Mutawakkil's Offer of Wine to Imam Hadi (AS)

  • 2 days ago
On another occasion, some people reported to Mutawakkil that the Imam had received weapons and wealth from his followers, and had hid them inside his house. Mutawakkil sent his soldiers to inspect the Imam’s house without notice. He wanted to find any excuse to give to the public to justify killing the Imam. His soldiers invaded and searched the Imam’s entire house. They found the Imam wearing simple clothing and sitting on a simple mat while reciting verses from the Quran. The soldiers brought the Imam before Mutawakkil, who was intoxicated as usual. Mutawakkil offered wine to the Imam, which he strongly refused. The Imam told Mutawakkil that his body and blood have never been contaminated with wine. Mutawakkil then asked the Imam to instead recite an exciting poem for him. The Imam responded that he rarely recites poetry. However, Mutawakkil insisted the Imam recite poetry for him. The Imam then recited a strong poem affiliated with his forefather, Imam Ali. The Imam’s poetry was about the status of the arrogant rulers in their tombs, when their bodies would be eaten by worms, and their wealth and power would not help them. The Imam’s poetry influenced the audience, including Mutawakkil, so much that he began crying and his face became wet. He then ordered to remove all of the wine and returned the Imam to his house respectfully.


