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Kongsuni and Friends _ Best Cake Ever _ Kids Cartoon _ Toy Play _ Kids Movies _ Videos for Kids


00:00What's going on?
00:03So much suspense. You know, you are such a kid.
00:07Just have a seat and keep them closed.
00:10Kongsuni, all set?
00:11Ready, Dad.
00:12Three, two, one.
00:17Surprise, Mom. This yummy cake is for you.
00:21It's your special day. We love you.
00:25Mom blew out the candles.
00:28Huh? She's right. Make a wish.
00:31Oh, and make sure you keep it a secret.
00:41That was sweet. I honestly thought you'd all forgotten.
00:44It might have slipped my mind, but then Kongsuni reminded me.
00:49Oh, thank you, sweetie.
00:52Daddy, you didn't remember that other thing?
00:55Oh, right, right. Silly me. These are for you.
01:00Roses. My favorite. They're so beautiful.
01:06And look, there's this. I made it. It's a card.
01:10Aw. You wrote this all by yourself?
01:16Happy birthday, Mommy. I love you.
01:22Wow. It's a wonderful card.
01:25I'll treasure it forever.
01:29And these are coupons.
01:31I made them just for you whenever you need something.
01:34Kongsuni power to the rescue.
01:37Let's see. What are they?
01:42Coupon one. Super fresh orange juice from Super Kongsuni.
01:46Be very careful not to spill and never add salt.
01:50Coupon two. Pretty fresh flowers for Mommy when she needs cheering up.
01:55But only flowers we know we're okay to pick.
01:58Coupon three. One hour playtime with Chloe, but only careful and gentle games.
02:04Beautiful. Just look at it. I can't believe you did all this just for me.
02:12Oh, I'm sorry, my darling. I know that I've been a little impatient.
02:19Let me make it up. We can go do arts and crafts in my office.
02:23Yeah, okay. That sounds like fun. But are you sure that you aren't mad at me?
02:28Come here.
02:31No, Kongsuni. I'm the happiest mommy in the whole world.
02:38Aw. Really, I mean it. I'm so proud of you. You know that, right?
02:48Thank you for a great day. Every day I spend with you is a joy.
02:53But today I feel extra special.
02:57Good, because you are special, Mommy.
03:01Time for cake yet? I'm getting hungry.
03:05I suppose.
03:07Looks good. Where'd you get it? The new bakery in town?
03:11What? Who, me? I didn't get it. I thought you two baked it together.
03:17Uh, um, okay?
03:20Hang on. Kongsuni?
03:22Eh, enough talking. Let's get back to the cake. You're going to be surprised.
03:27Oh, all right.
03:33That's weird. It's really hard to cut. Honey, did you get the cake on display?
03:38Like I'd do that again. Here, let me try.
03:46Done it. And no one noticed it was pretend.
03:50Yep. Thanks to Sue. And the best family ever.
03:55Happy birthday, Mom.
04:01Dragon Slayer!
04:03Your Highness, I have defeated the dragon.
04:05I smelled its breath.
04:07Was it stinky?
04:08Super stinky.
04:10And that's how the Dragon Slayer saved the kingdom.
04:13Remember, brush your teeth, because nobody likes dragon breath.
04:23Know what, honey? You were a perfect tree.
04:27Right, Chloe? I don't think we've ever seen a better tree.
04:34But I didn't want to be a tree, Mom.
04:37I like princesses. They're pretty, and they're important.
04:42Every part's important, just in different ways.
04:45No, mine wasn't. Nobody really notices a boring old tree.
04:50Even a frog would have been way better.
04:52Mom, I really like playing pretend, and you said that I'm good at it.
04:57You're a very talented actor.
04:59So how come Teacher wouldn't let me play all the parts?
05:02I could have been a good horse, you know.
05:05There wasn't a horse, so I got stuck as a dumb tree.
05:08A nice tree.
05:09Mom, you're not listening to me. You don't get it.
05:13No? You want to show your talent, but so does everyone else, right?
05:18No, now.
05:19This isn't fair.
05:32Yay, found it!
05:43Oh, please! Yoko, Suri, what is up with all the noise?
05:48I am trying to take a nap.
05:58What's so funny? This is my princess dress.
06:02And it's pretty.
06:04But it's too small.
06:06You've grown way too tall for it.
06:13Icy London, icy France, icy someone's underpants.
06:23What a surprise.
06:26Kongsuni, it's a very beautiful dress.
06:29But you've grown. You'll need something a little bigger.
06:35I don't know. It feels alright.
06:43Off before it rips more.
06:48Aw, why so glum, Chum?
06:52My dress ripped. I wanted to wear something nice, but see?
06:56How am I supposed to be a real princess?
07:00I don't have a costume.
07:04Hey, we'll figure something out.
07:06Come on, whatcha think?
07:09It's too hard. I need a big gown, and a tiara, and some shoes.
07:15It's just way too many things.
07:19That's tough.
07:22Hang on a minute.
07:25Nah, that won't work.
07:28I've got a magic stick that'll do the trick.
07:31It's show time.
07:33Sayo, you're the best friend in the whole world.
07:39A fort's way too small. You need a castle.
07:46Of course. Can you picture it?
07:48I'll do it.
07:49I'll do it.
07:50I'll do it.
07:51I'll do it.
07:52I'll do it.
07:53I'll do it.
07:54I'll do it.
07:55I'll do it.
07:56I'll do it.
07:57I'll do it.
07:58I'll do it.
07:59I'll do it.
08:00I'll do it.
08:01I'll do it.
08:02Can you picture it?
08:03It's right there.
08:11Oh dear. Late again.
08:13This won't do.
08:14Princess Kogsuri?
08:16Where are you?
08:17What's taking you?
08:24I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Sayo.
08:28Princesses must always be on time.
08:30It's proper, you know.
08:31Slow and graceful steps.
08:33Okay, got it.
08:35No more running.
08:36No more skidding around corners.
08:39One step.
08:40Two steps.
08:41Glide with grace.
08:42Think you can remember that?
08:45I can give it my best try.
08:48All right, Kongsuni.
08:49Time to begin your lessons.
08:52The first step is to be graceful.
08:54It starts with balance and confidence.
08:56If you can keep those plastic plates from falling,
09:00you're one step closer to looking like royalty.
09:07Top marks, dear princess.
09:10Now to step things up a notch.
09:12Balance and confidence.
09:15And plastic.
09:21A princess must know everything about everything.
09:24Or at least a little something about something.
09:27History of dragons,
09:28unicorn behavior,
09:29and let's not forget fairy languages.
09:31We have much to do, my princess in training.
09:38Never fall asleep at the table.
09:40It's very bad manners.
09:47I have to read all of that?
09:50I mean, hang on.
09:52Isn't there some kind of easy way that won't take forever?
09:56There's no other way.
09:57Read a little bit at a time.
09:59Like you're counting grains of sand.
10:01It won't take you forever, I promise.
10:03Just a hundred years.
10:13Looks so delicious.
10:17Hold it right there!
10:18You must learn table manners.
10:21But I'm starving.
10:23If you want to be a princess,
10:25you have to learn to eat like one.
10:28You mean with my pinky up?
10:31Not even close.
10:34You'll get it.
10:35Takes lots of practice.
10:37So worth it.
10:39So yummy.
10:41Come on.
10:55Everybody knows how this works.
10:57It takes courage to kiss a frog.
11:00Wouldn't a gummy frog work?
11:02Not if you want to find true love.
11:06I've seen lots of frogs,
11:07and this one seems like a real prince in disguise.
11:13Do I really have to do it?
11:14I mean, really?
11:16Alright, I'll do it,
11:17but not because I have to.
11:27A princess never keeps a prince or a frog waiting.
11:35And I'm not gonna like it.
11:37And I'm not gonna do it again.
11:49I was right.
11:51Now it's time to learn one last thing.
11:54How to dance.
12:011, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
12:031, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
12:051 and step.
12:074 and swish.
12:091, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
12:13That's not bad.
12:15Once more.
12:16From the top.
12:17Being a princess is hard.
12:20Being a princess is hard.
12:22I don't think I can do it.
12:24You must.
12:25The royal ball is coming up.
12:27You want to make a good impression
12:29at the big crystal ball, don't you?
12:32Atta girl.
12:33Now back nice and straight.
12:37Big relaxed breath.
12:39And exhale.
12:42Into position.
12:431, 2, 3.
12:54I thought this would be more fun.
12:56I'm so tired.
12:59Hey, wait a sec.
13:01I never had a sleepover in a castle before.
13:05Maybe I'll get breakfast in bed.
13:07I hope so.
13:10I bet there will be waffles and whipped cream
13:12and strawberries a mile high.
13:14Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
13:17I wonder if she can dance.
13:45She looks fun.
13:46I wonder if she can dance.
13:48I mean, without stomping on my toes.
13:50Stomped toes are the worst.
14:04Your Highness, good afternoon.
14:06May I ask you to have the first dance with me?
14:10I mean, yes, of course you can.
14:16I can't believe that this is happening.
14:21You are a dream, a dream come true.
14:25I feel so special when I'm with you.
14:29We're meant to be forevermore, prince and princess happily.
14:38Lovely prince and princess, elegantly dancing.
14:42I hope this love story has a very happy ending.
14:45And now I see, the future's clear to me.
14:49It's not a dream, it's our new life.
14:53And we will be forever one.
14:57We're meant to be forevermore, prince and princess happily.
15:06Lovely prince and princess, elegantly dancing.
15:10In this love story, dreams come true.
15:19Your Highness, you are so very graceful.
15:22You glide like a swan.
15:24What an honor.
15:25May I ask your name, twinkly toes?
15:28You can call me Kongsuni.
15:30My name means that I'm smart.
15:32I can do anything, unless I just dreamed about that last part.
15:37Princess Kongsuni, my ring is a pledge to protect you.
15:44Your Highness, you have my word.
16:03Let's go! Hurry!
16:05No, I'll stay!
16:06Who cares if talking owls are dragon bait?
16:08Not me!
16:10Okay, yes, me!
16:17Kongsuni, I've got this.
16:19Promise, go on.
16:25Hey, what?
16:29Is it stuck?
16:30Let me try.
16:31Thanks, I guess fake swords can be tricky.
16:34And now, back to the dragon.
16:37This is for you, Kongsuni.
16:44Oh boy, you're clumsy.
16:48What you gonna do, right?
16:56Kongsuni, what's up?
16:59What's up?
17:00Didn't you hear me calling?
17:02What are you up to in here?
17:05Anyway, I've been thinking about how you need some new dresses.
17:09It's okay, I don't need fancy costumes.
17:12Cause sale, never mind.
17:14Gee, that's a shame.
17:15So you don't want to see what I got you then?
17:18Sure I do!
17:19What is it?
17:21It's gonna look perfect on you.
17:23Thanks, Mom!
17:24Thanks, Mom!
17:26You're welcome.
17:27Although you look perfect anyway.
17:36You can take it back.
17:37I don't need it.
17:41Cause I have an idea that's way more exciting.
17:44I can't keep up with you from one minute to the next.
17:48You have to guess, Mom.
17:50First hint, it's something way better than playing castle.
17:53Wait, you mean...
17:55Nope, no idea.
17:56Watch, I'll show you.
18:02Muscles like steel.
18:03Almost nothing can stop her.
18:05Introducing the one and only Super Kongsuni!
18:08Oh, you have special powers?
18:10I can knock down dragons, kapow!
18:13Oh, shh, shh.
18:16Don't tell anyone.
18:18You know what?
18:19I'm so strong, I can take down a dragon.
18:22You can?
18:25It's Super Kongsuni, coming to the rescue.
18:28Helping little baby sisters all over the planet.
18:31I'll save you!
18:34Hold on, I'll get her.
18:38Wow, Super Kongsuni sure has lots of energy.
18:42What are you doing?
18:43No standing on furniture.
18:45Not even if you're a superhero.
18:48But Mom, Super Me has super clean feet.
18:50I've got this totally under control, trust me.
18:53Alright, just promise that you'll only use your powers for good.
19:04Mommy, how come Daddy's still not home?
19:07Because a sick doggy needs his help.
19:11He'll come tuck you in when he's all done, okay?
19:14No, I want to stay up instead.
19:19You've already had a long day, right?
19:22You fought dragons, and you were a Super Girl.
19:25Aw, how come I never get to wait up for him?
19:29Aw, big girls need sleep.
19:32Super Girl sleep tight.
19:35Super Girl night-night.
19:47Mommy, how come Daddy's still not home?
19:51Because a sick puppy needs his help.
19:55He'll kiss you goodnight when he gets home later.
19:57No, I want to stay up instead.
20:02You've already had a long day, right?
20:05Trying on dresses.
20:06And having adventures.
20:08Aw, I wish there was a way I didn't have to go to bed.
20:12Aw, tomorrow's a new day.
20:15Super Girl sleep tight.
20:18Super Girl night-night.
20:28She's a superhero now, haven't you heard?
20:33Love you, sweetie.
20:36Be a good girl.
20:40Thanks, hon. It's going to be super busy at the clinic.
20:43Wish I could help more.
20:45Go, dog doctor. Hope it's a good day.
20:48Thanks. I'll do my best.
21:10Mom, I'm up!
21:12Morning, sleepyhead. Hope you're hungry.
21:14I'm starving.
21:18You ready? Come and eat, sweetie.
21:23Mommy, is Daddy in the shower?
21:25No, he left already. The clinic's so busy he had to go to work early.
21:31No fair! I wanted to play a game with him.
21:35Daddy shouldn't work, ever!
21:37If he didn't work, then who would save the pets?
21:40They depend on him, but you're still his special girl.
21:44Ha! Ha! Ha! Dad likes the sick animals more than he likes me!
21:49Of course that's not true.
21:52Come on, let's eat up. Then we can go to the park.
21:56Round and round, all over town. Nobody's faster when my bike is around.
22:01Round, round, all over town. Nobody's faster when my bike is around.
22:07Yes, hello?
22:09Hi, how are you?
22:11No way, seriously?
22:13Good one.
22:15Not bad. Busy with the kids, you know.
22:24It's so sparkly!
22:27Is that new? Didn't you have a different bike before?
22:31What? No, my Daddy just fixed the old one up. I like your bike, too.
22:37It looks kind of dirty, though. Did you ride it in the mud?
22:42Oh yeah, you and your Dad went biking through the forest. That's why it's dirty.
22:48Hmm, you're right. You know, my Dad's really busy saving puppies lately.
22:53They love him, but we'll go again soon. Maybe you can come next time.
22:57Okay, that sounds like fun. Gotta go. See you later.
23:21Coming through!
23:23Look at me! A rocket!
23:28Your training wheels are off?
23:30But... you... how did you...
23:32It's easy. My Dad taught me. Vroom vroom! Get your Dad to show you!
23:38Oh, dear puppies. Can I please have my Dad back?
23:43Look at me!
23:45Watch out! Coming through!
23:51Your bike's fast! Hey, you think? Could you teach me how to ride a bike like that?
23:56Sorry, I can't. I've got to go play with my neighbor. See you later.
24:02Everyone's too busy to play with me today. I'm so bored.
24:14Oh, that's perfect. Ten o'clock works just fine. Okay.
24:22So, Chloe, looks like someone's got a playdate this morning.
24:27She does? Who is it, Mom?
24:30Oh, one of my work friends has a baby the same age.
24:35What about me? I don't want to stay home. I want to have a playdate too.
24:40Good, cause... you and Dad are going to hang out.
24:44Huh? We are? Just us? Today?
24:48He took the day off. But he's sleeping, so not till he wakes up.
24:52Aw, really? But Mom, I'm bored!
24:56Why not play a game? Something fun, just until Daddy wakes up.
25:00Play a game?
25:02Ooh, I already thought of the perfect game. It's called Wake the Dragon.
25:06Yay! Thanks, Mommy!
25:13Oh boy, oh boy. It's still warm.
25:21She's louder than a fire alarm.
25:31Dragon, wake up!
25:34It's time! Come on!
25:37This won't work. Hold on a minute.
25:43I know a way that will make him wake up.
25:45Fire drill! Fire drill! Fire drill!
25:49Huh? Where? Who?
25:51What? Am I on fire? Where's the fire?
25:54Where's Dad? Kongsuni! Stop dropping rocks!
25:58Chloe! Honey? Where is everyone?
26:03Honey, we have an emergency here. Don't just stand there. Do something!
26:07You must have been dreaming. Eating pickles before bedtime?
26:10Me? Of course not. So you mean there's no reason to panic?
26:15I tricked you, Dad. Surprise!
26:18Tricked me? Why would you do that, Kongsuni?
26:21I got bored waiting for you to wake up.
26:24Oh. You know what? Nothing's boring if you use your imagination.
26:30Oh, yeah. True, you know. That's how I have fun when I'm not with you.
26:36Playing pretend and while I take a lot of naps.
26:39And speaking of...
26:42I'm going to head out now. Honey, check the table. I've made something special for you.
26:46Plus, I packed you a nice lunch to take to the playground later.
26:50Kongsuni, have fun with Daddy. Don't forget to wash your hands after playing outside.
27:03Come on! What's taking you so long? I want to go outside and play!
27:09Almost done. Just one more.
27:12I just thought of something we could play together.
27:16Let's hear it.
27:17Okay. You're a big whale eating fishies.
27:24Great idea.
27:25Another one! Another one!
27:27Ew, gross, Dad. You dropped it.
27:31Good. The game is on.
27:35Okay. One more and then we can go.
27:42Dad, come on!
27:44Man, I'm so full.
27:49Hey, Dad. Need some help squishing down that food?
27:52This is so boring. Don't you want to go?
27:55Oh, yeah. Sure. Just give me a second.
27:57It's the very last inning.
28:02No way!
28:06We won!
28:08You okay?
28:13Daddy, he always tells me he has no time to play.
28:20Seems like I'm always waiting just to spend some time with him.
28:27Does he know what it means to me when we play together?
28:34We could do anything he wants.
28:38We could do anything he wants if he'd find the time.
28:45It would mean so much to me if we could play all day.
28:52Pretty please, dear Daddy, I have a few ideas for us.
28:59We could go play catch in the park or spin on the merry-go-round.
29:06We could go out walk together. We can ride our bikes.
29:12Daddy, can you please stop and play with me?
29:28Daddy, how come you like baseball more than me?
29:31That isn't true. Of course I don't. You're my everything, Kongsuni.
29:36Well, then, how come we're not playing?
29:39We're about to. What's up first? A bike ride?
29:50Yeah, that's the way. Just don't stop pedaling.
29:54Help, it's too hard. I'm scared. If you let go of me, I know I'm going to fall.
29:59Keep at it. You're the strongest girl I know.
30:14Daddy, I didn't break you, did I?
30:17No, dear, not quite. How are you? Nothing hurt?
30:21Nope, just a little wobbly.
30:25Man, what a spill. All right, ready to go again? Just a sec.
30:32Hello? Oh, details? Yeah, sure. Tomorrow.
30:37Daddy, work again?
30:40I'm with my daughter. Let me call you back in five minutes.
30:45Kongsuni, Daddy has to make a call. You keep practicing. I'll have my eye on you the whole time. I'm right there.
30:55Dad, I can't.
30:58Believe in yourself.
31:03I know you can do this. I'm just a step away.
31:07Yeah, okay.
31:11Come on. Who's the bravest girl in the world?
31:15If anyone can learn how to do this, it's you, little dragon slayer.
31:20You're tough. Show that Baiku's boss. I'll be back in two minutes, I promise.
31:28Okay, Kongsuni, you can do anything you want to. Be brave.
