The Real Murders on Elm Street S01E03 Wheel of Punishment

  • last month
When investigators respond to a bloody quadruple homicide, they soon discover the murders involved torture, revenge, and even Satan.


00:30I was home in bed, and I received a call at approximately 1 to 1.30 in the morning.
00:37A neighbor saw a fight going on out in front of the residence on M Street.
00:45There was a man on the sidewalk in front of the residence, and he was motionless.
00:53I'm just trying to get there as fast as I can.
00:58So when I arrived at the scene, there was a body lying on the sidewalk,
01:04and there was a mask between his legs.
01:09The deputies were on the scene, and they were very, very spooked.
01:17The deputies were on the scene, and they were very, very spooked.
01:23They described going into the house and locating one body and locating another body
01:32and described it almost like a Freddy Krueger coming out of a closet.
01:37These were big, muscular type of deputies.
01:41They didn't scare easy.
01:43When I went in, I was shocked at what they were talking about.
01:51I've never seen anything like that in my life.
02:53That night, I believe it was a Sunday night, between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning,
02:57I was notified by dispatch of a homicide.
03:01I got out of bed and jumped in the shower real quickly,
03:05and by the time I left the door, I had been called four different times
03:09adding another body to the crime scene.
03:12Then I drove to the address on Elm Street in Salida.
03:20Most homicide scenes, there's always going to be evidence.
03:24You just have to find it.
03:26And the first 48 hours are the most important to get that case solved.
03:31Deputies were telling me that they had located four bodies at the scene.
03:36At first, I didn't believe them because I've never been involved in a quadruple homicide,
03:41and I don't recall a quadruple homicide ever occurring in South Salt County.
03:46So there was no lights in the house.
03:49It was really very horrific, a lot of blood.
03:53Obviously, the person lying on the sidewalk was deceased.
03:57He was a white male adult.
04:01There was three bodies inside of the residence.
04:05Two of them were in the kitchen,
04:08and one was in the living room.
04:12All of the victims were lodging with some type of blunt instrument.
04:18They were lodging with some type of blunt instrument
04:22in addition to a signature stab wound
04:26and slices to the throat area.
04:37With a bloody scene, as an investigator, you don't care about how ugly it is,
04:42how much blood is there.
04:44These are their bodies.
04:46They're part of this puzzle.
04:49We identified three of the victims with ID that they had on the purses.
04:58One had been a Franklin Raper who was 51 years old,
05:02Richard Ritchie who was 25 years old,
05:06and Dennis Caldwell who was 35 years old.
05:10The one that we did not identify right away was a female.
05:16A young female, about 22 years of age.
05:20Her injury to her neck was so horrific that she was almost decapitated.
05:28Myself and the other investigators were all wondering how these people all related.
05:32We had no idea who knew each other because of the different ages.
05:37Immediately, it didn't look much like home invasion or robbery
05:41because these people are brutally murdered.
05:45The people that did this wanted to kill people.
05:49Their objective was to kill these people.
05:54As far as who was capable of committing a quadruple homicide,
05:58just almost unheard of, especially in Salida.
06:01So at that point, we had no idea who the perpetrators were.
06:12I observed a camouflage mask in between the legs of the man who was lying deceased on the driveway.
06:20And there was another camouflage mask lying on the grass at the residence.
06:27There was a knit cap that was on the lawn and when they looked at it, there was hair on it.
06:32DNA wasn't around much at that time.
06:35It was just in the beginning stages of it.
06:37But, you know, you can still match that hair, blood type and stuff like that.
06:41So that was a good piece of evidence.
06:44I observed footprints leading from some dirt area near the gutter of the house.
06:51And that was going eastbound toward the railroad tracks.
06:57Following the footprints, there was a bat, a Ka-Bar knife,
07:04a knife sheath that they discarded.
07:07That tells me that there's more than one person that did this.
07:12So there was a trail, if you will, of evidence to where they went to a vehicle and then left the scene.
07:20A lot of the locals heard about it.
07:24The large crowd were outside the crime scene, actually to the perimeter of the crime scene.
07:30So Ida wasn't a very large town in those days.
07:32It was a small farming community just north of Modesto.
07:38It was a reputed crime scene.
07:40So Ida wasn't a very large town in those days.
07:43It was a small farming community just north of Modesto.
07:48I was a reporter at the Modesto Bee and I covered crime.
07:52And as soon as we heard about it, everybody went out and started covering it.
07:57It just rocked the town.
08:03The deputies know what to do.
08:05They're basically freezing the crime scene, make sure nobody comes in and out.
08:10They're taping off the area and talking to people.
08:15The lady came up, she was visibly shaken, and said, hey, I'm the sole survivor.
08:23I was there when it happened.
08:26The killers didn't know they had missed somebody and they had missed her.
08:30So we had a witness, a survivor, if you will, right at it.
08:35Pure Evil came to the house on Elm Street that night,
08:39and I don't think detectives expected to find what they did.
08:44Elm Street
09:00By the next morning, everybody in Salida knew about the massacre on Elm Street.
09:07It was just a horrible crime.
09:10It was a bloodbath.
09:13There was a lot of fear.
09:15They were afraid at that point that, hey, what's going on here?
09:19Is somebody going to bust into my home and kill all my family?
09:23They had no idea yet who the killers were.
09:26So it was tense.
09:28Luckily, there was one survivor.
09:32Her name was Donna Alvarez.
09:34And I interviewed her for approximately an hour.
09:38Donna Alvarez told me that that was her first night being at that residence.
09:42She had never been there before.
09:44She said she was somewhat homeless.
09:47She had no place to go.
09:49And she arrived at the residence with one of the victims,
09:53Richard Ritchie, and a Franklin raper who was living in the residence,
09:58told her she can spend the night there.
10:02She was in one of the bedrooms.
10:06And all of a sudden, she heard screaming.
10:11She wasn't sure what was going on other than it was dark.
10:15And she knew something bad was happening.
10:22She looked out the door and saw everybody had a camouflage mask.
10:30One of the individuals removed his mask briefly.
10:34And she said it was obviously a Caucasian, but he had Afro-type of hair.
10:49And he had a gun and told her to get into the living room.
10:55And then somehow he was distracted.
10:59She felt that she got to get out of there, so she went.
11:03The only place she could go was to the garage.
11:07She then hid under a pile of laundry that was on the floor of the garage.
11:15After hearing all the commotion, she said it got quiet.
11:19She found out that everybody was murdered except for herself.
11:22Apparently, during the murder frenzy, they forgot about her.
11:27And she was able to slip out of the garage.
11:30I think the garage door was broken.
11:32And she was able to get under it and run to a neighbor's house.
11:35She called 911.
11:43Then I was walking outside the crime scene.
11:46I made contact with a lady who stated that her daughter has been unaccounted for.
11:52And she hopes that the victim was not her daughter.
11:58And she said, I heard my daughter might be one of the victims.
12:02And they said, well, can you identify anything about her?
12:06And they said, well, she's real small, got dark hair, has a little tattoo on her.
12:14She had brought a photograph to us of her daughter.
12:19And based on that photograph, we were able to identify the young female victim
12:24as being the lady's daughter, Darlene Parris.
12:31These people all had families.
12:33A couple of them were married.
12:35And it was just real sad for the families
12:41that their loved ones were butchered like that.
12:48That night, I just had a weird feeling like I was uneasy.
12:52I just, I don't know.
13:00I remember hearing the phone, probably 2, 3 o'clock in the morning.
13:05And it was my brother saying, Dad's gone.
13:12And I just, you know, I think I fainted.
13:16You know, I just went down hard.
13:18And it just was this devastation.
13:22And I woke up from a dead sleep at that time.
13:24And I heard my mom sobbing.
13:26And she was on the phone crying uncontrollably.
13:29We turned on the TV, and there it was.
13:33The body's coming out of the house.
13:36It was right there. It was kind of stunning.
13:39You know, you're never going to see your grandpa again.
13:43I knew him as Papa Red.
13:45Franklin, Franklin Raper, Papa Red.
13:47He liked us to call him Papa Red.
13:54My dad was very giving and loved his family.
13:57And his family also included what he would call his people,
14:01which were not necessarily blood-related.
14:04But if they needed him to take care of them,
14:07he would step in and try to protect them as best as he could.
14:13He would want to bring people into the home, you know,
14:16that didn't have a place to go.
14:18But my mom just couldn't handle that,
14:20because she had three kids.
14:23They did split up.
14:28It was tough for him to deal with.
14:31I remember at that time, it was kind of like,
14:34what are you going to do, Papa?
14:36Like, where are you staying at?
14:38And he said, well, I'm staying close in Salida.
14:41But he was having issues with some people.
14:44I knew he was having some issues.
14:46I heard my mom maybe a couple weeks before that saying,
14:49Dad, can you please come up here and just move up here with us
14:52and get out of the area for a while?
14:54Detectives got a lead that Franklin had been in a car accident.
14:58Detectives got a lead that Franklin had been in a fight
15:01with a gentleman that owned a repair shop there in Salida.
15:06They had some bad blood between them.
15:08There was several altercations over a year's time,
15:12and they actually got in a fistfight.
15:15And Franklin came back to the shop after they had had some words,
15:19and he was in a car with another guy,
15:21and they started spinning donuts outside the shop.
15:29And unfortunately, Franklin's vehicle died,
15:33and so the owner of the repair shop confronted Franklin.
15:38They beat Franklin up pretty good.
15:41Basically, Franklin lost the fight.
15:44So I tracked him down by this auto parts place.
15:48He was, you know, not feeling too great.
15:50And I asked him, Dad, what's going on?
15:54You know, and he said, these guys are a bunch of punks.
15:58I didn't know who they were or had never met them or anything,
16:01but I was, you know, quite worried about him.
16:05Detectives zeroed in on the shop owner,
16:09tracking down all the problems he'd had with Franklin.
16:14They thought, this could be the motive.
16:18The individual who owned the automotive store
16:21is one of the persons that actually committed the murders,
16:23and he was dangerous.
16:25They didn't know what they were going to find,
16:27but if they were the killer, they were pure evil.
16:45Detectives started running down leads and chasing suspects,
16:48and they found out one of the victims,
16:50Franklin Raper, had had a beef
16:53with a guy that owned an auto body shop there in Salida.
16:59So we went to the auto body repair shop and met with the owner
17:03and asked him if he heard about the quadruple homicide in Salida.
17:08And he tells me that everybody in Salida knows about it.
17:12He was asked if he had anything to do with it,
17:15and he admitted that he did not get along with Franklin
17:18and him and Franklin did not like each other,
17:21but no way that he would kill Franklin Raper or anybody else.
17:26He had an alibi. He was home with his wife and family
17:29and in bed at the time of the murders.
17:32His family was interviewed, and they checked out his alibi.
17:37We determined that there was no indication
17:40that he would kill Franklin Raper.
17:44So they let him go.
17:49At this point, the town was on edge.
17:57They couldn't believe it. Salida's a nice little town.
18:01And here's this horrendous murder of four people.
18:08Everybody was afraid.
18:11I was in the fifth grade with Darlene's half-sister, younger half-sister.
18:16We realized that we were both part of this crime.
18:19My grandfather was a victim. Her older sister was a victim.
18:23For her being a sister and being so close like they were
18:26was definitely something I noticed impact her big time from a change
18:29from when I knew her before.
18:32We were going through different therapy sessions and school counseling
18:36and connecting on our own.
18:39It was devastating for that family.
18:41It really was. It was devastating for everybody.
18:45These guys, nobody's going to be able to catch them.
18:47Are they going to find out who did it?
18:49So it was a lot of fear at that time. A lot of fear.
18:54Nobody knew who the killers were.
18:56They didn't know who they were going to be next.
18:59It was a rough time.
19:02Detectives started looking elsewhere.
19:05They went to Franklin's family.
19:08I interviewed Franklin Raper's son, and he told me that
19:11Franklin Raper asked his son if he could borrow a gun.
19:15And his son said, why? Why do you need a gun, Dad?
19:19And Franklin says, well, I'm afraid of this guy, Jason LaMarche.
19:23And Franklin was no sissy.
19:25So to be afraid of some guy, his son thought,
19:28this guy must be a bad hombre.
19:31And it turned out he was.
19:34Jason LaMarche was a bully.
19:37My grandpa would talk to me.
19:39And I know there was some bad blood there.
19:41Jason LaMarche had stolen Franklin's car,
19:45put it out in the street, set it on fire.
19:49But then Franklin knew, hey, this is serious.
19:52I need to protect myself.
19:56Jason LaMarche, he's threatened to kill me.
20:03I knew that his car had been stolen.
20:06I knew that his car had been burned up.
20:09And they pulled him out of the car and broke his collarbone.
20:14So I went to see him.
20:16I actually had tried to give my dad to move.
20:19I cried and pretty much begged.
20:21I said, you need to get out of this area, Dad.
20:24It's really getting, this is too much.
20:26You can stay with us.
20:28He said, no, I've been in this town a lot longer than they have.
20:32And they're not going to run me out.
20:34He said, I'm good with the man upstairs.
20:38And he looked me right in the eye and said,
20:40don't worry, I'll be okay.
20:44And that was the last time I saw him.
20:48But I always felt that I at least tried.
20:51I tried to give him that option, you know, to get out of there.
20:57So we really wanted to locate Jason LaMarche
21:00and find out exactly what was going on
21:02and interview him.
21:05So I immediately called the sheriff's office
21:07and ran a background check.
21:09And we discovered that he had been arrested before,
21:11which indicates that we have a photograph of him.
21:16And I showed Dawn Alvarez, who was in the house that night,
21:20the photo lineup and asked her if she could identify
21:23the person she saw at the crime scene.
21:27She immediately pointed to Jason LaMarche.
21:29She became hysterical,
21:31just as if Jason LaMarche was there in person.
21:36Well, in trying to track LaMarche down,
21:39detectives contacted LaMarche's girlfriend, Michelle Evan.
21:45And his girlfriend didn't know where he was.
21:49Or she said she didn't.
21:52And they learned that her sister, Connie Miller,
21:55had also been living in that house.
21:57She had also been living in that house
21:59where the murders occurred.
22:01But she was staying with her mother that night.
22:05We thought that we had to find her
22:07and interview her to find out
22:09if there was any connection between her
22:11and the murders itself.
22:14Tonya Miller was stricken.
22:16She had no idea why somebody would come in
22:18and commit these murders.
22:20At that point, we confirmed that she was not there.
22:23No indication that she participated in the murders
22:26or had any knowledge of what had occurred.
22:29They asked her,
22:31do you know Jason LaMarche?
22:33She said, yes.
22:35My sister dates him.
22:37She did not like him.
22:39She did not like her sister hanging out with Jason LaMarche
22:42because he brought her into a group of people
22:45that she did not like.
22:49And these people, they had been known to cause trouble.
22:54The group was living at a little ramshackle ex-labor camp
22:59that had been abandoned there in Stellida.
23:03It was called The Camp.
23:10She stated that Frank O'Raper
23:12actually lived at The Camp for a while
23:14and then when he left The Camp,
23:16she allowed him to stay at the residence on Elm Street
23:19to get away from the people who lived at The Camp.
23:24So the detectives decided,
23:27we're going to see for ourselves what's going on.
23:32And so we went out talking to people, gathering information.
23:37The community felt like
23:39they didn't want anything to do with those people.
23:42They could see armed guards
23:44walking around the perimeter of the place.
23:46They had heard rumors
23:48that there was satanic rituals being held there.
23:51The community didn't really know what these people were all about.
23:55They were just afraid of them.
23:57Well, after we had developed this information,
24:01we're going to go there and, you know,
24:04talk to them and see where they were last night.
24:17We arrived, I think it was about 5 o'clock in the morning.
24:22The camp itself was probably an estimate of maybe a half acre big
24:26and the back of the residence
24:28looked like a two-bedroom wooden construction home.
24:33When they got there, no one was there.
24:39There was a closed line in front of the house.
24:42They go, camouflage clothing, that's what the killers were wearing.
24:47And we were kind of real concerned about our safety.
24:51We had to be aware of the danger that's out there.
24:56They were vicious people.
24:58Whatever triggers them, they can strike.
25:01And they strike at any time.
25:04If there was a group that actually committed the murders,
25:06they probably would have no problems with that.
25:09If there was a group that actually committed the murders,
25:11they probably would have no problems killing us.
25:34You've got a bunch of people living here in the camp
25:37and Jason LaMarche is one of them and he's a prime suspect.
25:43So the detectives didn't know what they were going to find.
25:50And then a man came up and started talking to detectives.
25:54He said he was named Gerald Cruz.
25:58We learned that Gerald Cruz was the leader of the cause.
26:03He was a big man. He was 300 plus.
26:08We started talking to Mr. Cruz.
26:12And I asked him if he had heard about the quadruple homicide in Salida.
26:16And he said no, he hadn't heard about it.
26:20I don't know anything. What are you talking about?
26:22I don't know what you're talking about.
26:25You know.
26:26Which I thought was very strange because everybody in Salida had heard about it.
26:31As an investigator, you can tell when people are lying to you.
26:35Something's not right here.
26:38What immediately struck me was his shoes had a couple of very, very small specks on them
26:45that in my mind could be blood.
26:49I told myself that I believe this guy could very well be one of the suspects in the homicide.
26:56I asked him if Jason LaMarche lived on the property.
26:59And he pointed to a trailer that Jason was staying in.
27:04But he said he was not home.
27:05And he stated no, he does not know where he's at.
27:08Now walking back, I know what I was thinking.
27:11And I knew that, alright, there's something here.
27:14I'm going to start putting a search warrant together.
27:18And at the same time, we're going to watch this place.
27:30We found weapons that were illegal, bomb-making materials, explosive materials that were illegal.
27:49Now they're really concerned.
27:52We weren't sure what the intent was, other than somewhere down the line,
27:56maybe they were going to do something else.
27:58We also found books on Satanism and astrology, different type of materials such as that.
28:10The people that actually were in the cars actually were forced to get their finger cut
28:16and put their fingerprint in this book that Gerald kept.
28:21And they were forced to write a diary, and he would read the diaries
28:25because in his mind, he thought, well, if I know what they're thinking of them, I can control them better.
28:31And then detectives found things that were beyond their wildest nightmare.
28:37There was a wheel, a punishment wheel that we found.
28:42It was called the Wheel of Punishment.
28:45And when crews thought somebody had done wrong or had screwed up,
28:51he would throw it in the air and have them catch it.
28:54And wherever their thumb landed, that was the punishment they got.
28:59He would discipline them by doing things like withholding food, withholding clothing,
29:05making them sleep on the concrete without any type of blanket or anything.
29:10He would use forced sodomy, he would use oral copulation.
29:14It could be all kinds of bizarre happenings.
29:17Whatever Gerald came up with, it would dehumanize the people that were under him.
29:25And they would look to him for everything, for their basic needs.
29:33Gerald Cruz would exhibit a lot of the traditional types of manifestations that cult leaders exhibit.
29:41Mind control, physical torture, financial control, sexuality.
29:47His group dynamics were based upon his ability to control everybody around him.
29:55They were under the influence, the mental influence of Gerald Cruz.
29:59That was scary.
30:04So, after the search warrant was conducted, we found receipts where they had purchased a K-bar knife
30:11and where they had purchased a plumb flogged mask.
30:15Everything was falling into line as to leading to the suspects at the camp being the perpetrators of the homicide.
30:24But we don't have the suspects in custody.
30:27Now they just needed to find out who was involved out of the group there and what their participation was.
30:45Now we're on day, I believe day two, or two and a half.
30:51And none of us have been to bed yet.
30:53So, I told Sergeant Larson that I was going to get a few hours sleep
30:58because if we did catch these suspects, one of us had to be somewhat coherent in order to interview them.
31:05So, we're on day two.
31:08When I got up, I had learned that Michelle Evans was booked for murder.
31:13Michelle Evans was Jason LaMarche's girlfriend.
31:18And her sister, Connie Miller, had also been living there in that house on Elm Street.
31:24So, there was that connection.
31:27Michelle Evans was very nervous.
31:29She was afraid of being caught.
31:31She did not provide any information as to either her involvement or anybody else at that time.
31:38We found out at that time she was a good friend of David Beck.
31:43And Beck was also at the camp.
31:47Jason LaMarche, Beck, and Cruz were the main characters at the camp.
31:52They were the main characters.
31:54So, we arrested Beck and brought him in.
31:58Mr. Beck, Dave Beck, he wouldn't tell us anything.
32:01Of course, denied it, and so did Michelle Evans.
32:05And so, we put them in the same interview room.
32:11And that led to a big break in the case.
32:15So, this was a real rock they flipped over out there, and all the snakes came out.
32:23Detectives needed to find out who was involved in the murders of Franklin Raper, Darlene Paris, Rich Ritchie, and Dennis Coldwell.
32:32The massacre on Elm Street.
32:34They're starting to gather people up, you know, and bring them in for questioning.
32:39We arrested David Beck and brought him in, and also Michelle Evans.
32:45And we put them in the same interview room.
32:49That's an age-old story.
32:53And so, we arrested David Beck and brought him in.
32:56And so, we arrested David Beck and brought him in.
32:59And so, we arrested David Beck and brought him in.
33:02That's an age-old tactic used by investigators.
33:07And she went in there and started talking in a low voice and telling him that she did not tell us anything about him being involved.
33:19And Mr. Beck was doing everything with his hand motions without saying anything for her to shut up.
33:27But she kept talking.
33:30And after that conversation, I immediately conducted my own interview with Michelle to see if any information that I could obtain.
33:39After back and forth for approximately one hour, Michelle finally cracked and agreed to tell me exactly what happened.
33:49Michelle Evans told me the night before they committed the murders, they had a bonfire at the camp.
33:57And they all were basically psyching themselves out, going over to kill Franklin Raper.
34:05He was the target at that time.
34:08Besides Franklin Raper, everybody else was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
34:12The suspects had no idea who was going to be there.
34:15But they were instructed by General Cruz not to leave any witnesses.
34:21Everybody is to be killed.
34:23She told them that when Franklin first moved on to the property there at the camp, he was friends with Gerald and the other members.
34:33But he didn't like what was going on.
34:35He didn't like the brutality of Cruz hurting other people.
34:40They tried to get him to kind of be roped into this kind of thing and there was no way he was having it.
34:47I think he thought they were capable of a lot of evil.
34:51So, he was done.
34:53And he tried to get other people when he left to leave with him.
34:57And that's why they were over at the house that night.
35:01Those were people that he helped get out of there and they kind of had their own little group.
35:06And that was really ticking Cruz off.
35:12Franklin wasn't afraid to stand up to Cruz.
35:15Franklin wasn't afraid to stand up to Cruz.
35:18And I think that's one of the reasons why Cruz had to eliminate him as a threat.
35:23Because how are you going to control your entire camp and you let this one person basically leave without any type of repercussions?
35:33He had to take some kind of action.
35:36Michelle Levin stated prior to leaving over there,
35:40Gerald Cruz made everybody their assignments.
35:43Which window they're going to come through and which door.
35:52So, she drove the car and they drove to Elm Street.
35:56She said she parked her car over by the railroad tracks.
36:01And she pointed to where we found the murder weapons.
36:04That's where she parked the car.
36:07Michelle went into the home before the murders occurred.
36:10Because her sister lived there.
36:12So, they wouldn't think anything about Michelle just walking into the house.
36:16They were in that house and Mr. Raper was extending hospitality.
36:22Donna Alvarez was in bed.
36:25That's when Michelle went in another bedroom and opened up the window.
36:32That's what the killers were looking for.
36:38Michelle said somebody flipped the breakers off at the house.
36:42Which cut out the electricity to the house.
36:46That's when they went in there like gangbusters.
36:48Coming in the window, in the doors, and they caught everybody off guard.
36:54Those poor people must have been so freaked out when those guys came in wearing masks and everything.
37:01Because they went right over and started attacking them.
37:05Michelle's sister, Donna Alvarez, was in the bedroom.
37:10Because they went right over and started attacking them.
37:14Michelle said she was walking outside.
37:16And she walked by a body right there in the front yard.
37:19And waited in the car until everything was over.
37:25Michelle Evans provided me all the names.
37:27Everybody was there.
37:29With that information, we put out a BOL, which would be on the lookout.
37:32For all the names that we listed.
37:35And they're all wanted for quadruple homicide.
37:39Dave Beck was already in custody.
37:43The first individual that was picked up was Ricky Vera.
37:49And then Gerald Cruz, who's the ringleader.
37:53Ron Willey was also arrested.
37:56Everyone except Jason LaMarche.
37:59They couldn't find him.
38:01He's the final one they want.
38:03And they want him bad.
38:06LaMarche had borrowed a car.
38:08And drove with a female to Oregon.
38:11And she didn't know what for.
38:14And on the way up, he told her,
38:17I was involved in the murders, the massacre on Elm Street.
38:22And she freaked out.
38:24But she was cool about it.
38:27So when they got to Oregon, a little town called Pendleton,
38:31they pulled in, got a motel.
38:33She still freaked out, thinking, I'm here with this killer.
38:38So she'd find the telephone.
38:41Pendleton Police Department activated the SWAT team.
38:46And took him down at the motel where he was staying.
38:55Breaking news today at Pendleton.
38:57Police have just made an arrest at a local motel.
39:00They arrested him without incident.
39:03Detectives now have all the suspects in custody.
39:07When they got into court,
39:09the suspects, all five of them, were giddy almost.
39:12They were joking around.
39:14That they apparently didn't realize the severity of what they had done.
39:19And it just angered the families of the victims.
39:23It was really, really hard for me for a long time
39:26to hear the details.
39:28Of the crime.
39:29They had no remorse at all, I know that for a fact.
39:33Everything was a joke.
39:35Apparently they thought they were going to beat the rap
39:37and everybody was going to get off and eventually go home.
39:43Jason LaMarche and Ron Willey
39:45were convicted of four counts of second degree murder.
39:47And were both sentenced to 62 years in prison.
39:53For Ricky Vieira, he was on death row right now.
39:56Ricky Vieira is on death row right now in San Quentin.
39:59Along with Dave Beck and Gerald Prince.
40:14When you take four people's lives so violently like that,
40:18I don't know what justice would be for a crime like that,
40:21to be honest with you.
40:23I actually told them,
40:25I want to be able to forgive you,
40:27but I can never forget what you did to my dad.
40:36After my dad was killed,
40:38I had this dream.
40:42And it was my grandma.
40:44His mom.
40:46And all she was saying was,
40:48it's about time you got here, Franklin.
40:50I've been waiting for you.
40:54And so that gave me a lot of comfort,
40:57to have that dream.
40:59Because that dream came to me and I knew,
41:03Dad's okay.
41:05He's at peace.
41:10In Cincinnati, we have Riverfest,
41:12and it's the biggest event of the year.
41:14They have music, they have fireworks.
41:16When you're on night crew,
41:18and you sit around waiting for death.
41:20They were wasting their time looking at me.
41:22Word was spreading among people.
41:24Could they be next?
41:25I was afraid to leave my house.
41:27We start off the day at a big party,
41:29and we ended up investigating a murder.
