Kongsuni and Friends - Let's Imagine - Kids Cartoon - Toy Play - Kids Movies - Kids Video
00:00Watch out! Coming through!
00:06Your bike's fast!
00:07Hey, you think? Could you teach me how to ride a bike like that?
00:11Sorry, I can't. I've got to go play with my neighbor. See you later!
00:17Everyone's too busy to play with me today. I'm so bored.
00:30Oh, that's perfect. Ten o'clock works just fine. Okay!
00:38So, Chloe, looks like someone's got a playdate this morning.
00:42She does? Who is it, Mom?
00:45Oh, one of my work friends has a baby the same age.
00:51What about me? I don't want to stay home. I want to have a playdate too.
00:56Good, because you and Dad are going to hang out.
01:00We are? Just us? Today?
01:03He took the day off. But he's sleeping, so not till he wakes up.
01:08Aw, really? But Mom, I'm bored!
01:11Why not play a game? Something fun, just until Daddy wakes up.
01:16Play a game? Ooh, I already thought of the perfect game. It's called Wake the Dragon. Yay!
01:22Thanks, Mommy! Ha-ha!
01:29Oh boy, oh boy. Still warm.
01:36She's louder than a fire alarm.
01:47Dragon, wake up!
01:49It's time! Come on!
01:52This won't work.
01:54Hold on a minute.
01:58I know a way that will make him wake up.
02:01Fire drill! Fire drill! Fire drill!
02:04Huh? Where? Who?
02:07Oh dear, oh dear. Where's the fire?
02:09Honey, where am I?
02:11Stop dropping rope! Stop dropping rope!
02:13Chloe! Honey? Where is everyone?
02:18Honey, we have an emergency here! Don't just stand there, do something!
02:23You must have been dreaming. Eating pickles before bedtime?
02:26Me? Of course not. So you mean there's no reason to panic?
02:31I tricked you, Dad! Surprise!
02:34Tricked me? Why would you do that, Kongsuni?
02:36I got bored waiting for you to wake up.
02:39Oh. You know what? Nothing's boring if you use your imagination.
02:45Oh yeah. True, you know. That's how I have fun when I'm not with you.
02:52Play and pretend, and while I take a lot of naps.
02:55And speaking of...
02:57I'm gonna head out now. Honey, check the table. I've made something special for you.
03:02Plus, I packed you a nice lunch to take to the playground later.
03:05Kongsuni, have fun with Daddy.
03:08Don't forget to wash your hands after playing outside.
03:16Come on! What's taking you so long? I want to go outside and play!
03:23Almost done. Just one more.
03:26I just thought of something we could play together.
03:30Let's hear it.
03:31Okay. You're a big whale eating fishies.
03:38Great idea.
03:39Another one! Another one!
03:41Another one! Another one!
03:43Ew, gross, Dad. You dropped it.
03:47Good. The game is on.
03:50Okay. One more and then we can go.
03:57Dad, come on!
04:01Man, I'm so full.
04:05Hey, Dad. Need some help squishing down that food?
04:08This is so boring. Don't you want to go?
04:10Oh, yeah. Sure. Just give me a second.
04:13It's the very last inning.
04:17No way!
04:21We won!
04:23You okay?
04:33Daddy, he always tells me he has no time to play.
04:40Seems like I'm always waiting just to spend some time with him.
04:46Does he know what it means to me when we play together?
04:53We could do anything he wants if he'd find the time.
05:00It would mean so much to me if we could play all day.
05:07Pretty please, dear Daddy, I have a few ideas for us.
05:14We could go play catch in the park or spin on the merry-go-round.
05:21We could go out walk together. We can ride our bikes.
05:28Daddy, can you please stop and play with me?
05:38Daddy, how come you like baseball more than me?
05:43That isn't true. Of course I don't. You're my everything, Kongsuni.
05:48Well, then, how come we're not playing?
05:51We're about to. What's up first? A bike ride?
05:57Yeah, that's the way. Just don't stop pedaling.
06:01Help, it's too hard. I'm scared. If you let go of me, I know I'm going to fall.
06:06Keep at it. You're the strongest girl I know.
06:16I'm going to fall.
06:18I'm going to fall.
06:20I'm going to fall.
06:30Daddy, I didn't break you, did I?
06:33No, dear, not quite. How are you? Nothing hurt?
06:37Nope, just a little wobbly.
06:41Man, what a spill. All right, ready to go again? Just a sec.
06:48Hello? Oh, details? Yeah, sure. Tomorrow.
06:53Daddy, work again?
06:56I'm with my daughter. Let me call you back in five minutes.
07:02Kongsuni, Daddy has to make a call. You keep practicing. I'll have my eye on you the whole time. I'm right there.
07:11Dad, I can't.
07:13Believe in yourself.
07:18I know you can do this. I'm just a step away.
07:22Yeah, okay.
07:26Come on. Who's the bravest girl in the world?
07:30If anyone can learn how to do this, it's you, little dragon slayer.
07:35You're tough. Show that Baiku's boss. I'll be back in two minutes, I promise.
07:43Okay, Kongsuni, you can do anything you want to. Be brave.
07:48Let's get started. Your dad's busy on the phone, right? So, why don't we keep practicing? Can't be that hard to figure out.
07:58But remember the time we fell off? I wobbled. What if it happens again? Maybe I'll have to use training wheels for the rest of my life.
08:09Well, tell me what you need and I'll try to do what I can to help.
08:13My daddy. I just need him to come and help me, but he's always too busy.
08:21Helping a sick doggy.
08:24Oh, let me think. There's got to be something else I could do.
08:28Oh, Kongsuni, listen. I might have an idea.
08:33What do I do? Really? But you sure that'll work?
08:39Have faith. You're looking at a talking big bird here.
08:43Yeah, I know. I didn't mean I don't believe.
08:46Good. Okay, stand back then and let the bird do its magic.
08:57Welcome to Sayo Airlines. We're ready for takeoff.
09:01Yay! It's perfect.
09:04Now, if the pilot would kindly take her seat in the cockpit.
09:15Whoa! It can go anywhere with magic.
09:19It can go anywhere with magic.
09:21Anything for you. Now, where should we start our adventure?
09:27It's a big world out there, Kongsuni.
09:29Then let's hurry and see it all.
09:31Aye, aye, Captain. Hold on tight. It might get bumpy.
09:41It's always so fun when we go flying.
09:45In the blue sky, passing the clouds.
09:48Higher than high into the sky.
09:52Around and round the pedals go.
09:56Soaring on my flying bike.
09:59Yo, Kongsuni. Yo, Sayo.
10:01We can go anywhere we want.
10:03Up and up and higher and higher.
10:05Aren't we glad? Clap your hands.
10:07Hi, my best of friends. Yeah!
10:09It's always so fun when we go flying.
10:13Yahoo! Up in the sky among the clouds.
10:16Higher than high into the sky.
10:20Around and round the pedals go.
10:24Soaring on my flying bike.
10:28Yo, Kongsuni. Yo, Sayo.
10:30We can go anywhere we want.
10:32Far away into the sky.
10:34Give a cheer. Clap your hands.
10:36Flying on the wind.
10:44Oh, Daddy! Over here!
10:47Oh, I'm so sorry.
10:51You've been so patient.
10:53I hope you're not too mad at Daddy for taking that call.
10:56Nah, I'm doing okay.
11:00I flew around the world and that was pretty fun.
11:06Shh. No details.
11:08Or everyone will want a ride.
11:11Right. I'm sure you did.
11:13Sounds great.
11:15So, kiddo.
11:17All that traveling, you must be starving.
11:19Are you ready to call it a day?
11:21I know I am.
11:24That's my girl. And I'm sorry again.
11:27I had my eyes on you the whole time and you were really brave.
11:31I'm very proud of you.
11:33You worked hard and made it work all by yourself.
11:35Good job.
11:37Yeah, well, I'm a pretty good pilot.
11:43Of course you are.
11:47Hang on. I'll tell Mom we're going to be a while.
11:54Oh, hi. You two having fun?
11:56Yeah, for sure. Tons of fun.
11:59Great. You staying longer?
12:01All right. Talk to you later.
12:04Daddy, can I be a superhero even if I can't ride a bike?
12:09Uh, sure. But listen.
12:12How about we give it another try? One more.
12:16Okay, I guess.
12:18Come on. You'll always be my superhero.
12:20Let's up your powers.
12:24Yay! Pedal power, girl!
12:27Hop, hop, hop!
12:36Stay calm. I'm right behind you.
12:38Okay, Dad.
12:41Dad, help!
12:43That's it!
12:46Dad, did I squish you too hard?
12:49No, I'm okay.
12:51I fell down. I can't do it.
12:54There go my superpowers.
12:56What? Hey, everybody falls.
12:58It's how you get up. That's the key.
13:01But I can't.
13:03Kongsuni, even I can ride a bike.
13:06And I'm the clumsiest guy there is.
13:09You're funny.
13:11So, ready to give it another go?
13:14High five for Team Kongsuni.
13:16Yeah! High five!
13:23I think I can do this.
13:34Daddy, you're still holding the back, right?
13:37I'm right here. You're doing great.
13:44Atta girl! Pedal power!
13:49Fastest girl on the planet.
13:52I did it! I'm flying!
13:56Good catch. Nothing can stop you now.
13:59Know what? This is the best bike in the whole entire world.
14:04I'm going to decorate it later on with sparkles.
14:07She did it. Would you look at that?
14:10Who's number one? That's my girl!
14:16You go, sweetie.
14:18They grow up so fast.
14:23Oh, no.
14:29Mommy, guess what? I learned how to ride my bike.
14:32That's a big deal. We'll have to celebrate.
14:36Here, Chloe. We're not done eating.
14:44Daddy, can you take me to ride my bike again? We can go now.
14:48I ate all my dinner and there's still time before I go to sleep.
14:52I'm sorry, sunshine, but not tonight. How's tomorrow?
14:56I'm so proud of how you did today.
14:58So you promise you'll take me to ride again tomorrow?
15:01Promise. Make sure you get a good rest.
15:05Honey, storm's coming. Better take an umbrella.
15:07Thanks, dear. Will do.
15:11I know. What if you take a video of me riding my bike next time?
15:16That sounds like a great idea.
15:18Down you go. You ate as much as your big sister.
15:21I can still bike ride if it's raining, right, Mom?
15:26But what if I wear my rain boots and raincoat?
15:29You need to catch some Z's first.
15:34Bye, Supergirls.
15:39Can I please stay up late till Dad gets home, Mom?
15:47Okay, I'm off.
15:55Come here, sweetie. I have a little gift for learning to ride.
15:59Hm? What is it?
16:05Mom! So pretty!
16:08One for each of my girls.
16:10Which do you want? A pink or a blue? Big girls choose first.
16:14This one!
16:20No! Mom let me pick first and I chose this.
16:29Kongsuni, she wants it. Let Chloe have the pink one.
16:34It's not fair. How come she always gets everything?
16:37She doesn't. What about the blue one? It would look way better on you.
16:44Wow! You know, that color suits you perfectly.
16:50Here, look.
16:52Hey, you're right.
17:04I already gave you the one I wanted.
17:07You just want this one because it's mine.
17:10No, Chloe! It's mine!
17:19Kongsuni, Chloe just wants to be more like you.
17:22Why don't you let her borrow it for a little while?
17:26But Mom!
17:28I know it's hard. You've got to be patient. She's younger than you.
17:37There. Better?
17:46Sayo, do you have a baby sister?
17:49Nope. There's just me.
17:51You're lucky. It's way harder than it looks.
17:55You always have to be thinking of what's best for them.
17:58You know what else? They always want your stuff and they'll cry till they get it.
18:02Chloe's a pretty cool kid. She can do a lot. Let me think.
18:07Yeah, I guess you're right. She makes funny noises.
18:10Once I heard her meow, like a cat. Do you remember?
18:16That was funny!
18:18And one time she wore my daddy's glasses.
18:22That was hilarious. Have a fun day.
18:33Will Chloe wreck my best castle yet, Mom?
18:36I didn't even get to show Daddy yet.
18:40Oh dear. I'm sorry. This was my fault.
18:45Sweetie, come on out. Let's have some yogurt.
18:48We can come up with a castle rebuilding plan while we have a snack, okay?
18:52It's not so bad, actually. Out with the old, in with the new, right?
18:57But I liked it just how it was.
19:01It was pretty awesome.
19:04I know. Help me after snack time?
19:15Mommy! How come I can't find my favorite yogurt?
19:19It's in the living room. I put it on the table for you.
19:41Mommy! I can't find my yogurt anywhere in here.
19:45I took it out for you. It's on the living room table.
19:58No! One's for me! Mom said so!
20:04Oh dear. That's no good. I'll have to get you something else.
20:08There is nothing else! That's the only thing I wanted to have!
20:12No fair!
20:14Oh, sweetie. You know she didn't do it on purpose.
20:19It's almost bedtime. How about some hot chocolate?
20:23No thank you. I only wanted yogurt.
20:36You sound kind of sad. Why so glum, chum?
20:40Chloe always takes away what I want every time.
20:45That's hard. What you need is some music.
20:52Kongsuni is angry! Kongsuni is so sad!
20:56Come on girls, pick yourself up! Don't let things bring you down!
21:01Hey! Everybody, put your hands up!
21:05Huh? Everybody, put your hands...
21:08Huh? Nothing?
21:16Sometimes my little sister Chloe makes me feel so mad.
21:23If she was old enough to know, I think she'd feel so bad.
21:30She gets everything she wants, but what about me?
21:37Sometimes I think it's so unfair, but what can I do?
21:44Mommy says that I need to be the big sister.
21:51Kongsuni, please help out your baby sister Chloe.
21:58That's what an older sister does when a younger sister needs them.
22:05Soon I'll understand how to get along better with her.
22:12I will learn to be patient with Chloe.
22:30Looks like a big storm is coming.
22:33Yeah, I'm just going to take a bath.
22:42Mommy! Mommy! Are you there? What was that sound?
22:50Hello? Mommy?
23:04Hi Chloe! Don't worry, it's just the wind outside.
23:10Seyo! Can you do something? Seyo!
23:15Come with me to see Chloe so I don't have to go alone in the dark.
23:27Stay back!
23:30Go on! Get out of here!
23:34How am I scary? I'm little and pink.
23:45Mr. Fluffy? Is that you?
23:49Nope, just me. Do I look different?
23:53Yeah, your shadow made you look so big.
23:57Let's go get her. She might be scared.
24:01Yeah, but it's so dark. And her room's down the hall.
24:05How will we get all the way over there?
24:08We'll find a way. She needs us!
24:23Seyo, make something with magic. Like a hamster tunnel or something.
24:28You got it!
24:38What do you think?
24:40Your very own car! And in your favorite color.
24:45It won't open. Maybe it's broken.
24:48Pull the handle.
24:52Still not working.
24:54That's so weird. Let's see. License please.
24:59Not funny.
25:02I'm so sorry. Don't know what's wrong. It's never happened before.
25:09Seyo, I really like the car. But maybe you have something else.
25:16You're right. On to plan B.
25:29Check it out! All aboard!
25:32Okay, here goes.
25:40Okay, never mind.
25:42What now?
25:43Any ideas?
25:51Wait, I got it!
26:10So, think you can glue some magic wheels on?
26:13Yeah, you know it! Making things move is kind of my specialty.
26:27It's perfect!
26:32We both have fun whenever we go flying
26:36Into the dark and starry night
26:39Don't be afraid, it's just a storm
26:43And all the wheels go round and round
26:47Safely in our flying tents
26:51Yo, Kong City!
26:52Yo, Seyo!
26:53Aren't you glad we're best of friends?
26:55Always having lots of fun!
26:57Clap your hands, clap your hands!
26:59High five, best of friends! Yeah!
27:01Pick out the stars that light up in the night sky
27:05And lead our way across the sky
27:08So many stars for us to count
27:12We're not afraid, we're feeling brave
27:16Safely in our flying tents
27:19Yo, Kong City!
27:20Yo, Seyo!
27:21Aren't you glad we're best of friends?
27:23Always having lots of fun!
27:25Clap your hands, clap your hands!
27:27High five, best of friends!
27:33Flap, flap, flap, the sun goes down.
27:36Time to go home.
27:38The bird flies back to the forest.
27:40He lands and walks over to his favorite tree.
27:43Now he's tired because he spent all day out fishing.
27:47Just then, he hears a sprint.
27:49Miss Wolf!
27:50Ow! Ow!
27:56Hello, Mr. Bird. You're home.
27:58Don't go to sleep yet.
28:00One last game of hide and seek.
28:02Ha ha! You walked right past.
28:04I was by my tree.
28:06Next, a game of tag. You're it!
28:08Try and catch me!
28:11And they played tag in the night under the pretty stars for a long, long time until...
28:16Whoa! You see that?
28:19Whoa! The tree from your story!
28:22No way!
28:23Look! This one's growing!
28:26Seyo, get us out of here!
28:37Hurry up! It's getting big!
28:45Hold on tight, girls. Curves up ahead.
29:05We're safe.
29:09Looks like we're stuck till the wheel gets fixed.
29:13Can you turn on the kitchen light first?
29:24Don't be afraid, Chloe. I'm right here beside you.
29:28I'm still having fun even though it's dark.
29:32Seyo, all you've got to do is flick on the switch.
29:36Great idea. Or even better, what if we all go together?
29:40No thanks, but we'll be waiting here when you get back.
29:44Oh, hang on.
29:46You're going to use your magic again?
29:48Try this on for size. We could just sleep here and pretend like we're camping.
29:53So, what do you think, Chloe? Do you want to stay in the tent?
29:56Everyone likes sleeping under the stars.
30:00What's a little rain? It's nice. Makes everything clean.
30:05Just listen to that. I love the sounds of nature.
30:09You okay?
30:16Don't worry. I've got a great idea. You wait here, Chloe.
30:40Don't worry. I'll protect you, Chloe. Stormy winds don't scare me.
30:52Aha! A curtain monster. Here it goes.
30:59Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
31:10Yay! You did it!
31:16See? Told you I'd protect you.
31:19There's nothing to worry about, because no one scares my sister.
31:29Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!