37What matters is what you show with your work.
29:40Mother, we know each other.
29:43It's your sense of responsibility that worries me.
29:47That you can face all the conflicts
29:50that await you as a manager.
29:52I've been at this for years.
29:54I'm not a kid.
29:55I'm prepared.
29:58Enough for this farm to end up depending on you?
30:01Of course.
30:05Now that you're above Rafael,
30:07you must keep your position.
30:10The trust of the Galvez and Aguirre
30:12is won with a lot of sweat and is lost in a sigh.
30:16A bad decision
30:19or looking for the company of the wrong person
30:23should keep you away from any unnecessary distraction.
30:27Do you know what I mean?
30:36And now?
30:40Don't you dare lie to me.
30:45If you want to play with fire,
30:47take that handkerchief and burn it.
30:49But until then,
30:50the flame has just been lit.
30:52Do you understand?
30:54Do you understand?
31:10A fantastic afternoon for reading.
31:13And what afternoon is it not?
31:15May I?
31:16Of course.
31:22Are you reading the Galatea?
31:24At your mother's recommendation.
31:27I decided to accept her offer
31:29and this morning I was at the library of your house.
31:32I was hoping to find you,
31:35but Mrs. Pilar arrived and I was able to enjoy your company.
31:39A pleasant meeting.
31:40Your mother is adorable.
31:43And she recommended this copy to me.
31:46As a criterion.
31:49She said it would be to my liking,
31:51because it is about love.
31:54But I haven't had time to read a single word yet.
31:58When I start, you won't be able to stop.
32:00The Galatea is a pastoral novel
32:02by Don Miguel de Cervantes Adero.
32:06Who knows?
32:07Maybe one day you will become the next genius of letters.
32:14Just a real fool
32:16would dare to compare himself to a virtuoso of the pen like her.
32:19You can rest assured that boldness has come out of my mouth
32:22and I could repeat it as many times as necessary.
32:25I'm sure you will become what the world of letters proposes.
32:31You are very kind.
32:33Especially considering that you have never read any of my pieces.
32:39Let's make do.
32:40I'm looking forward to it.
32:44Soon I will give you a small work.
32:47A small work.
32:49I wrote it a long time ago.
32:50What do you think?
32:51It would be wonderful.
32:54At least you will be able to give your opinion.
32:58I doubt that I will change my opinion.
33:02Of course,
33:04if you give me your prose,
33:07I will have to be up to it.
33:12I will dance with you whenever I want.
33:14What do you think?
33:22It seems that between the talk and the reading we spend the afternoon, don't you think?
33:28Do you have other matters to attend to?
33:30Matters, matters of all kinds.
33:33I wish I could dedicate all my time to literature.
33:38In the world, obligations should not exist.
33:41Of course.
33:43In the meantime, let's keep dreaming.
33:47We will have many other occasions to see each other.
33:50Of course.
33:52Excuse me.
34:29Walking around here is dangerous.
34:34What are you doing here?
34:35Didn't you learn anything about what happened to Pedrito?
34:39Good afternoon.
34:41What a welcome. I'm glad to see you too.
34:45I'm sorry, but I don't like that she came.
34:47She is in danger of walking alone through these lands.
34:50She should be a little more responsible.
34:53You speak to me of responsibility.
34:55I don't think I'm the most suitable to teach anyone.
34:58I have seen them and wished to reach this lost place at the hand of God.
35:02No one has asked you.
35:04And I need it.
35:05I need it.
35:06I'm the one who wanted to ask you face to face what the hell you've been hiding.
35:10I'm not hiding from anyone.
35:13I'm just where I need to be.
35:15Far from everything and everyone.
35:16That's right.
35:17And if they find it appropriate, the problem is yours.
35:21What have you come for?
35:22For you to treat me with such little consideration, I can assure you not.
35:26If I'm here, it's to look for you.
35:28That simple.
35:29The same thing you've been doing since I arrived in Bellasalvaje.
35:32The only difference is that I've never asked you for explanations of why you did it.
35:36You don't know where you're going.
35:38I agree with that.
35:40I don't know.
35:42And seeing how he's behaving with me, I don't feel like doing anything.
35:49You know what?
35:51Everything he has of intrepid and awake he also has of proud and stubborn.
35:57If I know, I don't take a step to get here.
36:00Not one.
36:06If you come back alone, you could get lost.
36:09Don't touch me again.
36:20I see you're finally willing to apologize.
36:23It's better that the wait was worth it.
36:25It's worth it.
36:28Although I assure you that you're going to have to use yourself very thoroughly to forget your contempt.
36:35Wait, I need you to listen to me.
36:37We leave the words for when I can't touch you.
36:40Now I would like to see how the new capataz will fix them to correspond to my desire.
36:45Let me speak, please.
36:48Very well.
36:51Don't bother me, speak.
36:55Why did I bring you here for this?
36:58So what?
36:59Are you going to make me brush cows?
37:06All I want is to clarify our situation.
37:10I see that your new position has given you some formality.
37:13If what you need is to apologize to me in the most traditional way, I'll listen to you.
37:18When I talk about clarifying our situation,
37:21I don't mean our discussion.
37:24Caspar, you're starting to make me nervous.
37:33Irene, what exists between you and me is very special.
37:38But we have to put an end to it.
37:43We knew this day would come.
37:45Speak for yourself.
37:46We can't keep seeing each other in secret.
37:49Of course we can. Look, we can.
37:53But there are things you don't want.
37:55It's more difficult than all that.
37:57Why? What has changed?
37:59Nothing, nothing has changed.
38:01And that's the problem, that I'm still a married man.
38:04Something you've never cared about until today.
38:07That's not true. I've never endured this double life.
38:09How dare you?
38:13Please don't get upset.
38:17You leave me for a woman you don't love.
38:19A woman you've despised in front of me a thousand times.
38:23And you've forgotten when you told me how much it suffocates you to get home,
38:27how much you suffer when you share the bed, how much it makes you sick to touch it.
38:31You've forgotten.
38:39Tell me you've stopped loving me.
38:42Come on.
38:44With the desire you had to speak, and now you can't even say a word.
38:47Tell me you've stopped loving me.
38:53Don't make it harder for me.
39:20He won't get to the valley from there.
39:22Why don't you go back to your corner and leave me alone?
39:25Because you're right.
39:29I don't take refuge there to find peace, but to get away.
39:35Are you disappointed?
39:37I thought he was a man with arrests and values.
39:41No matter how much I fought with his father and his brother,
39:43I never imagined he would behave like a child.
39:46He judges me harshly and should be the first to get on my nerves.
39:49It's true that I've had problems in the big house, Adriana.
39:52But I don't get away from what happens there, I get away from you.
39:57I'm sorry, it's hard for me to understand.
40:00Why are you looking for me?
40:02Why are you looking for me when you know that our relationship is impossible?
40:05Very easy.
40:07Because I can't stop thinking about you.
40:08Because I can't stop thinking about you.
40:12If I had stayed at my house, instead of going to that dance,
40:16I would have arrived with my heart intact to Valle Salvaje.
40:20I would have fallen in love with Julio.
40:23And now I would live with a very calm conscience.
40:26But I have to carry all this pain.
40:29Don't do it.
40:32Put all your efforts in loving my brother.
40:35He is a good man and he will make you reasonably happy.
40:36Believe me, any woman in that situation would feel the luckiest in the world.
40:40I'm not just any woman.
40:42I know that!
40:44But I beg you, save some effort to give your body and soul to your marriage and save your family.
40:48It's the only way for neither of us to keep wasting time pretending to be an idiot.
40:54Damn the day I fell in love with someone like you.
40:58I wish I had never met you.
41:07I love you.
41:26Where are you?
41:37Where did he go this time?
41:40I think he's very attentive because this scoundrel is a master at finding hidden places where there aren't any.
41:45Let's see, behind that piece of furniture?
41:49He's not behind that piece of furniture.
41:55Let's see, I'm going to look behind the door.
41:57Not here either.
41:59I'm going to have to pray to Saint Judas so he'll give me a hand.
42:02But where were you?
42:04Ah, it's a secret.
42:06I've won again.
42:08No, don't tell me. I've lost count of all the fright I have in my body, thank you.
42:13Seven? I'm shaking like crazy because of you.
42:16It's your turn.
42:17The last one.
42:18I have a lot of work to do.
42:20The last one, okay?
42:22You count.
42:24And without looking.
42:25Yes, come on.
42:28Watch out, don't cheat.
42:44Seven, eight, nine, ten. I'm going.
42:49Where are you going?
42:53Did I hurt you?
42:56Sit here.
42:57Damn my print.
42:58Let me help you.
42:59Lean on me.
43:00Like this.
43:01You won't be able to.
43:02Very good.
43:04What happened?
43:05An accident, Pedrito.
43:06He turned around to look for you.
43:09He didn't see the shock absorber.
43:10He tripped and fell.
43:12I knew you were hiding so much.
43:16It's okay, Pedrito.
43:17It's okay.
43:20Shall we call Galeno?
43:21No, no, no. There's no need.
43:23Let's not go to anyone.
43:25In a little while, I'll be fine.
43:26It's okay.
43:33It's okay.
44:03It's okay.
44:33It's okay.
45:04I'm sorry, son.
45:06The last thing I want is to interrupt your work.
45:09Be careful.
45:10I'd like to take a break.
45:12You've been here a long time.
45:14What do you mean?
45:17How are you?
45:19There's less and less time for the big day
45:21and we haven't had time to talk about it.
45:25I'm fine.
45:27I'm fine.
45:29I'm fine.
45:31I'm fine.
45:33I'm fine.
45:36Are you sure?
45:38Yes, at least in terms of preparations and the ceremony.
45:43There's just one thing that worries me the most.
45:52He'll come back when he's at peace.
45:55It seems like a lie that you don't know your brother.
45:58I know, but...
45:59If he doesn't show up at the wedding,
46:01he'll make our last name come out.
46:05You've talked to your father.
46:08He's always so worried about what they'll say.
46:11Mother, don't start.
46:13If he put the same effort he puts into saving appearances...
46:23I knew it wouldn't take long for you to give me the sermon
46:26about the fight with Rafael.
46:28No, no.
46:30There have already been too many sermons in this house.
46:33I just want you to find a way to solve your differences.
46:38In this case, he's the one who marked them.
46:41The more I think about it,
46:42I can't figure out what's behind his attitude.
46:44I don't care who's more or less to blame.
46:47I've been a witness to your strife and weakness for many years.
46:51But above all, to how much you love each other.
46:55When you were kids,
46:57no one allowed anyone to speak ill of the other in their presence.
47:04It's very painful for a mother to see such a strong bond in danger.
47:13In the future, when he's gone...
47:16Mother, don't think about that.
47:18Listen to me.
47:19If one day I'm gone,
47:23I want you to know how to take care of each other as a family.
47:26Because there's nothing more important.
47:29I like to make myself sad.
47:32Julio, promise me you'll fight to keep your brothers together.
47:37Promise me you will.
47:50And now I'd like to ask you for something else.
47:53Whatever you need.
48:09I'd like to know how the accounts of the farm are.
48:12I'd like to know.
48:15With how well you live away from so many numbers and papers,
48:19why do you want to talk about something so boring?
48:21I know there are problems.
48:23And I have every right to know.
48:26Everything's fine, Mother.
48:27We've had some difficulties with some sick cattle,
48:30but it will be solved.
48:32You don't have to worry.
48:33Tell me the truth, Julio.
48:35You won't convince me with the half-truths you tell your father.
48:39If my suspicions are true,
48:42the truth will come to light.
48:44And for me, it would be a hard blow to have found out otherwise.
48:56The farm has been going through a bad time for a long time.
49:01We thought we could get back on our feet, but...
49:05we're much worse than Father thinks.
49:09What does much worse mean?
49:13We're on the brink of ruin.
49:36I'm afraid the sun will set.
49:43I wish I could stay at that point
49:46and give us a little more peace.
49:50Maybe if I wish for it strongly.
49:56Do you think you can control the others?
50:02Right now, I feel capable of everything.
50:13Let's go.
50:17We have to go back.
50:25The last thing I want are more problems.
50:29Neither of us should get into trouble.
50:36It's okay.
50:38It's okay.
50:41It'll be better.
51:07It's okay.
51:37It's okay.
52:07It's okay.
52:29I'll sell you the pipe.
52:31Thank you, but I don't think it's necessary.
52:33When it dries, I'll pick it up again.
52:36You have to deal with the body's ailments yourself.
52:40Come on.
52:41While you sell your ankle, I'll finish cooking.
52:48Do I have to stay here, hand in hand?
52:50No, Mrs. Saavedra.
52:53Stop arguing and listen to Pesare.
52:58No, no, no.
52:59The vegetables...
53:00Sit down.
53:02Come on.
53:04Come on.
53:11As good as you like, Mrs. Saavedra.
53:13A little ball with a beard.
53:19Are you sure it doesn't hurt?
53:22Let's see.
53:26We should have called Mr. Atanasio from the beginning.
53:30He always says the same thing.
53:32Listen to me.
53:33The falls are very treacherous.
53:35I'll be back in a moment.
53:57I made this for you.
54:05A bear.
54:09It's beautiful, Pedrito.
54:11Thank you very much.
54:14It's very pretty.
54:20Put it there.
54:23Does it hurt a lot?
54:25A little.
54:27But it hurts more if I see you sad,
54:29so change that face.
54:31It's just that it's hard for me.
54:33You stumbled because of me.
54:37What nonsense is that, Pedrito?
54:41Isabel always says that those games are dangerous.
54:45And she's right.
54:47I'm not going to play hide-and-seek again.
54:49What happens to you is that you're afraid of losing.
54:52But I always lose.
54:55But I always win.
54:57But you're looking at the wolf's ear because you're seeing that I'm very good.
55:00Okay, we'll play again.
55:02But slower.
55:10Look, what do you think?
55:16Do you want me to go get some bandages?
55:18No, you don't have to.
55:22What's wrong?
55:23You're bleeding.
55:31I'm going to ask for help.
55:47I don't want to marry Isabel.
55:49Isabel, all brides feel restless before their wedding.
55:55But little by little, things get in their place.
56:00Time heals everything.
56:02Gaspar is the new boss.
56:03The sooner you accept it, the better.
56:05I accept it.
56:07Another thing is that I think it's a good idea.
56:09Have you ever thought that maybe you're wrong?
56:11I wish.
56:12You have a lot of resentment in your heart, little brother.
56:15And that doesn't allow you to see things clearly.
56:19And what do you think I'm not seeing?
56:21What exactly happened?
56:25I tripped in the kitchen playing with Pedrito and...
56:29I told the boy 20 times that it wasn't a good idea to play like crazy.
56:34How's the baby?
56:36Tell me.
56:37Without warm clothes.
56:38That young woman is in bed and I doubt she'll wake up in a few days.
56:41And in this house we have to prepare a wedding.
56:44We're not going to kick out Luisa if that's what you mean.
56:46Who's in charge in this house?
56:50El Galeno.
56:54You're in charge, ma'am.
56:55You should be putting your efforts into maintaining the trust you've always had with the boy and his sisters.
57:00Stop being nobody's maid and take over the place that belongs to you in this house.
57:05Is that clear?
57:07So you think you can get up now and start helping us?
57:13How can we help you?
57:15You're nothing.
57:16I've come to see your niece.
57:18I've come to welcome our family officially, Miss Adriana.
57:22These jewels have belonged to my family for centuries.
57:28Julio has put Gaspar as the head of the farm.
57:31Above Rafael.
57:33He's an Aguirre's Galvez.
57:35He can't be at that man's service.
57:38Why not, Mother?
57:39Of course not.
57:45I'm not going to let them mistreat Rafael.
57:47He's also an Aguirre's Galvez.
57:50Then let him behave himself.
57:53Not here.
57:54He's gone mad.
58:00He's very patient with me.
58:04He's such a good boy.
58:06He talks so well.
58:07He is a good boy.
58:09Do you think he feels the same as you?
58:12I think so.
58:14But he's so shy, so tender, so respectful.
58:18As he should be.
58:20I feel like a daughter to him.
58:24So tell me, what's wrong?
58:27Maybe I can help you.
58:29It's about Mr. Antonio.
58:31Mr. Antonio?
58:33My father-in-law?
58:40He didn't die at the hands of a thief like everyone thinks.