Dreadful Dubai storm makes disaster films look like Saturday morning cartoons

  • 5 hours ago
'There's no better place than Dubai' became more than just a cute social media slogan in April 2024; it became the prevailing thought in Mother Nature's mind too.

Shared by Polina, this jaw-dropping footage features the recent weather anomaly putting a beating on one of the liveliest tourist hubs in the world.

Despite people doing their best to take shelter, they weren't immune to the sight of the havoc that the storm was wreaking.

"I had a day of travel, three flights, and a bus to Dubai," Polina told WooGlobe. "Before departure, I didn’t know about the upcoming storm. I was taking my last flight to Abu Dhabi, but after a transfer, we couldn't land and flew back to Oman.

"A couple of hours later, we took off again and landed successfully. I immediately took the bus to Dubai. We barely made it to the Ibn Battuta Mall bus stop, and this is what happened next."
Location: Dubai, UAE
WooGlobe Ref : WGA141106
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